WORLD GEOGRAPHY - · WORLD GEOGRAPHY 1650+ Questions on World Geography for all competitive exams in India Contents Click the below headings for fast travel _____ QUESTIONS - [PDF Document] (2024)

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1650+ Questions on World Geography for all competitive exams in India

ContentsClick the below headings for fast travel________________________________ QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS

The UniverseThe EarthAtmosphereSeasons on Earth / Facts on Agriculture, Mineralsand IndustriesRocks and MountainsThe Water World / Facts and CountriesFundamental of World Geography

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___________The Universe___________

1. Which of the following planets is known as 'Morning Star'?(a) Mercury(b) Venus(c) Mars(d) Jupiter

Ans: (b)

2. Which planet of the solar system spins on its axis at the fastest rate?(a) Mercury(b) Earth(c) Jupiter(d) Saturn

Ans: (c)

3. Which planet is known as the 'Watery Planet' ?(a) Mercury(b) Earth(c) Mars(d) Jupiter

Ans: (b)

4. Which planet looks reddish in the night sky? [Hotel Management 1991](a) Mercury(b) Mars(c) Jupiter(d) Saturn

Ans: (b)

5. The correct sequence of planets in the descending order of their equatorial diameter is :(a) Mars, Mercury, Uranus, Earth(b) Earth, Mars, Mercury, Uranus

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(c) Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Earth(d) Uranus, Earth, Mars, Mercury

Ans: (d)

6. Which of the following is the largest of the inner planets? [IAS 1990](a) Venus(b) Mercury(c) Mars(d) Earth

Ans: (d)

7. In 1610, Galileo Galilei discovered four moons of which planet?(a) Saturn(b) Jupiter(c) Neptune(d) None of these

Ans: (b)

8. In order of their distances from the Sun, which of the following planets lie betweenMars and Uranus? [IAS 2008](a) Earth and Jupiter(b) Jupiter and Saturn(c) Saturn and Earth(d) Saturn and Neptune

Ans: (b)

9. The planet Mercury is difficult to be observed most of the time because:(a) it gets hidden behind Venus(b) it goes too far away from the Earth(c) it being too close to the Sun, gets hidden by the glare of the Sun(d) it cannot be seen at night as at that time no sunlight falls on it.

Ans: (c)

10. Comets revolve around: [NDA 1990](a) sun(b) earth(c) venus(d) no single heavenly body

Ans: (a)

11. Which two planets of the solar system have no satellites?(a) Mercury and Venus(b) Venus and Mars

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(c) Mercury and Mars(d) Venus and Neptune

Ans: (a)

12. The planet having thirteen moons is :(a) Venus(b) Mars(c) Uranus(d) Neptune

Ans: (d)

13. 'The length of its day and the tilt of its axis are almost identical to those of the earth'.This is true of: [IAS 2003, 1994]

(a) Uranus(b) Neptune(c) Saturn(d) Mars

Ans: (d)

14. The hottest planet is : [CPO SI 2002](a) Mercury(b) Venus(c) Jupiter(d) Saturn

Ans: (b)

15. Which of the following is the brightest planet? [Bank PO 1991](a) Mercury(b) Venus(c) Mars(d) Jupiter

Ans: (b)

16. Which of the planets is nearest to the earth? [Asstt Grade 1993](a) Jupiter(b) Venus(c) Mercury(d) Mars

Ans: (b)

17. Which planet is known as the Earth's Twin?(a) Venus(b) Mars

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(c) Uranus(d) Neptune

Ans: (a)

18. Which one of the following planets takes the same number of days for rotation andrevolution?

(a) Mars(b) Venus(c) Mercury(d) Jupiter

Ans: (b)

19. On which of the following planets of the solar system does the sun rise in the west andset in the east?

(a) Venus(b) Mars(c) Jupiter(d) Saturn

Ans: (a)

20. Which of the following planets of the solar system has the longest day? [IAS 2003, CDS1994]

(a) Mercury(b) Jupiter(c) Venus(d) Earth

Ans: (c)

21. Match the following:

A. Largest Planet 1. Mercury

B. Brightest Planet 2. Jupiter

C. Densest Planet 3. Earth

D. Smallest Planet 4. Venus


(a) 2 3 4 1(b) 2 4 3 1(c) 3 4 1 2(d) 3 4 2 1

Ans: (b)

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22. The exact time taken by the earth for single rotation on its own axis is: [RRB 1991](a) 24 hrs(b) 24 hrs 35 sec(c) 23 hrs 50 minutes 7.2 sec(d) 23 hrs 56 minutes 4.09 sec

Ans: (d)

23. Match the following:

Planet Gases in atmosphere

A. Venus 1. Hydrogen and helium

B. Mars 2. Hydrogen, helium, ammonia, methane

C. Saturn 3. Carbon dioxide, amonia and methane

D. Jupiter 4. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen


(a) 4 3 1 2(b) 2 3 4 1(c) 4 2 3 1(d) 2 1 4 3

Ans: (a)

24. Consider the following astral bodies:1. Sirius2. Venus3. Mars

The correct sequence in decreasing order of their brightness is : [CDS 1999]

(a) 2, 3, 1(b) 1, 2, 3(c) 3, 2, 1(d) 2, 1, 3

Ans: (d)

25. Lunar Sea refers to :(a) a small sea on the moon(b) a sea on earth which experiences high tides due to gravitational attraction of the moon(c) a dark plain on the moon(d) a light water body illuminated by the moon-light

Ans: (c)

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26. 'Parsec' is the unit of measurement of:(a) density of stars(b) astronomical distance(c) brightness of heavenly bodies(d) orbital velocity of giant stars

Ans: (b)

27. The sunspots cause: [UP PCS 1995](a) aurora borealis and aurora australis(b) magnetic storms on the surface of the sun(c) polar auroras(d) all of these

Ans: (d)

28. The light coming from stars gives the idea of their:(a) size(b) rotational speed(c) mass(d) temperature

Ans: (d)

29. The Milky way extends through a distance:(a) 1 light year(b) 8 light years(c) 105 light years(d) 1010 light years

Ans: (c)

30. The period of one revolution of sun around the centre of galaxy is called:(a) Parsec(b) Astronomical year(c) Cosmic year(d) Light year

Ans: (c)

31. Super Nova is : [CDS 1994](a) an asteroid(b) a black hole(c) a comet(d) a dying star

Ans: (d)

32. The altitudes of heavenly bodies appear to be greater than they actually are. This is

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due to:(a) vertical motion of these heavenly bodies(b) motions of the earth(c) atmospheric refraction(d) these are visible because of light of the sun reflected from their surface

Ans: (c)

33. Match the following:

A. Waxing and waning of moon

B. The coning dark shadow

C. The zone of faint shadow

D. A hollow sphere of infinite radius at the centre of which our earth lies

1. Umbra Zone

2. Penumbra Zone

3. Celestial sphere

4. Phases of the moon


(a) 4 1 3 2(b) 3 1 4 2(c) 4 1 2 3(d) 3 2 4 1

Ans: (c)

34. The same side of the moon always faces the Earth because: [Railways 1994](a) Moon and the Earth have gravitational force(b) Moon cannot change its position(c) the period of rotation of the Moon on its axis and period of revolution around' the Earthis almost the same(d) the period of rotation of the Moon is not equal to the period of rotation of the Earth

Ans: (c)

35. Who of the following discovered the laws of planetary orbits? [Asstt Comm 2008](a) Galileo Galilei(b) Nicholas Copernicus(c) Johanries Kepler(d) Isaac Newton

Ans: (c)

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36. Twelve constellations referred to as zodiac are: [IAS 1989](a) signs of Roman gods(b) imaginary region that encompass the path of the planets(c) a group of stars(d) none of these

Ans: (c)

37. The term 'meteor' is applied to an interplanetary body:(a) after it enters the atmosphere of the earth(b) after it enters the earth's atmosphere and explodes in mid air as a ball of fire(c) after it enters the earth's atmosphere and lands on the surface of the earth withoutexploding in mid-air(d) before it enters the earth's atmosphere

Ans: (b)

38. Which one of the following statements regarding Shooting Stars is incorrect ? [NDA1995]

(a) They are meteors(b) They are the debris which got separated from a comet(c) They emit light due to extremely high temperature caused by friction while they arepassing through earth's atmosphere(d) They are a kind of a star

Ans: (d)

39. The planets are kept in motion in their respective orbits by :(a) their great size and spherical shape(b) the rotation and density(c) gravitation and centrifugal force(d) rotation of the sun on its axis

Ans: (c)

40. The distance of the nearest star besides the sun from the earth is :(a) 4.9 x 1111m(b) 95 x1015 m(c) 4.3 light years(d) 4.2 light years

Ans: (d)

41. Which of the following celestial bodies bear, 'The Sea of Tranquility' and 'The Ocean ofStorms' ?

(a) Mars(b) Venus(c) Moon

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(d) Sun

Ans: (c)

42. The time required by moonlight to reach the earth is :(a) 1 sec(b) 1.3 sec(c) 2 sec(d) 2.3 sec

Ans: (b)

43. The strongest evidence that comets are members of our solar system comes from:[CDS 1992]

(a) their composition(b) their effect on the lives of man(c) the shape of their orbits(d) the shape and length of their tails

Ans: (a)

44. The constellations of stars appear at different positions in the sky at different timesduring night mainly:

(a) because earth rotates about its axis(b) because earth revolves round the sun(c) because of optical illusion(d) because celestial bodies are changing their positions all the time

Ans: (a)

45. Match the following: [CDS 1995]

A. Ursa Major 1. Star

B. Sirius 2. Constellation

C. Milky Way 3. Satellite

D. Titan 4. Galaxy

5. Planet


(a) 1 2 3 4(b) 1 2 4 3(c) 2 1 4 3(d) 2 4 1 3

Ans: (c)

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46. If there is no Sun, the colour of the sky would be:(a) orange(b) blue(c) yellow(d) black

Ans: (d)

47. The Saturn rings were discovered by:(a) Copernicus(b) Newton(c) Galileo(d) none of these

Ans: (c)

48. The 'Solar Corona' mainly consists of:(a) cosmic rays(b) molten lava(c) gases(d) ice

Ans: (b)

49. Comets are celestial bodies moving about the solar system in(a) elliptical or hyperbolic orbits, usually accompanied by a shining tail(b) elliptical orbits usually accompanied by a long shining tail(c) hyperbolic orbit always accompanied by a shining head(d) hyperbolic orbit without projecting any tail or head

Ans: (b)

50. Foucault experiment is proof of which one of the following? [NDA 2008](a) Revolution of Earth(b) Rotation of Earth(c) Rotation of Moon(d) Revolution of Moon

Ans: (b)

51. The radiant energy of the sun is transmitted in the form of:(a) short waves(b) long waves(c) particles(d) none of these

Ans: (a)

52. While Venus is seen only for one to two hours either after sunset or before sunrise,

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Jupiter is seen for the whole night whenever it is visible in the sky. The reason for thisis that: [CDS 2000]

(a) Venus is much smaller than Jupiter(b) Venus is much closer to the earth than Jupiter(c) the orbit of Venus is inside the earth's orbit whereas the orbit of Jupiter lies outside theorbit of the earth(d) Venus reflects lesser amount of sunlight than Jupiter

Ans: (c)

53. Which of the following statements is/are correct with regard to Milky Way?1. It is a spiral galaxy.2. The solar system resides in one of its spiral arms.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below [NDA 2008]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (c)

54. Among the following which planet takes maximum time for one revolution around theSun? [IAS 2003]

(a) Earth(b) Jupiter(c) Mars(d) Venus

Ans: (b)

55. Which one of the following statements is correct with reference to our solar system?[IAS 2002]

(a) The Earth is the densest of all the planets in our solar system(b) The predominant element in the composition of Earth is silicon(c) The Sun contains 75 percent of the mass of the solar system(d) The diameter of the Sun is 190 times that of the Earth

Ans: (a)

56. The Srnith-tuttle comet will crash with Earth in: [IAS 2003](a) 2106 AD(b) 2116 AD(c) 2126 AD(d) 2136 AD

Ans: (b)

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57. The correct sequence of the following planets in terms of gravity, in the descendingorder is : [IAS 2003]

(a) Saturn, Earth, Neptune, Uranus(b) Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Earth(c) Uranus, Earth, Saturn, Neptune(d) Earth, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn

Ans: (d)

58. Which of the following gases is most predominant in the Sun?(a) Helium(b) Hydrogen(c) Nitrogen(d) Ozone

Ans: (b)

59. NASA's Deep Impact space mission was employed to take detailed pictures of whichcomet nucleus? [IAS 2007]

(a) Halley's Comet(b) Hale-Bopp(c) Hyakutake(d) Tempel 1

Ans: (d)

60. Consider the following statements:1. The albedo of an object determines its visual brightness when viewed with reflected

light.2. The albedo of Mercury is much greater than the albedo of the Earth.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [IAS 2008]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (a)

61. Which of the following statements is/are correct?1. In comparison to the Jupiter, planet Earth displays eclipses more frequently2. On Mars, only partial solar eclipses are possible

Select the correct answer using the code given below: [NDA 2011]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2

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(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (d)

62. Which of the following statements relating to the planet Venus is/are correct?1. It is the nearest planet from the Sun.2. It is only slightly smaller than the Earth.3. It has no atmosphere.

Select the correct answer using the code given below: [Asstt Commdt 2011]

(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 1 and 3 only(c) 2 only(d) 1 and 2 only

Ans: (c)

63. What is the difference between asteroids and comets?1. Asteroids are small rocky planetoids, while comets are formed of frozen gases held

together by rocky and metallic material.2. Asteroids are found mostly between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars, while comets are

found mostly between Venus and Mercury.3. Comets show a perceptible glowing tail, while asteroids do not.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [CSAT 2011]

(a) 1 and 2 only(b) 1 and 3 only(c) 3 only(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (b)

64. A blackhole is a : [CDS 1999, 2001](a) contracted star with intense gravitational pull(b) star with very low surface temperature(c) star with no atmosphere(d) pulsating star

Ans: (a)

65. Which one of the following is correct? Great Bear is a : [CDS 2008](a) galaxy(b) planet(c) star(d) constellation

Ans: (d)

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66. Asteroids have their orbits between the planets:(a) Mercury and Venus(b) Earth and Mars(c) Mars and Jupiter(d) Jupiter and Saturn

Ans: (c)

67. Halley's comet appears once in a period of:(a) 24 years(b) 32 years(c) 76 years(d) 84 years

Ans: (c)

68. The orbits of planets around the Sun, or of satellites around the Earth, can be : [IFS1993]

(a) circular and elliptic(b) circular and hyperbolic(c) elliptic and parabolic(d) parabolic and hyperbolic

Ans: (a)

69. To a space traveller on moon, the lunar sky during day time appears:(a) white(b) blue(c) black(d) red

Ans: (c)

70. The distance between the Earth and the Sun (in million kms.) is :(a) 111(b) 149(c) 168(d) 193

Ans: (b)

71. Stars which appear single to the naked eye but are double stars when observed by atelescope, are known as :

(a) cosmic stars(b) quasars(c) binaries(d) novae and supernovae

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Ans: (c)

72. What are Sun spots? [Railways 1994](a) Regions on earth without winter climate(b) Desert areas on the sun(c) Dark patches on the surface of the sun which are cooler areas(d) Dark patches on the surface of the Sun resulting from a localised fall in the temperatureto about 4000 K

Ans: (d)

73. The brightest star in the sky is: [MBA 1995](a) Alfa Centauri(b) Proxima Centauri(c) Sirius(d) Sun

Ans: (d)

74. Pole Star is always seen at one point in the sky whereas other stars are not; this isbecause: [CDS 1993]

(a) Pole star rotates with the same period as the earth(b) Pole star is a star of our own galaxy(c) Sun and Pole star are in two opposite directions relative to earth(d) Pole star lies in the axis of spin of the earth

Ans: (d)

75. The outermost layer of Sun is called:(a) convection zone(b) photosphere(c) chromosphere(d) corona

Ans: (d)

_________The Earth_________

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1. The mapping of which of the following is most difficult ?(a) Mountains(b) Plateaus and Plains(c) Interior of the Earth(d) Oceans and their depth

Ans: (c)

2. Tides in the sea have stored in them: [CDS 1994](a) hydraulic energy(b) kinetic energy(c) gravitational potential energy(d) a combination of all the above three forms of energy

Ans: (d)

3. In the earliest days when life originated on earth, the atmosphere contained : [UDC1993](a) free oxygen(b) no oxygen(c) oxygen in fixed form(d) oxygen bound to carbon

Ans: (d)

4. Which one of the following would have occured if the earth had NOT been inclined onits own axis? [CDS 2002](a) All the seasons would have been of same duration(b) The seasons would not have changed(c) The summers would have been of longer duration(d) The winters would have been of longer duration

Ans: (b)

5. Latitude of place is indicative of its: [Asstt Comm PF 2002](a) time(b) altitude(c) amount of rainfall(d) temperature

Ans: (d)

6. The upper part of the mantle upon which the crust of the Earth floats is called: [IAS2003](a) barysphere(b) mesophere(c) mohorovic discontinuity(d) asthenosphere

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Ans: (d)

7. Tides are complied and they vary from place to place because of: [IAS 2003](a) the movement of Moon in relation to Earth(b) Uneven distribution of water over the globe(c) irregularities in the configuration of oceans(d) all of the above

Ans: (d)

8. Which of the following phenomenon is/are the effect of the rotation of the Earth? [IAS2003]

1. Apparent movement of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.2. Flatness of the poles and bulge at the Equator.3. Occurrence of' sunrise, noon and sunset4. Magnetic field of the earth.(a) 1 and 3(b) 2 and 3(c) 1, 2 and 3(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Ans: (d)

9. The earth rotates around its axis from: [RRB 1991](a) north to south(b) east to west(c) south to north(d) west to east

Ans: (d)

10. The inclination of the earth's axis to the orbital plane is : [NDA 1995]





Ans: (c)

11. Match the following: [CDS 1991]

Date Conditions in Northern Hemisphere

A. March 21st 1. Winter Solstice

B. June 21st 2. Autumnal Equinox

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C. September 21st 3. Summer Solstice

D. December 22nd 4. Vernal Equinox


(a) 1 2 3 4(b) 1 3 4 2(c) 2 3 1 4(d) 4 3 2 1

Ans: (d)

12. The word used to describe the shape of earth is:(a) flat(b) circle(c) sphere(d) oblate spheroid

Ans: (d)

13. The mean radius of the earth is approximately:(a) 3200 km(b) 6400 km(c) 9600 km(d) 12800 km

Ans: (b)

14. What is the correct sequence of the following layers of the Earth as one moves fromthe surface to the interior:

1. Mantle2. Crust3. Core

Select the correct answer by using the codes given below: [NDA 1993]

(a) 1, 2, 3(b) 1, 3, 2(c) 2, 1, 3(d) 3, 1, 2

Ans: (c)

15. Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere occurs on :(a) December 22(b) September 23(c) June 21(d) March 21

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Ans: (a)

16. One degree of the circumference of the earth measures(approx.) :(a) 100km(b) 111km(c) 151km(d) 175km

Ans: (b)

17. Spring tides occur when: [CDS 1993](a) the moon is nearest to the earth(b) the moon is farthest from the earth(c) the moon, the sun and the earth are at right angles with the earth at the apex(d) the moon, the sun and the earth are in the same line

Ans: (d)

18. Variation in duration of day and night is due to:1. rotation of earth on its axis2. revolution of earth around the sun

3. inclination of earth at an angle of (a) 1and 2(b) 2 and 3(c) 1 and 3(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (b)

19. Days and nights are caused by :1. rotation of the earth on its axis2. revolution of the earth around the sun3. inclination of the earth's axis(a) only 1 is correct(b) 1 and 2 are correct(c) 2 and 3 are correct(d) all are correct

Ans: (a)

20. The speed of rotation of the earth is the highest: [NDA 1994](a) along the Equator(b) at the North Pole(c) along the Tropic of Cancer(d) along the Arctic Circle

Ans: (a)

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21. "Mohs' Scale" is used to indicate the: [IAS 2003](a) degree of brittleness of a substance(b) degree of hardness of minerals.(c) degree of viscosity of a liquid(d) degree of elasticity of a material

Ans: (b)

22. Match the following:

A. Lithosphere 1. The relatively light rocks that form the continental crust

B. Asthenosphere 2. The relatively dense rocks that form the oceanic crust

C. Sima 3. Part of earth's upper mantle

D. Sial 4. The outer portion of the earth including the crust


(a) 2 3 4 1(b) 3 4 1 2(c) 4 3 2 1(d) 3 2 1 4

Ans: (c)

23. At neap tide:1. the sun and moon exert their force at right angles2. the tidal amplitude is high3. the low tides are very low(a) 1(b) 2 and 3(c) 1 and 2(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (a)

24. If a solar eclipse occurs when the moon is quite far from the earth, the eclipse would belikely to be :

(a) total(b) partial(c) annular(d) none of these

Ans: (c)

25. What can be the maximum duration of totality for a solar eclipse?(a) 12.5 minutes(b) 7 minutes 40 seconds

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(c) 1 hour 40 seconds(d) There is no maximum duration

Ans: (b)

26. Which of the following are true regarding the crust of the earth?1. It is the outer thin layer with a total thickness of about 100 km2. It forms around 0.5 percent of the earth's volume3. The outer covering of the crust is of sedimentary material4. The lower layer of the crust consists of basaltic and ultra-basic rocks

(a) I and II(b) I, II and III(c) I, II and IV(d) I, II, III and IV

Ans: (c)

27. The total surface area of earth is : [CDS 2000](a) 510 million sq km(b) 610 million sq km(c) 710 million sq km(d) 810 million sq km

Ans: (a)

28. What is the approximate equatorial circumference of the earth? [Hotel Management1992]

(a) 30,000 Km(b) 35,000 Km(c) 40,000 Km(d) 45,000 Km

Ans: (c)

29. The approximate diameter of the earth is :(a) 4,200 Km(b) 6,400 Km(c) 12,800 Km(d) 15,600 Km

Ans: (c)

30. The place which has the longest day and the shortest night on 22nd December, is :(a) Chennai(b) Madrid(c) Melbourne(d) Moscow

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Ans: (c)

31. Geostationary orbit is at a height of:(a) 6 km(b) 1000 km(c) 3600 km(d) 36,000 km

Ans: (d)

32. Owing to the equatorial bulge and the polar flattening, the polar radius of the earthfalls short of the equatorial radius by about: [NDA 1991]

(a) 22 km(b) 36 km(c) 41 km(d) 53 km

Ans: (a)

33. The earth is at the least distance from the sun (Perihelion) on :(a) December 22nd(b) January 3rd(c) July 4th(d) June 21st

Ans: (b)

34. The earth is at the largest distance from the sun (Apehelion) on :(a) June 21st(b) January 3rd(c) July 4th(d) September 23rd

Ans: (c)

35. The Earth rotates-around an axis pointing towards: [NDA 1991](a) the moon(b) the pole star(c) the sun(d) Venus

Ans: (b)

36. Which part of the earth's surface receives the highest amount of insolation?(a) Tropical deserts(b) Equatorial region(c) Savanna region(d) No such criteria

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Ans: (a)

37. Which one of the following cities does not have the same clock time as that of the otherthree cities at any given instant? [IAS 2007]

(a) London (UK)(b) Lisbon (Portugal)(c) Accra (Ghana)(d) Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

Ans: (d)

38. Which of the following layers of the earth is believed to have the heaviest mineralmaterials of highest density ?

(a) Central core(b) Crust(c) Mantle(d) Both (b) and (c)

Ans: (a)

39. Assume that the moon takes exactly 30 days to complete the cycle and also assume thatit rises in the east exactly at 6.48 p.m., on the first day. On the fourth day, at what timewill it rise? [IAS 2002]

(a) 8.24 p.m(b) 9. 12 p.m(c) 10.00 p.m(d) 11.48 p.m.

Ans: (c)

40. Which one of the following is present in the largest amount in terms of percent by massin the earth's crust? [IAS 1997]

(a) Silicon(b) Oxygen(c) Carbon(d) Calcium

Ans: (b)

41. Study the following diagram and say which of the given statements is not correctregarding it :

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(a) It shows the earth's orbital position on 21st June(b) All parallels in the northern hemisphere have days equal to nights(c) There is continuous day north of the Arctic Circle(d) South of the equator the length of the day decreases with increasing latitude

Ans: (b)

42. The difference in the duration of day and night increases as one moves from:(a) west to east(b) east and west of the prime meridian(c) poles to equator(d) equator to poles

Ans: (d)

43. The sun is never overhead at any time in :1. North Temperate Zone2. South Temperate Zone3. North Frigid Zone4. Torrid Zone

(a) III only(b) I, II and III(c) II and III(d) I, II, III and IV

Ans: (b)

44. Which of the following statements with regard to the term 'great circle' is not correct?(a) Equator is a great circle(b) A ship can save fuel and time by following the great circle arc between two points(c) Only one great circle can be drawn on a sphere(d) A great circle results when a plane passes through the centre of a sphere

Ans: (c)

45. The term 'syzygy' is referred to when the: [IAS 2004](a) Earth is at perihelion and moon at perigee(b) Earth is at apehelion and moon at apogee(c) Moon and sun are at right angles with reference to the earth(d) Moon, sun and earth lie along a straight line

Ans: (d)

46. The sun reaches its maximum angular distance from the equator at the:(a) zenith(b) solstice(c) equinox(d) noontime

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Ans: (b)

47. The South Pole experiences continuous light at:(a) summer solstice(b) winter solstice(c) vernal equinox(d) no time

Ans: (b)

48. The shortest day in Australia will be on:(a) June 21(b) December 22(c) September 23(d) March 21

Ans: (a)

49. The permanent tilt of the earth's axis and the revolution of the earth in its orbittogether cause:

1. deflection of winds and ocean currents2. differences in time between places on different meridians3. varying length of day and night at different times of the year4. changes in the altitude of the mid-day sun at different times of the year

(a) II, III and IV(b) I and IV(c) III and IV(d) I, II and III

Ans: (c)

50. Which of the following best describes longitude?(a) An imaginary line joining north and south poles(b) The distance between a place east or west of the Greenwich Meridian(c) The angular distance east or west of the Greenwich meridian(d) The position of a place on earth's surface with reference to the Prime Meridian

Ans: (c)

51. On December 22, the sun:1. is not visible at north pole2. is only visible for a few minutes at the Antarctic Circle3. rises south of east and sets south of west at the Tropic of Cancer4. rises south of east and set south of west at the equator(a) 1 and 3(b) 2, 3 and 4(c) 1, 3 and 4

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(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Ans: (c)

52. What is the correct sequence of the following in the context of the age of the earthsince its origin?

1. Cenozoic2. Mesozoic3. Palaeozoic4. Protozoic(a) 4, 3, 1, 2(b) 3, 4, 2, 1(c) 3, 4, 1, 2(d) 4, 3, 2, 1

Ans: (d)

53. The latitude of a place expresses its angular position relative to the place of:(a) axis of the earth(b) equator(c) north pole(d) south pole

Ans: (b)

54. When would you record the maximum angle of incidence of the sun's rays at the northpole?

(a) March 21(b) September 21(c) When the sun's rays fall vertically on the Tropic of Cancer(d) When the sun's rays fall vertically on the Tropic of Capricorn

Ans: (c)

55. One degree of longitude on the equator is equal to a distance of:(a) 34.5 miles(b) 50 miles(c) 60 miles(d) 69 miles

Ans: (b)

56. At the summer solstice, which one of the following latitudes will have the longest night?[NDA 2001]

(a) 45°N(b) 45°S(c) 60°N(d) 60°S

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Ans: (d)

57. The Tropic of Cancer passes through: [CPO AC 2003](a) India and Iran(b) Iran and Pakistan(c) India and Saudi Arabia(d) Iran and Iraq

Ans: (c)

58. Which of these is the longest?(a) 0° Meridian(b) 180° E-W(c) 90° E(d) All are equal

Ans: (d)

59. Consider the following statements:1. Earth is the fourth largest planet of the solar system2. Earth's circumference is about 45000 km3. Earth's polar diameter is about 43 km shorter than its equatorial diameter4. Earth has a total surface area of 510 million

Which of these statements are correct? [NDA 2002]

(a) 1 and 2(b) 1 and 4(c) 2 and 3(d) 3 and 4

Ans: (d)

60. The core of the Earth is made up of: [IAS 2003](a) mainly of iron in the liquid form(b) mainly of nickel in the liquid form(c) both iron and silica in the liquid form(d) both iron and magnesium in the plastic state

Ans: (d)

61. Which one of the following is not the effect of the revolution of the Earth. [IAS 2003](a) Change of seasons(b) length of days and nights(c) Determination of latitudes(d) Change in the direction of winds and ocean currents

Ans: (d)

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62. Latitudes include 181 lines while longitudes are 360 lines because:(a) longitude is divided from prime meridian while latitude is from equator(b) longitude is divided from equator while latitude is from prime meridian(c) longitude is a line that connects North Pole to South Pole and latitude is divided fromeast to west(d) None of these

Ans: (a)

63. Which of the following statements is true?(a) Arctic circle, antarctic circle and equator are great circles(b) Both equator and longitudes are great circles(c) Both latitudes and longitudes are great circles(d) Both equator and latitudes are great circles

Ans: (b)

64. Maximum difference in the spacing of longitudes is :(a) at poles(b) at equator(c) at tropics(d) at arctic circle

Ans: (b)

65. Latitude of a point on the earth is measured by the distance in: [Asstt Grade 1990](a) kilometers from the poles(b) kilometers from the equator(c) angles from the poles(d) angles from the equator

Ans: (d)

66. Latitude and longitude both:(a) pass through poles(b) run parallel to the equator(c) run parallel to each other(d) run perpendicular to each other

Ans: (d)

67. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched? [NDA 1993](a) 66° 33' N latitude - Arctic Circle(b) 180°E or 180°W longitude- International Date Line(c) 23° 20' N latitude - Tropic of Cancer(d) 0° E or 0°W longitude – Equator

Ans: (d)

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68. The latitude of a place is the same as the: [CDS 1991](a) maximum altitude attained by the Sun at noon(b) altitude of the celestial pole(c) angle between the horizon and the equator(d) zenith distance of the full moon when on the meridian

Ans: (d)

69. Of the total volume of the earth, which layer forms the major part ?(a) Sial(b) Sima(c) Mantle(d) Core

Ans: (d)

70. The equatorial circumference is greater than the polar circumference byapproximately:

(a) 22 km(b) 68 km(c) 125 km(d) 625 km

Ans: (b)

71. The distance of the equator from either of the poles is :(a) 500 km(b) 5001 km(c) 10,002 km(d) 36,005 km

Ans: (c)

72. On the 21st June, the day light is seen at the North Pole for:(a) zero hrs.(b) 12 hrs.(c) 18 hrs.(d) 24 hrs.

Ans: (d)

73. The amount of insolation received at a place on the surface of the earth depends on:(a) its climate(b) its latitude(c) its longitude(d) Both (a)and (b)

Ans: (d)

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74. If a place is located at 20°N, 80°E in which of the following continents does it lie? [CDS1989]

(a) Africa(b) Asia(c) Europe(d) North America

Ans: (b)

75. Which of the following statements is correct ?1. All meridians are of the same length2. All latitudes are of the same length3. The Prime Meridian is the longest meridian4. The Equator is the longest latitude(a) 1 and 2(b) 2 and 3(c) 3 and 4(d) 1 and 4

Ans: (d)

76. The longest circle which can be drawn on the earth's surface passes through: [AssttGrade 1993]

(a) Equator(b) Tropic of Cancer(c) Arctic Circle(d) Tropic of Capricorn

Ans: (a)

77. Japan is called ‘land of the rising sun’ because:(a) Sun rises there as soon as it sets(b) Sun always remains in the eastern part of the sky throughout the day in Japan(c) Japan being the Eastern most country in the World, it has the earliest sunrise(d) The rays of the sun get reflected from the waters of the sea and make the sunrisebeautiful in Japan

Ans: (c)

78. Which of the following phenomenon gives an evidence for the spherical shape of theearth?

(a) Solar eclipse(b) Revolution(c) Lunar eclipse(d) Rotation of Earth

Ans: (b)

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79. The speed of rotation of the earth is: [IFS 1991](a) 25 km/sec.(b) 31 km/sec.(c) 39.5 km/sec.(d) 9.72 km/sec.

Ans: (d)

80. The point in the orbit of a moon that is farthest from the Earth and at which the moon'svelocity is at a minimum, the known as:

(a) Apehelion(b) Apigee(c) Umbra(d) Perihelion

Ans: (b)

81. Which of the following is not an effect produced by rotation of earth?(a) It causes days and nights(b) All heavenly bodies like sun, moon, planets appear to move from East to West(c) Winds change their directions(d) Poles have days and nights of 6 months duration

Ans: (d)

82. The revelations of a satellite photograph of the earth are as follows:1. the Southern hemisphere bulges slightly more than the Northern hemisphere2. it is slightly pear shaped ellipsoid of rotation3. the polar axis of the earth is slightly shorter than the equatorial axis4. the equatorial circumference is about 40,000km

Which of the above statements are correct ?

