MLP Duel Academy - (2024)

by Twistedphoenix1

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 Magic vs Technology! Upperclassman vs Lower!

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Chapter 5 Magic Vs Technology! Upperclassman Vs Lower!

Micro grinned as he looked at the field in front of him. His Ancient Gear Golem was the only monster on the field and his opponent was wide open. Twilight was beginning to sweat.

“Now Ancient Gear Golem! Mechanized Melee!” The towering giant reared back its fist before landing a devastating punch against the purple haired girl.

Micro 4000 WINNER
Twilight 0000

Micro heard cheering from Spike and Sugar and the many other students that were watching. He basked in the glory of defeating an upperclassman before he heard a voice.

“Great job Micro.” The boy looked up and saw Twilight walking up to him. He couldn’t help but stare at her and her beauty as her uniform did nothing to hide her amazing figure. She stopped in front of him and smiled down, a flirtatious look on her face. “So, you managed to beat me without taking damage. I think that deserves a reward.”

“O...oh really?” Micro said, a little nervous being this close to the girl he had a crush on, especially since his head was level with her breast. Twilight noticed where his eyes were staring and giggled.

“Yes. And I think I know what.” The bleachers and other students faded away as they were now in a well decorated bedroom. He was sitting on the edge of the bed as Twilight stood in front of him. Her hands went to her shirt and she started unbuttoning them from bottom to top. Finally she stopped at the one the was directly between her breasts, the ones above it already being undone. “Would you like to ‘reveal’ your prize?”

Micro gulped but nodded as she straddled his lap. His hands went to the button that already seemed to threaten to pop open. He fumbled with it a moment as Twilight giggled lightly. Finally he managed to get it undone and now he just needed to pull the blouse open.

With a gulp he did so and a blinding light hit his eyes!

Micro’s eyes snapped open as he found himself lying in the bed in his dorm room. Spike and Sugar were rushing to get dressed and one of them had flipped the light on.

“About time you got up!” Sugar said as he threw Micro one of his uniforms.

“We slept in,” Spike explained. “We are going to be late for class!” Micro’s eyes widened as he quickly slid out of bed and rushed to put his uniform on. The three roommates grabbed their duel disks and decks and bolted from the room.

In class (designed like in GX)

“Now class, today we will be talking about the different types of Monsters there are in duel monsters,” Ms. Cheerilee said. The whole class was listening intently as the teacher began talking about normal and effect monsters. Spike, Micro, and Sugar were all staring at the teacher as well. They all had seen the attractive young adult at the entrance exams checking them in, but they didn’t realize she was a teacher.

“Are all females in this school required to be beautiful?” Sugar asked quietly, half joking, half serious since they had been introduced to a good chunk of the female student body (all of whom were attractive) and based on Celestia, Luna, and Cheerilee, the staff seemed to match that.

“I don’t know but I don’t mind,” Spike said. The pink haired teacher was wearing a lavender blouse and matching skirt, with the skirt having flower designs along the hem. Micro also appreciated the view, though he was still thinking about that dream.

‘Typically for it to end right there,’ he thought.

“Yo Micro,” Sugar said. “You ok?” Micro looked at his friend a little embarrassed before he answered.

“Yeah. I just had an...interesting dream last night.” His two friends looked at him, and Micro couldn’t help but notice the grins on their faces.

“A dream about Twilight?” Spike asked. Micro’s eyes went wide.

“What!” he cried. There was silence for a moment before Cheerilee’s voice was heard.

“Micro Chip, did you have a question about the lessons. Micro went crimson before sinking a bit into his chair.

“ I just...was surprised by something that's all.” Cheerilee raised an eyebrow but let it go nonetheless.

“If that is the case then perhaps you can tell us what different types of monsters can be found in the extra deck?” Micro stood up and nodded to answer the question.

“There are three different monsters that can be a part of the extra deck. Fusion, a monster that can be summoned by using a card or effect to combine different monsters together that match its summoning conditions. Synchro that are summoned by using a tuner and one or more monsters whose levels total that of the Synchro monster, and meet any extra conditions such as type and attribute. Finally there is Xyz monsters, summoned by overlaying two or more monsters of the same level, or other possibilities that meet the card’s conditions.”

