MLP: Xenoverse! - (2024)

As Twilight hurled through white clouds, she felt her body shifting and distorting. It was not unlike what she felt when she went through the mirror portal, but… there was something different. It was like the magic within her was slowly being… transformed into something stronger...

Her fur disappeared as her limbs lengthened while five digits began growing from each of her forehooves. Her muzzle also shortened and her tail felt longer and thinner.

Unknown to her, all of her friends were experiencing the same thing:

Rainbow Dash was acting before she even realized it, her training from Flight Camp 101 kicking in as she flipped herself over to break out of the free fall, sadly this changed nothing as she felt an unseen force pulling her towards their unknown destination.

She, along with Rarity and Applejack, immediately noticed that their bodies were going through several new changes: their fur and RD's wings had vanished, their tails disappeared while RD's grew longer but became thinner, their legs lengthened; each foreleg sprouting five digits.

Rarity, on instinct, clinged to the closest thing to her, which in this case was Spike. However, the young Dragon was going through a change of his own, slightly different from what his friends were going through. He'd gone through his own growth spurt during his first birthday in Ponyville, but this experience... it felt entirely different. He felt his scales becoming harder, the spikes on the top of his head started extending in different directions, his tail longer and thinner as he himself grew taller and his snout shrunk.

Fluttershy and Pinkie however, were going through the most bizarre transformation of them all. It felt like their entire bodies had started melting and stretching like taffy.

Fluttershy felt like she was in a nightmare. Freefalling from such a height brought back memories of when she got her cutie mark, except this time there were no helpful butterflies here to catch her.

"WEEEEEE~" Pinkie squealed as she fell, the fact that her body was being warped and distorted beyond belief apparently not being much of a concern to her.

Suddenly, The space they were being hurled through was engulfed by a bright light... then everything went dark…

"Ugh… my aching head..." Twilight groaned as she opened her eyes, her vision was still blurry from her… experience. "Alright then, let's take things slowly… first; body structure." she mumbled as she her vision came back to her. The first thing her sight registered was the fact that she-once again-had fingers. "Okay… I'm back in the human world..." She said as she tried to stand up, only to be helped up by a familiar blue hand.

"You mean we're in the human world." Rainbow Dash smirked as she helped her lavender friend up. "Easy there Twi-WOAH!" The now-transformed pegasus yelped as she tried to stand up herself, only to fall over on top of her lavender friend. "Ow… how do human's function with only two legs?!" She groaned, making a second attempt to stand but frantically wobbled about, trying to figure out exactly how her new limbs worked.

"Your wish is granted." A loud, familiar voice echoed throughout the area, getting everyone's attention. The group looked up to see a giant green, serpent-like dragon looming above them.

"EEEP" Fluttershy squealed in terror, she immediately ducked behind one of the pillars on the alter.

"O-OK, everyone remain calm..." Twilight stammered, trying her best not to lose her cool. "I'm sure we can reason with this guy if we-"

"Farewell." The dragon bellowed before his body was enveloped in a bright light that shot upwards into the sky before splitting into seven streaks of light that shot off into separate directions.

"Huh, well that was easy!" Came Pinkie's voice. As Twilight looked around, she saw that all of her friends had undergone the very same transformation, and were all having the same amount of trouble figuring out the fine art of bipedal motion.

"Gah, woah!" Rarity yelped as she took a few wobbly, off-balance steps. "This will take some getting used too!"

"I got ya Rarity!" Spike called out as he ran to help the now-human fashionista get accustomed to her new body.

Meanwhile, across the alter, Trunks was preparing himself to meet the new warriors. At a glance the stumbling girls seem like a joke, but after meeting so many different fighters over his lifetime he has learned not to judge by appearances. Although… maybe he should introduce himself first before he started a spar this time.

And his mom was always talking about how he should be polite to women...

Taking a deep breath, he approached the closest girl, which happened to be the yellow one stumbling about the grass. "Hello there, my name is Tr-"

"Eep!" Squealed Fluttershy as she quickly darted behind Rainbow Dash, knocking her off balance and sending her tumbling into Twilight, who'd been helping Rarity onto her feet, who grabbed onto Spike's tail, dragging them all to the ground with her.

"Dogpile!" Shouted the Pinkie as she leaped into the growing mess of bodies, leaving the blonde human the only recently summoned "ally" to remain standing.

In an effort to salvage his entrance, Trunks decided to address the orange-skinned human. "Err, as I was saying earlier, my name is Trunks, my friend and I are the ones who wished you girls here."

"The name's Applejack, n' what's this about wishes?" Asked Applejack as tried to untangle her friends, her pink friend having somehow managed to literally tie herself into a knot around them.

Trunks stared at the tangle of limbs for a moment before replying, "Oh um, well you see, in this dimension we have what are called Dragon Balls. A set of seven mystical orbs that, when gathered together, summon Shenron, a dragon, that can grant any wish within his power."

Near the bottom of the pile, the purple haired former unicorn poked her head out. "A wish-granting Dragon? How is that possible?" Twilight asked as she tried to pull herself out of the pile.

"I've got a better question..." Spike called out as he managed to free himself, walking out from behind the tangled-up mess his friends were in. "What the heck am I?!"

Twilight looked in the direction of Spike's voice, expecting to see her assistant in the form of a dog. However her expression turned from confusion to shock as she saw what Spike had become. He was a lot more humanoid in shape, his body was covered in some sort of purple armor (or maybe that was part of his body) with a green gem in the center of his chest, as well as on his arms and legs. His head now had four purple horns growing out in the form of a crown with another green gem on his skull, he had dark green stripes under his eyes, his tail along with his arms and legs were completely lime green save for the purple tip at the end.

Twilight left eye twitched, her mind trying to comprehend exactly what she was looking at. "S-S-Spike?!"

"What happened, what'd Spike turn into? I can't see!" RD called from the bottom of the pile. Applejack quickly bent down and proceeded to pull her friend out, after a few seconds of helping her balance on two legs she turned to get a good look at Spike. "Dude, you look AWESOME!"