(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 1, 2, 3 and 4(c) 1, 2 and 4(d) 2, 3 and 4

Ans: (d)

83. Albedo is defined as:(a) UV radiations sent out by the SUN(b) a substance contained in the upper atmospheric layers of the earth, which is responsiblefor the reflection of/a part of solar radiations(c) celestial bodies in earth's atmosphere which add to the greenhouse effect(d) the amount of insolation reflected back to the space by the top of atmosphere, by cloudsand ice-covered areas of the Earth's surface

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Ans: (d)

84. The Sun shines vertically on the equator:(a) throughout the year(b) for six months(c) twice a year(d) once a year

Ans: (c)

85. The position of the sun is annually twice overhead at Singapore because of the:[Railways 1993]

(a) rotation of the earth(b) revolution of the earth(c) elliptical path of the earth's orbit(d) parallelism of inclined axis of the earth

Ans: (d)

86. What is 'Siderial Day'?(a) The day on which the duration of sunshine is the maximum(b) The day on which the duration of sunshine and darkness are equal(c) The time during which the earth makes a complete rotation on its axis in respect of thefixed stars(d) The day on which the sun reaches its maximum distance from the equator

Ans: (c)

87. The distance between the earth and the sun is smallest in the month of:(a) January(b) March(c) June(d) September

Ans: (a)

88. The earth revolves round the sun in its orbit by approximately:(a) 1° per day(b) 2° per day(c) 3° per day(d) 5° per day

Ans: (a)

89. There is a continual daylight or summer in the Arctic regions from:(a) 22nd December to 21st March(b) 21st March to 21st June(c) 21st March to 23rd September

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(d) 21st June to 22nd December

Ans: (c)

90. Antipodes are:(a) lines joining places having a time difference of 12 hours(b) places diametrically opposite on earth's surface(c) places located at a point where degree of latitude is equal to degree of longitude(d) lines joining places having the same depths

Ans: (b)

91. Which of the following pairs of metals are supposed to constitute the internal core ofthe earth?

(a) Chromium and Iron(b) Magnesium and Lead(c) Iron and Copper(d) Nickel and Iron

Ans: (d)

92. Consider a specific point on the surface of the earth (say Delhi). The temperature at agiven time of day (say 12.00 Noon) will in general be higher in summer than in winter.This is because: [IAS 1993]

(a) the evaporation of water from atmosphere results in precipitation occurring in winteralone(b) Sun-rays falling on the earth are inclined more towards the sun in winter(c) the earth is closer to the sun in summer than in winter(d) the axis of the earth is inclined more towards the sun in winter

Ans: (b)

93. Who among the following was first to measure the circumference of the Earth? [NDA2008]

(a) Eratosthenes(b) Aristotle(c) Hecataeus(d) Herodotus

Ans: (a)

94. Heat received by earth from the Sun is known as:(a) insolation(b) solar heat(c) solar radiation(d) thermal radiation

Ans: (a)

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95. Lunar eclipse is caused when the: [Hotel Management 1991](a) moon comes between the sun and the earth(b) earth comes between the sun and the moon(c) sun comes between the earth and moon(d) none of these

Ans: (b)

96. Lunar eclipse does not occur every month because:(a) the sun's orbit is not always in the same plane as the moon(b) the moon revolves at a slower speed than the earth(c) the moon's orbit is not all the time in the same plane as the earth(d) none of these

Ans: (c)

97. Lunar eclipse occurs on :(a) New moon(b) Full moon(c) Half moon(d) Quarter moon

Ans: (b)

98. The Solar eclipse achieves totality only in limited geographical regions because: [IAS1993]

(a) the trajectories of the Earth around the Sun and the Moon around the Earth are not perfectcircles(b) the size of the shadow of the Moon on the Earth is small compared to the cross-section ofthe Earth(c) sun rays can reach most of the peripheral regions of the shadow of the moon due toatmospheric refraction(d) the Earth is not a smooth flat surface, but has elevations and depressions

Ans: (b)

99. Solar eclipse occurs when:(a) Earth comes between sun and moon(b) Moon is at right angle to the earth(c) Moon comes between sun and earth(d) Sun comes between moon and earth

Ans: (c)

100. The position of a planet when it is nearest to the Sun, is called:(a) perihelion(b) apihelion(c) apigee

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(d) perigee

Ans: (a)

101. The position of the earth in its orbit, when it is at its greatest distance from the Suncausing summer in the Northern hemisphere is :

(a) Perihelion(b) Aplheuon(c) Perigee(d) Apogee

Ans: (b)

102. Match the following: [IFS 1993]

Countries World time (hours fast (+) or slow (-) on GMT)

A. Afghanistan 1. – 5

B. Bangladesh 2.

C. Bhutan 3. + 6

D. Columbia 4.


(a) 1 3 2 4(b) 3 2 4 1(c) 4 2 1 3(d) 4 3 2 1

Ans: (d)

103. The time of Cairo is 2 hours ahead of Greenwich time Cairo is situated at :(a) 27° East(b) 28° West(c) 30° East(d) 30° West

Ans: (c)

104. When it is 8 P.M. in Tokyo, what is the time at Panama Canal which is located at 180°W of it?

(a) 4.00 P.M.(b) 8.00 A.M.(c) 12.00 A.M.(d) 12.00 Noon

Ans: (b)

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105. Through which one of the following groups of countries does the Equator pass? [IAS2006]

(a) Brazil, Zambia and Malaysia(b) Colombia, Kenya and Indonesia(c) Brazil, Sudan and Malaysia(d) Venezuela, Ethiopia and Indonesia

Ans: (b)

106. Which one of the following is the time required for the Earth to return to a given pointin its orbit with reference to fixed star, called? [NDA 2008]

(a) Lunar year(b) Solar year(c) Tropical year(d) Sideral year

Ans: (d)

107. In how many time zones has the world been divided into?(a) 15(b) 24(c) 90(d) 180

Ans: (b)

108. Why does Russia have many local time differences?(a) Because it keeps trade relations with many countries of the world(b) Because it experiences a wide range of climatic conditions(c) Because of its long east-west stretches(d) Because it is divided into a number of states on political grounds

Ans: (c)

109. Which one of the following elements is most abundant in the earth's crust? [NDA 2005](a) Oxygen(b) Sulphur(c) Silicon(d) Carbon

Ans: (a)

110. Through which one of the following countries the Tropic of Cancer does not passthrough? [CDS 2005]

(a) Bangladesh(b) China(c) Myanmar(d) Nepal

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Ans: (d)

111. All the watches of a country are set according to :(a) local time(b) standard time of the country(c) greenwich mean time(d) time of sunrise and sunset

Ans: (b)

112. If it is 4 P.M. on Monday at 150°W, what will be the time at 150°E ?(a) 4 a.m. on Tuesday(b) 4 p.m. on Tuesday(c) 4 p.m. on Sunday(d) 12 Noon on Tuesday

Ans: (d)

113. Consider the data given in the following table:

Country Standard Meridian

India 82.30 E

U.K. 00.00 E

Japan 135.00 E

Pakistan 70.00 E

Thailand 102.00 E

Which one of the following inferences can be drawn from the data given in the table? When thestandard time in India is : [CDS 2002]

(a) 10.00 a.m. it is 1.30 p.m. in Japan(b) 11.00 a.m., it is 10.00 a.m. in Pakistan(c) 4.00 p.m., it is 10.00 a.m. in U.K.(d) 2.00 p.m., it is 1.00 p.m. in Thailand

Ans: (a)

114. When it is 12.00 noon at Delhi (77° 10'E), people at another place on earth take their 6o'clock morning tea. The longitude of that place is: [CDS 2001]

(a) 17°30' E(b) 12°50' W(c) 172°30' E(d) 17°E

Ans: (b)

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115. When it is 12:00 noon in India, the time in San Francisco (USA) would be closed to :[CDS 2002]

(a) 11 : 30 p.m.(b) 11 : 30 p.m. of previous day(c) 8 : 30 p.m.(d) 8 : 30 p. m. of previous day

Ans: (d)

116. Consider the following statements:

While it is 6.30 AM (Sunday) in London, it is around

1. 2.30 AM (Sunday) in Honolulu (Hawaii)2. 8.30 PM (Saturday) in Honolulu (Hawaii)3. 3.30 PM (Sunday) in Tokyo4. 1.30 AM (Sunday) in Tokyo

Which of these statements is/are correct? [Asstt Comm PF 2002]

(a) 4 only(b) 2 and 3(c) 1 and 4(d) 2 and 4

Ans: (b)

117. Beirut time is two hours ahead and Lima time is five hours behind GMT. The longitudesof Beirut and Lima are respectively: [CPO SI 2002]

(a) 75° West and 30° East(b) 70° East and 35° West(c) 30° East and 75° West(d) 35° West and 70° East

Ans: (c)

118. When the clock strikes 12:00 noon at Greenwich, it strikes 5:30 p.m. at place X on thesame day. What is the meridian of longitude of place X ? [NDA 2003]

(a) 97°30' E(b) 97°30' W(c) 82°30' E(d) 82°30' W

Ans: (c)

119. When it is nine o'clock in London, it will be the same time in :(a) Ghana(b) Babon(c) Latvia

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(d) Norway

Ans: (a)

120. The location of a place A is at 60° E longitude and 30° S latitude while the location of Bis at 60° E longitude and 45° N latitude. Time at B will be :

(a) half an hour behind A(b) half an hour ahead of A(c) half an hour ahead or behind that of A(d) the same as that of A

Ans: (d)

121. The International Dateline deflects to a side to avoid:(a) Society islands(b) Hawaii(c) Aleutian Islands(d) All the above

Ans: (c)

122. Which of the following is/are true of world time zones?1. The world is divided into thirty time zones2. All time zones of the world are described in term of the number of hours difference

between the standard meridian of that zone and the Greenwich Meridian3. All countries have more than one time zone4. The time for all places east of Greenwich is designated slow, and time for all places left

of Greenwich is designated fast(a) I, II, III and IV(b) II and IV(c) I, III and IV(d) II only

Ans: (d)

123. A person sets off from Alaska on a Tuesday and reaches New Zealand the next daywhich will be :

(a) Tuesday(b) Wednesday(c) Thursday(d) Friday

Ans: (c)

124. The local time at A is 4 p.m, when Greenwich Mean Time is 2 p.m. This indicates:1. A is east of Greenwich2. the longitude of A is 30°(a) Only I

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(b) Only II(c) Neither I nor II(d) Both I and II

Ans: (d)

125. If the earth's direction of rotation is reversed, what would be the IST when it is noon atthe International Date Line? [IAS 1997]

(a) 06.30 hrs(b) 05.30 hrs(c) 18.30 hrs(d) 17.30 hrs

Ans: (c)

126. Sea tides show variations because of:(a) variations in gravitational pull of the moon(b) variations in gravitational pull of the sun(c) distorted spherical shape of the earth(d) different phases of the moon

Ans: (d)

127. One day in Mumbai a tide occurs at 8.00 A.M. The next day it will occur at :(a) 8.13 A.M.(b) 8.26 A.M.(c) 8.52 A.M.(d) 8.56 A.M.

Ans: (b)

128. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the given Continents in thedecreasing order of their percentage of Earth's land? [IAS 2005]

(a) North America – Africa – South America – Europe(b) Africa – North America – South America – Europe (c) North America – Africa – Europe – South America(d) Africa – North America – Europe – South America

Ans: (b)

129. Which one of the following has geographical position of 0 degree latitude and 0 degreelongitude? [CDS 2008]

(a) In the South Atlantic Ocean(b) In the Mediterranean Sea(c) In Ghana, a West African-country(d) At Greenwich Observatory in England

Ans: (a)

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130. Match the following: [IAS 2009]

Discontinuity Layer of Earth's interior associated withdiscontinuity

A. Weichert - Gutenberg discontinuity 1. Outer core and inner core

B. Mohorovicic (Moho) discontinuity 2. Lower mantle and outer core

C Lehman discontinuity 3. Upper mantle and lower mantle

D. Conrad discontinuity 4. Lower crust and upper mantle

5. Division of Sial and Sima within the crust


(a) 5 1 3 2(b) 2 1 3 5(c) 2 4 1 5(d) 5 4 1 2

Ans: (c)

131. Match the following: [IAS 2009]

Genetic Phase Resultant Tide

A. The Sun and the Moon are at right angles with the Earth 1. Spring tide

B. The Sun, the Moon and the Earth are in a straight line 2. Neap tide

C. The Moon is nearest from the Earth 3. Apogean Tide

D. The Moon is farthest from the Earth 4. Perigean tide


(a) 2 1 4 3(b) 2 4 1 3(c) 3 4 1 2(d) 3 1 4 2

Ans: (a)

132. The Earth is an oblate spheroid and not a perfect sphere. This is because [CDS 2010]1. the Earth has a rotational motion and the rotational speed increases as one goes from the

Poles towards the Equator.2. the Equator experiences greater gravitational pull from the Sun.3. the intensity of sunlight received at the Equator is greater than that at the Poles.(a) 1 only(b) 1 and 2

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(c) 3 only(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (b)

133. The antipodal position of a place located at 35° south and 80° west is [Asstt Commdt2010]

(a) 55° north and 80° east(b) 35° north and 100° east(c) 100°north and 80° east(d) 55° south and 10° east

Ans: (b)

134. If news is broadcast from London at 10:30 AM, at what time it will be heard atBaghdad (45°E)? [CDS 2012]

(a) 7:30 AM(b) 9:00 AM(c) 1:30 PM(d) 12:00 Noon

Ans: (c)

135. The distance between two consecutive longitudes (91° E and 92° E) at the Poles is[CDS 2012]

(a) 0 km(b) 18 km(c) 25 km(d) 111 km

Ans: (a)

136. Consider the following statements:1. Coriolis effect is zero at the Equator.2. Coriolis effect is more towards the Poles.3. Coriolis effects are related to the decreasing rotational velocity with increasing latitudes.4. Coriolis effects are related to the increasing rotational velocity with increasing latitudes.

Which of the statements given above are correct? [CDS 2012]

(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 1 and 3 only(c) 1, 2 and 4(d) 2 and 5 only

Ans: (c)

137. How many kilometres are represented by 1° of latitude? [CDS 2011](a) 321 km

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(b) 211 km(c) 111 km(d) 91 km

Ans: (c)

138. The approximate circumference of the Earth is [CPO SI 2011](a) 13,000 km(b) 20,000 km(c) 25,000 km(d) 30,000 km

Ans: (d)

139. Consider the following statements:1. The tropical year is shorter than the sidereal year.2. The solar day is longer than the sidereal day.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [NDA 2010]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (c)

140. The seasonal contrasts are maximum in:(a) low latitudes(b) mid-latitudes(c) sub tropics(d) high latitudes

Ans: (b)

141. Which of the following is the best definition of 'Tides' ? [SBI PO 1991](a) A powerful movement of the ocean which proceed constantly in a definite direction(b) A great circulatory movement of sea water caused by difference in density of sea water(c) A periodic rise and fall of sea water caused by the gravitational force of moon and sunon earth(d) A wind and pressure system having a low pressure in centre and circular wind motion

Ans: (c)

142. Which of the following statements regarding the earth's axis are true?

1. It makes an angle of with the plane of ecliptic2. It maintains a flexible orientation with respect to the stars3. It is the most important fact connected with Earth-Sun relationship

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(a) 1 and 2(b) 2 and 3(c) 1 and 3(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (c)

143. The heavier silicates named 'Sima’ or silica + magnesium are most abundant in the:(a) crust(b) core(c) mantle(d) ocean floors

Ans: (a)

144. Insolation heats up the land masses more quickly than the water bodies because:(a) water is liquid(b) landmasses are solid(c) water needs more energy to get warm(d) rocks are bad conductors of heat

Ans: (c)

145. The earth's annual circuit round the sun covers a distance of:(a) 1,096 million kms(b) 1,036 million kms(c) 966 million kms(d) 896 million kms

Ans: (c)

146. It is six months long day in the northern polar region and six months long night in thesouthern polar region because: [Railways 1993]

(a) earth is revolving around the sun(b) earth is inclined towards its orbital plane

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(c) earth is rotating(d) none of these

Ans: (b)

147. The surface of Earth that lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic ofCapricorn is called:

(a) North Temperate Zone(b) Frigid Zone(c) South Temperate Zone(d) Torrid Zone

Ans: (d)

148. Which of the following are true regarding equinoxes? [CDS 1993]1. They occur on March 21 st and September 23rd2. They depict equal days and equal. nights on March 21 st and September 23rd on all

places of the earth3. All places on the earth have equal temperature during equinoxes(a) 1 and 2 only(b) 2 and 3 only(c) 1 and 3 only(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (a)

149. Choose the incorrect statement; [IFS 1993](a) All meridians are of the same length

(b) The axis of the earth is inclined at an angle of to the horizontal(c) The Sun's rays are vertical at all places on the days of the equinoxes(d) The summer solstice for the Southern Hemisphere is in December

Ans: (c)

150. The largest amount of reflection of the solar radiant energy which is reflected back intospace before reaching the earth's surface is due to:

(a) clouds(b) water-bodies(c) snow and ice covered areas of the earth(d) all the above reflect nearly the same amount

Ans: (a)

151. What percentage of insolation is received by the earth's surface?(a) 47%(b) 51%(c) 66%

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(d) 87%

Ans: (a)

152. The incoming short-wave solar radiation is balanced by an equal amount of long-waveradiation from earth going back to space. This is known as:

(a) earth radiation(b) wave balance of earth(c) heat balance of earth(d) radiation exchange

Ans: (c)

153. The latitude of a place expresses its angular position relative to the plane of(a) axis of the Earth(b) equator(c) North pole(d) South pole

Ans: (b)

154. At 12 noon of December 21, you observe that you cast no shadow as you stand in brightsunlight. So you must be, somewhere near:

(a) the Arctic Circle(b) the Tropic of Cancer(c) the Tropic of Capricorn(d) the South Pole

Ans: (c)

155. The Gutenberg discontinuity is between:(a) the crust and the mantle(b) the upper and lower mantles(c) the outer core and the lower mantle(d) the inner and outer cores

Ans: (c)

156. If the earth's axis had not been inclined:1. temperature distribution would have been uniform2. days and nights would not have occurred3. seasons would not· have occurred4. poles would not have continuous day

(a) I, III and IV(b) II and IV(c) III and IV(d) II, III and IV

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Ans: (c)

157. The Tropic of Cancer does NOT pass through: [NDA 2003](a) Egypt(b) Mexico(c) Oman(d) Yemen

Ans: (d)

158. Which one of the following minerals occurs abundantly in the Earth's crust? [CDS2003]

(a) Bauxite(b) Silica(c) Manganese(d) Iron

Ans: (b)

159. The axis of rotation of earth is tilted by 23.5° to the plane of revolution around the sun.The latitude of Mumbai is less than 23.5° whereas the latitude of Delhi is more than23.5°. Which one of the following statements in this regard is correct? [CDS 2000]

(a) The sun can come overhead at both these places(b) The sun will never come overhead at either of these places(c) At Mumbai the sun can come overhead, but it will never do so at Delhi(d) At Delhi the sun can come overhead but it will never do so at Mumbai

Ans: (c)

160. Consider the following statements:1. Prime Meridian passes through Greenwich and is at 0° Longitude.2. International Date Line, on the map appears as a straight line along 180° Longitude.3. While crossing International Date Line from east to west, one gains a day.

4. Tropic of Cancer lies at Latitude.

Which of these statements are correct? [Asstt Comm PF 2002]

(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4(b) 1, 2 and 4(c) 1 and 3(d) 1 and 4

Ans: (d)

161. Why are winters more severe in Southern Hemisphere than in the NorthernHemisphere?

(a) Earth is tilted towards the Sun in the Northern Hemisphere(b) Northern Hemisphere receives more sunlight

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(c) Because of more iceberg activity in Southern Hemisphere(d) Southern Hemisphere is less inhabited

Ans: (c)

162. The tide at its maximum height is known as:(a) Equinox(b) Neap tide(c) Spring tide(d) Tsunami

Ans: (c)

163. ‘Green House Effect’ means:(a) pollution in houses in tropical regions(b) trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric oxygen(c) trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric carbon dioxide(d) cultivation in green houses so as to check pollution

Ans: (c)

164. The International Date Line passes through: [LlC, AAO 1994](a) Bering strait(b) Gibraltar strait(c) Florida strait(d) Malacca strait

Ans: (a)

165. The International Date Line makes slight deviation from 180° meridian so that it : [I.Tax & Central Excise 1990]

(a) divides the land masses under the same administration(b) does not divide the Bering strait(c) does not divide a group of islands under the same administration(d) divides the Pacific Ocean into two equal halves

Ans: (c)

166. When a ship crosses Date line from west to east: [Railways 1991](a) it loses one day(b) it gains one day(c) it loses half a day(d) it gains half a day

Ans: (b)

167. Which of the following statements regarding the International Date line are correct?(1) It is a longitude of 180°(2) It is determined by 180° longitude but is not a straight line

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(3) It is a Greenwich meridian helping in fixing time and date(4) It solves the problem of time and date among the World's nations(a) 1 and 4(b) 3 and 4(c) 2 and 3(d) 2 and 4

Ans: (d)

168. If there are four places on the same meridian 500km apart and the local time at oneplace is 12.00 noon, what will be the time at the three other places? [NDA 2008]

(a) 12.00noon(b) 1.00pm(c) 2.00pm(d) Different time at different places

Ans: (a)

169. Which of the following statements is/are correct?1. A crossing of the International Date Line entails repeating one day when travelling

westwards2. A crossing of the International Date Line entails repeating one day when travelling

eastwards3. International Date Line is an internationally agreed line drawn parallel to the 180°

meridian4. International Date Line divides the Pacific Ocean into two equal parts.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below: [CDS 1994]

(a) 2 alone(b) 2, 3 and 4(c) 1 alone(d) 1, 3 and 4

Ans: (b)

170. Which of the following are true regarding the Prime meridian?1. It passes through the centre of a certain country2. It passes through the centre of the Globe3. It passes through the observatory at Greenwich, near London.(a) 1 and 2(b) 1 and 3(c) 1, 2 and 3(d) 2 and 3

Ans: (c)

171. Which of the following .countries are located on the Greenwich Meridian?

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1. Algeria2. Germany3. Guinea4. Iceland(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) 1, 2 and 3(d) 1, 3 and 4

Ans: (b)

172. If the difference in time between, two places were 2 hours and 20 minutes, then thedifference in their longitudes would be: [IAS 1990]

(a) 30°(b) 35°(c) 40°(d) 45°

Ans: (b)

173. The Earth turns through 360° in 24 hours. Each 15° longitude represents:(a) Half an hour(b) Forty five minutes(c) One hour(d) One hour fifteen minutes

Ans: (c)

174. On Monday, the 14th June, a man crosses the International Date Line at 5 p.m. fromthe Asian side to the American side. Which of the following will he now assume to bethe correct date and time?

(a) 5 a.m. of Tuesday, the 15th June(b) 5 p.m. of Tuesday, the 15th June(c) 5 a.m. of Monday, the 14th June(d) 5 p.m. of Sunday, the 13th June

Ans: (d)

175. When it is noon along 82° 30' longitude, along what degree of longitude it will be 6.30a.m.? [IAS 1994]

(a) Along 165° E(b) Along 67° 30' W(c) 0° E or W(d) Along 82° 31' W

Ans: (c)

176. A radio broadcast from Delhi on Monday at 7.30 p.m. is heard at New York on: [NDA

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1994](a) Tuesday at 8.35 p.m.(b) the same day at 7.30 p.m.(c) the same day at 7:30 a.m.(d) Sunday at 8.35 p.m.

Ans: (c)

177. If a traveller going from Vancouver to Tokyo crosses the International Date Line onSaturday, what will be the day for him at Tokyo?

(a) Friday(b) Saturday(c) Sunday(d) Monday

Ans: (c)

178. A one-day Cricket match between India and England starts at 10.00 A.M. in London.The direct telecast of the match will begin in India at: [IFS 1993, CDS 1992]

(a) 3.30 A.M.(b) 8.30 A.M.(c) 3.30 P.M.(d) 8.30 P.M.

Ans: (c)

179. An aeroplane takes off from 30° N latitude, 50° E longitude and lands at the oppositeend of the earth. Where does it land? [IAS 1994]

(a) 30° N Lat., 50° W Long(b) 30° S Lat., 50° W long(c) 50° N Lat., 30° W Long(d) 30° N Lat., 130°W long

Ans: (d)

180. When it is 12 noon at Greenwich, what is the time at New York (74° W) ? [NDA 1992](a) 4.56 p.m.(b) 4.56 a.m.(c) 7.04 p.m.(d) 7.04 a.m.

Ans: (d)

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1. Any type of rainfall has the following aspects:(a) ascent and descent of air(b) horizontal movement of air(c) ascent of air leading to cooling and condensation(d) all of above

Ans: (c)

2. What causes snowfall?(a) When condensation takes place below 0° C and precipitation occurs in the form of flakes(b) When rain freezes into snow-flakes while passing through the atmosphere(c) When condensation takes place in form of fog and precipitation occurs as flakes(d) When the air temperature is much lower than surface temperature

Ans: (a)

3. Heat gain through insolation and heat loss through terrestrial radiation are equalapproximately at which latitude?(a) 22° W North and South(b) 40° North and South(c) 90° North and South(d) 66° W North and South

Ans: (b)

4. Which of the following places are favourably influenced by the Trade winds?1. West Indies2. Brazil3. Mexico4. Medagascar

(a) I and II(b) I, II, III and IV(c) III and IV(d) II and IV

Ans: (b)

5. Which of the following are true regarding ionosphere?1. It is the uppermost layer of atmosphere2. The molecules and atoms of nitrogen and oxygen in this layer absorb a part of solar

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radiation and become ionized3. This layer is responsible for reflecting back the radio wave~ transmitted from the earth

(a) I and II(b) I and II(c) II and III(d) I, II and III

Ans: (c)

6. The type of rainfall shown in figure is:

(a) orographic(b) convectional(c) cyclonic(d) relief

Ans: (b)

7. Which of the following is the annual precipitation of an area?(a) All forms of precipitation converted to the quantity of liquid water(b) The total actual amount of rain, snow, hail and sleet(c) The total amount of rain per year, irrespective of snow, hail and sleet(d) All forms of precipitation measured after conversion to equal quantity of ice

Ans: (a)

8. Fogs formed along, the sea-coast are due to:(a) advection(b) radiaton(c) convection(d) conduction

Ans: (a)

9. Which of the following is produced by the rapid ascent of moist air?(a) Frost(b) Fog(c) Hail(d) Snow

Ans: (c)

10. In the atmosphere of the primitive earth there was no :(a) oxygen

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(b) carbon dioxide(c) nitrogen(d) ammonia

Ans: (a)

11. The January isotherm taken as a basis for dividing India into tropical and subtropicalzones is : [IAS 1997](a) 21° C(b) 18° C(c) 12° C(d) 15° C

Ans: (b)

12. Match the following:

A. Chi nook winds 1. bring bitterly cold conditions

B. Polar Easterlies 2. most regular and constant

C. Trade winds 3. snow eaters

D. Westerlies 4. stormy and powerful in Southern hemisphere


(a) 4 1 2 3(b) 3 1 4 2(c) 1 3 2 4(d) 3 1 2 4

Ans: (d)

13. A temperature inversion is most likely to occur under which of the following conditions?[IAS 2004]

(a) Mountain top in late evening(b) Windy but cloudy night(c) Calm, cloudy and humid night(d) Calm, clear and cool winter night

Ans: (d)

14. Which of the following are the ideal conditions for the phenomenon of temperatureinversion to occur? [IAS 2001]

1. Long nights2. Cloudy sky3. Calm and stable air4. Dry air

(a) I and II

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(b) I, II and III(c) II, III and IV(d) I, III and IV

Ans: (d)

15. Agents of fog formation do not include:(a) high relative humidity(b) diurnal temperatures of short ranges(c) winter season(d) rapid radiation

Ans: (b)

16. Which one of the following is the cloud that is dark-grey or black, found at very lowheight and brings the real rain? [CDS 2004]

(a) Altocumulus(b) Cirrus(c) Cirrostratus(d) Nimbostratus

Ans: (d)

17. Which one of the following statements is correct? [IAS 2004](a) Cirrus clouds are composed of ice crystals(b) Cirrus clouds exhibit a flat base and have the appearance of rising domes(c) Cumulus clouds are white and thin, and form delicate patches and give a fibrous andfeathery appearance(d) Cumulus clouds are classified as high clouds

Ans: (a)

18. The cauliflower shape is associated with which of the following cloud formations?(a) Stratus(b) Cumulus(c) Nimbus(d) Cirrus

Ans: (b)

19. Winds and air currents differ in the aspect that:(a) air currents blow much faster than winds(b) air currents are always moisture laden while the winds are usually dry(c) the winds blow on lands while air currents blow over seas and oceans(d) winds are horizontal movements of air while air currents are the vertical movements ofair

Ans: (d)

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20. In USA, which one of the following regions Receives heavy rainfall throughout the yearunder the influence of Wester lies? [IAS 2009]

(a) North-western(b) North-eastern(c) South-western(d) South-eastern

Ans: (a)

21. The cold and dense air blowing down the mountain slope during the night is known as:(a) anabatic wind(b) khamsin(c) katabatic wind(d) harmattan

Ans: (c)

22. When the wind is deflected due to the rotation of the Earth, it is called as: [NDA 1994](a) geostropic wind(b) polar wind(c) westerlies(d) trade winds

Ans: (a)

23. Which of the following statements is incorrect?(a) Roaring forties are the southern latitudes where Westerlies are prevalent(b) Monsoons are local seasonal winds(c) Doldrum belt lies between 10°N and 10°S latitudes(d) Horse latitudes are found between Trade winds and Westerlies

Ans: (b)

24. Which one of the following is not a correct example of tropical cyclone? [NDA 1994](a) Tornadoes(e) Typhoons(b) Hurricanes(c) Nor westers

Ans: (d)

25. Match the following:

A. Canada 1. Buran

B. Egypt 2. Khamsin

C Argentina 3. Foehn

D. Siberia 4. Chinook

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5. Zonda


(a) 2 5 3 1(b) 4 2 5 1(c) 1 4 5 3(d) 4 5 3 2

Ans: (b)

26. Temperate cyclones bring along with them:(a) pleasant weather(b) snowfall and hail(c) thunderstorms and torrential rainfall(d) mild rainfall

Ans: (d)

27. Winds blow:(a) in regions of low pressure(b) from a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure(c) from a region of low pressure to .a region of high pressure(d) in regions of high pressure

Ans: (b)

28. Doldrums are belts of low atmospheric pressure obtained in the regions adjoining theequator to a distance of :

(a) 5 degree latitude towards the north only(b) 5 degree latitude towards the south only(c) 5 degree latitude towards north and south(d) 15 degree latitude towards north and south

Ans: (c)

29. The chemically inactive gas present in the atmosphere is :(a) nitrogen(b) argon(c) water vapour(d) oxygen

Ans: (b)

30. Doldrums are: [NDA 1995](a) high latitudes with heavy snow(b) equatorial zone with low pressure(c) high pressure areas on mountains(d) sub-polar zone with high pressure

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Ans: (b)

31. With reference to the sub-tropical high pressure belt, consider the followingstatements:

1. It is affected by Earth's rotation and descent of winds from higher altitudes.2. It is dynamically induced and characterized with anti-cyclonic conditions.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? [IAS 2009]

(a) 1 only(b) Both 1 and 2(c) 2 only(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (c)

32. Atmospheric pressure exerted on earth is due to:(a) Gravitational pull of the earth(b) Rotation of earth(c) Revolution of earth(d) Uneven heating of earth

Ans: (a)

33. The Sea breeze blows during: [Senior Observer's Exam 1991](a) day from land to sea(b) day from sea to land(c) night from land to sea(d) night from sea to land

Ans: (b)

34. The instrument used for finding out wind-direction is :(a) anemometer(b) wind vane(c) wind gauze(d) hygrometer

Ans: (b)

35. ‘Beaufort Scale’ is used to measure:(a) air pressure(b) wind velocity(c) wind direction(d) humidity

Ans: (b)

36. Lapse rate is related to the decrease of : [IFS 1998]

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(a) wind velocity with an ascent of 300 feet(b) humidity with an ascent of 450 feet(c) temperature at 1°F for an ascent of 330 feet(d) pressure with an ascent of 500 feet

Ans: (c)

37. Which of the following constituents of the atmosphere are important from the climaticpoint of view ? [IFS 1993]

1. Nitrogen2. Oxygen3. Carbon dioxide(a) 1 and 2(b) 2 and 3(c) 1, 2 and 3(d) only 3

Ans: (d)

38. The Trade winds are caused by:(a) rotation of the earth(b) revolution of the earth(c) inflowing movement of air along the earth's surface towards the equator(d) none of these

Ans: (c)

39. Temperature generally decreases towards the poles because: [IAS 2004](a) Air movement is generally towards the. equator(b) Cold polar air masses prevent surface heating of the land(c) Cold surfaces do not absorb solar energy as readily as warm surfaces(d) Progressively lesser solar energy per unit area falls on the earth's surface as we move topolar regions

Ans: (d)

40. What is the correct sequence of the following zonal pressure belts?1. Subpolar low2. Equatorial low3. Polar high4. Subtropical high

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

(a) 2, 3, 1, 4(b) 1, 4, 2, 3(c) 2, 4, 1, 3(d) 1, 3, 2, 4

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Ans: (c)

41. Which one of the following statements is correct? [IAS 2004](a) Jet streams are best developed in winters(b) Jet streams have often developed oscillations(c) Jet streams greatly influence our surface weather(d) All the above three are correct in respect of jet streams

Ans: (d)

42. Arrange the following gases of the atmosphere in increasing order by volume:1. Nitrogen2. Oxygen3. Carbon dioxide4. Argon

(a) I, II, III, IV(b) l, II, IV, III(c) III, IV, II, I(d) IV, III, II, I

Ans: (c)

43. Land masses are heated and cooled much faster than water bodies. Identify the truestatements in this regard:

1. Land gets heated by conduction2. Water has higher specific heat3. Only the surface layers of water are heated4. Water gets heated by convection

(a) I, II and III(b) II and III(c) I and IV(d) I, II and IV

Ans: (d)

44. When can one record the lowest temperature of air?(a) Just before sunrise(b) At midnight(c) At 3 a.m.(d) No fixed time

Ans: (a)

45. What helps to maintain the heat budget on the surface of the earth?(a) Incoming insolation in short waves and terrestrial radiation in long waves(b) The atmosphere absorbs heat(c) Incoming solar radiation is reflected

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(d) The earth absorbs heat

Ans: (a)

46. The water content in the atmosphere:(a) is independent of temperature(b) increases as temperature increases(c) decreases as temperature increases(d) either increases or decreases with temperature increase

Ans: (c)

47. An upper air wind system with very high velocities in certain parts of the atmosphere iscalled:

(a) a cyclone(b) an anticyclone(c) jet stream(d) a tsunami

Ans: (c)

48. Which one of the following conditions is NOT necessary for precipitation to occur?[NDA 2002]

(a) The air must be warm(b) The air must be saturated(c) The air must be cooled below its dew point(d) The air must contain hygroscopic particles

Ans: (a)

49. Very strong and cold icy winds that blow in the Polar regions are called: [CPO SI 2003](a) typhoons(b) tornadoes(c) blizzards(d) polar winds

Ans: (c)

50. The plane of contact of the troposphere and stratosphere is known as :(a) mesosphere(b) ionosphere(c) stratopause(d) tropopause

Ans: (d)

51. The velocity of winds is related to :(a) the amount of moisture they carry(b) the nearness to the sea

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(c) pressure gradient in the direction of their flow(d) the direction in which they blow

Ans: (c)

52. Increase in carbon dioxide in atmosphere causes: [Railways 1994](a) rise in earth temperature(b) fall in earth temperature(c) uniform earth temperature(d) increase in Ultraviolet rays

Ans: (a)

53. In the Southern hemisphere the Westerlies blow from :(a) north(b) north east(c) north west(d) south east

Ans: (c)

54. Which of the following sequences of atmospheric layers is correct from below?(a) Stratosphere, Ionosphere, Tropopause, Troposphere(b) Ionosphere, Troposphere, Stratosphere, Tropopause(c) Troposphere, Tropopause, Stratosphere, Ionosphere(d) Tropopause, Troposphere, Ionosphere, Stratosphere

Ans: (c)

55. The layer of the atmosphere which provides ideal conditions for flying on et aeroplanesis :

(a) troposphere(b) stratosphere(c) ionosphere(d) exosphere

Ans: (b)

56. Cyclone is a system of wind blowing: [CBI 1991](a) spirally outwards from a high pressure region(b) spirally towards low pressure region(c) in a straight line from high to low pressure region(d) from Ball of Bengal towards Bangladesh annually

Ans: (b)

57. Consider the following statements regarding general characteristics associated withtropical cyclones

1. Tropical cyclones move with very low velocity over the oceans but become strong while

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moving over the land areas.2. They are confined to a particular period of the year (mainly summer) and normally move

from east to west.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? [IAS 2009]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (b)

58. Which one of the following constituents of the atmosphere causes greatest changes inclimate and weather? [NDA 1995]

(a) Nitrogen(b) Oxygen(c) Ozone(d) Water Vapour

Ans: (d)

59. Match the following: [Railways, 1994]

A. South China Sea 1. Cyclone

B. Arafura Sea 2. Tornado

C. Gulf of Mexico 3. Typhoon

D. Bay of Bengal 4. Willy-Willy


(a) 1 4 3 2(b) 4 1 2 3(c) 3 4 2 1(d) 3 2 4 1

Ans: (c)

60. Match the following: [CDS 2001]

Local wind Country

A. Chill 1. Russia

B. Brickflelder 2. Australia

C. Khamsin 3. Tunisia

D. Purga 4. Egypt

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(a) 3 4 2 1(b) 1 2 4 3(c) 1 4 2 3(d) 3 2 4 1

Ans: (d)

61. Consider the following statements with reference to tornadoes:1. Tornadoes are smaller and more intense than hurricanes.2. Tornadoes are most abundant along the eastern coast of India.3. The average tornado lasts for less than one hour.4. Tornadoes are most common in the afternoons in the early summer.