“Very good Micro. You may be seated.”

Micro sighed and sat back down before looking at his friends who were trying (and failing to contain their laughter.

“Shut up,” Micro said, elbowing Sugar since he was the one sitting next to him.

“Hey, Spike’s the one that said it.”

“How did you know it was about Twilight?” Micro whispered. The two rolled their eyes but still had smiles on their faces.

“You talk in your sleep,” Spike said. Micro blushed again. He was going to have to invent something to stop that, especially if he has another dream like that. “So, what happened in it?”

Before Micro could decide whether or not to go into detail, Cheerilee spoke up again.

“Now, in order to demonstrate how well certain types of monsters work together, I invited two upperclassmen to demonstrate two different types. Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle.” The class watched as the purple haired girl walked up to the central platform. After talking to Cheerilee, she turned to the class.

“I am sorry to say that Sunset had agreed to help with another class,” she said. “But we can still do the demonstration. I just need a volunteer to duel with me. I use a Spellcaster deck, so if possible I would like someone who used a different type of deck.” Many people raised their hands and Twilight scanned the crowd before seeing Spike and Micro raising their hands (Sugar uses an archetype that featured many types so he didn’t bother). Figuring Spike had a duel in front of the school Twilight pointed at Micro. “Micro, would you please join me?” Micro smiled and nodded before standing up and making his way down to the platform.

“Now Micro,” Cheerilee asked. “What deck do you use?”

“My deck is full of Machines,” Micro said smirking. He knew that the school would think he used only Ancient Gear and Machina cards after his entrance duel, so he made a few switches.
Had to keep people guessing. Hopefully Twilight may be taken by surprise.

“Very well then. Shall we begin?” The two duelists nodded and went to opposite ends of the platform. The class waited in anticipation as they activated their duel disks. Twilight mouthed good luck and winked at Micro, getting the younger boy to blush before they both shouted…


Twilight 4000 Hand 5
Micro 4000 Hand 5

“After you,” Micro said.

“Very well,” Twilight drew her card and smiled. “I think I will just set this and be done.” A monster appeared facedown in defense. Micro looked at it in suspicion but shook his head.

Twilight 4000 Hand 5
Micro 4000 Hand 5

‘It may be a flip effect card, but I can’t just leave it…I’ll keep my new cards a secret for now, and start with something simple.’

“I summon Ancient Gear Soldier in attack mode! (Lv4 1300/1300)” A rusted humanoid machine with a gun for an arm appeared on the field. “Now take out that face down with Rivet Revolver!” The soldier took aim at the face down and shot a flurry of rivet like bullets at the card. It flipped face up to reveal a young woman with brown hair, glasses, a green shirt, blue shorts and a white coat. The girl had a staff in her hand and a flying horned rodent floating by her head.

“Hate to break it to you, but you just attack my Aussa the Earth Charmer (Lv3 500/1500)!”

“No!” The small rodent flew out and caught the bullets before flying over to Micro and dropping them on his head.

Micro 3800

“And that's not all my Charmer here can do. Since he was flipped summoned I can take control of one Earth attribute monster you control, and if I'm correct, Ancient Gear Soldier is an Earth monster!” The soldier slowly marched over to Twilight's side before turning around and facing Micro. The boy grimaced. Maybe he should've gone for one of his new monsters.

“I set one card facedown and end my turn!”

Twilight 4000 Hand 5
Micro 3800 Hand 4

“My turn then. And I choose to activate an effect from my deck! By sacrificing Earth Charmer Aussa and sending an Earth monster to the grave. I can special summon Familiar-Possessed-Aussa from my deck! (Lv4 1850/1500)”

The young girl stood up from her defensive position while light shone around her and the rusty soldier. The machine soon crumbled to dust and it's energy flew into the small flying rodent, turning it more and more feral. Micro stared at the monster before smirking.

“I activate my trap card Cyber Shadow Gardna!” suddenly a creature of black metal appeared on his side of the field. “This card summons itself upon activation (Lv4 ?/?)” Twilight looked at it in thought and smiled.