"But what am I?!" He repeated.

Trunks cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "You're what we call an Arcosian."

The group gave him a quizzical look. "An Arca-what?!" Rainbow Dash repeated.

"An Arcosian. A race of highly powerful beings that have immense power within them with hardly any rivals at all." He explained seriously.

Rarity arched a brow, catching his shift in tone. "You sound like you hate Arcosians."

"Not all of them, just... Two or three." Trunks said as he remembered Frieza, his dad King Cold, and in some dimensions his brother Cooler. "Point is their powers are incredible and three of them had extremely high powers when they were just BORN. They hardly did any training and they could nearly rule the universe."

"Wow, all that power and they don't even train? That sounds... kinda boring." Rainbow said as she tried to pull Twilight out of the pile with little success.

"Are you kidding? That's awesome!" Spike interrupted as he observed his new form. "And I have all that power at my fingertips? I'm not seeing a downside..."

"They grew mad with power, becoming horrible tyrants in the process. They'd blow up planets if the inhabitants so much as looked at them wrong." Trunks said with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Wait, they did WHAT?!" Twilight gasped while Spike's jaw dropped, having trouble comprehending what he'd just heard.

"Their ancestors weren't exactly nice people." Trunks said as he remembered Frieza trying to blow up Earth just because he went Super Saiyan.

"Okay... any other surprises?" Twilight asked.

"The blonde one and the purple haired one are humans." Trunks continued pointing to Applejack and Rarity respectively.

"Oh! I know what those are!" Twilight practically exclaimed as she was finally pulled out of the pile. "I've visited their world before!"

"Ooookay. So those two are humans but what does that make me and Twilight?" Rainbow asked as she went to free Rarity next.

"How do ya know ya'll ain't humans too?" Applejack asked, trying untangle Pinkie.

"Well I'd say the monkey tails are a dead giveaway..." She replied, pointing to her long slender tail.

"You two are Saiyans. Beings from a proud race of warriors and fighters who always sought a new challenge."

"They're the same thing." Twilight suddenly deadpanned.

"Um… sorry?" Trunks said awkwardly.

"A warrior and a fighter…. they're the same thing."

"Yeah…. anyways. The two of you are Majins." Trunks explained, pointing to Pinkie and Fluttershy.

"Um…. yay?" Fluttershy with some enthusiasm but not much.

"Majins are beings that have really stretchy skin and have the ability to-" Trunks started before Pinkie interrupted him. "Yes?"

"So it's Magenies?" Pinkie asked quizzically.

"No, Majins." Trunks corrected her.

Pinkie blinked. "Ma-Juniors?"

"Ma-jin." Trunks repeated.

"Mr Miya-GMFF-" Pinkie tried to repeat, only for Fluttershy to cover her mouth.

"You'll have to excuse her, she's kind of eccentric." Twilight stated, ignoring RD's snickers. "Please, continue."

"Um…Anyways, Majins are a race of powerful beings whose bodies are nothing more than a giant wad of bubblegum. They can take parts of their bodies and turn them into different weapons..."

"So, these are our heroes, huh?" A voice called out from above, the group looked up to see the Time Kai hovering above them. "I must say I'm quite surprised, seven warriors..." She mused as she hovered in front of Spike, sizing him up. "Though you seem to be unfamiliar with your own species... where exactly were you summoned fr-HEY!" The Time Kai yelped as she was hugged from behind...

"Oh my goodness, you are such an adorable little girl!" Fluttershy squealed, having somehow pulled herself out of the pile without anyone noticing. "What's your name little one?"

"I'M NOT A LITTLE GIRL! I'M OVER 75 MILLION YEARS OLD!" She screamed, trying to free herself from Fluttershy's grip.

"Oh~ you're just so precious! I could just pinch your little cheeks!" She giggled.

Trunks bit his lip, trying to keep himself from snickering at the scene before him. The rest of the group-having finally freed themselves from the tangled mess-however had no such restraint and immediately burst out laughing.


The half-Saiyan regained his composure and walked towards the yellow Majin, who continued to cuddle the Time Kai, despite her protests. "As amusing as the scenario is," he began, ignoring the Kai's glare. "I must ask that you let go of my superior."

Fluttershy blinked, registering what she was just told. "Superior?" She repeated, looking at the girl curiously as she shifted her glare to her. "But she's so young..."

"Humph! When you're the master of time you can make yourself as young as you want." She proclaimed proudly. "But first things first... ZA-WARUDO!"

The Time Kai gave Fluttershy a light tap on her forehead and almost immediately she froze in place. She immediately pulled herself out of the frozen Majin grasp. "Now that that's out of the way..." She began as she snapped her fingers, unfreezing Fluttershy who suddenly found herself hugging air. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am the Supreme Kai of Time!"

"And a Supreme Kai is...?" Rarity asked.

"All you need to know is that it means I'm basically a god." She boasted proudly, placing her hands on her hips. "I manage the flow of time throughout the entire universe, keeping a close eye on history and protecting it!"

"Oooo~ that's so cool!" Pinkie said as she bounced around her.

"...Seriously?" Applejack deadpanned. "You're a god?"

"That's rig-HEY!" The Kai shouted as a huge yellow owl with a long white beard landed on her head. "Darn it, Toki Toki! I was doing a thing and you ruined it!" She snapped as she pushed the owl off her head.

"Kiiii~ Kiiii~" The owl said with a gleeful look as though he knew EXACTLY what he was doing but didn't care.

"Don't you give me that look! Why do you keep using my head as a perch anyway?! You're not exactly light ya know!" She screamed as she cleaned out her hair. "And your feathers get everywhere!"

"Tooo~!" The owl replied as he flew around her.

The Time Kai fumed. "Don't you give me that attitude, mister!"

Trunks sighed as he watched the the two bickering. It wasn't helping that the seven warriors were watching, at least four of them laughing while the other three barely held back their giggles.