Which of these statements are correct? [CDS 2002]

(a) 1, 3 and 4(b) 2, 3 and 4(c) 1, 2 and 4(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (a)

62. The hot dry local winds that blow on the eastern side of the Alps Mountain are knownas: [NDA 2003]

(a) Chinook(b) Foehn(c) Khamsin(d) Sirocco

Ans: (b)

63. Which one of the following characteristics is NOT associated with the tropicalcyclones? [NDA 2002]

(a) Before the cyclone arrives the air becomes very still and temperature and humidity arehigh(b) As the front of the vertex arrives, gusty winds develop and thick clouds appear(c) As the cold front passes, the weather changes very rapidly(d) Calm conditions return when the eye of the cyclone arrives

Ans: (d)

64. Which of the following is/are wrongly matched?1. Typhoon : China Sea2. Tornado : Mid-Western United States3. Hurricane : West Indies4. Willy-Willies : Canada

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(a) 2 and 4(b) 1, 2 and 4(c) 2 and 3(d) 4 only

Ans: (d)

65. The clouds extending from one side of horizon to other as 3 dark grey sheet havinguniform base are called: [IAS 2004]

(a) Stratus clouds(b) Cumulus clouds(c) Cirrus clouds(d) Nimbus clouds

Ans: (a)

66. Because of which one of the following factors, clouds do not precipitate in deserts?[CDS 2009]

(a) Low pressure(b) Low humidity(c) High wind velocity(d) High temperature

Ans: (b)

67. Consider the following statements:1. Nearly 99 percent of the total mass of the atmosphere lies within 30 km of the Earth's

surface.2. The proportion of ozone in the atmosphere increases to a maximum at about 60 km from

Earth's surface.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [IAS 2008]

(a) 1only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (a)

68. The albedo of which one among the following is the highest? [IAS 2008](a) Cirrus cloud(b) Cumulonimbus cloud(c) Melting snow(d) Sand

Ans: (a)

69. Of the solar energy coming into the Biosphere, what percentage of it is actually used in

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the photosynthesis? [IAS 2008](a) Less than 1%(b) Between 1% and 15%(c) Between 15% and 2%(d) More than 2%

Ans: (d)

70. Which of the following statements characterize the anticyclones?1. Anticyclones are low pressure systems.2. They are characterized by divergent wind circulation.3. They are indicative of dry weather conditions.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below: [NDA 2008]

(a) 2 and 3(b) 1 and 3(c) 1, 2 and 3(d) 1 only

Ans: (a)

71. Evening sun is not a shot as the mid-day sun. What is the reason? [NDA 2008](a) In the evening, radiations travel slowly(b) In the evening, the temperature of the sun decreases(c) Ozone in atmosphere absorbs more light in the evening(d) In the evening, radiations travel larger distance through atmosphere

Ans: (d)

72. Mist is a result of which one of the following? [CDS 2008](a) Condensation(b) Evaporation(c) Sublimation(d) Saturation

Ans: (a)

73. Consider the following statements:1. The monsoon climate is found in Northern Australia.2. The China type climate is f6und in Argentina.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [Asstt Comm 2008]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

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Ans: (b)

74. Consider the following statements: [Asstt Comm 2008]1. Rainfall in the doldrums is of convectional nature.2. Convectional rainfall is highly localized and is associated with minimum cloudiness.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only(b) Both 1 and 2(c) 2 only(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (a)

75. Consider the following statements:1. Either of the two belts over the oceans at about 30°to 35°Nand S Latitudes is known as

Horse Latitude.2. Horse latitudes are low pressure belts.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [IAS 2007]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (a)

76. Consider the following statements:1. The annual range of temperature is greater in the Pacific Ocean than that in the Atlantic

Ocean.2. The annual range of temperature is greater in the Northern Hemisphere than that in the

Southern Hemisphere.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [IAS 2007]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (b)

77. Consider the following statements:1. In the tropical rainforest of Brazil, the average diurnal range of temperature is much

greater than the average annual range of temperature.2. In the humid subtropical climate of Kyushu island of Japan, the rainfall for the year

almost totals that of the rainfall in tropical rainforest.

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Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [IAS 2007]

(a) 1only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (c)

78. Consider the following statements:1. The variation in average annual range of temperature at1 5° latitude of Southern

Hemisphere is much less than that at 15° latitude of Northern Hemisphere.2. At latitudes pole ward of 35° the incoming radiation exceeds the outgoing radiation in.

Northern Hemisphere, whereas in Southern Hemisphere the outgoing radiation exceedsthe incoming radiation.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [IAS 2007]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (a)

79. Which one or the following climates is found in coastal areas of Californian NorthAmerica, Central Chile in South America and South-West tip of West Australia? [IAS2007]

(a) Tropical savanna(b) Mediterranean(c) Humid Continental(d) Low-latitude steppe

Ans: (b)

80. Consider the following statements:1. A hurricane acquires its spin from the Coriolis effect.2. The diameter of the hurricane decreases as it moves away from low latitudes.3. The diameter of a hurricane is never below 150 km.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [IAS 2007]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 and 3 only(c) 1 and 3 only(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (c)

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81. Northern part of Australia is typified by which one of the following? [IAS 2007](a) Equatorial climate(b) Mediterranean climate(c) Temperate climate(d) Monsoon climate

Ans: (d)

82. When a descending air contracts and its volume decreases, what happens to itstemperature? [IAS 2009]

(a) Its temperature decreases(b) Its temperature increases(c) Its temperature remains constant(d) Its temperature first increases, then decreases

Ans: (b)

83. Condensation is a process which occurs when [IAS 2009](a) temperature falls below 0°C(b) absolute humidity becomes equal to relative humidity(c) temperature in the air parcel remains static(d) relative humidity becomes 100% and more

Ans: (d)

84. Which of the following sequences of clouds in ascending order would one meet 500metres and above the mean sea level? [IAS 2009]

(a) Stratus, Nimbus, Cirrostratus, Cirrus(b) Nimbus, Cirrostratus, Cirrocumulus, Stratus(c) Cirrostratus, Stratus, Cumulo-nimbus(d) Stratus, Cirrostratus, Cumulo-numbus, Cirrocumulus

Ans: (a)

85. Consider the following statements regarding the distribution and pattern of isotherms1. In the northern hemisphere, isotherms bend sharply equator-ward over the continents

during winter.2. Temperature gradients are greater in summer than in winter in the northern hemisphere.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? [IAS 2009]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (a)

86. With reference to convectional type of rainfall, consider the following statements

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1. It is a warm weather phenomenon.2. This rainfall is associated with cumulo-nimbus clouds.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? [IAS 2009]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (c)

87. A devastating Cloud Burst swept over Leh on August 2010. Which one of the followingstatements with regard to Cloud Burst is not correct? [CDS 2011]

(a) Cloud Burst is a localized weather phenomenon representing highly concentrated rainfallover a small area in a short duration of time(b) Cloud Burst occurs due to upward movement of moisture laden air with sufficientrapidity to form cumulonimbus clouds(c) Cloud Burst occurs only in hilly areas(d) There is no satisfactory technique till now for predicting Cloud Burst

Ans: (c)

88. What is the major role of a greenhouse gas that contributes to temperature rise of theEarth's surface? [CDS 2012]

(a) Transparent to both incoming sunlight and outgoing infrared radiation(b) Stops both incoming sunlight and outgoing infrared radiation(c) Lets outgoing infrared radiation pass through but stops incoming sunlight(d) Lets incoming sunlight' pass through but stops outgoing infrared radiation

Ans: (d)

89. Logically, what does a continually rising air pressure indicate? [CDS 2012](a) Advent of unsettled and cloudy weather(b) Advent of a cyclone(c) Fine and settled weather(d) Fine and unsettled weather

Ans: (a)

90. What is a cloudburst? [CDS 2012](a) It refers to sudden and copious rainfall over a small area which often lasts for only a fewminutes(b) it refers to 50mm rain over a period of time(c) It is caused by rapid condensation of very high clouds(d) It refers to a thunderstorm with little rain

Ans: (a)

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91. Rain shadow effect is associated with [NDA 2011](a) Cyclonic rainfall(b) Orographic rainfall(c) Convectional rainfall(d) Frontal rainfall

Ans: (b)

92. The intensity of insolation depends on [NDA 2011](a) Altitude(b) Nature of terrain(c) Wind(d) Latitude

Ans: (d)

93. Which of the following statements is/are correct?1. Cyclone is a low pressure system.2. The wind movement is clockwise in the cyclone of northern hemisphere.

Select the correct answer using the code given below: [NDA 2011]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (c)

94. The phenomenon of 'trade winds' takes place due to [NDA 2011](a) conduction of heat(b) convection of heat(c) radiation(d) None of the above

Ans: (b)

95. Doldrums is a [NDA 2011](a) Tropical wind belt(b) Tropical wind deflection belt(c) Sub-tropical wind belt(d) Tropical no-wind belt

Ans: (d)

96. Which one among the following statements relating to an anticyclone is correct? [NDA2011]

(a) Anticyclone is a wind system with a high pressure centre(b) In anticyclone the movement of wind is inward

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(c) The contribution of an anticyclone towards determining weather of an area is quitesignificant(d) The movement of wind is clockwise in an anticyclone of southern hemisphere

Ans: (a)

97. Troposphere is the hottest part of the atmosphere because [SSC Grad 2011](a) it is closest to the Sun(b) there are charged particles in it(c) it is heated by the Earth's surface(d) heat is generated in it

Ans: (c)

98. Match the following: [CDS 2011]

Local Wind Area of Prevalence

A. Chinook 1. North African desert

B. Foehn 2. Rocky mountain slopes of the USA

C. Sirocco 3. Northern slopes of Alps

D. Mistral 4. Southern slopes of Alps


(a) 2 3 1 4(b) 2 1 3 4(c) 4 1 3 2(d) 4 3 1 2

Ans: (a)

99. Which one among the following statements relating to a cyclone is not correct? [AssttCommdt 2011]

(a) It is a wind circulation system with a low pressure at the centre(b) It brings about sudden change In weather condition in an area(c) Wind movement towards the low pressure centre of a cyclone is clockwise in thenorthern hemisphere(d) It is known as hurricane in West Indies

Ans: (c)

100. Which one among the following forces is most powerful in determining movement ofwind including its velocity ? [Asstt Commdt 2011]

(a) Gravitational force(b) Centrifugal force(c) Frictional force

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(d) Pressure gradient force

Ans: (d)

101. Which one among the following local winds is not characteristically hot and dry? [AssttCommdt 2011]

(a) Sirocco(b) Mistral(c) Khamsin(d) Chinook

Ans: (b)

102. Relative humidity [Asstt Commdt 2011](a) increases with increased temperature(b) decreases with increased temperature(c) decreases with decreased temperature(d) has no relation with increase or decrease of temperature

Ans: (b)

103. The jet aircrafts fly very easily and smoothly in the lower stratosphere. What could bethe appropriate explanation?

1. There are no clouds or water vapour in the lower stratosphere.2. There are no vertical winds in the lower stratosphere.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct in this context? [CSAT 2011]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (c)

104. Westerlies in southern hemisphere are stronger and persistent than in northernhemisphere. Why?

1. Southern hemisphere has less landmass as compared to northern hemisphere.2. Coriolis force is higher in southern hemisphere as compared to northern hemisphere.

Which of the statements given above is fare correct? [CSAT 2011]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (a)

105. A layer in the Earth's atmosphere called Ionosphere facilitates radio communication.

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Why?1. The presence of ozone causes the reflection of radio waves to Earth.2. Radio waves have a very long wavelength.

Which of the statements given above is fare correct? [CSAT 2011]

(a) 1only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (d)

106. Consider the following statements about anticyclones:(1) The winds are divergent, and spiral out from the centre of high pressure(2) The air moves clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and anticlockwise in SouthernHemisphere(3) It is accompanied by heavy rainfall(4) A sudden rise in barometric reading heralds the approach of anticyclone

Which of these statements are correct?

(a) 1 and 2(b) 1 and 4(c) 1, 2 and 3(d) 1, 2 and 4

Ans: (d)

107. Which one of the following statements is correct? [IAS 2004]


(a) form at the equator(b) are not as large as tornadoes(c) develop over warm ocean areas(d) tend to intensify when they move over land surfaces

Ans: (c)

108. The instrument used for measuring relative humidity in air is :(a) hygrograph(b) hydrograph(c) pantograph(d) barograph

Ans: (a)

109. Atmospheric humidity is measured by: [NDA 1994](a) Psychrometer

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(b) Anemometer(c) Lysimeter(d) Hydrometer

Ans: (a)

110. Frontal rain is caused by:(a) convection currents(b) winds from sea(c) cyclonic activity(d) condensation of water evaporated from mountains

Ans: (c)

111. A sudden fall in the barometric reading indicates:(a) rain(b) storm(c) fine weather(d) extreme cold

Ans: (b)

112. Relative humidity of the atmosphere is directly affected by :(a) change in atmospheric pressure(b) change in atmospheric temperature(c) change in the direction of winds(d) none of these

Ans: (b)

113. A type of rainfall which occurs when wind rises up along a hill or mountain barrier iscalled: [NDA 2004]

(a) anti-cyclonic(b) convectional(c) cyclonic(d) orographic

Ans: (d)

114. The form of precipitation in which the raindrops get frozen into ice on coming incontact with a cold layer of air near the earth's surface is called:

(a) fog(b) hail(c) sleet(d) snowfall

Ans: (c)

115. Choose the incorrect statement:

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(a) Capacity of air to hold moisture decreases with a rise in temperature of the air(b) The air pressure decreases with an increase in temperature(c) Absolute humidity is expressed in grams per cubic metre of air(d) With an ascent of every 165 metres, the temperature is reduced by 1°C

Ans: (c)

116. Precipitation takes place when:(a) the sky is overcast with clouds(b) temperature of moisture in air suddenly increases(c) temperature of moisture in air sharply decreases(d) winds begin to blow in a circular motion

Ans: (b)

117. Dew point is: [NDA 1991](a) amount of actual water vapour present per unit volume of air(b) incoming solar radiation(c) a low pressure system in lower atmosphere(d) a temperature at which a given sample of air becomes saturated

Ans: (d)

118. ‘Cloud burst’ means:(a) abnormally heavy downpour of rain, associated with a thunderstorm(b) formation of artificial rain(c) presence of scattered flakes of cloud in the sky(d) sowing of seeds of a crop in a cloudy weather

Ans: (a)

119. The amount of actual water vapour of air is known as: [NDA 1992](a) absolute humidity(b) dew point(c) relative humidity(d) condensation point

Ans: (a)

120. Water vapour beyond the dew point results in: [NDA 1994](a) precipitation(b) hailstorm(c) condensation(d) formation of ice

Ans: (c)

121. Which type of rainfall leads to the formation of the windward and the leeward side?(a) Cyclonic

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(b) Convectional(c) Orographic(d) All of these

Ans: (c)

122. Which of the following types of rainfall is often accompanied with lightning andthunder?

(a) Orographic(b) Convectional(c) Frontal(d) None of these

Ans: (b)

123. The contact of two air masses differing sharply in humidity originates: .[CDS 2001](a) tropical cyclones(b) inter-tropical convergence(c) temperate cyclones(d) tropospheric instability

Ans: (c)

124. Wind in the Southern hemisphere is deflected towards left due to : [CDS 2001](a) temperature variations(b) rotation of the earth(c) difference in pressure(d) difference in water content

Ans: (b)

125. Smog is likely to occur: [CDS 2002](a) around valleys(b) near lakes(c) on calm, clear and cool nights(d) near the industrial areas

Ans: (d)

126. Consider the following statements:1. Troposphere varies in its thickness between equator and poles.2. Stratosphere does not experience Normal Lapse Rate.3. Ozone layer occurs in the Mesophere.4. Ionosphere lies between Stratosphere and Mesosphere

Which of these statements are correct? [NDA 2003]

(a) 1 and 2(b) 2 and 3

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(c) 3 and 4(d) 1, 2 and 4

Ans: (a)

127. Match the following:

A. Doldrums 1. 5°N to 5°S

B. Horse Latitudes 2. 30°N to 30°S

C. Torrid Zone 3. 40° and 50°S

D. Roaring Forties 4. and


(a) 1 2 3 4(b) 1 2 4 3(c) 2 1 3 4(d) 2 1 4 3

Ans: (b)

128. Which of the following characterises the Foehn?1. It is warm2. It is humid3. It is common in the valleys of the northern Alps4. It blows in winter

(a) I, II and IV(b) I, II and III(c) I, III and IV(d) I, II, III and IV

Ans: (c)

129. What do you understand by the term ‘Advection’ ?(a) Heat is transferred horizontally by winds(b) Heat is transferred horizontally by both winds and ocean currents(c) Heat is transferred vertically through the air(d) Heat is transferred horizontally through ocean currents

Ans: (b)

130. Transfer of surplus heat from the lower latitudes to higher latitudes is done by :1. ocean currents2. planetary winds3. tides4. waves

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(a) I and II(b) III and IV(c) I and IV(d) II and III

Ans: (a)

131. Compared to other slopes in the northern hemisphere which is the warmest?(a) East facing(b) South facing(c) North facing(d) West facing

Ans: (b)

132. Which of the following is/are correct in matching the layer of atmosphere and itscharacteristic ?

1. Troposphere : weather phenomena2. Stratosphere : ozone layer3. Ionosphere : radio waves reflected to earth's surface4. Mesosphere : Aurorae

(a) I, II, III and IV(b) I, II and IV(c) II and III(d) I, II and III

Ans: (d)

133. Freely moving bodies are:(a) deflected to their right in the northern hemisphere(b) deflected to the right in the southern hemisphere(c) deflected upwards at the equator(d) unaffected by the earth's movements

Ans: (a)

134. Which of the following statements is not true of Trade Winds?(a) They blow from the Horse Latitudes to the Doldrums(b) They are deflected to the right to become South-East Trades in the southern hemisphere(c) they are constant in strength and direction(d) They sometimes contain intense depressions

Ans: (b)

135. Which of the following is specially true of anticyclones in the southern hemisphere?(a) The air moves in a circular manner(b) Pressure increases from the outside to the centre(c) They often form over continents

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(d) The air moves in an anti-clockwise direction

Ans: (d)

136. Which of the following is/are characteristic of a depression in the southern hemisphere?1. It is a mass of air whose isobars form an oval or circular shape2. Pressure is high in the centre and decreases towards the outside3. Air moves anti-clockwise

(a) I only(b) II only(c) I and III(d) All three

Ans: (a)

137. Which of the following are true with regard to temperature control of the atmosphereof a given place?

1. The major temperature contrasts on earth's surface are between land masses and oceans2. During night, the water surface cools more rapidly than the land surface3. Temperature generally decreases with latitude on either side of the equator4. Temperature rises to a maximum during summer and falls to a minimum during winter

(a) I, III and IV(b) II, III and IV(c) I and II(d) II and IV

Ans: (a)

138. At low elevation which among the following clouds are to be found ?(a) Cirrus(b) Nimbus(c) Cumulus(d) Stratus

Ans: (b)

139. Which of the following colour types do not indicate fair or fine weather?(a) Cirrus(b) Cumulus(c) Altocumulus(d) Cumulonimbus

Ans: (d)

140. Which one among the following is a high cloud? [NDA 2003](a) Cirrus(b) Cumulonimbus(c) Nimbostratus

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(d) Stratus

Ans: (a)

141. What is the correct sequence of the given clouds from low to high altitudes? [CDS2001]

(a) Stratus, Cumulonimbus, Cirrostratus, Cirrus(b) Stratus, Cirrostratus, Cumulonimbus, Cirrus(c) Cumulonimbus, Stratus, Cirrus, Cirrostratus(d) Cumulonimbus, Stratus, Cirrostratus, Cirrus

Ans: (d)

142. Match the following:

A. Cirrus clouds 1. Real rain clouds

B. Stratus clouds 2. Rainless clouds

C. Cumulus clouds 3. Cause drizzle

D. Nimbus clouds 4. Thunder clouds


(a) 2 3 4 1(b) 1 4 3 2(c) 3 2 1 4(d) 4 1 2 3

Ans: (a)

143. In the northern hemisphere, currents are deflected to their right due to :(a) centrifugal force(b) coriolis force(c) cyclonic storms(d) none of these

Ans: (b)

144. Which one of the following is a type of planetary wind?(a) Monsoons(b) Loo(c) Westerlies(d) Tornadoes

Ans: (c)

145. In the northern hemisphere, the wind blowing from the Horse latitudes to the Doldrumsis called: [NDA 1994]

(a) Westerly wind

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(b) Trade wind(c) Polar Easterly(d) Jet Stream

Ans: (b)

146. Warm dry winds blowing down the east slopes of Rockies are known as : [NDA 1992](a) Mistral(b) Nor' westers(c) Foehn(d) Chinook

Ans: (d)

147. The monsoon has well-developed cycle in: [CDS 1992](a) South and South East Asia(b) North Australia(c) East United States(d) Africa

Ans: (a)

148. What is true with regard to Jet Streams?1. High velocity winds2. Blow from west to east3. Blow in upper troposphere near the tropopause4. Blow in the mesosphere(a) 2 and 3(b) 2 and 4(c) 1, 2 and 3(d) 1, 2 and 4

Ans: (c)

149. Anticyclones are caused by:(a) violent winds(b) heavy rainfall(c) winds that blow spirally outwards from the centre(d) winds that blow spirally inwards

Ans: (c)

150. In the earth's atmosphere, the atmospheric pressure: [NDA 1991](a) increases with height(b) decreases with height(c) remains constant with height(d) first increases and then decreases with height

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Ans: (b)

151. Which of the following statements about Stratosphere is incorrect?(a) It is the region in the atmosphere above tropopause(b) It contains ozone layer which prevents ultraviolet radiations of sun from reaching to theearth(c) It is not free from the violent weather changes occurring on the earth(d) It provides ideal flying conditions

Ans: (c)

152. The term used for the zone at low pressure and light and variable winds in the oceanicequatorial regions is :

(a) depression(b) doldrums(c) horse-latitudes(d) inter-tropical convergence

Ans: (a)

153. The phenomenon of Aurora Borealis, the display of red and green lights in northernhemisphere is due to radiations from:

(a) troposphere(b) mesosphere(c) stratosphere(d) ionosphere

Ans: (d)

154. ‘Temperate lows’ are:(a) low pressure areas in cyclones(b) equatorial low pressure belt(c) polar regions which have very low temperatures(d) sub-polar low pressure belts

Ans: (d)

155. Which of the following statements is wrong?(a) Roughly circular isobar system with a high pressure at the centre represents ananticyclone(b) Roughly circular isobar system with a low pressure at the centre represents a cyclone(c) Roughly V-sheped isobar system with a low pressure at the centre represents a trough(d) Roughly V-shaped isobar system with a low pressure at the centre represents a wedge

Ans: (d)

156. Countries favourably influenced by Westerlies are:(a) Western Europe, British Columbia and East of U.S.A.

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(b) South-West Africa and South Chile(c) New Zealand(d) All of these

Ans: (d)

157. The hot and dry winds that help in the ripening of grapes in the Alps region is :(a) Chi nook(b) Foehn(c) Mistral(d) Roaring Forties

Ans: (b)

158. 'Pampero' is :(a) a cold wind which prevails in Argentina and Uruguay(b) a low pressure area in Equator(c) a moisture laden wind which brings rainfall to the west coast of Panama(d) a high pressure area which develops first and then leads to the formation of ananticyclone

Ans: (a)

159. Which of the following winds is incorrectly paired with the area in which it prevails?(a) Berg wind - South eastern Africa(b) Karaburan - Tarim basin of Sinkiang(c) Southerly Burster - New South Wales(d) Hurricanes - New Zealand

Ans: (d)

160. Match the following:1. Bora 1. Warm winds which melt the ice in Switzerland in springs2. Foehn 2. Cold winds which blow along the Adriatic coast3. Mistral 3. Hot, dry, dusty winds which originate in Sahara desert and blow

towards Europe4. Sirocco 4. Cold violent which lower temperature in Rhone Valley


(a) 1 2 4 3(b) 2 1 4 3(c) 3 1 4 2(d) 2 4 1 3

Ans: (b)

161. The tropical cyclones-Hurricanes and Typhoons-develop and mature:(a) at the same place

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(b) over the land masses only(c) over the water bodies only(d) anywhere in the tropical zone

Ans: (d)

162. Which of the following is a cold wind?(a) Buran(b) Foehn(c) Chinook(d) Sirocco

Ans: (a)

163. The dry wind 'Santa Ana' blows in :(a) Siberia(b) Argentina(c) Switzerland(d) California

Ans: (d)

164. The portion of the atmosphere which extends from the earth's surface upto 6-8 milesand experiences decrease in temperature at constant rate is : [NDA 1990]

(a) stratosphere(b) tropopause(c) troposphere(d) ionosphere

Ans: (c)

165. Consider the following statements:1. Mistral is a cold wind blowing in North America.2. Sirocco is a hot dry wind blowing across the North African coast.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? [IAS 2009]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (b)

166. Local thunderstorms ‘Nor westers’ are prominent in :(a) Punjab(b) West Bengal(c) Andhra Pradesh(d) Tamil Nadu

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Ans: (b)

167. When the relative humidity is 50 percent and air temperature is 30°C, a cooling of airmass: [NDA 1990]

(a) raises the absolute humidity(b) produces no change in relative humidity(c) decreases the relative humidity(d) increases the relative humidity

Ans: (c)

168. Which of the following statements about convectional rainfall are true?1. The areas of the world, having an equatorial type of climate, receive this kind of rainfall.2. It is usually torrential and accompanied by thunder and lightning.3. It is also known as 4 o'clock rain.(a) 1 and 2(b) 2 and 3(c) 1 and 3(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (d)

169. The dense mass of small water drops on smoke particles in the lower layers of theatmosphere is :

(a) smog(b) frost(c) fog(d) dew

Ans: (a)

170. Cyclonic rainfall largely occurs in :(a) Egypt(b) India(c) U.K.(d) Mexico

Ans: (b)

171. Which one of the following islands receives convectional rainfall ?(a) Cyprus(b) Sumatra(c) Cuba(d) Greenland

Ans: (b)

172. Consider the following statements:

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1. Tropical cyclones have circular isobars.2. Tropical cyclones originate· entirely within tropical air mass.3. The intensity and magnitude of hurricanes generally exceed those of typhoons.4. Tropical cyclones are more destructive than the western disturbances.

Select the correct answer by using the following codes: [CDS 2001]

(a) 1, 2 and 4(b) 1 only(c) 2 and 3(d) 3 and 4

Ans: (a)

173. Consider the following statements regarding the atmosphere of the earth:1. It is enveloping the earth because of gravity.2. Its density decreases with increasing height from the surface of the earth.3. Its characteristic composition is same throughout its height.4. Amount of pressure it exerts on earth's surface at sea level is called one atm sphere.

Which of these statements are correct? [CDS 2001]

(a) 1 and 4(b) 2 and 4(c) 2, 3 and 4(d) 1, 2 and 4

Ans: (d)

174. Match the following: [IAS 2003]

A. Zonda 1. Spain

B. Santa Ana 2. Nigeria

C. Leveche 3. Argentina

D. Harmattan 4. California


(a) 3 4 1 2(b) 1 3 2 4(c) 4 2 3 1(d) 3 1 4 2

Ans: (a)

175. The most important factor in thunderstorms development is: [IAS 2003](a) atmospheric stability(b) atmospheric instability

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(c) abundance of moisture(d) temperature inversion

Ans: (b)

176. Which of the following statements is not true? [UP PCS 2002](a) Presence of water vapour is highly variable in the lower atmosphere.(b) The zone of maximum temperature is located along the equator.(c) Frigid zones are located in both the hemispheres between the polar circles and the poles.(d) Jet streams are high altitude winds affecting the surface weather conditions.

Ans: (b)

177. Which are of the following is wrongly characterised?(a) Chinook- Canada - winter - warm(b) Khamsin – Egypt – spring - hot(c) Sirocco – Sahara – spring - hot(d) Mistral - Rhone Valley - summer – cold

Ans: (d)

178. Which of the following is wrongly matched?(a) Rainfall caused by mountain standing in the way of moisture - laden winds - reliefrainfall(b) Rain caused by vertical circulation of air currents - orographic rainfall(c) Rain caused by a warm moist air mass moving upward over cold air mass - cyclonicrainfall(d) An area sheltered from rain bearing winds by a hill - rain shadow area

Ans: (b)

179. Some large lakes in temperate latitudes have a moderating influence upon the climateof adjacent land surfaces. Such an influence may develop when :

(a) the water is shallow(b) the lake is high above sea level(c) prevailing out-blowing winds cross the lake in winter(d) the lake is a basin of inland drainage

Ans: (c)

180. The absence of which among the following causes the temperature of the atmosphereto decrease with ascent along with decreasing density of air?