‘So he has that card huh. Well, the only other monster I have is better in defense...sorry Aussa but your time on the field won't be much longer. I can't have Gardna interfere later.’

“I set one monster face down and then have my Aussa attack your Gardna!” The small rodent flew at the dark metal monster before it glowed with energy. (?-1850)

“Sorry but my Gardna has an effect. When it is attacked, it gains attack to match your monster's! “ as the rodent flew at the machine the tips of its metallic wings glowed and shot beams of energy at the young spellcasting girl. At the same time, the horn of the rodent pierced the machine, causing it to explode, destroying them both.

“Then I end my turn,” Twilight said. She didn't want to ruin the look of pride on Micro's face. She knew Gardna’s effect, she just didn't want it around anymore.

Twilight 4000 Hand 5
Micro 3800 Hand 4

“Now my turn! And I activate Double Summon. Now I get to set one monster and summon to the field A-Assault Core! (Lv4 1900/200)” A small yellow roving machine with a scorpion like tail-turret appeared next to a facedown card. “Next I activate the spell card Machine Assembly Line, giving my machines an extra 200 attack points! (1900-2100)” A bin that was full of machine parts with a conveyer belt leading to a large machine appeared behind Micro“Now Assault Core! Destroy her facedown card!”

A beam of energy shot from the yellow robot and flew toward Twilight’s set monster. As it approached, the card revealed itself to be a small golden lamp.


“Oh yes,” Twilight grinned. “I see you know what my card is. The Ancient Lamp (Lv3 900/1400) has an effect as well. Since it was face down at the start of the battle, I’m allowed to redirect your attack to your other monster!” The beam of energy reflected off of the lamp and instead bounced toward the face down card. It flipped up and revealed a robotic purple dragon with two missile launchers under the creature's wings.

“C-Crush Wyvern…(Lv4 1200/2000)” Micro growled out quietly. The beam pierced the metal beast and destroyed it. The assembly line behind Micro revved to life as two pieces of machinery went across the conveyer belt to the other machine. “When a face up machine gets destroyed, two Junk Counters are added to my Assembly Line (0-2). I set a card and end.”

TS 4000 Hand 5
MC 3800 Hand 0

“I think I’ll start off my turn by sacrificing my Ancient Lamp in order to summon my Dark Magician Girl! (Lv6 2000/1700)” A blonde haired girl in a blue and pink magician outfit appeared holding a matching staff. Many guys in the audience blushed a bit as the famous female monster appeared. The girl seemed to notice this and waved at the audience.

“Let me guess,” Micro said, knowing an upperclassman wouldn’t just summon a monster with less attack points by mistake. “You have another card.”

“Correct. And I activate Rush Recklessly to my Magician Girl, giving her an attack boost of 700 until the end of this turn. (2000-2700)” The smiling magician suddenly changed expression. Instead she now was red with anger. “Now my Magician Girl, attack Assault Core!” The angry Magician calmed down as she lowered her wand at the yellow robot and sent a blast of energy at Core, destroying it. The assembly line roared again and two more machine pieces went into the larger machine (2-4)

MC 3200 Hand 0

“Next I end with another two face down,” Twilight said as the effects of Rush Recklessly faded from the female spellcaster.

“Before you end I activate my trap Balance of Judgement! Since you have three cards on the field compared to my two I can draw 1 card!” Micro drew his card and saw it was Trade In. ‘Now I just need a monster to use it.’

TS 4000 Hand 3
MC 3200 Hand 1

In their seats, Sugar and Spike watched their friend as he was trying to come up with a strategy.

“Balance didn’t get him many cards,” Sugar said a little worried.

“Yeah but in this type of situation, every card counts,” Spike said. He knew his friend was a good duelist, and at the very least could pull off some good moves in this duel, but he also knew Twilight. He had many duels with her years back when he was learning, and saw many duels with her friends. She was one of the best duelists he’d ever seen. If this keeps up.