Rolling his eyes, he cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention.

Trunks looked to the warriors he summoned. "Alright. I'm sure you're wondering why you're here."

"Well, duh. What gave ya that clue?" Rainbow asked, rolling her eyes.

"Uh… yeah. Well, you see, I asked Shenron to summon a warrior to aid us in defending time." Trunks responded.

"Who's Shenron? And how do you 'defend time'?" Twilight questioned, a skeptical look in her eye.

"Shenron is the eternal dragon. A being that can grant almost any wish such as the one I asked for." Trunks started as he began walking around. "When I said defend time I meant guard a certain time line. In this case it might be the main timeline that's threatened."

"Wait, 'Main Timeline'? As in there are more than one?" Twilight asked.

"Well… yeah. Where did you expect the other timelines come from? Anything that happens in the Main Timeline affects all that are connected to it." The Kai said, but sighed when she noticed their confused looks. "Okay…. you know how you always want to go one way but don't? Well there's a timeline where you DID go that route and things change." She said and they all finally registered it.

"So the multiverse theory really is real…" Twilight mused to herself, only to be interrupted by the Time Kai's laughter.

"HA! MULTIVERSE?! No, see Alternate Timelines? Yes. Alternate Universes? No."

"But you just said-"

"I said that Alternate Timelines are…. okay you want a two hour lecture on this or do you want the short and sweet version?" The Kai asked. Twilight was about to answer the lecture but Rainbow stopped her.

"Short and sweet please."

"Okay. We make sure the timelines don't go kaput if the normal one bites it. Got it?"

"OK then... but that still doesn't answer our biggest question…" Spike interrupted. "...that being: Why are WE here?"

"I was getting to that…" Trunks said. "You see, throughout history we have had many threats to the safety of our world as well as the universe in general. However whenever these threats rose up our world's greatest heroes managed to stand up to them and defeat them." He briefly pause to make sure the seven of them were following, when no one asked any questions he continued. "However recently someone has been messing around with the timelines and completely erasing our heroes victories from history itself."

The look of shock on the everyone's faces was more than enough confirmation that they knew just how dire the situation was. "B-But, why did you call on us?" Fluttershy stuttered fearfully,

"We didn't… Shenron brought you here."

"That giant Dragon? Why?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"Because we wished for him to bring us a strong warrior." The Kai said as she stepped forward. "You see, we are the leaders of an organization known as the Time Patrol that usually helps with situations like this. However, many distortions have been popping up in multiple timelines and as such has spread our forces thin." She elaborated, pacing around the altar. "And that point we had no choice but to consult Shenron and ask him to bring us a warrior strong enough to help us combat the very forces that are causing these distortions..." She explained before turning to face the group. "...however he summoned seven instead, my guess is that he decided that no single warrior could handle the job..."

"Or he's decided to be a jerk today again!" A strange voice yelled, startling everyone except the Kai.

"Well… there's always that." The Time Kai mumbled before glaring at the sky. "Shouldn't you be in Timeline EVO?"

"Don't spoil my fun! I do what I want!" The voice shouted to her. The Kai grumbled for a moment before shooting a purple bolt of lightning into the sky, it hit something in mid-air causing a mini explosion and aggravated scream.

"Sorry about that..." The Kai apologized before turning back to everyone. "But long story short, we need your help."

The girls stared at the two for a bit. "Um... could you give us a moment?" Twilight asked before the group gathered in a huddle. "So what do we do?"

"What do you mean what do we do?" Spike said. "You heard her, all of time is apparently getting messed up."

"Yeah but, do yah really think we're up for this sort of thing?" Applejack whispered. "Savin' Equestria was one thing, but we're talkin' 'bout the past, present, and future all at once... never dealt with anything like this before..."

"B-B-But they sound like they really need our help..." Fluttershy stammered timidly. "... I-I mean, they could've asked us in advance first..."

"Not to mention the fact that they kind of just whisked us away without even thinking about our opinion..." Rarity added. "And then there's the fact that we barely have any experience in these new bodies."

"Well to be fair, it was the Dragon that did that." Twilight interjected. "And I think I know why it bothered to summon all of us instead of just one of us..." She stated, sharing a knowing look with her friends.

"The Elements?" Rarity inquired.

"Exactly." Twilight said with a smile. "The Dragon must've sensed the power that was shared between the six of us, that's why it summoned all of us together. Because it knew that with all of us united we could face this threat."

"Except for me." Spike mumbled with a small frown. "I just got carried along for the ride…"

Rarity heard this and gave the former Dragon reassuring pat on the back. "Oh's bike, don't think that way. If the Dragon didn't see any potential in you he wouldn't of teleported you with the rest of us." She stated, getting Spike's attention.

"Well yeah, and he wouldn't of turned you into a cool Acro-Acarca-whatever you're supposed to be." Rainbow added. "But back to the matter at hand, I say we help out. I mean, if the situation is so dire that the God of Time herself is asking for our help, then I think we should go for it."

"Yeah!" Cheered Pinkie, who'd been surprisingly quiet this whole time. "If someone's messing with the wibbily-wobbly timey-wimey stuff that makes everything run smoothly, then we have to stop them!" She finished with a smile. "Besides, who's to say that whoever is doing this won't try and mess things up for our timeline as well?"

It was at that moment a look of terror flashed across everyone's faces as they registered her words. The Time Kai stated that whoever was doing this was specifically targeting the heroes victories, if that happened to be a world as well… the implications were anything but pleasant.

Twilight looked at her friends. "So… we are doing this?"

"If we don't, what kind of heroes would we be?" Rainbow Dash started, Fluttershy nodding in agreement.

"I really don't think refusing would be in anyone's best interest." Rarity added.

Twilight turned to to Applejack and Spike, who simply smiled at her. "We're with you all the way Twi." Applejack said.

"Alright then..." The lavender Saiyan said as she turned back to Trunks and the Kai and held out her hand. "...we're in."