1. Vegetation2. Water3. Carbon dioxide4. Oxygen

5. Nitrogen(a) I and II

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(b) III and IV(c) II and III(d) II and V

Ans: (c)

_______________________________Seasons on Earth / Facts on

Agriculture, Minerals and Industries_______________________________

1. High mean temperature, high relative humidity and heavy rainfall (well distributed allover the year) are the characteristic features of the: [NDA 1990]

(a) monsoon region(b) mediterranean region(c) equatorial region(d) Savanna region

Ans: (c)

2. Mild and rainy winters, warm and dry summers are the characteristic features of: [IES1994]

(a) Monsoon Region(b) Mediterranean Region(c) Tropical Grasslands(d) Temperate Grasslands

Ans: (b)

3. Match the following:

A. Prairies 1. Equatorial regions

B. Savannas 2. Temperate Grasslands

C. Selva 3. Coniferous forests

D. Taiga 4. Tropical grasslands

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(a) 2 1 4 3(b) 2 4 1 3(c) 3 1 4 2(d) 3 4 1 2

Ans: (b)

4. Which of the following types of rainfall occurs at places having continental type ofclimate?

(a) Convectional(b) Cyclonic(c) Relief(d) Rainfall does not occur at these places

Ans: (b)

5. The polar regions of the earth cannot support forest growth because:(a) the rainfall is very low(b) the growing season is short in these areas(c) the ground is often frozen or snow or ice-covered(d) all the above factors

Ans: (d)

6. Snow line is :(a) the altitude below which no snowfall occurs(b) the altitude only above which the snowfall occurs and this snow melts during summer(c) the altitude above which snow never melts(d) the altitude above which the snow melts regularly to give rise to perennial rivers

Ans: (c)

7. Match the following:

Month Temperature in °C Rainfall in cm

January 6.7 14.0

February 6.7 13.2

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March 7.2 11.4

April 8.9 9.4

May 11.1 8.1

June 13.9 8.1

July 15.0 9.6

August 15.0 12.2

September 13.9 10.4

October 11.1 14.4

November 8.9 14.0

December 7.8 16.8

The climate to which this data pertains is : [IAS 1999]

(a) St. Lawrence(b) China Type(c) West European type(d) Mediterranean type

Ans: (c)

8. Consider the following climatic conditions (northern hemisphere)

Month Temperature °C Rainfall

J 3.9 4.7

F 4.4 5.7

M 8.3 8.2

A 14.4 9.2

M 20.0 9.2

J 23.3 17.7

J 27.8 14.5

A 27.8 14.0

S 22.3 12.7

O 18.3 7.0

N 12.2 5.0

D 6.7 3.5

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These are most likely to be found in the natural regions of: [IAS 1998]

(a) China type(b) Equatorial type(c) Hot desert type(d) Monsoon type

Ans: (a)

9. Given below is the average temperature of a city:

Month Max. Min.

J 30 20

F 30 20

M 26 18

A 23 16

M 20 12

J 17 5

J 16 8

A 17 9

S 20 11

O 22 13

N 26 16

D 30 20

The city is: [Railways 1993]

(a) San Francisco(b) Stockholm(c) Seoul(d) Sydney

Ans: (d)

10. Loess is _____ soil.(a) wind-deposited(b) water-deposited(c) volcanic(d) black cotton

Ans: (a)

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11. The 'Climate' is the average atmospheric conditions of an area over a considerableperiod of time. For proper conclusions, observations are needed for a minimum periodof:(a) 5 years(b) 10 years(c) 31 years(d) 35 years

Ans: (c)

12. Perspiration is maximum when temperature is :(a) low and air is dry(b) low and air is humid(c) high and air is dry(d) high and air is humid

Ans: (d)

13. Match the following:

A. Selvas 1. Rainy tropical forests

B. Pampas 2. Equatorial rain forests

C. Savanna 3. Temperate grassland

D. Llanos 4. Wet and dry tropical forests


(a) 1 4 2 3(b) 2 1 3 4(c) 2 3 1 4(d) 4 3 1 2

Ans: (c)

14. Consider the following statements associated with Mediterranean climate:

1. It is so named because it occurs extensively in the periphery of Mediterranean sea.

2. These lands are exposed to hot, dry, land winds during the summer months.

3. The seasonal range of temperatures is considerable less than that in other areas ofcorresponding latitudes.

Which of these statements are correct? [COS 1999)

(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 1 and 2(c) 2 and 3

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(d) 1 and 3

Ans: (a)

15. Nights are cooler in the deserts than in the plains because: [CDS 2002](a) sand radiates heat more quickly than the earth(b) the sky remains clear most of the time(c) sand absorbs heat more quickly than the earth(d) none of the above reasons

Ans: (a)

16. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched? [CDS 2001](a) Monsoon Region: Campos(b) Mediterranean Region: Llanos(c) Pampas Region: Prairies(d) Savanna Region: Steppes

Ans: (c)

17. A large number of species are found within a small unit of area of: [CDS 1999](a) mangrove coastal forests(b) coniferous temperate forests(c) deciduous monsoon forests(d) wet evergreen equatorial forests

Ans: (d)

18. Summers in Western Europe are warmer than those in Eastern Europe because of:[CDS 2002]

(a) the influence of the warm ocean current(b) the influence of bright sunshine(c) the lower mountains terrain(d) peninsular nature of the continent

Ans: (a)

19. Consider the following statements:1. In equatorial regions, the year is divided into four main seasons.2. In Mediterranean region, summer receives more rain.3. In China type climate, rainfall occurs throughout the year.4. Tropical highlands exhibit vertical zonation of different climates.

Which of these statements are correct? [IAS 2003]

(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4(b) 1, 2, and 3(c) 1, 2, and 4(d) 3 and 4

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Ans: (d)

20. Consider the following ecosystems:

1. Taiga

2. Tropical evergreen

3. Tropical deciduous

4. Tundra

The correct sequence in decreasing order of the albedo values of these ecosystem is: [IAS2002]

(a) 1, 4, 3, 2(b) 4, 1, 2, 3(c) 4, 1, 3, 2(d) 1, 4, 2, 3

Ans: (c)

21. Consider the following statements:1. The movement of the isotherms is greater over the land than it is over the oceans.2. Coastal regions have a smaller range of temperature than do continental interiors.

Which of these statements is/are correct ? [IES 2003]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (c)

22. The mediterranean region specialises in fruit culture because: [IAS 2003](a) hill slopes are best suited for cultivation of trees(b) hill slopes are not favourable for food grain cultivation(c) the long dry summer favour drying and packing of fruits for export.(d) there is a demand of dry fruits

Ans: (c)

23. Which one of the following regions of the world is called “the bread basket of theworld”? [IAS 2003]

(a) Temperate grassland(b) Tropical monsoonal region(c) Mediterranean region(d) Savana grassland

Ans: (a)

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24. The thermal equator is found:(a) at the equator(b) south of geographical equator(c) north of geographical equator(d) at the Tropic of Cancer

Ans: (c)

25. Seasonal contrast in temperature are minimum in the equatorial region because:(a) sky is always overcast(b) sun is almost vertically overhead throughout the year(c) forests prevent sunlight from reaching the ground(d) rainfall cool the atmosphere

Ans: (b)

26. Grasses are almost absent in :(a) tropical moist deciduous forest(b) tropical dry evergreen forest(c) tropical semi-evergreen forest(d) tropical wet-evergreen forest

Ans: (d)

27. The role of spines in the desert plants is :(a) to protect themselves from the herbivores.(b) to provide more surface for photosynthesis(c) to save the moisture from evaporation.(d) none of the above

Ans: (c)

28. Which one of the following characteristics is NOT found in the Mediterranean climate?[NDA 2003]

(a) Temperatures range from 21°C in summer to 10°C or below in the winter(b) Off-shore trade winds blow in the summer(c) On-shore westerly winds blow in the winter bringing cyclonic rain(d) The annual rainfall ranges from 1500 mm to 2000 mm

Ans: (b)

29. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the climatic regions while goingfrom Zaire to Netherlands? [UP PCS 2002]

1. Equatorial climate2. Mediterranean climate3. Hot desert climate4. West European climate(a) 1, 3, 2, 4

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(b) 1, 4, 2, 3(c) 2, 3, 4, 1(d) 3, 2, 1, 4

Ans: (a)

30. Which one of the following ecosystems covers the largest area of the earth's surface?[UP PCS 2002]

(a) Desert Ecosystem(b) Grassland Ecosystem(c) Mountain Ecosystem(d) Marine Ecosystem

Ans: (d)

31. Match the following: [NDA 2003]

Type of Natural Region Area Associated with the Natural Region

A. Dry Continental 1. Brazil

B. Humid Subtropics 2. British Isles

C. Marine West Coast 3. Canada

D. Subarctics 4. China

5. Mongolia


(a) 5 4 2 3(b) 2 3 1 5(c) 2 4 1 3(d) 5 3 2 4

Ans: (a)

32. Match the following: [NDA 2001]

Climate Characteristics

A. Savanna 1. Torrential rainfall grassland throughout the year

B. Monsoon 2. Cloud burst in summer

C. Mediterranian 3. Rainfall in summer, dry winter

D. Equatorial 4. Hot and dry summer, mild and wet winter


(a) 2 3 4 1

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(b) 3 2 1 4(c) 2 3 1 4(d) 3 2 4 1

Ans: (a)

33. Match the following:

A. Tropical Evergreen Forest 1. South Brazil

B. Tropical Monsoon Forest 2. Burma and Thailand

C. Temperate Evergreen Forest 3. North Mexico

D. Mediterranean Forest 4. Indonesia

5. South-West Australia


(a) 4 2 1 5(b) 3 4 5 1(c) 5 4 1 2(d) 4 3 2 1

Ans: (a)

34. Which of the following statements is false?(a) Tropical evergreen forests have very little undergrowth(b) Tropical monsoon forests have dense undergrowth(c) Temperate evergreen forests have rainfall throughout the year(d) Coniferous forest are mostly deciduous

Ans: (d)

35. Match the following:

A. Pampas 1. Argentina

B. Campos 2. Australia

C. Prairies 3. South Africa

D. Veldt 4. North America

E. Downs 5. Brazil


(a) 1 2 3 4 5(b) 1 5 4 3 2(c) 5 4 3 2 1(d) 2 3 5 4 1

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Ans: (b)

36. Which of the following are Tropical Grasslands ?1. Campos2. Pampas3. Savanna4. Steppes

(a) I and IV(b) I and III(c) II and III(d) I and III

Ans: (b)

37. Match the following: [NDA 2002]

Cities Natural Regions

A. Darwin 1. China type

B. New Orleans 2. Equatorial type

C. San Francisco 3. Mediterranean type

D. Vancouver 4. Tropical Monsoon type

5. West European Type


(a) 4 1 3 5(b) 3 5 2 1(c) 4 5 3 1(d) 3 1 2 5

Ans: (a)

38. Grasslands which not support any trees are called:(a) lanos(b) campos(c) savanna(d) steppes

Ans: (d)

39. Mid-latitude forests have:1. deciduous forests2. coniferous forests3. evergreen forests

(a) I and II

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(b) II and III(c) I and II(d) only II

Ans: (a)

40. The term ‘Granary of the world’ is related to _____ type.(a) Monsoon(b) Temperate(c) Mediterranean(d) Laurentian

Ans: (c)

41. In which region China type climate is found?(a) South Japan(b) South West Korea(c) Natalin Africa(d) All of the above

Ans: (d)

42. Match the following:

Forest Places

A. Tropical evergreen forests 1. Ghana

B. Equatorial forests 2. Scandinavia

C. Mediterranean forests 3. Indonesia

D. Coniferous forests 4. Philippines

5. Adelaide


(a) 3 1 4 2(b) 3 1 5 2(c) 1 2 3 4(d) 1 2 4 3

Ans: (b)

43. Shallow-rooted trees are associated with:(a) Savanna climate(b) Temperate climate(c) Tropical climate(d) Equatorial climate

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Ans: (d)

44. Which of the following statements are true with regard to tropical monsoon climate?1. Temperatures range from 32°Cin the hot season to about 15° C in the cool season2. Annual rainfall varies greatly3. The climate is best developed in the southern continents4. It consists of three main season i. e. cool, dry season; hot, dry season; hot, wet season

(a) I and IV(b) II, III and IV(c) II and III(d) I, II and IV

Ans: (d)

45. Winter temperature ranging from - 29° C to - 40° C, summer temperature about 10° C,total annual precipitation about 25 cm. and low humidity. These characterise theclimate.

(a) Taiga(b) Tundra(c) Mountain(d) West European

Ans: (b)

46. Which one of the following areas is dominant in hunting and gathering? [IAS 2004](a) Hot desert(b) Cold desert(c) Tropical forest(d) Temperate grassland

Ans: (c)

47. Among the following climatic factors, which one has the least effect upon a terrestrialecosystem? [IAS 2004]

(a) Temperature variation(b) Wind(c) Conditions of sunlight(d) Availability of water

Ans: (b)

48. Which one of the following regions has Mediterranean type of climate? [IAS 2004](a) Cape Town region of South Africa(b) Great Plains of North America(c) North-Eastern Australia(d) Southern Algeria

Ans: (a)

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49. Which one of the following factors is not a determining fact of the climate? [CDS 2004](a) Latitude(b) Longitude(c) Land and Sea contrasts(d) Relief features

Ans: (b)

50. Match the following:

Cities Climatic Type

A. Auckland 1. Mediterranean

B. Lagos 2. Humid Subtropical

C. San Francisco 3. Marine West European

D. Shanghai 4. Equatorial


(a) 2 1 4 3(b) 3 4 1 2(c) 2 4 1 3(d) 3 1 4 2

Ans: (b)

51. Consider the following statements:2. The Taiga biome stretches across large parts of Canada, Europe and Asia.3. Taiga is the largest biome in the world4. A lot of coniferous trees grows in the Taiga

Which of the statements given above are correct? [IAS 2004]

(a) 1 and 2(b) 2 and 3(c) 1 and 3(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (d)

52. Match the following: [IAS 1999]

Timber Country

A. Cedar 1. Myanmar

B. Douglas Fir 2. Canada

C. Mahogany 3. Mexico

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D. Teak 4. Honduras


(a) 3 2 1 4(b) 3 2 4 1(c) 2 3 4 1(d) 2 3 1 4

Ans: (b)

53. What happens to tropical soils when the rain forest is cleared? [IAS 2004](a) The soil improves to the extent that soluble nutrients are no longer depleted by the trees(b) There is little effect on the soil because of its depth of(c) Clearing interrupts the critical nutrient cycle and leads to soil leaching(d) The soils stabilise and become excellent for grain

Ans: (c)

54. In which of the following countries, has maximum damage to the forest been caused byacid rain? [IAS 2004]

(a) Spain(b) Netherlands(c) Poland(d) Italy

Ans: (c)

55. Which one of the following activities occupies the largest area of the world? [IAS 2004](a) Commercial plantation(b) Pastoral herding(c) Commercial grain farming(d) Subsistence agriculture

Ans: (b)

56. Which one of the following natural regions is best known for the production of grapes?[IAS 2004]

(a) Hot deserts(b) Monsoon(c) Equatorial(d) Mediterranean

Ans: (d)

57. Which type of climate is known for the maximum diurnal range of temperature?(a) Mediterranean(b) Equatorial(c) Hot desert

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(d) Cold desert

Ans: (c)

58. Which one of the following characteristics is NOT found in the convectional rainfall ?[CDS 2002]

(a) Drizzling(b) Lightning and thunder(c) Torrential rain(d) Afternoon rain

Ans: (a)

59. Which type of forest belt supplies most of the world's requirement of newsprint?[Stenographers' Exam 1993]

(a) Coniferous forest(b) Deciduous forest(c) Evergreen forest(d) Mediterranear forest

Ans: (a)

60. Which of me following climatic type suffers change due to shifting of the World'sPressure Belts?

(a) Equatorial type(b) Tundra type(c) Tropical desert type(d) Monsoon

Ans: (d)

61. Which one of the following statements is not correct?(a) Rainfall generally increases away from the equatorial region both northwards andsouthwards upto about 30° north and south(b) Mediterranean regions receive rainfall in winter from cyclones(c) Hot deserts of the world are found in the tropical regions between 15° and 30° north andsouth latitudes(d) Deserts generally receive less than 25 cm of rainfall in a year

Ans: (a)

62. The greatest average annual precipitation is in:(a) Hawaii(b) India(c) Philippines(d) West Indies

Ans: (c)

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63. Of the following countries, the one which has predominantly the MediterraneanClimate is:

(a) USA(b) Italy(c) Chile(d) Australia

Ans: (b)

64. The average annual temperature is 19°C. An average annual rainfall of about 120 cm isdistributed throughout the year, Late summer and autumn are the dreaded seasons ofhurricanes and typhoons. These are the climatic conditions of:

(a) China type(b) Sudan type(c) Tropical desert type(d) Taiga type

Ans: (a)

65. The climate best suited for horticulture is :(a) Equatorial(b) Mediterranean(c) Monsoon(d) Tundra

Ans: (b)

66. A place having an average annual temperature of 27°C and an annual rainfall of over200 cm. could be: [NDA 1993]

(a) Tehran(b) Singapore(c) Nagpur(d) Moscow

Ans: (b)

67. China type of climate prevails in :(a) China, Korea and Vietnam(b) Southern China, Vietnam and Laos(c) Central China, North China and Southern Japan(d) North China, Southern Russia and Japan

Ans: (c)

68. In which of the following types of climate does the temperature never rise above 10°Cthroughout the year?

(a) Continental Climate(b) Tundra Climate

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(c) Mediterranean Climate(d) Taiga Climate

Ans: (b)

69. 'Climate is extreme, rainfall is scanty and the people used to be nomadic hoarders'. Forwhich region is this statement correct?

(a) African Savanna(b) Central Asian Steppes(c) Siberian Tundra(d) North American Prairies

Ans: (b)

70. The region which does not receive most of its rainfall during winter, is :(a) Central California(b) Central North America(c) South West Australia(d) South West Africa

Ans: (b)

71. The factors which determine the climate of a place are:2. Soil3. Latitude4. Altitude5. Vegetation(a) 2 only(b) 1 and 2 only(c) 2 and 3 only(d) 3 and 4 only

Ans: (c)

72. The climate of a place is decided by:(a) proximity to the sea(b) altitude(c) latitude(d) All the above

Ans: (d)

73. Monsoon effect is also experienced in :(a) East Africa(b) Nile Basin(c) South Africa(d) West Africa

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Ans: (a)

74. Which one of the following countries celebrates Christmas festival in summer season?[UDC 1994]

(a) Australia(b) Canada(c) Mexico(d) Italy

Ans: (a)

75. In which season is the frequency of tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal maximum?(a) During autumn(b) After summer(c) During winter(d) During monsoon

Ans: (b)

76. The equatorial regions receive rainfall throughout the year. The annual rainfall isgenerally about:

(a) 80 cms(b) 160 cms(c) 200 cms(d) 250 cms

Ans: (d)

77. Tropical evergreen forests remain evergreen because :(a) there is a thick undergrowth of bushes(b) they do not shed their leaves.(c) shedding of leaves and simultaneous growth of new ones takes place throughout the year(d) while plants at one level shed their leaves, those at a higher level retain their leaves

Ans: (c)

78. Which is the world's largest desert? [Railway 1995](a) Sahara(b) Gobi(c) Thar(d) Takala Makan

Ans: (a)

79. Which of the following deserts does not lie in the Northern Hemisphere?(a) Gobi(b) Kalahari(c) Sahara

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(d) Thar

Ans: (b)

80. Which of the following is an example of Mid-latitude desert ?(a) Sahara desert(b) Arabian desert(c) Thar desert(d) Patagonia desert

Ans: (d)

81. The hottest place in the world is : [Teachers' Exam 1991](a) Tehran, Iran(b) Jaisalmer, India(c) Dallol, Ethiopia(d) Azizia, Libya

Ans: (d)

82. The driest spot on earth is in the Atacama desert, parts of which went without rain for400 years. The Atacama is in :

(a) Africa(b) Asia(c) Canada(d) South America

Ans: (d)

83. Deserts such as Sahara are generally found between 20° and 30° latitudes in westernparts of the continents. This is because these regions:

(a) are very hot throughout the year(b) have offshore winds throughout the year(c) have warm offshore currents(d) lie in the belt of the doldrums

Ans: (b)

84. Match the following: [IFS 1991]

A. Desert 1. Coniferous forests

B. Mediterranean 2. Long grass

C. Steppes 3. Short grass

D. Taiga 4. Thick and smooth leaf trees

5. Thorny bushes


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(a) 1 4 3 2(b) 5 4 3 1(c) 1 3 2 5(d) 5 4 3 2

Ans: (b)

85. Which of the following statements is correct?(a) Steppes are the temperate grasslands of South America(b) Prairies are the temperate grasslands of North America(c) Pampas are the temperate grasslands of South Australia(d) Forests-with trees which do not shed their leaves seasonally are called deciduousforests

Ans: (b)

86. The tropical rain forests are dense and varied because of: [CDS 1994](a) their remote and inaccessible locations(b) very little interference from man(c) an abundance of moisture and warm temperature throughout the year(d) poor economic development

Ans: (c)

87. Coniferous forests are in the region of:(a) high humidity and high temperature(b) low rainfall and very low temperature throughout the year(c) low mean annual temperature throughout the year and very cold winter(d) heavy rainfall and high temperature during summer

Ans: (b)

88. Which country falls in all three natural regions : Hot desert, Mediterranean and Cooltemperate type of climate?

(a) Chile(b) Israel(c) Lebanon(d) None of these

Ans: (a)

89. Teak and Sal are the principal trees in the forests known as: [NDA 1991](a) Dry deciduous(b) Dry evergreen(c) Tropical moist deciduous(d) Tropical moist evergreen

Ans: (c)

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90. Which vegetation is called natural cattle country ?(a) Savanna(b) Downs(c) Selva(d) Prairies

Ans: (b)

91. Which of the following regions bear mainly the Coniferous forests?(a) Southern part of India(b) South America(c) Southern island of New Zealand(d) Central, Eastern and Western parts of North America

Ans: (d)

92. Zebras inhabit:(a) coniferous forest regions(b) downs(c) equatorial regions(d) savanna lands

Ans: (d)

93. Many Savanna regions are unable to support good crops because:(a) they have large tall grasses which form a canopy over the good crops and do not allowthem to grow(b) there are large number of animals in this region, which eat up the crops(c) the climate is too hot for the crops to grow(d) they have poor lateritic soil

Ans: (a)

94. Tropical deciduous or monsoonal forests occur in:(a) Siberia, Alaska, U.S.A., Canada(b) New Zealand, Spain, Portugal, France(c) Netherlands, Russia, Norway, U.K.(d) Burma, India, Thailand, Brazil

Ans: (d)

95. Wine production is mainly carried out in which of the following natural regions?(a) Equatorial region(b) Savanna(c) Mediterranean region(d) Coniferous forests

Ans: (c)

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96. Postaz are temperate grassland in:(a) Australia(b) South Africa(c) Hungary(d) Egypt

Ans: (c)

97. Which of the following statements about forests is not correct? [NDA 1991](a) Coniferous forests of high latitudes yield soft wood(b) Between 2000 m and 3000 m elevation on the Himalayas grow deodar, chinar andwalnut(c) Forests in equatorial regions of India are less dense than the monsoon forests(d) Large-scale exploitation of forests has caused soil erosion and repeated floods

Ans: (c)

98. Deciduous trees are those:(a) that grow up straight(b) that grow plenty in dry places(c) that never bear fruits(d) that shed their leaves during a certain season

Ans: (d)

99. Which of the following natural regions is known as 'the big game country' or 'a land ofsafari'?

(a) Tropical deserts(b) Equatorial regions(c) Temperate Grassland regions(d) Savanna or Tropical Grassland regions

Ans: (d)

100. Which of the following natural regions is not found in the Torrid Zone?(a) Equatorial forests(b) Monsoon regions(c) Temperate deserts(d) Tropical grasslands

Ans: (c)

101. The greatest diversity of animal and plant species occurs in : [IAS 1994](a) temperate deciduous forests(b) tropical moist forests(c) heavily polluted rivers(d) deserts and Savannas

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Ans: (b)

102. Consider the following statements:2. Costa Rica is a leading exporter of cocoa3. Malaysia is a leading exporter of rubber.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [IAS 2006]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (c)

103. Which climatic region has the least temperature range?(a) Equatorial region(b) Monsoon region(c) Tropical region(d) Mediterranean region

Ans: (a)

104. Long treeless grassy palms are characteristics of: [CDS 1992](a) Campos(b) Llanos(c) Pampas(d) Prairies

Ans: (c)

105. The Veld grassland of South Africa experiences:(a) the Continental Savanna Climate(b) the Maritime Savanna Climate(c) the Steppe climate(d) the Tropical desert climate

Ans: (c)

106. The Mediterranean lands are' often called the World's: [IFS 1990](a) grazing lands(b) forest lands(c) orchard lands(d) paddy lands

Ans: (c)

107. The Taiga belt lies between: [CDS 1994](a) Mediterranean climate and Tundra

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(b) Monsoon climate and Tundra(c) Temperate grasslands and Tundra(d) Tibet type climate and Tundra

Ans: (c)

108. Which of the following regions gets no rainfall throughout the year? [NDA 1992](a) The Equatorial Region(b) The Tundra Region(c) The Himalayan Region(d) The Mediterranean Region

Ans: (b)

109. The Tropical Rain forest type of climate is characterised by: [CDS 1992](a) average rainfall of about 300 cm(b) heavy rain and high temperatures throughout the year(c) hot dry summer and mild wet winters(d) hot summer and cool winters with about 100 cm of annual rainfall

Ans: (b)

110. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched? [I. Tax & Central Excise 1990](a) Tundra region - Lichens and Mosses(b) Mediterranean region - Groundnut and Potato(c) China Type region - Tea and Sugarbeet(d) West-European region - Corn and Wheat

Ans: (a)

111. In the Semi-arid and Temperate grasslands, the most commonly found animals are:(a) donkeys and horses(b) reindeers(c) camels(d) sheep and goats

Ans: (d)

112. Which of the following trees is not a soft wood variety?(a) Fir(b) Mahogany(c) Pine(d) Spruce

Ans: (b)

113. The zones of excessively dry climate with very cold temperature throughout the yearcorrespond to: [IES 1993]

(a) Alpine meadows

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(b) Antarctica(c) Arctic deserts(d) Tundra

Ans: (d)

114. The hot desert of the world are generally found near: [CDS 1991](a) the equator(b) the doldrums(c) the horse latitude(d) the Tundras

Ans: (c)

115. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched? [Teachers' Exam 1994](a) The Mediterranean Region- Summer rain(b) The Equatorial Region-Heavy convectional shower(c) The Monsoon Region-Heavy rain throughout the year(d) The Desert Region-Winter rain

Ans: (b)

116. What are 'Igloos'? [NDA 1994](a) A kind of animal hunted by Kalahari Bushmen(b) A kind of animal domesticated by aboriginal inhabitants of Australia(c) Mammoth mammals found in the Pacific Ocean(d) A dome-shaped house or a hut, built of blocks of hard snow, in which the Eskimos live

Ans: (d)

117. Which of the following environment supports the growth of Mangrove Swamp? [NDA1995]

(a) Tidal flat(b) Monsoon(c) Equatorial(d) Mixed

Ans: (a)

118. Which of the following characterises the desert forests?(a) Pointed leaves(b) Dense leaves(c) Canopy leaves(d) Broad leaves

Ans: (a)

119. Which of the following types of forests mostly grow in the belt lying between 50° N and70° N ?

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(a) Temperate hardwood forests(b) Temperate coniferous forests(c) Temperate deciduous forests(d) Tropical evergreen forests

Ans: (b)

120. Mosses and Lichens are the characteristic vegetation of:(a) hot desert region(b) mediterranean region(c) temperate region(d) tundra region

Ans: (d)

121. Trees with hardwood and dense canopy are generally found in : [Stenographers' Exam1993]

(a) deciduous forests(b) evergreen forests(c) tidal forests(d) alpine forests

Ans: (b)

122. The Llanos and Campos of South America are examples of:(a) coniferous forest regions(b) deciduous regions(c) equatorial regions(d) Savanna regions

Ans: (d)

123. Which of the following regions specializes in the cultivation of citrus fruits? [I. Tax &Central excise 1994]

(a) Equatorial region(b) Mediterranean region(c) Polar region(d) Tundra region

Ans: (b)

124. The tropical grasslands of Africa are known as:(a) Steppes(b) Savannas(c) Pampas(d) Downs

Ans: (b)

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125. Which one among the following countries is the largest producer of Bauxite? [AssttComm 2008]

(a) Australia(b) Brazil(c) West Indies(d) India

Ans: (a)

126. Which one of the following is found on the western coast of continents between 30° and40° latitudes? [CDS 1991]

(a) Tropical Grassland Region(b) Hot Desert Climate Region(c) Mediterranean Climate Region(d) Temperate Climate Region

Ans: (c)

127. The highest annual precipitation occurs in:(a) Canadian Shield(b) Ganga basin(c) Siberian Plains(d) Amazon basin

Ans: (d)

128. The Himalayas have snowline at 4300 m whereas in the Alps mountain, it is at 3000 m.This is because the: [CDS 1994]

(a) Himalayas have denser forest cover(b) Himalayas face the monsoon winds(c) Himalayas are higher than the Alps(d) Himalayas are located in the lower latitudes

Ans: (d)

129. Scanty rainfall of less than 50 cm per annum is received by :(a) the coastal areas in the warm temperate zone(b) the eastern parts of the temperate lands(c) the areas of high latitudes(d) the areas of equatorial regions

Ans: (c)

130. Which of the following regions and, dominant crops is wrongly matched?(a) Tropical monsooon-rice(b) Tundra -market gardening(c) Temperate grassland-cereals(d) Cold Temperate-softwood

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Ans: (b)

131. Small daily and seasonal range of temperature, comparatively cool summer andcomparatively warm winter : this would be the characteristic climate of:

(a) an island(b) a tropical country(c) the interior of a continent(d) temperate latitudes

Ans: (a)

132. Central and western part of California experience climate:(a) Monsoon(b) Mediterranean(c) Taiga(d) Sudan

Ans: (b)

133. Arrange the following geographical regions in proper order:1. Tundra2. Shrub3. Taiga4. Deciduous

(a) II, IV, I, III(b) I, II, III, IV(c) II, III, I, IV(d) I, III, IV, II

Ans: (d)

134. All of the following types of climates occur in the southern hemisphere except:(a) hot desert(b) savanna(c) equatorial(d) tundra

Ans: (d)

135. Rainfall in the doldrums is of the nature of: [CDS 2000](a) orographic precipitation(b) natural precipitation(c) frontal precipitation(d) convectional precipitation

Ans: (a)

136. Match the following : [NDA 2003]

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Climatic Regions Major Cities

A. Equatorial 1. Naples

B. Monsoon 2. Jeddah

C. Mediterranean 3. Djakarta

D. Tropical Desert 4. Bangkok


(a) 2 1 4 3(b) 2 4 1 3(c) 3 1 4 2(d) 3 4 1 2

Ans: (d)

137. Economy of Brazil is mostly dependent on :(a) tea(b) coffee(c) rice(d) maize

Ans: (b)

138. Which of the following is a tropical monsoon crop? [RRB 1992](a) Wheat(b) Rice(c) Cotton(d) Maize

Ans: (a)

139. Which of the following climatic characteristic is related to tropical deserts?(a) Low Pressure throughout the year(b) Most of the rain falls in winter(c) Very high daily range of temperature(d) Very low daily range of temperature

Ans: (c)

140. Match the following:

A. Monsoon forests 1. Pine, fur, spruce, Larch

B. Taiga Region 2. Teak, sal, rosewood

C. Equatorial Region 3. Elephant grass, bombeda

D. Subtropical Region 4. Mahogany, ebony, rosewood

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(a) 3 1 4 2(b) 1 2 3 4(c) 2 4 1 3(d) 2 1 4 3

Ans: (d)

141. What is the main activity of Eskimos during the short period of summer season?(a) Hunting(b) Fishing(c) Lumbering(d) Animal Grazing

Ans: (a)

142. The country that has the greatest length of the day during summer is :(a) Australia(b) Mexico(c) Nigeria(d) Norway

Ans: (d)

143. The following pattern of average monthly temperature (0° C) chart represents which ofthe following types of climates?

Month Temp.

