Easy Biscuits and Chocolate Gravy Recipe (2024)

by Alea Milham 10 Comments

Here is a recipe for biscuits that only require 2 ingredients and is topped with chocolate gravy from my friend Vickie!

Easy Biscuits and Chocolate Gravy Recipe (1)

I got married to my husband at a very young age and without the knowledge of how to cook. Oh, I knew the basics –how to scramble some eggs, make a pancake, etc. but not how to make any great dinners. I was, and still am, very clumsy and Mother would give me the privilege of cleaning up the kitchen instead of making dinner. Worked great till I married! It was then I asked Mother how she made something and she would say a pinch of this and scoop of that. Not something a young bride needed to hear, I needed exact measurements!

So I started buying cookbooks from stores and garage sales. When I ate something I really liked I requested the recipe from the cook. A few times I was told it was a secret family recipe, but more often they were so pleased I asked them, they went and wrote it down right then for me. So over the years my file of recipes has grown to include some very tasty dinners.

Still, I longed to make my Mother-in-law’s homemade biscuits and I had that longing over 30 years! We would go on vacation and I would watch her mix, take a small handful of dough and roll it around in her hands, then put the dough in a pan, and give each biscuit a little pat. Beautifully shaped biscuits went into the oven and out came the most delightful moist biscuits. Every time we came back home I would give it another try for a week or more, then go back to cracking open that can of biscuits.

One day a friend gave me a biscuit recipe to try. One so easy I just had to give it a try. The biscuits, I think, equal my Mother-in-law’s. Okay, really in my mind I think they top them!Easy Biscuits and Chocolate Gravy Recipe (2)

One of our favorite breakfasts was Chocolate Gravy and Biscuits growing up. I happened to be at Mom’s house one morning when Dad requested this wonderful breakfast. I just knew my husband would love it if only I knew the recipe. So every time Mom put something in the skillet I made her measure. Now this recipe can be handed down through the next generation to love and enjoy. Now mind you it’s not like a sausage gravy; it’s more of a pudding. Wonderful.

Best Biscuits Recipe Ever


  • 2 cups of self-rising flour (White Lily is the best)
  • 1 cup of whipping cream


  1. In a medium bowl, mix the self-rising flour and whipping cream together.
  2. Roll out the dough on a floured cutting board.
  3. Cut the biscuits with a biscuit cutter, round cookie cutter, or an upside-down glass.
  4. Bake at 450 for 10-12 minutes or until lightly brown.

Chocolate Gravy Recipe


  • ½ cup of cocoa
  • ¾ cup of sugar
  • ½ cup of flour
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla


  1. Add the cocoa, sugar, and flour to a cast-iron skillet or medium pot.
  2. Slowly whisk in the milk, whisking constantly so no lumps form. Stir in the water.
  3. Cook over medium heat until the gravy thickens.
  4. Add the vanilla. Stir until it is fulling incorporated in the chocolate gravy.
  5. Serve the gravy over the biscuits.

Easy Biscuits and Chocolate Gravy Recipe (3)

Printable Recipe for Biscuits and Chocolate Gravy

Easy Biscuits and Chocolate Gravy Recipe (4)


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Biscuits and Chocolate Gravy Recipe

Easy homemade biscuits topped with a chocolate gravy recipe.

Course Breakfast

Cuisine American

Keyword Biscuits recipe, chocolate gravy recipe

Prep Time 8 minutes minutes

Cook Time 12 minutes minutes

Total Time 20 minutes minutes

Servings 12

Calories 233kcal

Author Alea Milham


Biscuit Ingredients:

  • 2 cups of self-rising flour White Lily is the best
  • 1 cup of Whipping Cream

Chocolate Gravy Ingredients:

  • ½ cup of Cocoa
  • ¾ cup of Sugar
  • ½ cup of flour
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla


Biscuit Directions:

  • In a medium bowl, mix the self-rising flour and whipping cream together.

  • Roll out the dough on a floured cutting board. Cut the biscuits with a biscuit cutter, round cookie cutter, or an upside-down glass.

  • Bake at 450 for 10-12 minutes or until lightly brown.

Chocolate Gravy Directions:

  • While the biscuits are baking, add the cocoa, sugar, and flour to a cast-iron skillet or medium pot.

  • Slowly whisk in the milk, whisking constantly so no lumps form. Stir in the water.

  • Cook over medium heat until the gravy thickens.

  • Add the vanilla. Stir until it is fulling incorporated in the chocolate gravy.

  • Serve the gravy over the biscuits.


Calories: 233kcal | Carbohydrates: 35g | Protein: 5g | Fat: 9g | Saturated Fat: 5g | Cholesterol: 29mg | Sodium: 20mg | Potassium: 123mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 14g | Vitamin A: 324IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 45mg | Iron: 1mg

More Breakfast Recipes:

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Vickie can be found at Vickie’s Kitchen and Garden.