"Thank you." Trunks said as he shook Twilight's hand.

"So… where exactly are we?" Rainbow asked.

The Kai smiled. "Who's ready for a tour?"

Trunks lead the Mane Seven through the city, each of the group's members observing the surrounding areas in wonder and curiosity, occasionally Twilight would interrupt to ask about a certain machine or species they came across.

They passed through the Industrial Sector, Trunks bringing up the various clothes, weapons, and other items that were available.

After stopping Rarity from going on a shopping spree(mainly by reminding her that they had no money in this world), they made their way through the Time Machine Station. Although one of the creatures… disturbed Twilight. It looked like a mini gray majin and it... looked like it was staring right into her... right into her soul.

The Supreme Kai of Time noticed this and sighed. "He really doesn't get how important Timeline EVO is does he?" She said as the mini-Majin continued to stare at Twilight.

"This story... YOU." The majin piece said without moving from it's spot... or opening it's mouth.

Twilight shuddered. "What does it mean... this story... me?"

"What do you mean?" Trunks asked her.

"The-the little Majin over there." She said, pointing to the mini-Majin.

"Um Twilight it's just part of a Majin." Trunks said unaware that the piece got close to her ear.

"Yeah... I'm just a little chopped off piece." It said before grinning wider which startled her before it vanished.

"Oh yeah. Rule number one everybody? Nobody touch the gray mini-Majin. It'd be hazardous if you do." The Kai said as she stopped in front of a shop and ordered a drink.

"Um... why exactly?" Rarity asked curiously.

"Let's just say the guy they belong to? Is... unstable." The Kai said as she slurped her drink.

After showing the seven around Toki Toki city, Trunks brought them to an arena on the opposite side of the altar where they'd been summoned.

"...and lastly, this our training arena. Here our Time Patrollers hone their skills and spar with each other to strengthen their abilities." The half-Saiyan explained, gesturing to a small group of Patrollers who were currently using the arena. Two of them were sparring in the air while the rest observed from a safe distance. All of them were wearing unique white colored battle armor with long yellow shoulder pads with matching white gloves boots and black spandex, and a logo in the shape of an "R" was engraved on the left chest plate.

One of them-an imposing bald human with a goatee-noticed the group and called for the two to stop. The two immediately ceased their fighting and flew toward their leader, Who then led them towards Trunks and the seven former ponies.

"Commander Trunks! Good to see you, have you come to train with us?"

"Not today. I'm simply showing some new recruits around the city." The half-Saiyan answered, gesturing to the seven behind him, all of whom had varying expressions. Twilight had a look of bewilderment, her mind trying to process just how these creatures could fly without wings. Rarity seemed to more focused on the odd outfits they were wearing, and was mentally hoping that they weren't mandatory for working here. Fluttershy was simply trying to make herself as small and unnoticeable as possible. Applejack was simply observing the the group before her, wondering just how much training went into getting all those muscles. Spike and Pinkie Pie-like Rarity-were more interested in their outfits, although in their case they were wondering where they could get one in their sizes. Rainbow Dash... seemed indifferent.

'Who are these weirdos?' She thought quizzically.

"Ah! Forgive my rudeness, my name is Rick..." He then turned his attention to his teammates. "Men, introduce yourselves!" He ordered.

"Oh, that won't be necessary—," Trunks began, but was cut off by one of them.

"Krash!" A tall Earthling with an orange mohawk shouted.

A tall, skinny red being stepped forward. He had dark blue pupil-less eyes and two antennas sticking out of his forehead. "I'm Mandolin!"

"I'm Braden!" A short statured man with dark blue skin and black spiky hair said.

"Dabra..." A green Majin with red eyes said emotionlessly.

"hehe, I'm Frigid!" Said an Arcosian. His skin color was black, he had golden pupil-less eyes, his horns were curved like a bull and the orb on his head was the same color as his skin. He also had a masked mouth.

"Shiver!" A blue-lipped Arcosian, with two un-curved horns, his eyes were bright red, his orb color was blue and his skin was as black as night. This Arcosian would be almost intimidating to anyone except for the fact that he was the size of an average elementary school student and only came up to the girl's chests.

"Fight as one together," The seven said in unison with Rick joining in. "We are the Renegade Force!" They all shouted while forming a team pose.

Trunks groaned as he buried his face into his palm. The rest of the group just stared, each one of them trying to mentally process with they'd just witnessed(excluding Pinkie and Spike, who seemed to be watching the spectacle with stars in their eyes).

Rainbow Dash finally broke the awkward silence. "That... was pretty lame." She called out.

"What do you mean 'lame'?!" Braden said, clenching his fist in anger. "Our fighting poses are the definition of awesome!

The cyan Saiyan scoffed. "Please, everypony knows I'm the definition of awesome!"

The seven looked at her questioningly. "Did you just say 'everypony'?" Mandolin asked.

"They were summoned here from an alternate reality, long story." Trunks stated.

"Um, Dash, I forgot to tell you that humans don't say 'everypony' they say 'everybody'," Twilight whispered to her rainbow-haired friend.

"Anyway, you're the definition of awesome? Do you really believe in your own hype that much?" Braden asked.

"I AM THE HYPE!" Rainbow Dash yelled, while stomping her foot on the ground.

'Oh god, she's just like father.' Trunks thought as stepped forth, hoping to defuse the situation before it got out of hand. "Please don't take it too personally, like I said they're new recruits and aren't ready to fight just yet." Trunks informed them. "These seven still require training."

"Hmph, fine then, but I wish to spar with her once her training is finished." Braden stated, pointing at Rainbow Dash. "No one insults our fighting poses and gets away with it!"

"Braden, calm down and dial it back a bit." Mandolin reprimanded his teammate. "Remember that time you picked a fight with Dumplin..."

"That was completely different!" He harshly whispered back.

"Bring it on!" Rainbow Dash called out. "When I'm done training I'll be able to beat you with one hand tied behind my back!" She proudly boasted.