J -8

F -8

M -6

A 25

M 35

J 41

J 41

A 34

S 34

O 25

N 14

D 1

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(a) Mediterranean(b) Savanna(c) Continental(d) Tundra

Ans: (c)

144. Wood pulp comes from:(a) equatorial region(b) temperate region(c) mediterranean region(d) coniferous forest region

Ans: (d)

145. The temperature decreases towards poles, because :(a) at poles the snow does not melt(b) the cold regions do not absorb sun rays(c) the movement of cold wind is towards poles(d) the sun rays falling per unit area are less at poles

Ans: (d)

146. The lowest winter temperature in the northern hemisphere is of:(a) Ottawa(b) Mexico city(c) Moscow(d) Verkhoyansk

Ans: (d)

147. Among foodgrains, international trade of rice is quite small because:(a) it is not the main food grain of human consumption(b) its transport cost is high(c) rice gets spoilt during storage and transport(d) major producer regions are major consumers also

Ans: (d)

148. Which of the following countries is the richest coal producing nation in Europe?(a) France(b) Germany(c) Great Britain(d) Poland

Ans: (b)

149. World's largest synthetic rubber and tyre making centre is :(a) Cleveland

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(b) Sharon(c) Akron(d) Wheeling

Ans: (c)

150. The World's largest producer of wool is:(a) India(b) Russia(c) U.S.A(d) Australia

Ans: (d)

151. Marino sheep rearing is the predominant pastoral activity in :(a) Australia(b) Argentina(c) Denmark(d) Sweden

Ans: (a)

152. Which of the following is the leading producer of rice? [CRPF 1990](a) Australia(b) Argentina(c) China(d) Cuba

Ans: (c)

153. Major wheat and rice producing area in China is:(a) Hwang-Ho basin(b) Yangtse-basin(c) Si-Kiang basin(d) All the above

Ans: (d)

154. Which one of the following countries produces the largest amount of crude steel of theworld? [IAS 2007]

(a) Japan(b) USA(c) South Korea(d) China

Ans: (d)

155. Which one of the following deserts is famous for its deposits of nitrates? [IAS 2007](a) Atacama

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(b) Kalahari(c) Gobi(d) Sahara

Ans: (a)

156. The maximum amount of energy in the present day world is provided by :(a) atomic energy(b) coal(c) hydroelectric power resources(d) liquid fuels

Ans: (b)

157. Which of the following countries is rich in oil?(a) Indonesia(b) Pakistan(c) Singapore(d) Thailand

Ans: (a)

158. The Appalachian coal fields, one of the important coal fields in the world, are locatedin:

(a) China(b) Great Britain(c) U.S.A.(d) Russia

Ans: (c)

159. The Appalachian highland of North America are economically important mainly becauseof:

(a) ready source of timber and water power(b) natural passes facilitating easy movement(c) large number of both summer and winter tourist centres(d) rich mineral wealth forming the basis of flourishing industries

Ans: (d)

160. Which of the following is the largest producer of copper?(a) Ghana(b) Malaysia(c) Australia(d) Chile

Ans: (d)

161. Match the following:

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Mineral Leading producer

A. Uranium 1. Australia

B. Bauxite 2. Mexico

C. Salt 3. Canada

D. Silver 4. U.S.A.


(a) 1 3 4 2(b) 2 4 1 3(c) 3 1 4 2(d) 4 2 1 3

Ans: (c)

162. Which country is the largest oil producer in the world :(a) Kuwait(b) U.S.A.(c) Russia(d) None of these

Ans: (b)

163. Where was the world's first oil-well drilled in the nineteenth century ?(a) Baku in Russia.(b) Titusfills in Pennsylvania, U.S.A.(c) Digboi in Assam, India(d) Dhahran in Saudi Arabia

Ans: (b)

164. The world's highest hydel power project 'Rongtong' is located in :(a) Rangoon(b) Kathmandu(c) Himachal Pradesh(d) Beijing

Ans: (d)

165. Which of the following countries is the world's largest producer of coal?(a) Russia(b) China(c) India(d) U.S.A.

Ans: (b)

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166. Which country ranks top in the mining of gold?(a) Canada(b) U.S.A.(c) China(d) South Africa

Ans: (d)

167. The leading producer of "bort" variety of diamond in the world is :(a) South Africa(b) Zaire(c) Ghana(d) Angola

Ans: (b)

168. Which one of the African countries is richer than others in gold and diamond? [IFS1993]

(a) Zambia(b) Zaire(c) Botswana(d) Angola

Ans: (b)

169. Match the following: [CDS 1992]

A. South Africa 1. Crude oil

B. Saudi Arabia 2. Copper

C. Chile 3. Diamond

D. Zaire 4. Gold

5. Aluminium


(a) 4 1 2 3(b) 4 1 3 2(c) 4 2 5 3(d) 4 5 2 1

Ans: (a)

170. The leading producer of sulphur is : [IES 1994](a) Canada(b) Spain(c) U.S.A.

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(d) Italy

Ans: (b)

171. Match the following:

A. Mineral Oil 1. Canada and Russia

B. Gold 2. U.S.A. and China

C. Rock Salt 3. S. Africa and Russia

D. Zinc 4. U.S.A. and Saudi Arabia


(a) 1 2 3 4(b) 2 4 3 1(c) 3 4 2 1(d) 4 3 2 1

Ans: (d)

172. The major oil producing area in U.S.A. is :(a) Texas-Louisiana belt(b) California-Colorado belt(c) Ohio-Indiana belt(d) Appalachian region

Ans: (a)

173. Which country leads the world in the export of oil?(a) Venezuela(b) Saudi Arabia(c) Iraq(d) Iran

Ans: (b)

174. Match the following:

Town Industry

A. Detroit 1. Cigar

B. Havana 2. Silk

C. Kimberley 3. Automobiles

D. Milan 4. Diamond mining


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(a) 1 3 4 2(b) 3 1 4 2(c) 2 4 1 3(d) 4 2 3 1

Ans: (b)

175. The chief industry of Afghanistan is : [IFS 1988](a) cotton textiles(b) carpet making(c) sugar refining(d) automobile manufacturing

Ans: (b)

176. Silk textiles are mainly produced in:(a) Japan and U.S.A.(b) Japan and China(c) China and India(d) U.S.A. and U.K.

Ans: (c)

177. Venice in Italy and Vienna in Austria are famous for:(a) pottery(b) glass industry(c) chemical industry(d) textile industry

Ans: (b)

178. Match the following:

A. Detroit 1. Automobile Industry

B. New Orleans 2. Biggest meat market

C. Pittsburg 3. Cotton Industry

D. Rio de Janeiro 4. Iron and steel Industry


(a) 4 2 1 3(b) 1 2 4 3(c) 3 2 4 1(d) 1 2 3 4

Ans: (b)

179. Which of the following pairs is incorrect ?

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(a) Buenos Aires-Dairy Products(b) Bangkok-Aircrafts(c) Manchester-Cotton Textiles(d) Plymouth-Ship building

Ans: (b)

180. Cork is chiefly produced in :(a) Baku (Russia)(b) Havana (Cuba)(c) Cadiz (Spain)(d) Leeds (England)

Ans: (c)

181. Which of the following countries is well known for diamond cutting industry ?(a) Belgium(b) Norway(c) The Netherlands(d) Switzerland

Ans: (a)

182. World's leading producer of fertilizers is:(a) U.K.(b) India(c) U.S.A.(d) Russia

Ans: (c)

183. Which of the following towns is incorrectly matched to its chief industry ?(a) Chicago-Agricultural Implements(b) Kansas-Meat Packing(c) Los Angeles-Automobiles(d) Dresden-Optical Apparatus

Ans: (c)

184. World's largest manufacturers of Motor Vehicles are:(a) Russia and Japan(b) U.K. and France(c) U.S.A. and Japan(d) U.S.A. and Germany

Ans: (c)

185. Which of the following industries uses mica?(a) Glass and Pottery industry

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(b) Electrical industry(c) Steel industry(d) Textile industry

Ans: (b)

186. Los Angeles is famous for:(a) golden beaches(b) scenic beauty(c) film studios(d) rocket launching station

Ans: (c)

187. Which of the following pairs of countries are the leading manufacturers of cement inthe world?

(a) U.S.A. and Russia(b) Japan and Russia(c) China and India(d) U.S.A. and U.K.

Ans: (c)

188. From, the point of view of international trade, Bahrein islands are noted for petroleumand:

(a) fishing(b) ship building(c) iron and steel(d) pearl fishing

Ans: (d)

189. The biggest producer of Uranium in the world is : [Asstt Grade 1991](a) France(b) India(c) U.S.A.(d) Zaire

Ans: (c)

190. Match the following:

A. Sheffield 1. Germany

B. Detroit 2. England

C. Baku 3. France

D. Munich 4. Azerbaijan

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5. U.S.A.


(a) 2 5 4 1(b) 2 4 5 3(c) 3 5 4 1(d) 5 1 4 2

Ans: (a)

191. Match the following:

A. Ivory Coast 1. Coffee

B. Malaysia 2. Wheat

C. Russia 3. Rubber

D. Brazil 4. Cocoa


(a) 4 3 2 1(b) 1 2 3 4(c) 2 1 4 3(d) 3 4 1 2

Ans: (a)

192. Match the following:

Country Product

A. Brazil 1. Dairy Product

B. New Zealand 2. Meat

C. Argentina 3. Cocoa

D. Ghana 4. Coffee


(a) 1 2 3 4(b) 4 1 2 3(c) 4 2 1 3(d) 4 3 2 1

Ans: (b)

193. Match the following:

Towns Chief Industries

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A. Johannesburg 1. Cotton Textiles

B. Morocco 2. Glass

C. Kimberley 3. Leather

D. Manchester 4. Gold mining

5. Diamond mining


(a) 4 2 5 3(b) 2 4 3 1(c) 4 3 5 1(d) 3 5 4 1

Ans: (c)

194. In the world production of natural rubber, India ranks: [CDS 2002](a) second(b) third(c) fourth(d) fifth

Ans: (c)

195. Match the following: [CDS 1999]

Minerals Important producers

A. Tin 1. Kuwait

B. Rock phosphate 2. Gabon

C. Manganese 3. Chile

D. Copper 4. Morocco

5. Malaysia


(a) 5 4 2 3(b) 5 4 3 1(c) 3 2 4 5(d) 1 5 2 4

Ans: (a)

196. Oolong tea is: [IAS 2003](a) a scented tea(b) tea cultivated in home gardens

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(c) a variety of tea cultivated in Taiwan(d) green leaf tea of China

Ans: (c)

197. The largest exporter of cotton textile in the world is : [IAS 2003](a) U.S. A.(b) China(c) Japan(d) India

Ans: (d)

198. Which of the following countries is the biggest producer of mango?(a) India(b) China(c) Indonesia(d) Malaysia

Ans: (a)

199. Brazil has become the world's largest producer of coffee mainly because:(a) the Brazilian plateau is well drained land(b) the climatic conditions are suitable(c) the "terra-rosa" soil is very fertile(d) the coffee plant is native of Brazil

Ans: (c)

200. Match the following:

A. Ford 1. Japan

B. Leyland 2. U.S.A.

C. Volkswagon 3. U.K.

D. Datsun 4. Germany


(a) 2 3 4 1(b) 1 2 3 4(c) 2 4 3 1(d) 4 1 2 3

Ans: (a)

201. Match the following : [IAS 2007]

Mineral Producing Area

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A. Iron ore 1. Arkansas

B. Copper 2. Cuba

C. Aluminium 3. Kazakhstan

D. Nickel 4. Krivoy Rog


(a) 1 2 4 3(b) 1 3 4 2(c) 4 2 1 3(d) 4 3 1 2

Ans: (d)

202. Which one of the following countries has the largest known reserves of oil ? [UP PCS2002]

(a) Kuwait(b) Iran(c) Iraq(d) Nigeria

Ans: (a)

203. Among the following countries, the only one to have about half of its area undercultivation is : [CDS 2003]

(a) China(b) India(c) Japan(d) US

Ans: (b)

204. Wind power is employed prominently in:(a) France(b) Holland(c) Saudi Arabia(d) Canada

Ans: (b)

205. Match the following :

Cities Industries

A. Anshan 1. Dairying

B. Chicago 2. Woollen Textiles

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C. Belfast 3. Shipbuilding

D. Leeds 4. Meat packing

5. Iron and steel

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(a) 1 4 3 5(b) 2 1 3 5(c) 5 4 3 2(d) 3 4 1 2

Ans: (c)

206. Match the following : [IAS 2007]

Weathering Affected Morphogenetic Region

A. Maximum frost action 1. Humid tropics

B. Maximum Mechanical weathering 2. Tropical wet-dry (Savanna)

C. Maximum chemical weathering 3. Arid

D. Seasonal Maximum chemical weathering 4. Periglacial


(a) 4 3 1 2(b) 1 2 4 3(c) 4 2 1 3(d) 1 3 4 2

Ans: (a)

207. Put the following ores in descending order of their iron content:1. Haemetite2. Magnetite3. Limonite4. Siderite(a) 1, 2, 3, 4(b) 2, 1, 3, 4(c) 2, 1, 4, 3(d) 1, 2, 4, 3

Ans: (b)

208. Match the following:

Minerals Major Mining Countries

A. Bauxite 1. India

B. Manganese 2. Japan

C. Mica 3. Jamaica

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D. Tin 4. Russia

5. Malaysia


(a) 5 4 1 3(b) 3 1 2 5(c) 5 1 2 3(d) 3 4 1 5

Ans: (d)

209. Which of the following minerals and their ores are correctly matched?1. Zinc-calamine2. Platinum-iridium3. Tin-cassiterite4. Copper-carnolite(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 1 and 4(c) 2, 3 and 4(d) 1 and 3

Ans: (d)

210. Cooperative farming is well-developed in:1. Denmark2. Belgium3. Russia4. Sweden

(a) I and IV(b) I, III and IV(c) II, III and IV(d) I, II and IV

Ans: (d)

211. The production of natural rubber is dominated by :(a) South America(b) South-east Asia(c) Central Africa(d) Mediterranean region

Ans: (b)

212. Which of the following generally produces the largest quantity of oranges?(a) U.S.A(b) Spain

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(c) Brazil(d) China

Ans: (c)

213. The largest quantities of bauxite is found in:(a) tropical latitudes(b) mid-latitudes(c) high-latitudes(d) temperate lands

Ans: (a)

214. The Ruhr-Westphalia region is a famous industrial region of:(a) Scandinavia(b) Russia(c) North America(d) Germany

Ans: (d)

215. Most of the Japanese industries are located on the:(a) Hokkaido coast(b) Honshu coast(c) Shikoko coast(d) Kyushu coast

Ans: (a)

216. Which one of the following countries has the highest agricultural production in Europe?[IAS 2004]

(a) France(b) Switzerland(c) Denmark(d) Germany

Ans: (a)

217. Identify the correct descending order of production of wood pulp of the followingcountries: [IAS 2004]

1. USA2. Sweden3. Japan4. Canada

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

(a) 1, 3, 2, 4(b) 2, 4, 1, 3

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(c) 1, 4, 2, 3(d) 2, 3, 1, 4

Ans: (b)

218. The country which leads in the production of rubber is :(a) Australia(b) Indonesia(c) Malaysia(d) Thailand

Ans: (b)

219. Which one of the following is a landlocked country? [CDS 2002](a) Bulgaria(b) Hungary(c) Romania(d) Ukraine

Ans: (b)

220. Factory farming is the characteristic of [IAS 2009](a) north-western North America(b) north-western Europe(c) eastern Europe(d) south-east Asia

Ans: (b)

221. Summer rains in Australia broadly decreases from [IAS 2009](a) east to west(b) west to east(c) north to south(d) south to north

Ans: (c)

222. No trees are found in Tundra biome near polar region of northern hemisphere. This isdue to : [NDA 2011]

(a) snowfall inhibits plant respiration(b) frozen ice beneath the surface soil (permafrost) restricts root growth(c) less wind movement and inadequate sunlight(d) low temperature which restricts development of reproductive organs

Ans: (b)

223. ‘Mocha’ coffee is grown in [RAS 2010](a) Iraq(b) Brazil

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(c) Argentina(d) Yemen

Ans: (d)

224. In India, which type of forest among the following occupies the largest area? [IAS2010]

(a) Montane Wet Temperate Forest(b) Sub- tropical Dry Evergreen Forest(c) Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest(d) Tropical Wet Evergreen Forest

Ans: (c)

225. A geographic area with an altitude of 400 metres has following characteristics:

Average Maximumtemp. ºC

31 31 31 31 30 30 29 28 29 29 30 31

Average Minimumtemp. ºC

21 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 20

Rainfall (mm) 51 85 188 158 139 121 134 168 185 221 198 86

If this geographic area were to have a natural forest, which one of the following would it mostlikely be ? [IAS 2010]

(a) Moist temperate coniferous forest(b) Montane subtropical forest(c) Temperate forest(d) Tropical rain forest

Ans: (d)

226. Though coffee and tea both are cultivated on hill slopes, there is some differencebetween them regarding their cultivation. In this context, consider the followingstatements:

1. Coffee plant requires a hot and humid climate of tropical areas whereas tea can becultivated in both tropical and subtropical areas.

2. Coffee is propagated by seeds but tea is propagated by stem cuttings only.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [IAS 2010]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (a)

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227. A geographic region has the following distinct characteristics: [IAS 2010]1. Warm and dry climate2. Mild and wet winter3. Evergreen oak trees

The above features are the distinct characteristics of which one of the following regions?

(a) Mediterranean(b) Eastern China(c) Central Asia(d) Atlantic coast of North America

Ans: (a)

228. Over 90% of the world's biomass is in [CDS 2012](a) tropical rain forests(b) freshwater wetlands(c) top soils(d) oceans

Ans: (a)

229. Which one among the following is not an important factor of climate of an area? [CDS2011]

(a) Latitude(b) Longitude(c) Altitude(d) Distance from the sea

Ans: (b)

230. Climate change resulting in the rise of temperature may benefit which of thecountries/regions? [CDS 2011]

(a) South Africa(b) East Indies islands comprising of Java, Sumatra and Borneo(c) The western coasts of South America(d) Russia and Northern Europe

Ans: (d)

231. The thermal equator is found [CDS 2011](a) at the equator(b) south of the geographical equator(c) north of the geographical equator(d) at the tropic of cancer

Ans: (c)

232. Golden Revolution refers to [CPO SI 2011]

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(a) Sericulture(b) Horticulture(c) Apiculture(d) Viticulture

Ans: (b)

233. What could be the main reason / reasons for the formation of African and Eurasiandesert belt?

1. It is located in the sub-tropical high pressure cells.2. It is under the influence of warm ocean currents.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct in this context? [CSAT 2011]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (a)

234. Consider the following statements:1. Biodiversity is normally greater in the lower latitudes as compared to the higher

latitudes,2. Along the mountain gradients, biodiversity is normally greater in the lower altitudes as

compared to the higher altitudes.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [CSAT 2011]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both I and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (c)

235. La Nina is suspected to have caused recent floods in Australia. How is La Ninadifferent from El Nino ?

1. La Nina is characterised by un-usually cold ocean temperature in equatorial Indian Oceanwhereas El Nino IS characterised by unusually warm ocean temperature in the equatorialPacific Ocean.

2. El Nino has adverse effect on south-west monsoon of India, but La Nina has no effect onmonsoon climate.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [CSAT2011]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2

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(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (d)

236. Which one of the following terms for natural vegetation is associated with Siberia? [IES2003]

(a) Selva(b) Taiga(c) Pampas(d) Savanna

Ans: (b)

237. Which one among the following covers the highest percentage of forest area in theworld?

(a) Temperate Coniferous forests(b) Temperate Deciduous forests(c) Tropical Monsoon forests(d) Tropical Rainforests

Ans: (a)

238. Match the following: [CDS 2002]

Desert Country

A. Gibson 1. Argentina

B. Karakum 2. Tukmenistan

C. Patagonia 3. Australia

D. Sonoran 4. Mexico


(a) 4 1 2 3(b) 3 2 1 4(c) 3 1 2 4(d) 4 2 1 3

Ans: (b)

239. Match the following:

A. Desert Vegetation 1. Sandal

B. Tropical deciduous forest 2. Deodar

C. Coniferous forest 3. Sundri

D. Mangrove forest 4. Acacia

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(a) 4 1 2 3(b) 4 2 1 3(c) 2 3 4 1(d) 2 1 3 4

Ans: (a)

240. Which of the following pairings is incorrect ?(a) Isohytes-Humidity(b) Isobars-Pressure(c) Isotherms-Temperature(d) Isohels-Sunshine

Ans: (a)

241. Which of the following is fastest growing tree ?(a) Teak(b) Sal(c) Eucalyptus(d) Banyan

Ans: (c)

242. 'Contours' are lines connecting places having: [Railways 1991](a) equal temperature(b) equal pressure(c) equal rainfall(d) equal height

Ans: (d)

243. On moving from a pole to the equator we find that the population of plants and animals:(a) decreases(b) increases(c) remains unchanged(d) does not show any consistent behavior

Ans: (b)

244. Petroleum is generally found in :(a) igneous intrusions into sedimentary strata(b) old fold mountains(c) alluvial deposits of the river valleys(d) folded marine sedimentary rocks

Ans: (d)

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245. Which of the following is not correctly matched?(a) Isohaline-Lines joining points of equal salinity in sea(b) Isohels-Lines joining areas of equal rainfall(c) lsobath-Unes joining points of equal seabed depth(d) Isobars-Lines joining areas of equal atmospheric pressure

Ans: (b)

___________________Rocks and Mountains___________________

1. The soil material is mainly derived from:(a) metamorphic rocks(b) sedimentary rocks(c) igneous rocks(d) biological action

Ans: (b)

2. Match the following:

Highest Point Continent

A. Koscuisko 1. Europe

B. Mt. Aconcagua 2. South America

C. Vinson Massif 3. Antarctica

D. Mt. Elbrus 4. Australia


(a) 4 2 1 3(b) 2 4 1 3(c) 1 3 2 4(d) 4 2 3 1

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Ans: (d)

3. Match the following:

Country Highest Peak

A. Argentina 1. Kilimanjaro

B. Ecuador 2. Aconcagua

C. Tanzania 3. Mt. Mckinley

D. USA 4. Chimbrrazo


(a) 3 1 4 2(b) 2 4 1 3(c) 1 3 2 4(d) 4 2 3 1

Ans: (b)

4. Match the following: [IAS 2004]

Landforms Representative Sites

A. Rift valley lake 1. Himalayas

B. Basic lavasheet 2. Upland of Brittany, France

C. An active volcano 3. Deccan trap region, India

D. Batholith 4. Tanganyika

5. Stromboli


(a) 4 2 5 3(b) 5 3 1 2(c) 4 3 5 2(d) 5 2 1 3

Ans: (c)

5. The theory of continental drift is supported by:1. similarities between the coastline of South America and Africa2. the similarity of rocks of Central Africa, southern India, Brazil and Australia3. evidence of fossils4. survival of marsupials in Australia

(a) I and II(b) I, II and III

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(c) II, III and IV(d) I, II, III and IV

Ans: (d)

6. The 'ring of fire' :1. is associated with earthquakes2. is associated with volca noes3. goes round the Pacific Ocean4. is associated with forest fires(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 2 and 3(c) 2 and 4(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Ans: (a)

7. Match the following:

A. Mantle 1. Heavy rocks of lithosphere

B: Sima 2. Layer below earth's crust

C. Sial 3. Light rocks of lithosphere

D. Bill 4. Small peninsula


(a) 3 1 4 2(b) 4 3 2 1(c) 2 1 3 4(d) 1 2 3 4

Ans: (c)

8. Match the following: [IAS 2009]

Highest peak Country

A. Mount Logan 1. Australia

B. Mount McKinley 2. USA

C. Mount Kosciusko 3. Canada


(a) 1 3 2(b) 1 2 3(c) 3 2 1(d) 2 3 1

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Ans: (c)

9. In which type of rocks are coal and petroleum found?(a) Granite(b) Igneous(c) Metamorphic(d) Sedimentary

Ans: (d)

10. Which metal is most abundant in the earth's crust?(a) Calcium(b) Magnesium(c) Aluminium(d) Iron

Ans: (c)

11. Molten rock below the surface of the earth is called:(a) Basalt(b) Laccolith(c) Lava(d) Magma

Ans: (d)

12. The Himalayas were formed due to :(a) internal pressure of two large land forms(b) faulting of the earth's crust(c) folding of the earth's crust(d) folding of the geo-syncline named Tethys

Ans: (d)

13. What is Weathering?(a) Removal of earth's material by river action(b) Removal of earth's material by wind action(c) Breaking up and disintegration of rocks(d) Hardening up of rocks due to weather conditions

Ans: (c)

14. Which of the following is a chemical weathering process ?(a) Frost Action(b) Hydraulic Action(c) Oxidation(d) Thermal Expansion

Ans: (c)

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15. Which of the following predominantly acts as the agent of chemical erosion of soil?(a) Glacier(b) Seawave(c) Underground water(d) Wind

Ans: (c)

16. The most ideal conditions for the chemical weathering are found in : [CDS 1993](a) cold and dry regions(b) cold and humid regions(c) hot and dry regions(d) hot and humid regions

Ans: (d)

17. Which of the following represents d process of chemical weathering? [CDS 1991](a) Thermal expansion and contraction(b) Mass exfoliation(c) Hydration and Hydrolysis(d) Frost action and crystal growth

Ans: (c)

18. Soil erosion can be prevented by:(a) allowing herbivorous animals to graze freely(b) growing plants on a large scale to form soil cover(c) making the land sloppy(d) adding chemicals to increase cohesion

Ans: (b)

19. Formation of pot holes in river beds is an example of:(a) hydration(b) erosion(c) corrosion(d) attrition

Ans: (c)

20. Exposure of rock to the changes of temperature is the cause of: [IFS 1990](a) Biological weathering(b) Chemical weathering(c) Degradational weathering(d) Mechanical weathering

Ans: (d)

21. Which of the following climatic conditions are conducive to mechanical weathering?

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[CDS 1994]2. Hot3. Cold4. Wet5. Dry(a) 1 and 4(b) 2 and 4(c) 1 and 3(d) 2 and 3

Ans: (c)

22. The removal of rock, layer by layer due to weathering is called: [NDA 2001](a) block disintegration(b) dellation(c) exfoliation(d) granular disintegration

Ans: (c)

23. The denudational processes have not reduced the land masses to a level because: [IAS2003]

(a) the sea level is changing(b) the earth movements have uplifted the landmass(c) there has not been enough time(d) these processes are intermittent in action

Ans: (b)

24. Which of the following is not an agent which produces physical features ?(a) Denudation(b) Deposition(c) Volcanic eruption(d) Conduction

Ans: (d)

25. Bowl shaped depression created as a result of glacial erosion high on a mountain side iscalled: [IAS 2004]

(a) Glacial trough(b) Hum(c) Hanging Valley(d) Cirque

Ans: (d)

26. Decaying .vegetation produces organic acids which causes a breakdown of minerals.This is :

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(a) physical weathering(b) chemical weathering(c) both (a) and (b)(d) chemical erosion

Ans: (b)

27. Which of the following statements is/are not true?1. Chemical weathering is most common in limestone rocks2. Chemical weathering is most active in wet regions with higher temperature3. Rain action is a form of chemical weathering4. Exfoliation is a process of chemical weathering(a) A and D(b) B and C(c) A and B(d) D

Ans: (d)

28. A V-shaped valley is a feature produced by:(a) youthful river(b) mature river(c) old river(d) all of the above

Ans: (a)

29. Residual hill in the desert region is known as : [IAS 2004](a) Inlier(b) Inselberg(c) Playa(d) Pediment

Ans: (b)

30. Although hot deserts have a very low annual rainfall, occasional heavy rain storms dooccur and these sometimes produce steep-sided, flat-floored valleys called:

(a) gorges(b) wadi(c) canyons(d) barchans

Ans: (b)

31. Match the following: [NDA 2004]

Agents Landforms

A. River 1. Cirque

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B. Glacier 2. Stalagmite

C. Underground water 3. Crater

D. Wind 4. Meander

5. Barchan


(a) 5 2 3 4(b) 4 1 2 5(c) 4 2 3 5(d) 5 1 2 4

Ans: (b)

32. A weathering process in which layers of rocks peel off as expansion alternates withcontraction, is known as :

(a) Shattering(b) Block separation(c) Granular disintegration(d) Exfoliation

Ans: (d)

33. Which one of the following statements is correct? [NDA 2004]

Chemical weathering includes:

(a) oxidation, reduction and exfoliation(b) carbonation, oxidation and exfoliation(c) exfoliation, solution and reduction(d) solution, oxidation and reduction

Ans: (d)

34. Which one of the following plate movements is responsible for the formation of mid-ocean ridge? [IAS 2004]

(a) Divergent movement(b) Convergent movement(c) Transform fault movement(d) Parallel movement

Ans: (a)

35. Consider the following geological phenomena: [IAS 2004]2. Development of fault3. Movement along a fault4. Impact produced by a volcanic eruption

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5. Folding of rocks

Which of the above cause earthquakes?