“I draw!” Micro declared. “And I’m in luck. I activate Trade-In. Discarding Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon to draw two cards!” he checked out his two cards and smiled. “And now I activate the effect of my Assembly Line. I can remove it in order to summon a monster with the same or lower level to the number of tokens on it. So now I bring back my Assault Core! I also pay 800 life points in order to activate Premature Burial to also revive Crush Wyvern!”

The yellow Scorpion like robot appeared again on the field next to the missile launching draconic creature.

“Next from my hand I summon B-Buster Drake! (Lv4 1500/1800)” A green dinosaur robot with two laser canons on its back took the field between the other two machines. “Now, I join these three together! Unite A, B and C!”

The three machines separated into different pieces as the they fused together. The two laser cannons attached to the neck and heads of the dino and wyvern, same with the missile launchers. Assault Core formed the roving base of the monster.

“Meet ABC-Dragon Buster! (Lv 8 3000/2800) Now, Attack and destroy her Magician Girl!” The laser cannons and missiles started to fire up. But right before they were about to launch…

“I activate Half or Nothing!” Twilight said. “Now you must choose to negate your attack or halve your monster’s strength!” Micro growled in frustration.

“Then I have to end my attack. And my turn.” The machine settled down as Twilight drew.

TS 4000 Hand 3
MC 2400 Hand 0

“Now I activate Dark Burning Attack! Since I control Dark Magician Girl I can destroy all face up monsters you control!”

“No!” Micro shouted as his card was destroyed.

“Now attack directly!” The Magician Girl waved her staff again and shot a burst of pink magic at the boy. “And I don’t have anything else to do right now so I end.”

TS 4000 Hand 3
MC 400 Hand 0

Micro was down trodden. Every single move he made was countered perfectly. He drew his card and was grinning again.

“I set this card and end,” Micro said setting his last card.

TS 4000 Hand 3
MC 400 Hand 0

Twilight drew her card and looked at the face down Micro placed.

‘I wonder what made him so happy...oh well. One way to find out.’

“I attack with Dark Magician Girl!”

“Not so fast! I activate Ancient Gear Reborn to revive my Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon (Lv8 3000/2000)!” A dragon made of rusted metal burst from the ground and appeared roaring in front of the attacking Magician. “And it gains 200 attack from Reborn! (3000-3200)”

“Stop your attack!” Twilight ordered. “I have to end my turn there then.”

TS 4000 Hand 4
MC 400 Hand 0

“My turn and I…”

“Sorry but I know about the effect your dragon has to prevent trap when it attacks, so before your battle phase I activate Waboku! Stopping any damage I would take and saving my monsters from battle!” Micro’s jaw dropped as yet another move was stopped.

“I...I end.”

“I can’t believe how defeated he looks,” Sugar said. Spike nodded. He hated seeing his friend like this, but he knew that they all had to face the facts some time.

‘There’s always someone better.’ he thought to himself.

TS 4000 Hand 4
MC 400 Hand 1

“I draw,” Twilight said. “And I choose to flip a coin and activate Cup of Ace! Heads I draw two and tails you draw two.”

A coin appeared in Dark Magician Girl’s hand and with a wink the girl flipped it. It turned in the air over and over while the girl caught it. She looked at it and giggled. She holds it up and playfully sticks her tongue out at Micro, revealing heads as Twilight drew.

“And I now activate Cost Down in order to discard one card so I can lower the level of the monsters in my hand by two. So now I sacrifice Dark Magician Girl to summon my Dark Magician! (Lv7 2500/2100)” The female magician waved goodbye as she vanished from the field. In her place was a man in purple robes with a large staff in his hands appeared. “And now I equip him with two of the ancient tomes in my hand! Spellbook of the Secret Arts and Magical Formula to increase his attack! (2500-3500) Now, attack and destroy Gadjiltron Dragon! Dark Magic Attack!”

The legendary magician thrusted his hand forward as the two spellbooks appeared and started feeding power into him. The colors around him and the rusted dragon went negative for a second and the dragon exploded into pixels.

“I set a card and it's back to you,” Twilight said.