Braden however, smiled. "Fine then, we'll settle this then!"

Trunks sighed as he lead the seven away from the group as they went back to their training, while Rainbow's friends gave her an irritated look.

"Rainbow..." The six said in unison.


"One of these days, you're "hype" is gonna get you into whole heap of trouble." AJ said, bemused.

"I have to agree with Applejack, darling." Rarity added, tossing her hair. "Did you have to pick a fight with that man?"

"Oh please! Did you not see those 'fighting poses'?" She chuckled. "They were ridiculous!"

"I don't know RD, I thought they were pretty cool!" Pinkie said as she skipped alongside her. "Oh! Maybe we could try a pose like that!"

Twilight cringed. "I'd rather not..."

"I dunno, I think it would be kind of cool. " Spike smirked before nudging the yellow Majin. "What do you think Fluttershy?"

"Oh... I don't think it would that bad—," Fluttershy began but was cut off by Rainbow Dash.

"Are you kidding? It was like those lame action poses that they do in the old Neighponese Sentai shows!" The cyan Saiyan shouted.

"Let's get back to the subject at hand." Twilight interrupted as she turned to Trunks. "Where exactly are we going to be training and for how long? Considering what we'll be dealing with, we're going to need all the time we can get. We still have no idea how these bodies of ours work." Twilight said.

"You don't need to worry about that" Trunks smiled as they made their way past of the altar where they had been summoned in the first place. "The Time Kai has already prepared a special place for you all to train without any interruptions, it's called—"

"—the Hyperbolic Time Chamber!" The Time Kai said, gesturing to the large doors before the group.

"The Hypertonic Lion Tamer?" Pinkie asked.

"No, the Hyperbolic Time Chamber." The Time Kai corrected.

"Hypersonic Line Gamer!" She smiled.

"No, Hyperbolic-Time-Chamber!" The Time Kai groaned in irritation.

"Type Ironic Grinder!"

"OK, that last one was on purpose!"


"Easy, Pinkie. We aren't here to irritate the Kai." Twi said as she stepped next to her pink friend.

"Maybe her 'timeyness' can actually explain what this place is?" Rainbow inquired, while fixing the Kai with a gaze.

"*Ahem* Yes, well... as I was saying..." The Time Kai continued, regaining her composure. "The Hyperbolic Time Chamber," She continued, giving Pinkie a warning glance. "is a special room where time flows differently on the inside and allows our Time Patrollers to train for extended periods of time, as one year inside the chamber is the equivalent to one day on the outside."

"A day, really?" Applejack asked, arching a brow.

"Seriously!?" Rarity asked, her eyes sparkling. "I could come up with an entire year's worth of dress designs in only a day?!"

"Focus Rarity!" Applejack groaned.

"Question, how exactly are we going to survive for a whole year in there?" Spike asked, uncertain about staying in one place for a year without any supplies.

"You don't need to worry about that." The Time Kai said as a box that went up to her waist materialized next to her. "Everything you'll need for your stay is in here!"

Twilight, being the closest, walked over and opened the box... then looked at the Time Kai like she'd told a bad joke. "You can't be serious!" She shouted as she pulled out a small capsule barely the size of her pinkie finger. "You expect us to survive for a whole year with just these?!"

"As a matter fact..." The Time Kai began as she snatched the capsule from Twilight and pressed the button top before tossing it a few feet in front of her. There was a small explosion of smoke which cleared to reveal a large refrigerator. "...I do. Each of these capsules holds food supplies and special devices that will allow you to train... Twilight? You ok?" She asked a upon noticing that the lavender Saiyan had stopped responding in favor of staring out the refrigerator that had seemingly popped out of the small capsule. She then turned to the rest of the group and noticed that they had similar expressions.

"H-How... why? It's not... I mean..." Twilight stuttered.

"Just how far has technology managed to go in this world?" Spike wondered out loud. "Are warehouses is just extinct here?"

"Alright, we're burning daylight!" The Kai groaned. "Everybody in the chamber, let's go!" She shouted as she pushed the through the doors.

What awaited the group was a white void as far as the eye could see, as the group looked around they saw two giant hourglasses containing emerald sand on both sides of the building.

"Wow... just... wow." Was all Twilight could muster.

"This place..." Spike mused as he walked around. "It's nothing but a white void..."

"It's like a when I take a nap inside a cloud..." Fluttershy whispered. "...except there's no end..."

"Ah can't even see where it ends... or where it begins fer that matter!" Applejack said, trying her best to see if she could spot anything in the distance... with no success.

"Good thing your mane doesn't match your coat Rarity." Pinkie smirked, getting the fashionistas attention.

"Yeah, otherwise you'd be completely invisible right now!" Rainbow Dash added with a giggle, causing Applejack, Spike, and Pinkie to start snickering.

"That's not funny." Rarity grumbled in irritation.

"Now then, I should mention that the gravity here is a lot different than the gravity you're used to. The further out you go, the stronger it gets. So be careful." Trunks explained as the Time Kai teleported the fridge into the chamber, right before the doors closed.

Pinkie immediately darted to the fridge, smiling

Twilight sighed at her friends antics as she pulled the capsule marked "Training" and pushed its button before tossing it a few feet in front of her. There was a poof of smoke which cleared to reveal an orange box, a projector with instructions on how to use it. Inside the box were several small black memory sticks, each one with labels on them such as "The art of ki", "Beginners Fighting Techniques", and "The Manipulation of Flight".

"They're so small... we're supposed to be getting info from these?" Applejack asked skeptically.

"Oh great, homework." Spike grumbled upon seeing the title.

"Well, this is gonna be boring," Rainbow Dash groaned as she chugged down some cider.

"Oh stop, the lesson hasn't even started yet," Rarity whispered.

"Let's get started." Twilight said as she opened the instruction book on how to use the projector. "Let's see... it says that all of these memory sticks contain footage of this universe's warriors and their techniques, as well as tutorials on using certain techniques and the basics of ki." Twilight explained as she looked through them, eventually picking one labeled "The art of ki".