(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 2 and 4(c) 1, 3 and 4(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Ans: (d)

36. A valley with steep, parallel walls along the faultlines, formed by the subsidence of apart of earth's crust is known as : [CDS 2004]

(a) Hanging Valley(b) Gorge(c) Canyon(d) Rift Valley

Ans: (d)

37. Out of the following geomorphic processes which one is associated with the work ofglaciers? [NDA 2003]

(a) Corrosion(b) Attrition(c) Corrasion(d) Plucking

Ans: (d)

38. Arrange the following soil particle by size in the descending order:2. Gravel3. Clay4. Silt

5. Sand(a) I, II, III, IV(b) IV, II, III, I(c) I, IV, III, II(d) III, IV, I, II

Ans: (c)

39. Which of the following is/are matched correctly?1. Earthquake's origin - seismic focus2. Epicentre - point on earth's surface directly above seismic focus3. 5 waves - similar to sound waves4. Richter scale - severity of earthquake(a) 1, 2, 3(b) 1, 2, 3 and 4

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(c) 2 and 4(d) 3 and 4

Ans: (b)

40. Which of the following is/are the correct characteristic(s) of primary seismic wave?[IAS 2004]

(a) It is a longitudinal and compressional wave(b) It is analogous to sound waves(c) It travels with faster speed through solids but slowly through liquids(d) All the above three

Ans: (d)

41. Consider the following statements:1. P - waves are the first seismic waves to reach a place2. S - waves travel only through liquids3. Arrival time of P and S - waves is used to locate the epicentre4. Richter scale is a logarithmic scale

Which of the statements given above are correct? [IAS2004]

(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 1, 3 and 4(c) 1 and 4(d) 3 and 4

Ans: (b)

42. Match the following: [CDS 1991]

A. River 1. Dunes

B. Glacier 2. Spits

C. Waves 3. Terraces

D. Wind 4. Moraines


(a) 4 2 3 1(b) 3 4 2 1(c) 3 1 2 4(d) 3 4 1 2

Ans: (b)

43. The problem of leaching of the soil is more pronounced in the areas where the rainfallis:

(a) scanty

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(b) less than average(c) average(d) heavy

Ans: (d)

44. Moon shaped sand-dunes, formed by wind action are called:(a) Cirque(b) Bajada(c) Barkhans(d) Mesa

Ans: (c)

45. When almost all the elevated portions are worn down by river erosion reducing an areato almost a plain region, it is termed as [CDS 1992]

(a) Fanplain(b) Panplain(c) Pediplain(d) Peneplain

Ans: (d)

46. Which of the following influence the erosion of soil by water? [Railways 1994]1. Slope of the land2. Management practice like terracing3. Soil salinity(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 1 and 2(c) 2 and 3(d) 1 and 3

Ans: (b)

47. Which of the following is the highest plateau in the world? [CDS 1992](a) Colorado Plateau(b) Pamir Plateau(c) Patagonia Plateau(d) Potwar Plateau

Ans: (b)

48. Match the following: [CDS 2008]

List-I List-II

A. Slate 1. Igneous rock

B. Lignite 2. Metamorphic rock

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C. Bauxite 3. Non-ferrous mineral

D. Granite 4. Sedimentary rock


(a) 1 3 4 2(b) 2 4 3 1(c) 2 3 4 1(d) 1 4 3 2

Ans: (b)

49. Which is the proper order of seismic waves as they are received at seismographstation?

(a) L-wave, P-wave, S-wave(b) P-wave, L-wave, S-wave(c) P-wave, S-wave, L-wave(d) S-wave, P-wave, L-wave

Ans: (c)

50. Which European country has over 200 volcanoes, many of them still active?(a) Finland(b) Iceland(c) Ireland(d) Norway

Ans: (b)

51. Earthquakes occur frequently in :(a) Eastern coast of Asia(b) Islands of South East Pacific Ocean(c) Western coast of America(d) all of the above areas

Ans: (d)

52. The epicentre of an earthquake is the: [CDS 1992](a) point where P-waves touch the surface(b) nearest point to the surface from the focus perpendicular to the earth's surface(c) point of intersection of P and S wave fronts(d) antipodal point

Ans: (b)

53. Japan experiences frequent earth- quakes because it is located : [CDS 1994](a) on the eastern coast of Asia(b) on the meeting point of two plates of the earth's crust

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(c) amidst the ocean(d) in the volcanic belt

Ans: (b)

54. Which of the following belts are associated with seismic activity? [NDA 1994]1. Circum-Pacific Belt2. Circum-Atlantic Belt3. Mid-Continental Belt4. Mid-Atlantic Belt(a) 1, 2 and 4(b) 1, 3 and 4(c) 1, 2 and 3(d) 2, 3 and 4

Ans: (b)

55. Earthquakes occur due to: [Bank PO 1994](a) frequent occurrence of cyclones(b) movement of plates of earth, which float on the hot volcanic mantle below the earth'ssurface(c) too much pressure on land(d) underground nuclear explosions

Ans: (b)

56. The movement inside the Earth's crust is studied by: [CDS 1992](a) Geodesy(b) Geology(c) Plate Tectonics(d) Seismology

Ans: (d)

57. Tsunami is a large sea wave caused by an earthquake experienced along the coasts of:[NDA 1991]

(a) India(b) China(c) Australia(d) Japan

Ans: (d)

58. The intensity of earthquakes is measured on : [NDA 1992](a) Beaufort scale(b) Richter scale(c) Secant scale(d) Mercalli scale

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Ans: (b)

59. The transverse, longitudinal and surface waves in an earthquake originate from:(a) the focus within the body of the earth(b) the focus on the surface of the earth(c) the epicentre on the surface of the earth(d) the epicentre within the body of the earth

Ans: (a)

60. Earthquakes rarely occur in: [NDA 1990](a) Alaska(b) Brazil(c) Mexico(d) New Zealand

Ans: (b)

61. Match the following: [NDA 1995]

A. Plutonic Rock 1. Marble

B. Volcanic Rock 2. Gabbro

C. Sedimentary Rock 3. Basalt

D. Metamorphic Rock 4. Sandstone


(a) 3 1 4 2(b) 2 3 4 1(c) 4 2 3 1(d) 2 3 1 4

Ans: (b)

62. Which of the following features is the product of vulcanicity ? [NDA 2008](a) Fold Mountain(b) Escarpment(c) Geosynclines(d) Caldera

Ans: (d)

63. Which of the following is not a sedimentary rock?(a) Limestone(b) Marble(c) Sandstone(d) Shale

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Ans: (b)

64. Which of the following pairs is correct ?(a) Shale-possesses laminations(b) Quartzite-soft rock(c) Granite-sometimes contains fossils(d) Basalt-coarse grained rock

Ans: (a)

65. Which of the following rocks is transformed into marble? [NDA 1991](a) Granite(b) Limestone(c) Peat(d) Shale

Ans: (b)

66. The principal reason for the formation of metamorphic rocks is :(a) Decomposition of sediments(b) Deposition of remains of plants and animals(c) Extreme heat and pressure(d) Solidification of magma

Ans: (c)

67. In which type of rocks are metals like gold and copper mostly found? [IAS 1992](a) Old Sedimentary(b) Old Igneous(c) Old Metamorphic(d) New Metamorphic

Ans: (b)

68. Which of the following is a metamorphic rock?(a) Slate(b) Sandstone(c) Shole(d) Limestone

Ans: (a)

69. The type of igneous rocks which are formed midway between volcanic and plutonicrocks, are known as :

(a) Basalt(b) Hypabyssal(c) Laccolith(d) Batholith

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Ans: (b)

70. Rocks which are formed by the solidification of lava on the earth's surface are: [MBA1992]

(a) Sandstone(b) Limestone(c) Granites(d) Basalts

Ans: (d)

71. Match the following:

Original Rock Metamorphic rock

A. Mica 1. Marble

B. Limestone 2. Slate

C. Granite 3. Graphite

D. Shale 4. Schist

5. Gneiss


(a) 4 1 5 2(b) 3 2 4 1(c) 1 2 3 4(d) 1 5 3 4

Ans: (a)

72. How are the caves of the world's greatest fold mountains formed?(a) Regular movement(b) Vertical movement(c) Horizontal movement(d) Compressional movement

Ans: (d)

73. Which of the following is a block mountain?(a) Andes(b) Alps(c) Rockies(d) Vosges

Ans: (d)

74. The highest grade of coal whose surface is shining and has the highest calorific value,

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is:(a) Anthracite(b) Bituminous(c) Lignite(d) Peat

Ans: (a)

75. Which of the following forms of coal is the oldest? [IES 1991](a) Peat(b) Lignite(c) Bituminous(d) Anthracite

Ans: (d)

76. Which form of coal is mainly suitable for producing thermal power? [CDS 2001](a) Anthracite(b) Bituminous(c) Lignite(d) Peat

Ans: (b)

77. Which of the following types of coal represents the first stage of formation of coal?(a) Anthracite(b) Lignite(c) Peat(d) Bituminous

Ans: (c)

78. Match the following: [CDS 1991]

A. Plutonic 1. Laterite

B. Tropical 2. Metamorphic rocks

C. Gneiss 3. Igneous rocks

D. Humus 4. Chernozem


(a) 1 4 3 2(b) 2 3 1 4(c) 3 1 2 4(d) 4 1 2 3

Ans: (c)

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79. Which of the following is/are the examples of the sedimentary rocks? [IAS 2003]1. Limestone2. Dolomite3. Breccia4. Coal(a) 1 and 2(b) 2 and 4(c) 1, 2 and 4(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Ans: (c)

80. The best representative of the acid igneous rocks is : [IAS 2003](a) Basalt(b) Granite(c) Dolerite(d) Gabbro

Ans: (b)

81. Igneous rocks are said to be acidic when they contain high proportion of:(a) iron(b) magnesium(c) silica(d) aluminium

Ans: (c)

82. Batholiths and Laccoliths are formations of: [NDA 2003](a) sedimentary rocks(b) igneous rocks(c) metamorphic rocks(d) polymetamorphosed rocks

Ans: (b)

83. A block of the earth's crust that has remained in position while the ground around it hassubsides is known as : [NDA 2001]

(a) horst(b) plain(c) plateau(d) young folded mountain

Ans: (a)

84. Consider the following statements:1. Igneous rocks are classified into Extrusive and Intrusive rocks.2. Sedimentary rocks are also called as Primary rocks

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3. Marble is an example of Metamorphic rocks4. Coal is a sedimentary rock

Which of the above statements is/are correct? [NDA 2002]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 and 3(c) 1, 3 and 4(d) 2 and 4

Ans: (c)

85. India broke away from Australia and Antarctica and started moving north in the periodof: [IAS 2003]

(a) Permian(b) Triassic(c) Jurassic(d) Cretaceous

Ans: (d)

86. The well-defined zones of seismic activity in the world where the largest number ofearthquakes originates is :

(a) Mediterranean Zone(b) Circum Pacific Belt(c) Mid oceanic Rift Valley Zone(d) African Rift Valley Zone

Ans: (b)

87. Which one of the following types of volcanic eruptions is not usually explosive? [IAS2007]

(a) Pelean(b) Hawaiian(c) Strombolian(d) Vulcanian

Ans: (b)

88. Which of the following are true with regard to igneous rocks?1. They are formed inside the earth, under great pressure2. They do not occur in layer3. They are mostly crystalline in nature4. They contain fossils

(a) I, II and III(b) II, III and IV(c) II and III(d) I and IV

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Ans: (b)

89. Which of the following are true with respect to sedimentary rocks?1. The rocks are deposited in layers2. The particles of rocks are at times wholly of organic nature3. The rocks are not crystalline4. Their structure is determined by great pressure or heat

(a) I, II and III(b) II and III(c) I and IV(d) I and II

Ans: (a)

90. Who gave the idea that originally there was only one continent called Pangea ?(a) Wegener(b) Marshall(c) Darwin(d) Ptolemy

Ans: (a)

91. What is the difference between a geyser and a hot spring?(a) Water is ejected explosively in a geyser(b) Water from the geyser may be cold(c) Geysers are found on volcanic mountains(d) Geysers are more common in cold countries

Ans: (a)

92. The features produced by glacial deposition are:1. outwash plains2. drumlins3. eskers4. levees(a) 1, 2, 3(b) 1, 3, 4(c) 2, 3, 4(d) 1, 2, 3, 4

Ans: (a)

93. Consider the following statements:1. The acid lava usually melts at a relatively higher temperature as compared to basic

(basaltic) lava.2. The acid lava solidifies into glass-like sheets and the basaltic lava solidifies into rough


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Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [IAS 2007]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (c)

94. Alps mountains are spread over [IAS 2009](a) France, Switzerland, Italy, Romania(b) France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria(c) France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain(d) France, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium

Ans: (b)

95. Why do Fold Mountains have enormous thickness of sedimentary rocks? [CDS 2011](a) Due to deposition of sediments in a valley for millions of years(b) Due to accumulation of sediments in a geosyncline(c) The plains were folded into mountains(d) The sediments were folded into recumbent and nappe folds

Ans: (b)

96. Consider the following statements about rocks:1. Shale becomes Slate through metamorphosis.2. Shale is converted to Slate when· it is subjected to tremendous pressure and high


Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [NOA 2010]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (c)

97. Which one of the following reflects back more sunlight as compared to other three?[IAS 2010]

(a) Sand desert(b) Paddy crop land(c) Land covered with fresh snow(d) Prairie land

Ans: (c)

98. The soil formed by wind dust in and around hot deserts is called [CDS 2012]

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(a) silty soil(b) loamy soil(c) sandy soil(d) loess soil

Ans: (d)

99. Which one among the following is the type of the Comoros Islands which lie in theIndian Ocean between Northern Madagascar and the African Coast? [CDS 2012]

(a) Volcanic(b) Glacial eroded(c) Eolian deposited(d) Folded

Ans: (a)

100. Which one of the following processes of weathering belongs to both mechanical andchemical weathering? [NDA 2011]

(a) Crystallization(b) Exfoliation(c) Hydration(d) Carbonation

Ans: (a)

101. Which of the following statements is/are correct?1. The major constituent mineral of granite rock is quartz.2. The major constituent mineral of sandstone rock is feldspar.3. The major constituent mineral of limestone rock is dolomite.

Select the correct answer using the code given below: [NDA 2011]

(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 3 only(c) 1 and 2 only(d) 2 and 3 only

Ans: (c)

102. Which one among the following is the largest temperate desert of the world? [NDA2011]

(a) Patagonian desert(b) Taklamakan desert(c) Iranian desert(d) Turkmen desert

Ans: (a)

103. Name the Continents that form a mirror image of each other [CDS 2011]

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(a) North America and South America(b) Asia and Africa(c) Africa and South America(d) Europe and Asia

Ans: (c)

104. In which country is 'Takla Makan' desert situated? [BPSC 2011](a) Kazakhstan(b) Turkmenistan(c) Uzbekistan(d) China

Ans: (d)

105. Folding is the result of [BPSC 2011](a) epeirogenetic force(b) Coriolis force(c) orogenetic force(d) exogenetic force

Ans: (c)

106. Continents have drifted apart because of: [BPSC 2011](a) volcanic eruptions(b) tectonic activities(c) folding and faulting of rocks(d) All of the above

Ans: (b)

107. Earthquakes and volcanoes occur mostly in:(a) Plateau region(b) Deep sea plains(c) Coastal Region(d) Folded and faulted region

Ans: (d)

108. The instrument, used for recording earthquake waves is :(a) barograph(b) hydrograph(c) pantograph(d) seismograph

Ans: (d)

109. 'Caldera' is a feature associated with: [IAS 1990](a) volcanoes

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(b) earthquakes(c) folding of rocks(d) faulting of mountains

Ans: (a)

110. Match the following: [NDA 1994]

Volcanoes Country

A. Vesuvius 1. Sicily

B. Mauna Loa 2. Indonesia

C. Krakatao 3. Hawaii

D. Stromboli 4. Ecuador

5. Italy


(a) 3 4 2 5(b) 5 2 3 1(c) 2 3 1 4(d) 5 3 2 1

Ans: (d)

111. Synclines and anticlines are the terms associated with:(a) earthquakes(b) folding(c) faulting(d) volcanoes

Ans: (c)

112. Which of the following are correctly matched?1. Active volcano : Stromboli (Sicily)2. Dormant volcano : Vesuvius (Italy)3. Extinct volcano : Fujiyama (Japan)(a) 1 and 2(b) 2 and 3(c) 1 and 3(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (d)

113. Mauna Loa is an example of: [Teachers' Exam 1994](a) active volcano(b) extinct volcano

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(c) plateau in a volcanic region(d) dormant volcano

Ans: (a)

114. The material that comes out of a volcano at the time of eruption is : [NDA 1995](a) solid, liquid, gaseous(b) solid and liquid(c) solid and gaseous(d) liquid and gaseous

Ans: (a)

115. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched? [NDA 1992]

Islands Volcanoes

(a) Sicily - Mount Pelee(b) Hawaii - Stromboli(c) Java - Merapi(d) West Indies - Mauna Loa

Ans: (c)

116. Which type of lake is formed by volcanic activities?(a) Caldera lake(b) Karst lake(c) Lagoon(d) Freshwater lake

Ans: (a)

117. Shield volcanoes refer to: [NDA 1993](a) explosive lava eruptions(b) repeated lava flows(c) ejection of a wide range of pyroclastic materials(d) individual lava flows

Ans: (b)

118. Match the following: [Railways 1994]

A. Karakoram (Central Asia) 1. Block (Fault) Type

B. Cat Skill (U.S.A.) 2. Volcanic Type

C. Cotopaxi (Ecuador) 3. Residual (Erosional)

D. Satpura (India) 4. Fold Type


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(a) 4 1 2 3(b) 3 2 1 4(c) 4 3 2 1(d) 2 3 4 1

Ans: (a)

119. The Hawaii islands are the top of submerged: [NDA 1991](a) block mountains(b) folded mountains(c) volcanic mountains(d) dome mountains

Ans: (c)

120. Longest mountain range in the world is :(a) Himalayas(b) Andes(c) Karakoram(d) Ural mountains

Ans: (b)

121. The average elevation of Tibetan Plateau above sea level is: [IAS 1994](a) 2 km(b) 3 km(c) 4 km(d) 5 km

Ans: (c)

122. The youngest mountain range in the world is:(a) Western Ghats(b) Himalayas(c) Aravallis(d) Andes

Ans: (b)

123. Match the following:

A. Argentina 1. Aconcagua

B. Ecuador 2. Chimbrrazo

C. Tanzania 3. Mt. Mckinley

D. U.S.A. 4. Kilimanzaro


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(a) 3 2 4 1(b) 1 2 4 3(c) 2 1 4 3(d) 1 2 3 4

Ans: (b)

124. The largest volcano crater in the world is :(a) Vesuvius (Italy)(b) Toba (Indonesia)(c) Etna (Sicily)(d) Stromboli (Sicily)

Ans: (b)

125. Match the following: [IAS 1991]

A. Rift valley 1. Appalachians

B. Fold Mountain 2. Vosges

C. Block Mountain 3. Red Sea

D. Volcanic 4. Fujiyama Mountain


(a) 3 1 2 4(b) 3 1 4 2(c) 3 2 1 4(d) 3 4 2 1

Ans: (a)

126. Match the following:

A. Etna (Sicily) 1. Active Volcano

B. Krako Tao (Indonesia) 2. Dormant Volcano

C. Mt. Popa (Myanmar) 3. Extinct Volcano

D. Vesuvius (Italy)


(a) 2 1 3 1(b) 1 2 3 1(c) 3 2 1 2(d) 1 2 3 2

Ans: (d)

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127. Match the following: [IAS 2003]

A. Relict Mountain 1. Western Ghats of India

B. Mountain of Accumulation 2. Popocatepeti

C. Block Mountain 3. Pennines

D. Fold Mountain 4. Vosges


(a) 1 3 2 4(b) 2 1 4 3(c) 4 2 1 3(d) 1 2 4 3

Ans: (d)

128. Which of the following is a typical feature of volcanic eruption?(a) Horsts(b) Dykes(c) Basin(d) Drumlin

Ans: (b)

129. 'Dykes' are especially constructed in : [CPO SI 2003](a) Norway(b) Holland(c) France(d) United Kingdom

Ans: (a)

130. Colorado in U.S.A is famous for this landform : [CPO SI 2003](a) Grand Canyon(b) Grand Crators(c) Great Valleys(d) Great Basins

Ans: (a)

131. Which of the following are true with regard to fold mountains?1. They often act as climatic barriers2. They receive heavy rain or snow which give rise to rivers3. They are rich in minerals4. They pose no problem, to communication as they contain many passes

(a) I and II(b) III and IV

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(c) I, II and III(d) I, III and IV

Ans: (c)

132. Formation of a rift valley is due to :(a) the formation of fold mountains(b) the forces of tension in the earth's crust(c) the subsidence of the floor of a river valley(d) the over-deepening of a valley by ice action

Ans: (b)

133. Which of the following are formed due to collision of continental plates? [IAS 2004]1. The Alps2. The Himalayas3. The Rockies4. The Caucases mountains

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 2, 3 and 4(c) 1, 2 and 4(d) 1, 3 and 4

Ans: (a)

134. Which of the following features are product of vulcanicity?1. Atoll2. Caldera3. Batholith4. Geosyncline

(a) I, II and III(b) I and IV(c) II and III(d) I, III and IV

Ans: (c)

135. Formation of rnagma along the bedding plane results in :(a) Sill(b) Dykes(c) Basalt(d) Laccolith

Ans: (a)

136. Match the following:

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Mountains Modes of Origin

A. Karakoram (Cental Asia) 1. Block Fault Type

B. Catskill (USA) 2. Volcanic Type

C. Cotopaxi (Ecuador) 3. Residual (Erosional) Type

D. Satpura (India) 4. Fold Type


(a) 4 1 2 3(b) 3 2 1 4(c) 4 3 2 1(d) 2 3 1 4

Ans: (a)

137. Match the following: [IAS 1999]

Volcanic Mountain Country

A. Mt. Rainier 1. Italy

B. Etna 2. Mexico

C. Paricutin 3. Philippines

D. Taal 4. U.S.A.


(a) 4 2 1 3(b) 4 1 2 3(c) 2 1 4 3(d) 4 3 2 1

Ans: (b)

138. Match the following: [IAS 2003]

A. Shield Cone 1. Krakatoa

B. Cinder Cone 2. Visuvius

C. Composite Cone 3. Mona Loa

D. Cone in cones 4. Fujiyama


(a) 4 3 1 2(b) 3 1 4 2

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(c) 1 4 2 3(d) 3 2 4 1

Ans: (b)

139. Which of the following are correctly matched? [IFS 1993]

1. Gneiss : Metamorphic

2. Granite : Igneous

3. Sandstone : Sedimentary

(a) 1 only(b) 1 and 2(c) 2 and 3(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (d)

140. If the original day sediments are subjected to high temperature and pressure, theysuccessively change into rocks, the correct order of which is :

(a) Slate, Shale, Schist(b) Shale, Schist, Slate(c) Slate, Schist, Shale(d) Shale, Slate, Schist

Ans: (d)

141. Artesian wells are found in : [Asstt Grade 1992](a) sedimentary rocks(b) igneous rocks(c) metamorphic rocks(d) none of these

Ans: (a)

142. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the process of:(a) metamorphism(b) weathering(c) deposition(d) both (b) and (c)

Ans: (d)

143. Choose the correct statement about Sedimentary rocks: [Teachers' Exam 1994](a) These rocks cannot be formed under water(b) These rocks are crystalline(c) The structure of these rocks is contingent on heat and pressure(d) These rocks have been deposited in layers

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Ans: (d)

144. The igneous rocks are formed due to : [CDS 1992](a) accumulation of sediments at the bottom of sea(b) granitisation(c) disintegration of magma(d) altering of metamorphic rocks

Ans: (b)

145. The formation of Extrusive rocks takes place:(a) By solidification of magma above the earth's surface(b) Due to excessive pressure at great depths(c) By deposition of magma at a great depth(d) At an intermediate depth by transformation

Ans: (a)

__________________________________The Water World / Facts and Countries__________________________________

1. What is the average salt content in a litre of seawater?(a) 39 gm.(b) 37 gm.(c) 35 gm.(d) 32 gm.

Ans: (c)

2. The world's largest lake is: [Railways 1992](a) Lake Victoria(b) Lake Superior(c) Caspian Sea(d) Black Sea

Ans: (c)

3. Which of the following features is not formed by running water?

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(a) Valleys(b) Tunnels(c) Gorges(d) Canyons

Ans: (b)

4. Which of the following are factors that effect the movement of ocean currents?1. Earth's gravity2. Atmospheric pressure3. Winds4. Salinity of the water

5. Seasonal Variations(a) I, III and IV(b) I, II and V(c) III, IV and V(d) All of these

Ans: (d)

5. Which of the following are the factors that are mainly responsible for the movements ofsurface oceanic currents?

1. Prevailing winds2. Earth's Rotation3. Earthquake activity4. Bottom Topography5. Difference in the density of seawater(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 1, 2 and 4(c) 1, 2 and 5(d) 3, 4 and 5

Ans: (c)

6. Match the following:

A. Gulf stream 1. South Atlantic Ocean

B. Peruvian Current 2. South Indian Ocean

C. Benguela Current 3. North Atlantic Ocean

D. West Australian Current 4. South Pacific Ocean


(a) 1 2 3 4(b) 2 1 4 3(c) 3 4 1 2

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(d) 4 3 1 2

Ans: (c)

7. The 'Water table' refers to :(a) the lower limit of the zone of saturation(b) the upper limit of the zone of saturation(c) the contact zone of permeable and impermeable rocks(d) seepage of water into fissures lying below the earth's surface

Ans: (b)

8. Which of the following is a correct sequence of increasing depth?(a) Continental shelf, Continental slope, Deep sea plains, Ocean depths(b) Continental slope, Continental shelf, Deep sea plains, Ocean depths(c) Continental shelf, Continental slope, Ocean depths, Deep sea plains(d) Continental slope, Continental shelf, Ocean depths, Deep sea plains

Ans: (c)

9. Given below are names of four oceans: [NDA 1995]

1. Atlantic

2. Arctic

3. Indian

4. Pacific

The correct order of these oceans from the smallest to the biggest in terms of area is:

(a) 1, 2, 3, 4(b) 4, 1, 3, 2(c) 3, 4, 1, 2(d) 2, 3, 1, 4

Ans: (d)

10. Consider the following percentages regarding the world's water resources:

1. Oceans and lakes - 95%

2. Frozen as ice - 4%

3. For man's use - 1%

Which of the above are correct percentages? [IFS 1993]

(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 1 and 3(c) 2 and 3

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(d) 1 and 2

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Ans: (a)

11. Which is the smallest among the following water bodies?(a) Arctic Sea(b) Hudson Bay(c) Japan Sea(d) Okhotsk Sea

Ans: (c)

12. The largest reserves of fresh water on the Earth's surface is in :(a) North America(b) South America(c) Russia(d) Africa

Ans: (a)

13. Strait of Malacca separates:(a) Sumatra and Malaysia(b) Java and Brunei(c) Sumatra and Java(d) Malaysia and Brunei

Ans: (a)

14. Hawaiian islands are located in :(a) North Atlantic Ocean(b) South Atlantic Ocean(c) North Pacific Ocean(d) South Pacific Ocean

Ans: (c)

15. The islands of Seychelles are located in the:(a) Arctic Ocean(b) Atlantic Ocean(c) Indian Ocean(d) Pacific Ocean

Ans: (c)

16. Suez Canal joins: [CRPF 1990](a) Red Sea and Arabian Sea(b) Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea(c) Arabian Sea and Mediterranean Sea(d) North Sea and Baltic Sea

Ans: (b)

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17. Diego Garcia is in :(a) Arabian Sea(b) Bay of Bengal(c) Indian Ocean(d) Gulf of Aden

Ans: (c)

18. Consider the following statements:1. Falkland Islands are situated in Pacific Ocean2. Red Sea separates Sudan from Egypt.3. England, Norway, Denmark surround North Sea.

Which of these statements is/are correct? [Asstt Comm PF 2002]

(a) 2 only(b) 1 and 3(c) 2 and 3(d) 3 only

Ans: (d)

19. Which one of the following countries does not border the Caspian sea? [IAS 2003](a) Armenia(b) Azerbaijan(c) Kazakhstan(d) Turkmenistan

Ans: (a)

20. The highest lake above the sea level in the world is : [IAS 2003(a) lake Avernus(b) lake Tanzania(c) lake Toba(d) lake Titicaca

Ans: (d)

21. The Cape Route has recently assumed some importance in the shipping world because:(a) the trade through this route has greatly increased with the development of South AfricanStates(b) The canal tolls on the Suez Canal are heavy(c) large oil tankers cannot be accommodated in the narrow and comparatively shallowSuez Canal(d) all the above

Ans: (d)

22. Which of the following is called the "Gateway to the Pacific" ?

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(a) Suez Canal(b) Panama Canal(c) Bering Sea(d) Gulf of Alaska

Ans: (b)

23. Which one of the following statements is not true? [IAS 2004](a) Gulfs with narrow fronts and wider rears experience high tides(b) Tidal currents take place when a gulf is connected with the open sea by a narrow channel(c) Tidal bore occurs when a tide enters the narrow and shallow estuary of a river(d) The tidal nature of the mouth of the river Hooghly is of crucial importance to Kolkata asport

Ans: (a)

24. Which of the following are true of the Pacific Ocean?1. It is the largest of all water bodies2. It is roughly triangular in shape3. The average depth is about 7300 m4. Nearly 20,000 islands dot this vast ocean

(a) I, II and III(b) I and III(c) II and III(d) I, II, III and IV

Ans: (d)

25. Match the following:

Types of Deltas Formed by Rivers

A. Fan-shaped Delta 1. Tiber

B. Birds' Foot Delta 2. Hudson

C. Estuarine Delta 3. Mississippi

D. Cuspate Delta 4. Ganga


(a) 4 3 1 2(b) 3 4 2 1(c) 2 1 4 3(d) 4 3 2 1

Ans: (d)

26. Match the following:

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A. Fringing 1. wide coral reef separated Reef from the coastline by a wide deeplagoon

B. Barrier Reef 2. uneven platform of coral separated from the mainland by a narrowshallow lagoon

C. Atoll 3. circular/elliptical/horse shoe shaped coral reef enclosing a lagoon


(a) 2 1 3(b) 3 2 1(c) 3 2 1(d) 3 1 2

Ans: (a)

27. What is the correct decreasing order of the share of different salts in sea water?(a) sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, magnesium sulphate, potassium sulphate(b) sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, potassium sulphate, magnesium sulphate(c) sodium chloride, magnesium sulphate, potassium sulphate, magnesium chloride(d) sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, potassium sulphate, magnesium sulphate

Ans: (a)

28. The coastline formed by the submergence of mountain ridges running parallel to thecoast is known as : [IAS 2004]

(a) Dalmation coast(b) Ria coast(c) Fiord coast(d) Haff coast

Ans: (a)

29. Coral reefs are formed by : [IAS 2004](a) volcanic rocks(b) marine sediments(c) chlorine material precipitated from sea water(d) tiny colonial marine animals which construct limestone skeleton material

Ans: (d)

30. Consider the following statements :1. Where fold mountains run parallel and close to the coast, continental shelf is narrow or

absent2. The average depth of continental shelf is 100 meters3. Submarine canyons are mostly found in continental slope4. The submarine flat topped mountains are called guyots.

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Which of the statements given above are correct? [IAS 2004]

(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4(b) 1, 2 and 4(c) 1, 3 and 4(d) 2 and 3

Ans: (b)

31. Consider the following countries:1. Algeria2. Morocco3. Mauritania

Which of these borders is/are the Mediterranean Sea? [CDS 2004]

(a) 1 only(b) 1 and 2(c) 2 and 3(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (b)

32. Which one of the following pairs of straits and the countries they separate is wronglymatched?

(a) Gibraltar Strait - Spain and Morocco(b) Bering Strait - Sumatra and Malaysia(c) Magellan Strait - Chile and Tiera del Fuego(d) Bass Strait - Australia and Tasmania

Ans: (b)

33. The great Asian river Mekong does not run through:(a) China(b) Malaysia(c) Cambodia(d) Laos

Ans: (b)

34. Match the following: [IAS 2004]

Sea Country

A. Black Sea 1. Bulgaria

B. Red Sea 2. China

C. .Yellow Sea 3. Eritrea

D. Caspian Sea 4. Kazakhstan

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(a) 1 4 2 3(b) 2 3 1 4(c) 1 3 2 4(d) 2 4 1 3

Ans: (c)

35. Which of the following is not an important condition for growth of coral?(a) Wave-free salt water(b) Clean salt water(c) Warm seas(d) Plenty of sunlight

Ans: (a)

36. Maximum amount of herring fish is obtained from: [IAS 2004](a) The North Sea around the Netherlands(b) The coastal areas from Alaska to California(c) The Sea of Japan(d) The Gulf of Mexico

Ans: (a)

37. Which one of the following countries does not border Mediterranean Sea? [NDA 2004](a) Malta(b) Libya(c) Italy(d) Bulgaria

Ans: (d)

38. The direction of ocean currents is reversed with season: [CDS 1991](a) in the Pacific Ocean(b) in the Atlantic Ocean(c) in the Indian Ocean(d) in the Mediterranean Sea

Ans: (c)

39. Which one of the following factors is responsible for the change in the regular directionof the ocean currents in the Indian Ocean? [IAS 1997]

(a) Indian Ocean is ‘half an ocean’(b) Indian Ocean has Monsoon drift(c) Indian Ocean is a land-locked ocean(d) Indian Ocean has greater variation in salinity

Ans: (b)

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40. The world's highest waterfall is in : [CDS 2002](a) Brazil(b) U. S.A.(c) Venezuela(d) Zambia

Ans: (c)

41. One will NOT have to pass through the Suez Canal while going from Bombay to: [IAS1997]

(a) Alexandria(b) Suez(c) Port Said(d) Benghazi

Ans: (b)

42. With reference to Ocean currents consider the following statements:1. West Australian current is a warm current.2. North East Monsoon Drift flows in the Indian Ocean during winter season.3. Equatorial counter current does not flow in the Indian Ocean during winter season.4. Kuroshic current in the Pacific Ocean is like Gulf Stream in the Atlantic Ocean. [NDA

2001](a) 1 and 2(b) 1 and 4(c) 2 and 3(d) 2 and 4

Ans: (d)

43. Match the following: [CDS 2001]

Lakes Characteristics

A. Caspian Sea 1. Lake bordered by big cities

B. Baikal lake 2. World's biggest lake

C. Michigan lake 3. Lake below sea level

D. Dead Sea 4. World's deepest lake


(a) 2 3 1 4(b) 4 2 3 1(c) 2 4 1 3(d) 1 4 2 3

Ans: (c)

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44. The oceanic current named as 'Kuroshio, Kurile and Alaskan' are located in [CDS2001]

(a) North Atlantic Ocean(b) South Atlantic Ocean(c) North Pacific Ocean(d) North Indian Ocean

Ans: (c)

45. Which one of the following seas is without a coastline? [CDS 1999](a) White sea(b) Sargasso sea(c) Sea of Okhotsk(d) Tasman sea

Ans: (b)

46. Which one of the following cities is associated with the river Mekong ? [IES 2003](a) Hong Kong(b) Phnom-Penh(c) Shanghai(d) Yangon

Ans: (b)

47. A ship met with an accident at 30ºC and 35ºN. The ship was sailing in the: [CDS 2000](a) Baltic Sea(b) Black Sea(c) Mediterranean Sea(d) Red Sea

Ans: (c)

48. The Grand Banks are famous fishing grounds in the _____ region.(a) North-West Pacific(b) South-East Pacific(c) North-West Atlantic(d) North-East Atlantic

Ans: (c)

49. When water freezes in the polar seas the salts:(a) form a layer on top(b) remain in the subsurface water that does not freeze(c) sink to the bottom(d) partly freeze and partly sink to the bottom

Ans: (b)

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50. Which of the following features are formed by the river in its upper course?1. Gorge2. Canyon3. Meander(a) 1 and 2(b) 2 and 3(c) 1 and 3(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (a)

51. Which of the following is not helpful for delta formation? [CRPF 1990](a) Fast movement of river in mountains to cut sediments(b) Slow speed(c) Long river course(d) Tidal nature of waves

Ans: (d)

52. An ox-bow lake is a : [IFS 1993](a) lake formed behind an off-shore bar(b) lake occupying a volcanic crater(c) lake formed due to cut off meander(d) lake occupying a hollow scooped by a glacier

Ans: (c)

53. Match the following:

A. Loess 1. Glacier

B. Moraine 2. Wind

C. Alluvial banks 3. Rivers

D. Stalactites 4. Karst regions


(a) 2 1 3 4(b) 1 2 3 4(c) 2 4 3 1(d) 2 1 3 4

Ans: (a)

54. Erosion of soil by a river mainly depends upon:(a) its depth(b) its length(c) its speed at which it flows

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(d) its width

Ans: (c)

55. Match the following:

A. South Eastern coast of U.S.A. 1. Florida current

B. West coast of South Africa 2. Kuroshio current

C. South Western coast of South America 3. Benguela current

D. South Eastern coast of Japan 4. Peruvian current


(a) 1 2 3 4(b) 1 3 4 2(c) 2 3 4 1(d) 3 1 4 2

Ans: (b)

56. Which one of the following is correctly matched?(a) Canary current - Mediterranean Sea(b) Falkland current - Arabian Sea(c) Gulf Stream - Pacific Ocean(d) Labrador Current - North Atlantic Ocean

Ans: (d)

57. The ocean surface currents follow clockwise circulatory paths in the northern parts ofthe Pacific and Atlantic oceans due to the: [CDS 1994]

(a) convergence and divergence movements(b) corioli's force(c) density differences in seawater(d) impact of prevailing winds

Ans: (b)

58. The Ocean currents transfer heat from :(a) one sea or ocean to another(b) one coast to another(c) the surface of the sea to greater depths(d) lower to higher latitudes

Ans: (d)

59. Which one of the following pairs of ocean currents meet each other near Newfoundland? [NDA 1994]

(a) Canaries and Labrador

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(b) Gulf stream and Labrador(c) Gulfstream and Canaries(d) Kuroshio and Kurile

Ans: (b)

60. Two main cold currents in the North Pacific Ocean are known as [IAS 2009](a) Oyashio and California currents(b) Alaska and Kuroshio currents(c) North Equatorial and Counter Equatorial currents(d) North Pacific and Kuroshio currents

Ans: (a)

61. The following statements are made about ocean currents:1. They are warm off the west coast of continents within the tropics2. They move clockwise in the oceans of the Southern Hemisphere3. They move clockwise in the oceans of the Northern Hemisphere

Which of the above are correct?