TS 4000 Hand 0
MC 100 Hand 1

“I draw…” Micro said. He looked at his card and a spark came back to his eyes. “This could work. I activate Pot of Greed to draw two cards. Next I activate Ancient Gear Workshop adding Soldier back to me hand! Next I proceed to activate Polymerization! This lets me fuse the Soldier and Knight in my hand to summon Ancient Gear Howitzer in defense mode (Lv8 1000/1800)!”

A large machine with blue metal wings and body with red metal plating on different parts of its body appear from a swirl of energy.

“Next his effect lets me inflict 1000 damage directly to your life points!” A large bolt of energy fired from the beast’s mouth and shot toward Twilight.

“I use the effect of Pikeru’s Circle of Enchantment! Now any….

“Card effect damage drops to 0 this turn right?” Micro asked as a barrier appeared around Twilight who nodded. “Well then I guess I end again.”

TS 4000 Hand 0
MC 100 Hand 0

“I set the card I just drew and attack your Howitzer!” The Magician fired another blast of magic at the machine, once again turning Micro’s monster to pixels.

“Thankfully when Ancient Gear Howitzer is destroyed I can summon another Ancient Gear from my deck ignoring any summoning conditions. So rise Ancient Gear Golem! (Lv8 3000/3000)” The rusty giant took the field in the smaller monster’s place.

“I’m out of cards so I end.”

TS 4000 Hand 0
MC 100 Hand 0

“My turn!” Micro looked at his last card...or third to last. “I activate Hand Destruction! Since we don’t have any cards we can’t discard but we do draw!” With his new two cards, Micro gasped.

‘Ancient Gear Explosive and Magic Cylinder. If I activate Explosive and then redirect her attack with Cylinder, I can still win.’

“I activate Ancient Gear Explosive to sacrifice Golem to deal 1500 damage directly to you!” The ‘heart’ of the ancient machine shot out at Twilight as the crowd watching was silent, waiting to see if Micro would finally damage the untouched upperclassman. To bad….he wouldn’t.

“Close but no cigar Micro! I activate Barrel Behind the Door, taking any damage to me and sending it right back at you!”

“WHAT!” Micro cried as a golden gun appeared and absorbed the bomb. Twilight took it in her hand and aimed at Micro with a smile.

“You did good,” she said as she pulled the trigger and fired the blast at Micro. The blast took Micro off his feet and sent him flying back a bit before he landed on his back.

MC 0000

The class cheered as Twilight took a small bow. Micro just laid on the ground as his mind processed what happened.

‘Every move….every move I made she had a counter for...I couldn’t so much as scratch her life points...if this is the skill of just one duelist here…’ His thoughts would’ve continued, but a figure stood over him. He looked up and saw Twilight leaning over him.

“Need a hand?” she asked smiling. Micro looked at her for a moment and nodded. He took Twilight’s hand and she helped pull him up. “You certainly have skill. Not many people could even pull off some of the moves you did. And even less have the perseverance to try.”

Micro looked up at her and saw genuine care and praise in her eyes. He smiled.

“If I give up when things get tough I will never improve,” he said. Twilight giggled.

“True.” Micro chuckled as well. Then he got serious.

“But I will beat you one day,” he declared boldly, holding his hand out for a handshake. Twilight smiled and matched his determined look before taking his hand.

“I’ll look forward toward that duel.” The two shook hands and the crowd cheered.

Alternate Ending

"Need a hand?" she asked smiling. Micro looked at her for a moment before his eyes wander up her legs and eventually her skirt.

"No...I'm good."

This duel was frustrating. I planned it in advance but then there were so many small details I missed and had to redo certain segments.

Anyway, hope you enjoy. Also, hope you like the alternate ending idea. Might do that for a few more chapters if it works.

Finally, I wished to say this. If anyone has any ideas for chapters or possible duels and decks to use, let me know. I'd be happy to include them if possible. I'd prefer you directly message me them though because then I get an instant update to my email about it. You can comment, I just might not respond as fast. Thanks for reading!

Next Chapter: Chapter 6 Brawl in the BathhouseEstimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 26 Minutes
MLP Duel Academy - (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.