"Let's start with this one." She said as she pushed the stick into the projector's open slot. The moment she did a 3D hologram of Trunks appeared in front of them.

"Ooo~ cool!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Hi there, my name is Trunks. If you're watching this it means you're new to the Time Patrol and are unfamiliar with how to utilize ki." The hologram began as the mane seven gathered around it. "Ki is a type of energy found in every living thing in the universe. From the plants and rocks to the living organisms, everything has energy which can be taken to charge up one's ki." It paused giving the group a moment to register his explanation. "For starters to make a simple ki ball put your hand out like this, and concentrate very hard on the energy forming into your hand." The hologram continued. "As this is the basics it may take you a while to concentrate the energy specifically into the center of your hand. But as you get used to ki control this maneuver will become second nature. " It demonstrated as a ball of energy the size of a baseball appeared in it's hand, after this the hologram dissipated, signifying the end of that lesson.

'Hmm... just focus it into my hands...' Twilight mused to herself as she attempted to focus her ki... then suddenly a small purple ball roughly the size of a small orange appeared in her hands. "Girls! I did it, look!" She shouted excitedly as she hold the ball of ki in her hand... only for it to vanish. "Huh, I guess I have to stay focused to keep it visible..."

"Hey, no fair! I wanted to be the first to do it!" Rainbow Dash groaned.

"So, how did it feel?" Rarity asked, curious about the new power that they now had at their fingertips.

"It's kinda like using magic," Twilight answered. "But at the same time it's a little different…"

"Wait, so you're telling me this is a unicorn only thing?" Rainbow Dash groaned in disappointment. "That's one heck of a letdown..."

"Didn't you listen to Trunks? He said this ki is in all living things," Applejack reminded her.

"Oh yeah!" The cyan Saiyan realized, snapping her fingers. "So if I just concentrate real hard and hold my hand out like this..." She said, mimicking Twilight's actions. And just like that, a baseball-sized ball of ki appeared in the palm of her hand.

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened at the results before she smirked. "Hahaha, check it out!"

"Uh...Rainbow...?" Fluttershy meekly called out. "Don't you think you should stop before..." Fluttershy was then cut off as Rainbow Dash accidentally launched the sphere out of her hand into the white void of the chamber, where it exploded in the distance.

"That was so cool! Do it again!" Spike beamed.

"Yeah! Only make it bigger this time!" Pinkie added.

"NO!" Shouted the rest of the group.

Twilight cleared her throat, quickly regaining her composure. "*Ahem* I think it would be more beneficial if we practiced first before trying something like that again, the last thing we need is a wayward shot hitting one of our friends. Wouldn't you agree?" Upon seeing the rest of the group nod, she walked towards the box and pulled out another memory stick. "Now then, I think we should continue practicing with our ki..."

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened in excitement. "Aww yeah! I can't believe I'm saying this, but lets learn some more!" Rainbow Dash shouted as Twilight switched out the sticks and the projector started to play the next recording...

Back in Toki Toki city, while the seven were training, Trunks was making his way through the Industrial Sector, thinking about the teams that were currently active and hoping to at least have one of them would be available should things go south. Not that he had no faith in the new warriors-Shenron wouldn't have summoned them if they weren't their best bet against the enemy-but it was always best to have backup just in case.

"Let's see... dumplin is taking care of Timeline EVO so he's out of the question. The taiyo force is still looking for a new member for their team after they realized the robots can't leave the city. Beat and his team are still busy with the Shadow Dragons... which means the renegades might be the last option until those seven are ready." The half-Saiyan mused to himself. I" suppose that isn't too bad, those seven should be able to—" tunks thoughts were then cut off by another voice echoing through his mind.

'Trunks! I need you in the Healing Chamber immediately!' The Supreme Kai of Time called out telepathically.

'Why? What happened?'

'The Renegades just reported back and... lets just say they're not exactly in the best condition'

"I'm on my way!" Trunks stated before taking off into the air.

He soon arrived at the Healing Chamber and rushed inside... only to see the prestigieuses Renegade Force in various critical conditions, most of them had already been placed in the Medical Machines, save for Mandolin, Krash, their commander Rick who was currently talking with the Time Kai.

"H-hey there commander Trunks, nice of you to join us." Rick chuckled before grabbing his chest in pain.

"I can't believe we got beat by those pipsqueaks" Grumbled Krash who was wearing an arm cast.

"Pipsqueaks?" Trunks asked in confusion.

"We'll get to that later first let's take care of your injuries." The Time Kai said as the assistant robots carried Krash into the machine.

"We're sorry Supreme Kai, they were just too fast for us." Mandolin explained.

"Yeah, and they were stronger than us too." Rick added. "They just took everything we threw at them like it was nothing-OW!" He groaned in pain.

"We were completely out classed..." Mandolin finished before he was carried into the next machine.

'This can't be good' Trunks thought as he watched Mandolin put on his oxygen mask as the machine door closed and the healing liquids poured in.

"The worst part is, it was a seven against two." Rick said as the two were healed along with the rest of the team.

Trunks and the Kai shared a look. "Who exactly did this to you?" She asked.

"That's the thing, they were so fast we just couldn't get a identity on them" Rick continued.

"Yeah, I mean they just a little bit shorter than Shiver and..." He trailed off for a moment, as if trying to remember something. "...and... I remember seeing an odd symbol of some kind..."

This got Trunks' attention. "What kind of symbol?" He asked as the Time Kai snapped her fingers, materializing a pen and paper out of thin air and handing it to him.

"My memories a little fuzzy…" Rick began. "...but, I think it was something like a distorted 'X'..."

"Was it something like this?" The half-Saiyan asked as he finished sketching and showed the paper to Rick, the picture was that of an X with several curved edges.

Rick's eyes widened as he leaped out of his seat. "That's it! That's the-OW!" He immediately groaned in pain, remembering his injuries.