Easy Biscuits and Chocolate Gravy Recipe (2024)


What is chocolate gravy made of? ›

Chocolate gravy is traditionally made with a blend of butter, sugar, cocoa powder, and flour, thinned out with milk to create a gravy-like sauce.

How to thicken gravy for biscuits and gravy? ›

If your gravy is on the skimpy side, you can thicken it quickly with flour or cornstarch. But don't add your thickener directly to the gravy, which will create lumps. Instead, try stirring in three or four tablespoons of flour or cornstarch into a small amount of cold water until you have a smooth paste.

What is biscuits and gravy made of? ›

The dish consists of soft dough biscuits covered in white gravy (sawmill gravy), made from the drippings of cooked pork sausage, flour, milk, and often (but not always) bits of sausage, bacon, ground beef, or other meat. The gravy is often flavored with black pepper.

Can you substitute milk in biscuits and gravy? ›

Yes, biscuits and gravy contain dairy because sausage gravy is made using milk, and the biscuits are made with milk and butter. Unsweetened mild flavored dairy free milks are a very good substitute for milk in biscuits and gravy.

What are the chocolate ingredients? ›

Dark Chocolate Ingredients: Cacao liquor, sugar, cacao butter, lecithin, and vanilla. Milk Chocolate Ingredients: Cacao liquor, sugar, cacao butter, milk solids, milk fat, lecithin, vanilla. White Chocolate Ingredients: Sugar, Cacao butter, milk solids, milk fat, lecithin, vanilla.

Is gravy better with flour or cornstarch? ›

Browning adds more flavor to the gravy and gets rid of the raw flour taste. You're basically making a roux. We find that a flour-based gravy holds up better and reheats better later, which is why we tend to prefer using flour over cornstarch to make gravy unless we have a guest who is eating gluten-free.

What to add to gravy to make it taste better? ›

Add an umami-rich condiment.

Just as you might add condiments like soy sauce, miso paste, Worcestershire sauce, or even a splash of sherry or cider vinegar to your favorite gravy recipe, incorporate them into store-bought gravy for a more complex flavor.

What makes sausage gravy taste better? ›

What makes sausage gravy taste better? Sometimes sausage gravy can taste under-seasoned. This recipe is packed with flavor thanks to the use of chicken broth rather than just milk, as well as thyme, black pepper, salt, garlic, and cayenne in the final gravy. Spend time carefully deepening the color of the roux.

How unhealthy is biscuits and gravy? ›

Unfortunately, this comforting and heavy breakfast or brunch can quickly knock out your calorie intake for the whole day. Biscuits and gravy are high in calories and saturated fats and low in nutritional benefits.

Why is it called sawmill gravy? ›

The term "sawmill gravy" comes from early logging camp food and old-time sawmills. It was originally made with cornmeal, bacon drippings, milk, and seasonings. This resulted in a somewhat gritty gravy; in fact, rumor has it that the loggers would accuse the cooks of putting sawdust in the recipe!

What happens if you use milk instead of buttermilk in biscuits? ›

While the quantity of acid could be fine-tuned, the consistency of milk-based substitutions will be unavoidably thin. Compared to cultured buttermilk, plain milk is watery, making the dough so heavy and wet that it oozes into a puddle, turning the biscuits flat and dense.

Why won t my biscuits and gravy thicken? ›

Add More Flour

Instead, you need to make a paste of roughly equal parts flour and softened butter, mashing them together until completely smooth, then whisk this paste into the gravy a tablespoon or two at a time, until the gravy has thickened appropriately.

Can I use evaporated milk instead of milk? ›

Use evaporated milk instead of fresh milk in recipes. Add an equal amount of water. For example, if a recipe lists 1 cup (250 mL) milk, add ½ cup water to ½ cup evaporated milk. Try leftover canned milk in tea, coffee, omelets, soups, hot oatmeal or even spaghetti sauce.

What is the gravy in cat food made of? ›

The juices, fat, and flour are combined to create a thick and flavorful sauce. Most commercially made cat gravies contain chicken or beef broth, water, milk, salt, and cornstarch.

What is gravy usually made of? ›

At the most basic level, gravy is a simple pan sauce that requires liquid and a thickener. Traditional turkey gravy usually has fat, flour, and stock. You can make excellent turkey gravy with just those ingredients, plus salt and pepper for seasoning.

What is Ikea gravy made from? ›

The sauce for Swedish Meatballs is a creamy gravy that is made with butter, beef broth/stock, thickened with flour and made creamy with cream.

What's the difference between gravy and country gravy? ›

There is no difference. In the South, country gravy and white gravy are used interchangeably and both for the same type of thick, creamy gravy made with butter, flour, and milk. You may also hear these gravies called sawmill gravy, and some people use this recipe but add sausage for a sausage gravy.

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