(a) 1 and 2(b) 2 and 3(c) 1, 2 and 3(d) 1 and 3

Ans: (d)

62. The Dogger Bank, the main fishing area of Europe, lies in [IAS 2009](a) Baltic Sea(b) English Channel(c) North Sea(d) Norwegian Sea

Ans: (c)

63. Consider the following statements:1. Ocean currents are the slow- surface movement of water in the ocean.2. Ocean currents assist in maintaining the Earth's heat balance.3. Ocean currents are set in motion primarily by prevailing winds.4. Ocean currents are affected by the configuration of the ocean.

Which of these statements are correct? [IAS 2002]

(a) 1 and 2(b) 2, 3, and 4(c) 1, 3 and 4(d) 1, 2, 3, and 4

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Ans: (d)

64. Which one of the following is not the part of North Atlantic ocean current system? [IAS2003]

(a) Irminger current(b) Labrador current(c) Brazilian current(d) Canarie current

Ans: (c)

65. Which among the following currents is produced by upwelling of water off the coast ofChile and Peru? [IAS 2003]

(a) Canarie Current(b) Humboldt Current(c) Benguela Current(d) Kuroshio Current

Ans: (b)

66. Which factors influence ocean currents?1. Coriolis force2. Local winds3. Waves4. Continent shape

(a) I and IV(b) I, III and IV(c) I and III(d) I, II and IV

Ans: (d)

67. Cold currents have cooling effect on the shore of:(a) Peru(b) Japan(c) Western Europe(d) Alaska

Ans: (a)

68. Which of the following is wrongly matched?(a) Benguela Current : Cold(b) Humboldt Current : Cold(c) Kamchatka Current : Warm(d) Kuroshio : Warm

Ans: (c)

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69. The winter temperatures of north-western Europe are higher than those of easternEurope in the same latitudinal zone because:

(a) It is on the western side of the continent(b) it 'is near the sea(c) it receives only light falls of snow(d) it lies under westerly winds which blow over the Gulf Stream Drift

Ans: (d)

70. Which is the correct order of ocean currents in the northern part of Pacific ocean inclockwise direction?

(a) North equatorial - California Kuroshio - North equatorial(b) North equatorial – California – Kuroshio - Pacific drift-North equatorial(c) North equatorial - Kuroshio - Pacific drift - North equatorial(d) North equatorial - Pacific drift – Kuroshio – California - North equatorial

Ans: (c)

71. The cold Labrador current brings nine months winter to :(a) USA(b) Eastern Newfoundland(c) Western Norway(d) Northern Sweden

Ans: (b)

72. Match the following: [IAS 2004]

A. Gulf Stream 1. Pacific Ocean

B. West wind drift 2. A slow eastward movement of water over the zone of the westerlywinds

C. Peru current 3. Indian Ocean

D. West Australian 4. Warm current


(a) 4 2 1 3(b) 1 3 4 2(c) 4 3 1 2(d) 1 2 4 3

Ans: (a)

73. Fishing grounds are concentrated in the high latitudes. The reasons are:1. great length of indented coastline2. extensive continental shelves3. water temperatures lower than 20°C

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4. sparse population(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 2, 3 and 4(c) 1 and 2(d) 2 and 4

Ans: (a)

74. Which of the following are reasons for the chief fishing grounds being located incontinental shelf areas where cold and warm currents meet?

1. Warm currents are rich in phosphates and nitrates2. Plankton - the chief fish feed - thrives in these regions3. The meeting of cold and warm currents allows the water to be well aerated4. The epicontinental seas allow sunlight to reach almost to the bottom

(a) I and III(b) II and IV(c) I, II and III(d) II, III and IV

Ans: (d)

75. Sargasso sea is located in :(a) North Pacific Ocean(b) North Atlantic Ocean(c) North Sea(d) South Atlantic Ocean

Ans: (b)

76. The greatest known ocean depth (which lies in the Pacific Ocean) is :(a) 8,890 m(b) 9,653 m(c) 10,589 m(d) 11,033 m

Ans: (d)

77. The World's largest shipping canal is:(a) Suez in Egypt(b) Panama in America(c) Kiel in Germany(d) Gota in Sweden

Ans: (a)

78. Strait of Florida runs in between:(a) Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea(b) Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea

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(c) Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico(d) Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean

Ans: (c)

79. The Strait which separates Asia from North America is: [Asstt Grade 1992](a) The Bering Strait(b) The Palk Strait(c) The Strait of Gibraltar(d) The Strait of Malacca

Ans: (a)

80. The Panama Canal links :(a) Mediterranean Sea with Red Sea(b) Atlantic Ocean with Indian Ocean(c) Indian Ocean with Mediterranean Sea(d) Atlantic Ocean with Pacific Ocean

Ans: (d)

81. The Strait which separates Africa from Europe is : [Intelligence Bureau 1994](a) Hook Strait(b) Strait of Gibraltar(c) Palk Strait(d) Bering Strait

Ans: (b)

82. The Kiel Canal links the: [Railways 1994](a) Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea(b) Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean(c) North Sea and Baltic Sea(d) Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea

Ans: (c)

83. The Caspian Sea, the largest inland sea or lake in the world, is located:(a) wholly in the Continent of Europe(b) wholly in the Continent of Asia(c) partly in Europe and partly in Asia(d) partly in Africa and partly in Asia

Ans: (c)

84. Which is the largest sea in the world?(a) Caspian Sea(b) South China Sea(c) Mediterranean Sea

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(d) North Sea

Ans: (b)

85. Which is the largest Gulf in the World? [Railways 1995](a) The Gulf of Cambay(b) The Gulf of Mexico(c) The Persian Gulf(d) The Strait of Hormuz

Ans: (b)

86. Victoria Falls in Africa are located on :(a) River Niger(b) River Congo(c) River Zambezi(d) River Nile

Ans: (c)

87. The World's longest river is :(a) Nile(b) Ganges(c) Amazon(d) Mississippi – Missouri

Ans: (a)

88. Which of the following is the largest river in the world? [MBA 1990](a) Nile(b) Congo(c) Ganges(d) Amazon

Ans: (d)

89. The highest waterfall of the world is: [RRB 1992](a) Niagara Falls(b) Boyoma Falls(c) Salto Angel Falls(d) Khone Falls

Ans: (c)

90. Which river crosses the Equator twice?(a) Amazon(b) Congo(c) Nile(d) Orinoco

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Ans: (b)

91. The largest lake in Africa is:(a) Lake Victoria(b) Lake Malawi(c) Lake Tanganyika(d) Lake Chad

Ans: (a)

92. Niagara Falls are in: [Bank PO 1991](a) Australia(b) U.K.(c) South Africa(d) U.S.A.

Ans: (d)

93. Which of the following rivers falls into the Atlantic Ocean?1. Orinoco2. Danube3. Amazon4. Congo(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 1, 3 and 4(c) 2, 3 and 4(d) 1, 2 and 4

Ans: (b)

94. Match the following: [NDA 1992]

A. Titicaca 1. Longest mountain range

B. Caspian 2. Highest lake

C. Bering 3. Largest lake

D. Andes 4. Strait separating two continents


(a) 1 2 3 4(b) 2 3 4 1(c) 2 3 1 4(d) 3 2 4 1

Ans: (b)

95. The Strait connecting Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal is: [IES 1991]

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(a) Bering Strait(b) Dover Strait(c) Palk Strait(d) Vermosa Strait

Ans: (c)

96. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched? [CDS 1992](a) Algeria-Niger(b) Brazil-Amazon(c) Iraq-Tigris(d) Myanmar-Irrawady

Ans: (a)

97. Which of the following rivers flowing through Pakistan has its source of origin in thatcountry itself?

(a) Ravi(b) Jhelum(c) Chenab(d) None of these

Ans: (d)

98. Which of the following is the deepest lake? [MBA 1994](a) Lake Victoria(b) Caspian Sea(c) Lake Superior(d) Lake Baikal

Ans: (d)

99. Which river has the largest drainage basin?(a) Nile(b) Mississippi(c) Congo(d) Amazon

Ans: (d)

100. Which is the largest fresh water lake in the world ? [CDS 2002](a) Lake Tanganyika(b) Lake Superior(c) Lake Baikal(d) Lake Michigan

Ans: (b)

101. Which set of two rivers form the world's largest delta before their waters flows into the

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respective sea?(a) Rhine - Seine(b) Nile - Euphrates(c) Ganges - Brahmaputra(d) Danube - Thames

Ans: (c)

102. The Great Barrier Reef is: [CDS 1992](a) conglomeration of corals in Australian waters(b) Mountains range in Utah, U.S.A.(c) Salt hills of Afghanistan(d) Sub-Oceanic mountain in South China Sea

Ans: (a)

103. Which of the following cities is incorrectly matched to the river on which it is situated?(a) Budapest - River Danube(b) Baghad - River Tigris(c) Amsterdam - River Amsel(d) Alexandria - River Niger

Ans: (d)

104. On the bank of which river is New York situated?(a) River Colorado(b) River Hudson(c) River Mississippi(d) River Amazon

Ans: (b)

105. Which one the following condition is not favourable for the formation of delta? [IAS2003]

(a) Active vertical and lateral erosion in the lower course of the rivers(b) Coast should be preferably tideless(c) Sea adjoining the delta should be shallow(d) There should be no strong current running at right angles to the river mouths

Ans: (a)

106. The largest fish exporting region in the world is:(a) The South - East Asian Region(b) The North - West Pacific Region(c) The North - East Pacific Region(d) The North - East Atlantic Region

Ans: (b)

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107. Which of the following countries is included in the North-West Pacific fishing grounds?(a) Norway(b) Canada(c) Netherlands(d) Japan

Ans: (d)

108. The fishing grounds in the Pacific Ocean, the world's greatest fishing regions, liebetween the :

(a) Bering Sea and the Mediterranean Sea(b) the North Sea and the Mediterranean Sea(c) the East China Sea and the Bering Sea(d) the Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Sea

Ans: (c)

109. Main hunting ground for blue whales is located in:(a) Antarctic region(b) Arctic Ocean(c) Indian Ocean(d) Southern Atlantic Ocean

Ans: (b)

110. The World's major commercial fishing grounds are located in the:(a) cool waters of the northern hemisphere in comparatively higher latitudes(b) equatorial water(c) temperate waters of tropical seas(d) warm water of seas in southern hemisphere

Ans: (a)

111. Which of the following is the largest irrigation canal in the world? [Asstt Grade 1993](a) Panama Canal(b) Sirhind Canal(c) Suez Canal(d) Indira Gandhi Canal

Ans: (d)

112. The most important navigable river in, Central Europe that provides a link betweenseven countries-Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary, Rome, Russia andYugoslavia is :

(a) Volga(b) Rhine(c) Dnieper(d) Danube

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Ans: (d)

113. Of the following the busiest oceanic trade route is:(a) Cape route(b) North Atlantic route(c) Panama canal(d) Suez canal

Ans: (b)

114. The Atlantic Ocean routes are busier than the Pacific Ocean routes because AtlanticOcean:

(a) Routes are shorter(b) Routes are not so dangerous(c) is surrounded on both sides by industrialised nations(d) has better shipping facilities

Ans: (c)

115. Which is the correct sequence of the given American cities from West to East? [AssttComm PF 2002]

(a) Salt Lake City - Pittsburgh - San Francisco - Boston(b) San Francisco - Salt Lake City Pittsburgh - Boston(c) Salt Lake City - San Francisco - Boston - Pittsburgh(d) San Pittsburgh - Salt Lake City – Boston

Ans: (b)

116. Match the following:

A. The most cosmopolitan city of South- East Asia 1. Kuala Lumpur

B. The most well-known volcano of Indonesia 2. Singapore

C. The capital city of Malaysia 3. Brazil

D. The world's largest producer of Cinchona 4. Krakotao


(a) 1 3 2 4(b) 2 4 1 3(c) 3 1 2 4(d) 4 3 1 2

Ans: (b)

117. Match the following:

A. Land of Rising Sun 1. Korea

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B. Land of Midnight Sun 2. Finland

C. Land of Thousand Lakes 3. Japan

D. Land of Thunder bolt 4. Norway

5. Bhutan


(a) 1 3 2 4(b) 2 4 1 5(c) 3 1 4 2(d) 3 4 2 5

Ans: (d)

118. Match the following: [CDS 2001]

Continent % of population with more than 65 years of age

A. Africa 1. 15

B. Asia 2. 10

C. Australia 3. 06

D. Europe 4. 03

5. 12


(a) 4 3 2 1(b) 1 2 5 4(c) 4 2 5 1(d) 1 3 2 4

Ans: (a)

119. The tip of South America is : [CDS 2001](a) Cape Verde(b) Cape York(c) Cape Horn(d) Cape Cod

Ans: (c)

120. Which one of the following is the largest country area-wise? [CDS 2002](a) Argentina(b) India(c) Kazakhastan

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(d) Sudan

Ans: (b)

121. Which one of the following is not an African country? [CDS 1991](a) Cameroon(b) Gabon(c) Mauritania(d) Yemen

Ans: (d)

122. The country which is commonly known as 'The Land of Golden Fleece' is: [CDS 1991](a) Australia(b) Britain(c) France(d) Japan

Ans: (a)

123. Which of the following countries is known as the 'Sugar bowl of the World' ?(a) India(b) Cuba(c) Brazil(d) U.S.A.

Ans: (b)

124. Match the following:

City On the banks of

A. Belgrade 1. Tiber

B. Bonn 2. Seine

C. Paris 3. Rhine

D. Rome 4. Danube


(a) 1 2 3 4(b) 2 4 3 1(c) 4 3 2 1(d) 3 1 2 4

Ans: (c)

125. A person of mixed European and Indian blood in Latin America is called a : [IAS 1999](a) Mulatto

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(b) Mestizo(c) Meiji(d) Mau Mau

Ans: (b)

126. Which of the following regions of the world is most thickly populated?(a) East Asia(b) South Asia(c) North-West Europe(d) North and South America

Ans: (a)

127. Which of the following regions are regarded as areas of high density of population?(a) East Asia, Central and Southern Europe, Tropical deserts(b) Amazon and Congo Basins, South-East Asia, European Russia(c) Congo Basin and Indonesia, Central and Southern Europe, European Russia(d) East Asia, Southern Asia, North Western Europe

Ans: (d)

128. Maoris are the inhabitants of:(a) Nigeria(b) Egypt(c) Brazil(d) New Zealand

Ans: (d)

129. Match the following :

A. Bushmen 1. Central Asia

B. Kirghiz 2. Congo Basin

C. Pygmies 3. Kalahari Desert

D. Semang 4. Malaysia

5. Norway


(a) 4 1 2 5(b) 3 2 5 4(c) 3 1 2 4(d) 3 1 4 5

Ans: (c)

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130. The indigenous people living in Fiji and Papua New Guinea belong to : [IAS 2003](a) Mongolian group(b) Polynesian group(c) Micronesian group(d) Melanesian group

Ans: (d)

131. Which of the following group of people changes their house types according to seasons?[IAS 2003]

(a) Pygmies(b) Bantus(c) Kirghiz(d) Eskimos

Ans: (c)

132. Which of the following is/are wrongly matched?1. Bushman - Kalahari Desert2. Masai - North America3. Bindibus - Australia4. Kirghiz - Asian Steppes

(a) I(b) II(c) III(d) III and IV

Ans: (b)

133. Match the following lists: [IAS 2004]

Tribes Places of Habitat

A. Inuit 1. Northern Russia

B. Bantu 2. Nicobar Islands

C. Shompen 3. Northern Canada

D. Chukchi 4. Central Africa


(a) 3 2 4 1(b) 1 4 2 3(c) 3 4 2 1(d) 1 2 4 3

Ans: (c)

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134. Numerically the largest human race in the world is : [COS 2004](a) Caucasoid(b) Mongoloid(c) Negroid(d) Austroloid

Ans: (a)

135. About 50% of the world population is concentrated between the latitudes of: [IAS1997]

(a) 5°N and 20°N(b) 20°N and 40°N(c) 40°N and 60°N(d) 20°S and 40°S

Ans: (b)

136. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? [NDA 2004](a) Abuja : Nigeria(b) Ashkhabad : Turkmenistan(c) Pretoria : South Africa(d) Rabat : Yemen

Ans: (c)

137. What is the capital of East Timor ? [CDS 2004](a) Darwin(b) DiIi(c) Semarang(d) Yogyakarta

Ans: (b)

138. Which one of the following is a land-locked country? [CDS 2004](a) Angola(b) Gabon(c) Tanzania(d) Zimbabwe

Ans: (d)

139. What is the country through which both Equator and Tropic of Capricorn pass? [CDS2004]

(a) Brazil(b) Uruguay(c) Colombia(d) Ecuador

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Ans: (a)

140. Match the following: [CDS 2004]

Countries Regions

A. Togo 1. West Africa

B. Tonga 2. North Africa

C. Tunisia 3. South Central Africa

D. Zambia 4. South West Pacific Ocean region


(a) 1 2 4 3(b) 1 4 2 3(c) 3 4 2 1(d) 3 2 4 1

Ans: (b)

141. Consider the following statements: [IAS 2004]1. Germany and America are the two largest producers of wind-power2. America has nuclear energy generation capacity of around 100,000 MW3. America has more nuclear reactors than any other country in the world

Which of the statements given above are correct?

(a) 1 and 2(b) 2 and 3(c) 1 and 2(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (d)

142. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? [IAS 2004]

States of USA Geography Division

(a) Iowa West North Central(b) Texas West South Central(c) California Pacific(d) New Jersey South Atlantic

Ans: (d)

143. Match the following list: [IAS 2004]

State/Overseas Territory Country

A. British Colombia 1. USA

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B: Bavaria 2. UK

C. Gibraltar 3. Canada

D. Rhode Island 4. Germany

5. Denmark


(a) 1 2 5 3(b) 3 4 2 1(c) 1 4 2 3(d) 3 2 5 1

Ans: (b)

144. Which of the following is correctly matched?(a) Eskimo - Canada(b) Oran - Sweden(c) Pygmies - Pampas(d) Gonds – Africa

Ans: (a)

145. Match the following: [IAS 2004]

New Names of the Countries Old Names of the Countries

A. Benin 1. Nyasaland

B. Belize 2. Basutoland

C. Botswana 3. Bechuanaland

D. Malawi 4. British Handuras

5. Dahomey


(a) 3 1 2 4(b) 5 4 3 1(c) 3 4 2 1(d) 5 1 3 4

Ans: (c)

146. In which of the following countries, is the ratio of hydroelectric generation to the totalelectricity generation the highest? [IAS 2004]

(a) Norway(b) Sweden

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(c) Italy(d) Denmark

Ans: (a)

147. Which of the following are associated with Saudi Arabia? [IAS 2004]1. High proportion of urban population2. Extensive agriculture pattern3. Considerable extent of land under pasture lands

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 1and 2(c) 2 and 3(d) 1 and 3

Ans: (a)

148. Which one of the following statements correctly defines the term 'Karroo' of SouthernAfrica? [IAS 2004]

(a) Rift valley formed due to faulting(b) Dome shaped landforms caused by earth's movements(c) Steppes from the coastal lowland on to the high plateau(d) None of the above

Ans: (c)

149. Match the following: [IAS 2004]

Main Characteristic Feature Country

A. Largest Area 1. Iran

B. Highest population Density 2. Israel

C. Largest population 3. Lebanon

D. Largest urban population 4. Saudi Arabia

5. United Arab Emirates


(a) 4 3 1 2(b) 1 2 4 5(c) 4 2 1 5(d) 1 3 4 2

Ans: (a)

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150. Which one of the following countries has the highest average of road length on perthousand square kilometer area basis? [IAS 2004]

(a) India(b) Japan(c) USA(d) France

Ans: (b)

151. Which of the following statements are true regarding distribution of world population?1. Only 10 percent of the total population lives in the southern hemisphere2. Nearly two-thirds of the total population live within 500 km of sea3. Nearly 80 percent of the total population lives within 500 meters altitude above sea level

(a) I and II(b) II and III(c) I and III(d) I, II and III

Ans: (d)

152. Most of the people in the world live in lowland areas except those in : [IAS 2004](a) Central and Western Africa(b) Southern and South - eastern Europe(c) Southern and South - eastern Asia(d) Central America and North - western South America

Ans: (a)

153. Which one of the following continents has the lowest birth and death rates? [IAS 2004](a) Europe(b) Australia(c) North America(d) South America

Ans: (b)

154. Match the following: [IAS 2004]

Factors of Population Problems Corresponding Examples

A. Ban on migration 1. Brazil

B. Extraordinary Growth 2. England

C. Inadequate use of natural resources 3. South Africa

D. Unequal distribution 4. South East Asia

5. Tropical Lands

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(a) 1 5 2 3(b) 3 4 5 1(c) 1 4 5 3(d) 3 5 2 1

Ans: (b)

155. Match the following:

A. Veddas 1. North America

B. Yakuts 2. European Tundra

C. Kikuyu 3. East Africa

D. Lapps 4. North Siberia

5. Sri Lanka


(a) 2 3 4 5(b) 3 1 4 2(c) 5 4 1 2(d) 5 4 3 2

Ans: (d)

156. Which of the following tribes and their area of inhabitance is incorrect ?(a) Samoyeds - Asiatic Tundra(b) Gaucho - Uruguay(c) Bindibus - Algeria(d) Tartars – Siberia

Ans: (c)

157. Match the following:

Some Languages of Europe Spoken in

A. French 1. Brazil

B. Italian 2. Mexico

C. Portuguese 3. Libya

D. Spanish 4. Mauritania

5. Algeria


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(a) 5 3 1 2(b) 3 1 4 2(c) 3 2 1 4(d) 2 1 4 3

Ans: (a)

158. Asia accounts for nearly ______ percent of world population.(a) 40(b) 45(c) 55(d) 70

Ans: (c)

159. The regions with the highest and lowest densities are respectively :(a) Europe and Africa(b) Asia and Oceania(c) North America and Africa(d) Europe and Oceania

Ans: (d)

160. The country with the highest density is :(a) China(b) Bangladesh(c) India(d) Singapore

Ans: (d)

161. Which of the following is a low-density area?1. Equatorial forest2. Tropical deserts3. Eastern Asia4. North-eastern America

(a) I, II and IV(b) I and II(c) II and III(d) I, III and IV

Ans: (b)

162. Which of the following gives the correct decreasing order in numbers in the food chainpyramid?

1. Primary Producers2. Herbivores3. Carnivores

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4. Man(a) 1, 2, 3, 4(b) 1, 3, 2, 4(c) 4, 3, 2, 1(d) 1, 2, 4, 3

Ans: (a)

163. Latvia does not share its borders with which one of the following countries? [IAS 2004](a) Russia(b) Estoma(c) Lithuania(d) Poland

Ans: (d)

164. Which one of the following does not border Panama? [IAS 2004](a) Costa Rica(b) Pacific Ocean(c) Columbia(d) Venezuela

Ans: (d)

165. Match the following:

Ports Countries

A. Bordeaux 1. Canada

B. Hamburg 2. Germany

C. Tripoli 3. France

D. Victoria 4. Lebanon


(a) 3 2 4 1(b) 3 1 4 2(c) 3 2 1 4(d) 2 1 4 3

Ans: (a)

166. Match the following:

River Ocean/Sea

A. Murray 1. Arabian Sea

B. Congo 2. Indian Ocean

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C. Nile 3. Mediterranean Sea

D. Indus 4. Atlantic Ocean


(a) 2 3 4 1(b) 2 4 3 1(c) 2 4 1 3(d) 4 2 1 3

Ans: (b)

167. The correct decreasing order of the population of the various continents is:(a) Asia, Europe, America, Africa, Australia(b) Asia, America, Europe, Africa, Australia(c) Asia, Europe, Africa, America, Australia(d) Asia, America, Africa, Europe, Australia

Ans: (c)

168. Consider the following statements :1. Greenland is an overseas territory of France.2. Berumuda, an overseas territory of UK, is situated in Western Atlantic.3. State of Bahrain is situated in the Persian Gulf.

Which of these statements is/are correct? [CPO AC 2003]

(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 2 only(c) 2 and 3(d) 1 and 3

Ans: (c)

169. In the context of exports, which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched ?[CDS 2000]

(a) Cape Town : Wool and wine(b) Adelaide : Wheat and wool(c) Perth : Rice and corn(d) San Francisco : Fruits and wine

Ans: (c)

170. Match the following: [CDS 2003]

Country Capital

A. Armenia 1. Yerevan

B. Jordan 2. Sana'a

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C. Oman 3. Muscat

D. Yemen 4. Amman


(a) 2 3 4 1(b) 1 3 4 2(c) 2 4 3 1(d) 1 4 3 2

Ans: (d)

171. Which one of the following countries is not in South America? [CDS 2003](a) Bolivia(b) Paraguay(c) Suriname(d) Swaziland

Ans: (d)

172. Which one of the following countries is situated, geographically in America' butpolitically a part of Europe? [UP PCS 2002]

(a) Iceland(b) Canary Islands(c) Green Land(d) Cuba

Ans: (c)

173. Consider the following statements regarding global warming:1. Melting of polar ice caps and subsequently rise in the sea level is the most important

effect of global warming.2. The sea level is likely to rise by one meter by 2070 AD if the present level of global

warming is not controlled.3. All the coral islands in the world will be submerged.4. By 2044 AD, Fiji is likely to be submerged and rise in the sea level by the same year

will pose a grave danger to the Netherlands.

Select the correct answer from the following: [UP PCS 2002]

(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4(b) 4 only(c) 1, 2 and 4(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (a)

174. The "Horn of Africa" includes: [IAS 2003]

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(a) Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia(b) Namibia, Botswana, Republic of South Africa(c) Senegal, Guinea, Somalia(d) Libya, Egypt, Sudan

Ans: (a)

175. The ports which function as the collection centres where the goods are brought fromdifferent countries to be sent to others besides their own country are called: [IAS 2003]

(a) out ports(b) packet stations(c) entreport ports(d) port of call

Ans: (c)

176. Israel has common borders with:[IAS 2003](a) Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt(b) Lebanon, Syria, Turkey and Jordan(c) Cyprus, Turkey, Jordan and Egypt(d) Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Yemen

Ans: (b)

177. Which one of the following countries is land locked? [IAS 2003](a) Bolivia(b) Peru(c) Suriname(d) Uruguay

Ans: (a)

178. Consider the following statements concerning United Arab Emirates:1. Oman is one of the seven Emirates which form the United Arab Emirates.2. Dubai is the capital of United Arab Emirates.3. Fishing and tourism are the key industries of United Arab Emirates.

Which of these statements is/are correct? [Asstt Comm PF 2002]

(a) 1 and 2(b) 3 only(c) 2 and 3(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (b)

179. Consider the following statements:1. Bermuda situated in Western Atlantic Ocean is a United Kingdom Overseas Territory.2. 38th Parallel divided boundary between North and South Vietnam before unification

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3. Bahamas situated near Florida is one of the states of USA.

Which of these statements is/are correct? [Asstt Comm PF 2002]

(a) only 1(b) 2 and 3(c) 1 and 3(d) 1 and 2

Ans: (a)

180. Match the following: [IAS 2003]

A. Cotton textile 1. Bed Ford and Kobe

B. Iron and Steel 2. Buffalo and Newcastle

C. Woollen textile 3. Dortmund and Kiev

D. Chemicals 4. Fall river and Osaka


(a) 2 3 1 4(b) 4 2 1 3(c) 3 2 1 4(d) 1 2 3 4

Ans: (b)

181. Match the following: [IAS 2003]

A. Oolong Tea 1. Paraguay

B. Green Tea 2. India

C. Black Tea 3. China

D. Yerba Mate 4. Taiwan


(a) 4 2 3 1(b) 1 4 2 3(c) 4 3 2 1(d) 2 1 4 3

Ans: (c)

182. Which of the following is the largest island? [CDS 2001](a) Sumatra(b) Madagascar(c) Honshu

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(d) Cuba

Ans: (b)

183. Match the following:

A. Chile 1. Bogota

B. Colombia 2. Havana

C. Cuba 3. Nicosia

D. Cyprus 4. San Jose

5. Santiago


(a) 1 5 2 4(b) 5 1 2 3(c) 3 1 2 4(d) 5 1 2 4

Ans: (b)

184. The major cause of the decrease in population of rural areas as compared to the townsis :

(a) increased death rate due to lack of amenities(b) lack of transport facilities(c) low birth rates(d) migration of people from villages to the urban areas in search of better facilities andemployment

Ans: (d)

185. Which of the following is a reason for the increase in population of the developingcountries?

(a) Increase in birth rate due to reluctance to accept family planning measures(b) Increase in life expectancy and decrease of death rate due to medical facilities(c) Both of these(d) None of these

Ans: (b)

186. What is meant by 'brain drain'?(a) Increase in the population of mentally retarded or brainless people(b) The increasing medical facilities which have resulted in decrease in the number ofmentally retarded people(c) The marriage of highly intellectual people so as to add more intelligent progency to thepopulation

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(d) The migration of highly qualified or skilled people to better places of employment

Ans: (d)

187. Life expectancy of a region is :(a) the minimum age up to which an individual should definitely live in the region(b) the maximum age at which any individual of the region can live(c) the average age at which people die in the region(d) the age at which majority of people die in the region

Ans: (b)

188. Infant mortality rate is :(a) number of deaths of children below 1 year of age per 1000 of the population(b) number of deaths of children below 5 years of age per 1000 of the population(c) number of deaths of children below 1 year of age per 100 of the population(d) number of deaths of children below 5 years of age per 100 of the population

Ans: (a)

189. Which part of Europe is most densely populated?(a) Eastern Europe(b) Western Europe(c) Northern Europe(d) Area around the Black Sea

Ans: (b)

190. Which of the following countries have achieved a negative growth rate of population?[CDS 1993]

(a) Australia, Canada and Sweden(b) U.K., Sweden and Germany(c) France, Italy and Ireland(d) Japan, U.S.A. and Russia

Ans: (a)

191. World's highest urban density of population occurs in :(a) Kolkata(b) Tokyo(c) New York(d) London

Ans: (b)

192. Which among the following is the most populous city in the world? [Railways 1994](a) Kolkata(b) Mexico City(c) Sao Paulo

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(d) Tokyo

Ans: (d)

193. The country with the highest density of population in Europe is :(a) France(b) Italy(c) Belgium(d) Netherlands

Ans: (d)

194. The least densely populated country among the following countries of Europe is:(a) Poland(b) Norway(c) Germany(d) Belgium

Ans: (b)

195. Which continent has the highest density of population?(a) Asia(b) Africa(c) Europe(d) North America

Ans: (c)

196. Most of the people of the middle east belong to _______ group of people.(a) Negro(b) Nordic(c) Alpine(d) Mediterranean

Ans: (d)

197. First railway line in the world, was laid in :(a) Western U.S.A.(b) North-East England(c) Federal Republic of Germany(d) Russia

Ans: (b)

198. Which of the following is the longest Railway Tunnel?(a) St. Gothard (Switzerland)(b) East Finchley (London)(c) Cascade (U.S.A.)(d) Tanna (Japan)

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Ans: (d)

199. The longest railway platform is :(a) London (U.K.)(b) Moscow (Russia)(c) Kharagpur (India)(d) New York (U.S.A.)

Ans: (c)

200. The largest railway station of the world is :(a) Trans-Siberian railway station, Russia(b) Grand Central Terminal, Chicago(c) Kharagpur railway station, India(d) None of these

Ans: (b)

201. The international air route from West Europe to East Asia passes through Indiabecause:

(a) India is a busy centre situated between the two places(b) it provides the shortest route(c) India is the only country in Asia providing refuelling capacity(d) None of these

Ans: (a)

202. Match the following:

Air Service Country

A. Quantas 1. Bangladesh

B. Biman 2. Australia

C. Garuda 3. The Netherlands

D. K.L.M. 4. Indonesia

5. Hongkong


(a) 2 1 4 3(b) 5 1 4 2(c) 2 4 5 1(d) 2 5 1 3

Ans: (a)

203. Shortest air route from New Delhi to Vancouver will be :

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(a) New Delhi - Bangkok - Tokyo - Vancouver(b) New Delhi - London - New York - Vancouver(c) New Delhi - Moscow - London - Vancouver(d) New Delhi - Paris - New York – Vancouver

Ans: (a)

204. What is the shortest route from Moscow to San Francisco?(a) Moscow to Europe to Greenland; crossing Atlantic and then North America(b) Moscow to Europe; crossing Atlantic and East Coast of North America(c) Moscow to Siberia to Japan and crossing Pacific(d) Over the North Pole and over Canada