Trunks flinched, the Renegades were attacked by the very enemy that he face not to long ago.

"Ok, we'll take care of this, you and your team just rest and heal." The Time Kai said as the robots escorted Rick into the machine.

"So what should we do now?" Trunks asked in concern. "The renegades were our last active team, and with them out of commission..."

"We really have no choice," The Kai sighed as they exited the Healing Chamber. "We need to check in on the seven's progre-!" Almost immediately the Supreme Kai's eyes widened before scowling. "Another distortion has occurred."

"What?! Already?!" Trunks stuttered, looking in the direction of the Time Plaza.

"Looks like our enemies are getting even bolder than I anticipated." She stated, her glare growing more tense. "Trunks, you head to the Time Nest, I'll check in on Twilight and her friends."

Trunks nodded and immediately flew off, the Time Kai focused for a moment before vanishing into thin air...

Back in the Time Chamber, Twilight flew through the air as she avoided several blasts from below. Dodging left and right and occasionally smacking away the ones that got too close.

"You can't just keep dodging forever Twi!" Rainbow Dash called out from below, the lavender Saiyan looked down to see her cyan comrade charging up another blast twice the size of her own head.

"Actually I'm just trying to see how good your aim is!" Twilight replied with a smirk. "Personally I'm not impressed, I think even Derpy would've shot me down by now!"

About a split second after she said that, the spear of energy shot towards her an alarming rate, giving her less than a second to avoid it. She quickly charged her ki and fired an equally large blast of energy to hit it midway, both attacks collided causing an explosion and temporarily obscuring Twilight's vision.

"You were saying?" RD whispered in her ear.

"GAH!" Twilight screamed before quickly darting away, putting a good amount of distance between herself and the cyan Saiyan. "How the hay did you—"

"Did you seriously think just losing my wings would hinder my flying speed?" Rainbow asked with a coy smirk. "Now then, let's see how good you are at close combat!" She shouted before rushing towards her.

Down below the rest of the group was either observing the fight or training. Applejack was throwing several punches and kicks at a sandbag, Spike was doing push-ups, Rarity & Fluttershy seemed to be meditating together, and Pinkie Pie was... swimming through the air above them.


"Could you kindly keep it down Pinkie?" The purple-haired human asked. "We are trying to concentrate."

"I can't help it, flying is so much fun!" The pink Majin called out as she hovered over Rarity... upside-down.

"As much as I'd love to see your enthusiasm, you—" The fashionista began, however she was cut off by a loud scream.


Everyone looked up above to see Twilight and Rainbow Dash still fighting, and judging by the numerous bruises on Rainbow's body and the infuriated look on her face, Twilight was winning. RD quickly held her hands out and fired a massive blast of energy at Twilight. The lavender Saiyan quickly responded by raising both of her hands over her head and forming a ball of energy about twice her size, without missing a beat she threw it at the oncoming beam...

…only for both of them to slow down and come to an immediate halt seconds before hitting each other.

"Uh... what just happened?" Rainbow asked, clearly baffled at the sudden turn of events. "Is that supposed to happen?"

"I'm… pretty sure that it isn't..." Twilight responded, arching a brow in confusion.

"Yeah, that was me." The Time Kai said as she stepped out from between their attacks. "Sorry if I'm interrupting something, but we have a situation." She began as she snapped her fingers, causing both attacks to dissipate into nothingness.

"So what's the sitch your 'timeyness'?" Rainbow asked, Twilight simply staring at where their attacks had just vanished.

The Kai's left eye twitched, but she ignored the cyan Saiyan's little jab. "I'm afraid our enemies decided to start messing with the timestream a lot earlier than I had expected." She explained as she hovered down towards the rest of the group with the two Saiyans following her.

"How bad is it?" Twilight asked as Rainbow started stretching, eager to get out into the field.

"Let's just say that if things aren't fixed soon, we could be looking at one massive time paradox." She explained, the direness of the situation evident in her voice. "Mainly because the distortions are taking place in the main timeline." She finished before turning to the seven warriors before her. "Well I see that Twilight and Rainbow have improved in the training greatly, I would like to know how the rest of you are faring."

"Well darling, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and I are working on flight and ki control at the moment." Rarity said as she gestured to Fluttershy-who was levitating just a few inches off the ground-and Pinkie-who was floating in the pose that made it look like she was sitting in a chair.

"Spike and Ah have already gotten down the basics," Applejack added. "At the moment we're still getting used to fighting in our new bodies."

"That's all fine and good, but right now I need you two for this mission." The Kai stated, pointing to Twilight and RD.

"No problem! It's about time I get a chance to ram my fist into someone's face!" The cyan Saiyan smirked as she slammed her fist into her waiting palm for emphasis.

"While I don't share Rainbow's exact reasons, I can agree that it will be nice to test out our new abilities in the field, as well as fix these distortions." Twilight proclaimed.

The Time Kai nodded in affirmation. "Good, now come with me, the rest of you keep training." She said before she left the chamber with the two.

"...kind of wish I could've gone with them..." Spike said as the doors closed. "...I mean, I am her assistant…"

"Now Spike, if you want to be of any help to them during the missions you need to at least grasp of the basics of your new form and abilities." Rarity said as she walked towards the fridge. "Besides during the missions we'll also need to learn to keep ourselves calm and collective during battle and—HEY! WHO DRANK THE LAST HE-TAP?!"

Whistling innocently, Pinkie Pie quickly hovered away...

"Okay can someone tell me exactly what we're dealing with?" Twilight asked as she and RD were escorted into the Time Vault... and went slack-jawed at the thousands upon thousands of scrolls on the walls.

"Sweet Celestia... it's almost like in ancient library..." She exclaimed in awe. " I could spend an eternity reading all of these..."

"Please don't." RD groaned, mumbling 'egghead' under her breath.

"I wouldn't advise it." The Time Kai said, getting their attention. "These are the Scrolls of Eternity, each one contains a record of a certain timeline's history." She explained as she gestured to Trunks, who was flying around the upper levels, searching through the scrolls. "As I said before, it's my job to maintain and protect the history of this Universe... but now someone is forcibly altering the timestream for their own selfish ambitions." The moment she finished Trunks landed in front of them, carrying a scroll that was enveloped by a dark cloud of energy.

The Time Kai took the scroll from Trunks and opened it, showing it's contents to the two Saiyans as Trunks joined them. "This is the result of the timeline being distortions..."

Trunks, Twilight and Rainbow Dash watched as the scroll started to glow...

Age 761:

In a vast desert, two figures stood across from one another. Two warriors stood across from one another. One was standing firm on the plateau, his white cape billowing in the wind revealing his green skin and purple gi. His name was Piccolo, son of the Demon King and rival of Son Goku, and he wasn't about let such a co*cky warrior get away with his earlier remarks.

Standing across from him was a man extremely long spiky black hair with going all the way down to his knees. He wore brown and black colored battle armor with long shoulder pads, armored gloves & boots. He had his tail wrapped around his waist, signifying his Saiyan heritage. Additionally he wore a blue scouter on left ear, a white band tightened around his left arm, and another on his left leg. He was one of the last living Saiyans and the elder brother of Son Goku; Raditz.

Raditz smirked as he raised his hand up in the air, creating a small blue and white energy sphere. "Keep Your Eye on the Birdie!" He screamed as he prepared to fire at Piccolo, only to be stopped when a blast of energy shot through his torso from the back. In less than a second he dropped to his knees and fell to the ground, dead.

"Such a pathetic weakling..." A gruff voice said. Piccolo looked up to see a large, gray, muscular creature with his hand held out, backed by two others; one with dark brown skin and another had blue skin and white hair that stood straight up, each of them surrounded by a dark aura with their eyes glowing red.

"You have something that belongs to our master." The brown one said before the trio charged towards him. Piccolo quickly tore off his turban & white cape and charged fourth...

Meanwhile at Kame House, the legendary warrior Goku was sent flying into the sea. Above the island were a group of demons. Their leader had light blue skin, long pointy elf-like ears, and wore pink & purple armor. And in his grasp was Goku's first son; Son Gohan.

Behind him was a muscular brown brute with long red hair and bull horns, a red midget with a pointed hat, and a taller, grey, hulking brute with a similar hat (with horns added), each one surrounded by the same dark aura.

"Goku!" Krillin shouted before glaring at the group before him. "You monsters!" He shouted as he angrily charged towards the demons.

The red one simply chuckled before before darting behind him with unmatched speed, blasting him in the back with large pink energy wave. The bald Z Fighter screamed in pain as he was sent flying down and crashed into Kame House. The group of demons then proceeded to charge their own energy spheres before combining them into one unique energy sphere and firing it at the house, obliterating everything on the island.

Goku burst out of the water just in time to see the house being destroyed, along with his friends in it.

"NOOO!" screamed Goku before he turned to the demons with a furious scowl as he shot towards them with a primal scream.

The lead demon sneered as he tore the dragon ball off Gohan's hat before kicking the child down towards the smoldering rubble. Goku quickly flew towards his son and caught him, only for the hulking gray demon to kick him upwards. The remaining demons then proceeded to fire their own blasts of energy at the two, killing both Goku and his son.

Later, at a dark, foreboding castle, an off-putting looking dwarf of a demon stood on the balcony with his seven servants kneeling before him. Above him was the Eternal Dragon Shenron.

"Why have you summoned me?" Came the dragon's deep voice as he gazed down at the mini-demon before him.

The demon stared up at the dragon for a few seconds before raising his arm with a malicious smile. "I ask to be made immortal!"

"It shall be done." Shenron's eyes glowed as the small demon was enveloped in a pillar of light.

"Yes, I can feel it!" He started to scream as he felt the energy flow into his body. "With this immortality, I shall plunge the world into an endless era of great prejudice and terror!" He gleefully proclaimed as the light died down. "I will cover the universe and the darkness so thick and cold, that the only rival will be that of the Dead Zone itself! All hail Garlic Jr! ALL HAIL ME!"

"That's horrible..." Twilight whispered in shock.

"Those heartless... evil little..." Rainbow growled, barely suppressing her anger.

Trucks stared at the scroll in shock. "I-I don't understand! The events with Garlic Jr. were supposed to take place in a different timeline! Why are they occurring in the main one?!"

"It's just as I feared..." The Time Kai said as she closed the scroll. "Our enemies are not only altering the timeline, but are in fact fusing separate timelines together!"

"Then the stakes are even higher than we expected..." Trunks mused to himself before turning his attention to the two Saiyans. "I know this might be a lot to ask of you, what with you just getting out of the chamber and-"

"Oh please! What good would all that training have been if we don't fight, right Twi?" Rainbow smirked, nudging her friend.

Twi groaned as she looked to her prismatic friend. "Why do you have to be so confident?"

Rainbow gave her a smug grin as she replied. "That's because I'm awesome."

"Before you go, you'll need to put these on." Trunks stated, handing both of them two odd-looking devices, almost resembling futuristic monical's, one had pink glass and the other was blue.

"What exactly are these?" Twilight asked as she took the pink one.

"Scouters, specialized devices that allow you to scan your enemies power levels as well as communicate with each other." Trunks explained as the two placed them on their left ears. "They can also be used to scan for certain objects should the need arise."

"Sweet!" RD smiled as she and Twilight put them on.

"If you two are ready, we can begin," The Kai stated and she handed the scroll to them. "To travel to this point in time, you need to merely hold onto the scroll and concentrate." She instructed.

The two Saiyans nodded as they held onto the scroll. For a moment nothing happened, but then the scroll itself started emitting a bright light that engulfed them both, eventually the light died down, and they were gone.

"Good luck..." The Kai sighed, mentally praying that these warriors would be able to face the trials the awaited them...

MLP: Xenoverse! - (2024)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.