Ans: (b)

205. The shortest air-route from Perth to London is: [IAS 1994](a) Perth, Mumbai, Rome, London(b) Perth, Ankara, Paris, London(c) Perth, Aden, Paris, London(d) Perth, Mombasa, Rome, London

Ans: (c)

206. Pakistan's nuclear power plant is located at : [IFS 1988](a) Islamabad(b) Peshawar(c) Kahuta(d) Karachi

Ans: (c)

207. Which one of the following countries is not land-locked?(a) Afghanistan(b) Myanmar(c) Nepal(d) Switzerland

Ans: (a)

208. Amongst the following, which is the largest island? [LIC 1993](a) England(b) Japan(c) Borneo(d) New Guinea

Ans: (d)

209. What is the administrative capital of South Africa? [Railways 1994](a) Cape Town

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(b) Johannesburg(c) Kimberley(d) Pretoria

Ans: (d)

210. Adam's bridge connects: [IES 1993](a) Amman and Damascus(b) Dhanushkodi (Rameshvaram) and Talaimannar(c) Israel and Jerusalem(d) Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman

Ans: (b)

211. "Golan Heights" belonging to a country A were captured by a country B. The countriesA and Bare:

(a) Tibet and China(b) Russia and Japan(c) Syria and Israel(d) Iran and Iraq

Ans: (c)

212. Of the following, which capital city is not situated on the banks of the river Danube?(a) vienna(b) Rome(c) Budapest(d) Belgrade

Ans: (b)

213. Which of the following States of the U.5A are attached to Mexico? [CDS 1994](a) California and Texas(b) Kansas and Kentucky(c) New Mexico and Arkansas(d) Rhode Island and Hawaii

Ans: (a)

214. Khartoum is situated at the confluence of:(a) Murray and Darling(b) Porena and Prague(c) Tigris and Euphrates(d) White Nile and Blue Nile

Ans: (d)

215. The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through:(a) Egypt

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(b) India(c) Iran(d) Mexico

Ans: (c)

216. The 38th parallel separates:(a) North Korea and South Korea

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(b) East Germany and West Germany(c) China and Tibet(d) Asia and Europe

Ans: (a)

217. Which of the following is not an island? [MBA 1993](a) Cuba(b) Greenland(c) Ireland(d) Sweden

Ans: (d)

218. The earlier name of Surinam was; [CDS 1990](a) British Guyana(b) Dutch Guyana(c) Medagascar(d) Venezuela

Ans: (b)

219. Which of the following statements about New Zealand is incorrect ?(a) It is a part of Australian continent(b) It consists of two islands separated by Cook Strait(c) Tasman Sea is a land locked sea in the South Island(d) Mt. Cook is the highest peak of New Zealand

Ans: (c)

220. 17th Parallel separates:(a) North and South America(b) North and South Korea(c) North and South Vietnam(d) North and South Yemen

Ans: (c)

221. Durand line is the border common to which two countries?(a) India and China(b) China and Afghanistan(c) India and Tibet(d) Pakistan and Afghanistan

Ans: (d)

222. Which of the following set of countries are completely surrounded by land?(a) Libya, Zambia, Czech Republic(b) Mongolia, Zambia, Bolivia

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(c) Paraguay, Mongolia, Syria(d) Syria, Czech Republic, Paraguay

Ans: (b)

223. The largest island in the Indian Ocean is :(a) Madagascar(b) Maldives(c) Sri Lanka(d) Sumatra

Ans: (a)

224. The equator cuts through which of the following islands:(a) Medagascar(b) Tasmania(c) Java(d) Borneo

Ans: (d)

225. The Australian state which is an island is:(a) Queensland(b) Java(c) Tasmania(d) New Guinea

Ans: (c)

226. Lesotho is:(a) an island in Mediterranean Sea(b) an important seaport in Tanzania(c) a country completely surrounded by South Africa(d) a mountain peak in Zambia

Ans: (c)

227. 'The United Kingdom' consists of England and: [CDS 1994](a) Northern Ireland, Palma and Iceland(b) Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales(c) Scotland, Wales and Faeroe Island(d) Scotland, Sardinia and Wales

Ans: (b)

228. The smallest country in South America is : [CBI 1993](a) Uruguay(b) Guyana(c) Surinam

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(d) Ecuador

Ans: (c)

229. Which of the following is the largest island?(a) Cuba(b) Great Britain(c) Kalatdeitnunat(d) Sri Lanka

Ans: (c)

230. Which is the greatest archipelago on the globe? [Assistant Grade 1993](a) Japan(b) West Indies(c) Indonesia(d) Philippines

Ans: (c)

231. Where are the Balearic Islands located? [IAS 2005](a) Mediterranean Sea(b) Black Sea(c) Baltic Sea(d) North Sea

Ans: (a)

232. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the given towns of Pakistan whilemoving from the North towards the South ? [IAS 2005]

(a) Islamabad - Gujranwala – Peshawar - Multan(b) Peshawar - Gujranwala - Multan - Islamabad(c) Peshawar – Islamabad - Gujranwala - Multan(d) Islamabad - Multan - Peshawar – Gujranwala

Ans: (c)

233. Which one of the following cities is not a former capital of the given country (Countrygiven in the brackets)? [IAS 2005]

(a) Karachi (Pakistan)(b) Auckland (New Zealand)(c) Kyoto (Japan)(d) Brisbane (Australia)

Ans: (d)

234. Which one of the following straits is nearest to the International Date Line? [IAS 2008](a) Malacca Strait(b) Bering Strait

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(c) Strait of Florida(d) Strait of Gibraltar

Ans: (b)

235. Which of the following countries share borders with Moldova?1. Ukraine2. Romania3. Belarus

Select the correct answer using the code given below: [IAS 2008]

(a) 1 and 2 only(b) 2 and 3 only(c) 1 and 3 only(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (a)

236. In which one of the following is Malta located? [IAS 2008](a) Baltic Sea(b) Mediterranean Sea(c) Black Sea(d) North Sea

Ans: (b)

237. Consider the following rivers:1. Don2. Syr Darya3. Volga4. Ural

Which of the above rivers flow into the landlocked Caspian Sea? [IAS 2008]

(a) 1 and 2(b) 2 and 3(c) 3 and 4(d) 1 and 4

Ans: (c)

238. Among the following countries, which one is the most densely populated? [IAS 2008](a) Belgium(b) France(c) Germany(d) The Netherlands

Ans: (d)

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239. Which one of the following sequences of ocean trenches is correct in terms of theascending order of their depths? [IAS 2008]

(a) Aleutian Trench - Mindanao Trench - New Herbides Trench(b) New Herbides Trench - Mindanao Trench - Aleutian Trench(c) Aleutian Trench - New Herbldes Trench - Mindanao Trench(d) New Herbides Trench - Aleutian Trench - Mindanao Trench

Ans: (c)

240. Which one of the following statements is not correct? [IAS 2008](a) Most reef-forming, corals prefer sea temperature between 17°C and 33°C(b) Coral growth is usually restricted to the upper 25 or 30 m of the sea(c) Coral animals belong to the organisms of Phylum Porifera(d) Coral animals live in a mutualistic relationship with algae

Ans: (b)

241. With reference to a fresh water lake, consider the following characteristics:1. Richness in nutrients2. Rapid turnover of phytoplankton3. Depletion of dissolved oxygen

Which of the above is/are observed in a lake after its eutrophication? [IAS 2008]

(a) 1 only(b) 1 and 2 only(c) 3 only(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (c)

242. The important fishing areas called Grand Bank and Georges Bank located in thewaters of which one of the following? [IAS 2008]

(a) North Pacific(b) South Pacific(c) South-west Atlantic(d) North-west Atlantic

Ans: (d)

243. Sunda Trench lies in : [NDA 2008](a) Atlantic Ocean(b) Pacific Ocean(c) Indian Ocean(d) Antarctic Ocean

Ans: (c)

244. Which one of the following is correct?

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Benguela current flows: [NDA 2008](a) along Brazilian coast(b) off Southwest African coast(c) off Spanish and North African coast(d) along West coast of United States

Ans: (b)

245. The busy port of Rotterdam is situated in : [Asstt Comm 2008](a) The Netherlands(b) Belgium(c) Denmark(d) Germany

Ans: (a)

246. Which one of the following descriptions denotes the phenomenon of El Nino ? [AssttComm 2008]

(a) A violent rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground(b) The deflection of the ocean currents in the northern and southern hemispheres due to therotation of Earth(c) The Anomalous widespread warming of the sea surface of the tropical east and centralPacific Ocean(d) The revolving tropical storms of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico

Ans: (c)

247. Match the following: [Asstt Comm 2008]

(Sea) (Country)

A. Adriatic Sea 1. Bulgaria

B. Baltic Sea 2. Italy

C. North Sea 3. Poland

D. Black Sea 4. United Kingdom


(a) 2 4 3 1(b) 2 3 4 1(c) 1 2 4 3(d) 1 4 2 3

Ans: (b)

248. Which one among the following rivers is the longest? [Asstt Comm 2008](a) Amazon

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(b) Amur(c) Congo(d) Volga

Ans: (a)

249. Which one of the following countries is planning to construct a rival to the PanamaCanal to link the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans? [IAS 2007]

(a) Colombia(b) Costa Rica(c) Guatemala(d) Nicaragua

Ans: (d)

250. Where is Copacabana Beach located? [IAS 2007](a) Buenos Aires(b) Hawaiian Islands(c) Rio de Janeiro(d) Valletta

Ans: (c)

251. Match the following: [IAS 2007]

City River

A. Bangkok 1. lrrawaddy

B. Phnom-Penh 2. Mekong

C. Hanoi 3. Menam (Chao Phraya)

D. Yangon 4. Red River


(a) 3 2 4 1(b) 4 1 3 2(c) 3 1 4 2(d) 4 2 3 1

Ans: (a)

252. Through which one of the following Straits does a tunnel connect the United Kingdomand France? [IAS 2007]

(a) Davis Strait(b) Denmark Strait(c) Strait of Dover(d) Strait of Gibraltar

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Ans: (c)

253. The largest coral reef in the world is found near the coast of which one of the followingcountries ? [IAS 2007]

(a) Australia(b) Cuba(c) Ghana(d) Philippines

Ans: (a)

254. Niagara Falls is located between which of the following pairs of lakes? [IAS 2007](a) Lake Superior and Lake Huron(b) Lake Huron and Lake Erie(c) Lake Erie and Lake Ontario(d) Lake Ontario and Lake Huron

Ans: (c)

255. From east to west, which one of the following sequences of cities of Canada is correct?[IAS 2007]

(a) Quebec – Montreal - Ottawa -Toronto(b) Montreal – Quebec - Ottawa -Toronto(c) Quebec – Montreal - Toronto - Ottawa(d) Montreal - Quebec - Toronto – Ottawa

Ans: (a)

256. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? [IAS 2007](a) Gulf of Aqaba : Jordan(b) Gulf of Aden : Yemen(c) Ligurian Sea : Greece(d) Cardigan Bay : United Kingdom

Ans: (c)

257. Which one of the following is not a landform which results due to rejuvenation of ariver? [IAS 2007]

(a) Incised meander(b) Knick point(c) Oxbow lake(d) Rive terrace

Ans: (c)

258. Under normal conditions, which one of the following is the correct sequentialdevelopments of features made by fluvial action? [IAS 2007]

(a) Waterfalls - Meander bars - River terraces - Oxbow lakes

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(b) Meander bars - River terraces – Waterfalls - Oxbow lakes(c) Waterfalls - River terraces – Meander bars - Oxbow lakes(d) River terraces - Meander – Waterfalls - Oxbow lakes

Ans: (c)

259. Match the following: [IAS 2007]

Natural Region Tribe

A. Tundra Region 1. Kirghiz

B. Equatorial Forest Region 2. Samoyed

C. Steppe Region 3. Semang

D. Savanna Region 4. Bedouin

5. Masai


(a) 2 1 4 5(b) 5 3 1 2(c) 2 3 1 5(d) 5 1 4 2

Ans: (c)

260. Consider the following statements:1. The Benguela current had its influence in the formation of Kalahari Desert.2. The Agulhas current has its influence in the formation of Thar Desert.3. The currents of Northern Indian Ocean change their course of flow twice a year.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [IAS 2007]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 and 3 only(c) 1 and 3 only(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (c)

261. In which one of the following oceans is Diamantina Trench situated? [IAS 2006](a) Pacific Ocean(b) Atlantic Ocean(c) Indian Ocean(d) Arctic Ocean

Ans: (c)

262. Consider the following statements:

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1. Temperature of surface water is comparatively higher in the northern hemisphere than inthe southern hemisphere.

2. The isotherms in the southern hemisphere are not regular and do not follow the latitudeswhile they (isotherms) are regular and follow the latitudes in the northern hemisphere.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? [IAS 2009]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (a)

263. Consider the following statements:1. Suez Canal is an important link between developed countries and developing countries.2. It joins the Mediterranean Sea with the Gulf of Suez3. It is not a sea level canal.

Which of the statement given above is/are correct? [CDS 2009]

(a) I and II(b) I and III(c) II and III(d) I only

Ans: (a)

264. Mr. X has been invited to participate in a conference to be held at Buenos Aires. He haschosen the following shortest flight route:

Mumbai to Frankfurt (non-stop)

Frankfurt to Sao Paulo (non-stop)

Sao Paulo to Buenos Aires (non-stop)

Which one of the following seas will likely to be flown over by Mr. X? [CDS 2011]

(a) Tasman Sea(b) Labrador Sea(c) Beaufort Sea(d) Black Sea

Ans: (d)

265. Which of the following best explain why the lower course of a river is sometimeschoked with sediments?

1. The valley of a river is widest in its lower course.2. The velocity of a river in its lower course is low.

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3. The delta sometimes develops in a river's lower course.4. Much of the river water is drawn for irrigation in the lower course.

Select the correct answer using the code given below: [CDS 2011]

(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4(b) 1, 3 and 4 only(c) 1, 2 and 3 only(d) 2 and 4 only

Ans: (c)

266. What is the similarity between Milwaukee Deep, Java Trench and Challenger Deep?[CDS 2011]

(a) They all are trenches in the Pacific Ocean(b) They are the deepest points of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, respectively(c) They all are trenches in the Indian Ocean(d) They all are deeps of the Atlantic Ocean

Ans: (b)

267. Which one among the following best explains the reason for the eastern and westernboundaries of the Pacific Ocean experiencing frequent earthquake? [CDS 2011]

(a) There are deep ocean trenches along these margins(b) High mountain stretch along the continental margins adjacent to this ocean(c) The currents of the vast Pacific Ocean continue to dash against the continental margins(d) These margins coincide with the plate margins

Ans: (d)

268. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the following topographicalfeatures found from upper to lower course of a river? [CDS 2010]

(a) Ox-bow lake-Rapids-Estuary(b) Rapids-Estuary-Ox-bow lake(c) Rapids- Ox-bow lake - Estuary(d) Estuary- Ox-bow lake-Rapids

Ans: (c)

269. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the four stages of watermovement in a hydrological cycle? [NDA 2010]

(a) Evaporation – Condensation – Precipitation – Infiltration(b) Evaporation – Precipitation – Condensation – Infiltration(c) Infiltration – Evaporation – Condensation – Infiltration(d) Condensation – Precipitation – Evaporation – Infiltration

Ans: (a)

270. The lake Ontario and St. Lawrence of USA and Canada lie to the south-east of [Asstt

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Commt 2010](a) Hudson Bay(b) Labrador Sea(c) Atlantic Ocean(d) New Found land

Ans: (a)

271. Which one of the following can be considered as an initial warning of an approachingTsunami? [Asstt Commt 2010]

(a) Thundering noise(b) Squally winds and rainfall(c) Rapid withdrawal of water away from the beach(d) Rapid landward movement of water

Ans: (c)

272. Consider the following statements:1. On the planet Earth, the fresh water available for use amounts to about less than 1% of

the total water found.2. Of the total fresh water found on the planet Earth, 95% is bound up in polar ice caps and


Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [IAS 2010]

(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans: (d)

273. Which one of the following can one come across if one travels through the Strait ofMalacca? [IAS 2010]

(a) Bali(b) Brunei(c) Java(d) Singapore

Ans: (d)

274. The main area of production of icebergs is found in . [CDS 2012](a) the West Coast of Greenland(b) the East Coast of Japan(c) the North Coast of Siberia(d) the West Coast of Africa

Ans: (a)

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275. If you travel along the Suez Canal from Port Said to Suez, you will come across severallakes. Which of the following lakes is not on this Canal? [CDS 2012]

(a) Great Bitter Lake(b) Little Bitter Lake(c) Lake Gatun(d) Lake Timsah

Ans: (c)

276. Which one among the following is not correct regarding Tsunami? [CDS 2012](a) Tsunamis have a very long wavelength(b) Tsunamis have a slight swell of about twelve inches about the normal sea surface(c) Tsunamis grow in height when they reach shallower water(d) Tide also play an important role in the generation of Tsunamis

Ans: (d)

277. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below thelists: [NDA 2011]

Current Feature

A. Kuroshio 1. Warm current in the Atlantic Ocean

B. Peru current 2. Cold current in the Atlantic Ocean

C. Labrador current 3. Warm current in the Pacific Ocean

D. Florida current 4. Cold current in the Pacific Ocean


(a) 3 4 2 1(b) 3 2 4 1(c) 1 4 2 3(d) 1 2 4 3

Ans: (a)

278. The current produced by upwelling of cold water off the coast of Chile and Peru isknown as [NDA 2011]

(a) El Nino(b) Humboldt current(c) Agulhas current(d) Canary current

Ans: (b)

279. Which of the following is/are the chief Characteristics of commercial grain farming ofthe middle latitude grasslands?

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1. The size of farms are generally large.2. Cultivation is highly mechanized.3. It is a type of extensive farming.

Select the correct answer using the code given below: [NDA 2011]

(a) 1 and 2 only(b) 2 only(c) 1, 2 and 3(d) 1 and 3 only

Ans: (c)

280. The correct descending order of the leading producers of milk is [UP PCS 2011](a) China, India, Russia, U.S.A.(b) India, U.S.A., China, Russia(c) U.S.A., India, China, Russia(d) India, China, U.S.A., Russia

Ans: (b)

281. Match List-I and List-II and select the correct Answer from the code given below thelists: [UP PCS 2011]

Iron-Steel Centre Country

A. Hamilton 1. China

B. Birmingham 2. Canada

C. Essen 3. U.K.

D. Anshan 4. Germany


(a) 4 3 1 2(b) 2 1 4 3(c) 2 3 4 1(d) 3 4 2 1

Ans: (c)

282. The broken hill famous for zinc and lead are located in [CDS 2011](a) Turkey(b) France(c) Germany(d) Australia

Ans: (d)

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283. Where is ‘Ninety East Ridge’ situated? [BPSC 2011](a) Pacific Ocean(b) Indian Ocean(c) Atlantic Ocean(d) Arctic Ocean

Ans: (b)

284. The highest coal-producing country in the world is [BPSC 2011](a) India(b) USA(c) China(d) Russia

Ans: (c)

285. Major source of oceanic salinity is [BPSC 2011](a) rivers(b) land(c) wind(d) ash from volcanoes

Ans: (a)

286. Commercial sources of energy purely consist of [BPSC 2011](a) power, coal, oil, gas, hydro-electricity and uranium(b) coal, oil, firewood, vegetable waste and agricultural waste(c) power, coal, animal dung and firewood(d) coal, gas, oil and firewood

Ans: (a)

287. Match the following: [CDS 1991]

A. North Atlantic route 1. Santos, Buenos Aires

B. The Cape route 2. Yokohama, Osaka

C. South Atlantic route 3. Port Elizabeth, Cape Town

D. Pacific route 4. New York, Boston


(a) 1 3 4 2(b) 2 3 1 4(c) 4 1 3 2(d) 4 3 1 2

Ans: (d)

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288. The Canals in Western Europe are mainly used for:(a) irrigation(b) inland navigation(c) ship building(d) trade

Ans: (b)

289. The largest and the busiest inland waterways in the world is :(a) R. Rhine in Germany(b) R. Ganga in India(c) The Great Lakes and the rivers St. Lawrence in U.SA(d) R. Lena and Lake Baikal in Russia

Ans: (c)

290. Sea water is saltier than rain water because:(a) sea animals are salt producing(b) the air around the sea is saltish(c) river wash away salts from earth and pour them into the sea(d) sea beds have salt producing mines

Ans: (d)

291. Fog is common around Newfoundland coast because:(a) high tides occur, causing storms(b) the rainfall is heavy(c) warm and cold currents meet(d) icebergs melt around the coast

Ans: (c)

292. A narrow strip of land bordered on both sides by water, connecting two large bodies ofland is known as : [IFS 1993]

(a) an isthmus(b) a lagoon(c) a peninsula(d) a strait

Ans: (a)

293. Although the equatorial regions have the highest annual average temperatures, thesalinity in the oceans is highest near the tropics because:

1. equatorial areas receive heavy rainfall2. salinity is not affected by temperature3. equatorial oceans experience a lot of turbulenees4. high relative humidity in equatorial areas checks evaporation(a) 1, 2 and 4

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(b) 1 and 3(c) 1, 3 and 4(d) 1 and 4

Ans: (a)

294. Which of the following is called ‘Herring Pond’?(a) Atlantic Ocean(b) Black Sea(c) Dead Sea(d) Pacific Ocean

Ans: (a)

295. Match the following: [NDA 1993]

River Ocean/Sea

A. Murray River 1. Arabian Sea

B. Congo River 2. Indian Ocean

C. Nile 3. Mediterranean Sea

D. Indus 4. Atlantic Ocean


(a) 4 2 1 3(b) 2 4 3 1(c) 2 4 1 3(d) 2 3 4 1

Ans: (b)

296. Match the following: [CDS 2001]

Rivers Towns

A. Amazon 1. Niamey

B. Nile 2. Kinshasa

C. Niger 3. Manaus

D. Congo 4. Rio de Janeiro

5. Khartoum


(a) 3 5 1 2(b) 3 1 5 2

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(c) 4 2 3 5(d) 4 5 1 3

Ans: (a)

297. Which one of the following conditions are not favourable for the growth of coral rects ?[IAS 2003]

(a) Sediment free water(b) fresh water(c) Moderate saline water(d) Disturbed water and currents

Ans: (b)

298. Match the following: [SSC Graduate 2003]

City River

A. Rotterdam 1. Seine

B. Paris 2. Potomac

C. Budapest 3. Rhine

D. Washington 4. Danube


(a) 2 3 1 4(b) 1 3 4 2(c) 3 1 4 2(d) 4 3 2 1

Ans: (c)

299. Match the following: [SSC Graduate 2003]

City River

A. Bangkok 1. Huangho

B. Shanghai 2. St. Lawrence

C. Dresden 3. Chao Phraya

D. Montreal 4. Elbe


(a) 3 1 4 2(b) 2 4 3 1(c) 4 3 2 1(d) 1 2 3 4

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Ans: (a)

300. Match the following: [NDA 2003]

Ocean Currents Countries

A. Labrador 1. Namibia

B. Gulf Stream 2. USA

C. Benguela 3. Canada


(a) 1 2 3(b) 3 1 2(c) 1 3 2(d) 3 2 1

Ans: (d)

301. Match the following: [NDA 2003]

Current Ocean

A. Agulhas 1. North Atlantic

B. Aleutian 2. South Pacific

C. Canaries 3. South Indian

D. Humboldt 4. North Pacific


(a) 2 1 4 3(b) 2 4 1 3(c) 3 1 4 2(d) 3 4 1 2

Ans: (d)

302. Which one of the following European countries borders Atlanic Ocean? [CDS 2000](a) Portugal(b) Austria(c) Finland(d) Romania

Ans: (a)

303. Why are major fishing areas of the world confined to the temperate zone?1. Cold and warm currents meet, creating conditions favourable for plankton growth2. The fish of these waters are highly palatable as human food

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3. There is a ready mark, in the land masses of the zone4. The existence of submarine plateaus help in growth of fish population

(a) I, II and IV(b) II, III and IV(c) I, III and IV(d) I, II, III and IV

Ans: (d)

304. Which of the following river stages and features is/are wrongly matched?1. Mountain stage : waterfalls2. Plain stage : oxbow lake3. Plain stage : delta4. Mountain stage : deposition(a) 1 and 2(b) 3 and 4(c) 1, 3 and 4(d) None

Ans: (b)

305. Match the following:

A. Sea route to India 1. Columbus

B. First voyage round the world 2. Vasco da Gama

C. Discovery of America 3. Captain Cook

D. Discovery of Brazil 4. Pedro Alvarez Cabral

5. Magellan


(a) 4 3 5 2(b) 2 5 1 4(c) 2 3 1 4(d) 3 2 1 4

Ans: (b)

306. Match the following:

Rivers Continents

A. Paraguay 1. Australia

B. Congo 2. Europe

C. Volga 3. South America

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D. Ob 4. Asia

5. Africa


(a) 4 5 1 2(b) 3 5 2 4(c) 4 5 2 4(d) 3 4 1 2

Ans: (b)

307. Match the following :

Island Ocean/Sea

A. Madagascar 1. Caribbean Sea

B. Cuba 2. Indian Ocean

C. Devon 3. Arctic Ocean

D. Southampton 4. Hudson Bay


(a) 2 1 4 3(b) 1 2 3 4(c) 2 1 3 4(d) 3 1 2 4

Ans: (c)

308. The ideal conditions for coral growth are:1. water temperature around 20°C2. tropical waters (between 30°N and 30°S)3. highly saline water4. adequate oxygen

(a) I, II and IV(b) I, III and IV(c) I, II and III(d) II, III and IV

Ans: (a)

309. Which one of the following countries makes maximum use of the geothermal energy?[IAS 2004]

(a) New Zealand(b) Japan(c) Iceland

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(d) Russia

Ans: (c)

310. Match the following: [IAS 2004]

Ridges Oceans

A. Mendeleyev 1. North Atlantic Ocean

B. Keguelen 2. South Atlantic Ocean

C. San Felix-Juan Fernandez 3. Arctic Ocean

D. Walvis 4. Indian Ocean

5. Southern Pacific Ocean


(a) 5 4 1 2(b) 3 2 5 4(c) 5 2 1 4(d) 3 4 5 2

Ans: (d)

311. Which of the following connects the ocean floor level with the continental level ?(a) Continental slope(b) Continental shelf(c) Epicontinental sea(d) Sea shelf

Ans: (a)

312. The longest inland waterways in the world is : [IAS 2004](a) Mississippi river system(b) The Great Lakes(c) St. Lawrence(d) River Rhine

Ans: (a)

313. Match the following:

Sea Country

A. Banda Sea 1. Indonesia

B. Sulu Sea 2. Philippines

C. Yellow Sea 3. South Korea

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(a) 1 2 3(b) 2 3 1(c) 2 1 3(d) 1 3 2

Ans: (a)

314. A passenger, on his transcontinental railway journey in Europe comes across thefollowing cities:

1. Belgrade2. Vienna3. Sophia4. Prague

What is the sequence in which he touches these cities in his east to west journey? [NDA 2001]

(a) 1, 3, 4, 2(b) 4, 2, 1, 3(c) 2, 3, 4, 1(d) 3, 1, 2, 4

Ans: (d)

315. During a flight from Delhi to Tokyo the following are the landing airports:2. Hongkong3. Hanoi4. Taipei5. Bangkok

The correct sequence of the landing at these airports during an onward journey is : [IAS 1997]

(a) 1, 2, 3, 4(b) 4, 2, 1, 3(c) 3, 4, 1, 2(d) 4, 1, 2, 3

Ans: (b)


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Fundamental of World Geography_____________________________

1. 'The Land of the Morning Calm' is(a) Japan(b) Malaysia(c) Indonesia(d) Korea

Ans: (d)2. Dogger Bank, Rockfall Bank, Wales Bank and Sand Bank

are located in(a) North West Atlantic(b) North East Pacific(c) North East Atlantic(d) North West Pacific

Ans: (c)3. Mid-latitude or temperate forests include the trees of

(a) Rosewood, Mahogany, Rubber(b) Teak, Sal, Bamboo(c) Pine, Fir, Spruce(d) Olive, Mapple, Walnut

Ans: (d)4. White coal refers to

(a) Hydroelectricity(b) Petroleum(c) Uranium(d) Coal

Ans: (a)

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5. Ladang refers to(a) Shifting cultivation(b) Plantation agriculture(c) Subsistence type of agriculture(d) Dry farming

Ans: (a)6. The countries with the lowest and worst economic conditions

in the world referred to as the 'Pole of hunger' are(a) European Countries(b) Middle East Countries(c) Mid-West Countries(d) South East Asian Countries

Ans: (a)7. The countries which are called the 'Rice Bowl' of Asia are

(a) China, Japan, Sri Lanka, India(b) Myanmar, Thailand, Kampuchea and Vietnam(c) India, Pakistan, Nepal, Mongolia(d) Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, India

Ans: (b)8. The metallic minerals are

(a) asbestos, mica, graphite(b) iron ore, copper, lead(c) coal, oil, natural gas(d) salt, potash, sulphur

Ans: (b)9. Power minerals are

(a) manganese, platinum, tungsten(b) mica, potash, sulphur

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(c) coal, oil, natural gas(d) lead, zinc, bauxite

Ans: (c)10. Iron ore mining in the former Soviet Union are in

(a) Kiruna(b) Mesabi and Gegobic(c) Krivoi Rog and Kerch basin(d) Lorraine field

Ans: (c)11. Mackeral, tuna, herrings, and anchovies belong to _____ type

of fish.(a) Pelagic(b) Demersal(c) Anadromous(d) Fresh water

Ans: (a)12. Cod, haddock, halibut, sole, garoupa and snapper are

(a) major species of Tropical Forests(b) cattle breeds(c) fish varieties(d) Pacific Islands

Ans: (c)13. Danube, Dneiper, Don, Volga and Ural rivers are flowing In

(a) North America(b) Europe(c) Africa(d) Australia

Ans: (b)

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14. Cuban economy is based on(a) fishing(b) sugarcane cultivation(c) iron ore mining(d) dairying

Ans: (b)15. Hemp of Mesta, Ramie and Kapok are

(a) food crops(b) fodder crops(c) fibre crops(d) plantation crops

Ans: (c)16. Muscovite, Phlogopite and Biotite are

(a) Iron ore varieties(b) Mica varieties(c) Coal varieties(d) Manganese varieties

Ans: (b)17. The tropical rain forests in the Amazon basin is known as

(a) Savanna(b) Prairies(c) Selvas(d) Pampas

Ans: (c)18. Botswana was formerly known as

(a) Bachuanaland(b) Bahamas(c) Barbados

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(d) CameroonAns: (a)

19. Which of the following is the smallest in terms of area?(a) Vatican City(b) Monaco(c) Nauru(d) San Marino

Ans: (a)20. Shifting agriculture is most commonly practised in

(a) forests(b) deserts(c) plain areas(d) grass lands

Ans: (a)21. The term Mediterranean agriculture applies to a particular

blend of ______ and activities and ______is confined toregions encircling the Mediterranean basins.(a) farming and grazing(b) farming and fishing(c) grazing and fishing(d) fishing and mining

Ans: (a)22. Consider the following statements about the 'Roaring

Forties':1. They blow uninterrupted in the Northern and Southern

Hemispheres2. They blow with great strength and constancy3. Their direction is generally from North-West to East in the

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Southern Hemisphere4. Overcast skies, rain and raw weather are generally associated

with themWhich of these statements are correct?

(a) 1, 2 and 3(b) 2, 3 and 4(c) 1, 3 and 4(d) 1, 2 and 4

Ans: (b)23. The correct sequence of different layers of the atmosphere

from the surface of the Earth upwards is:(a) Troposphere, Stratosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere(b) Stratosphere, Troposphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere(c) Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere(d) Stratosphere, Troposphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere

Ans: (c)24. _____ canal lies on one of the world's largest of trade routes

connecting Europe and Far East.(a) The Panama(b) The Suez(c) The Kiel(d) The Goth

Ans: (b)25. The Earth's population has _____ since the turn of the

century.(a) stayed the same(b) doubled(c) trebled

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(d) multiplied ten timesAns: (c)

26. In which country will you find the river Po?(a) China(b) Italy(c) Sri Lanka(d) Zambia

Ans: (b)27. Uranus takes _____ years to orbit the Sun.

(a) 48(b) 84(c) 50(d) 60

Ans: (b)28. _____ grasses are known as elephant grasses.

(a) Prairie(b) Steppe(c) Savannah(d) Llanos

Ans: (c)29. The 'land of eternal spring' are certain parts of

(a) Tundra region(b) Highland region(c) Mediterranean region(d) Hot Wet Equatorial region

Ans: (d)30. Kolkhoz and Sovkhoz are

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(a) farming organization on agriculture(b) fertile alluvial lands(c) high yielding variety seeds(d) breeds of cattle

Ans: (a)31. Agriculture Involving both crops and livestock is known as

(a) dairy farming(b) mixed farming(c) dry farming(d) truck farming

Ans: (b)32. Cyclones are called as hurricanes in

(a) Bangladesh(b) China(c) Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea(d) Japan

Ans: (c)33. Which among the following forms of precipitation is different

from the rest?(a) dew(b) fog(c) mist(d) hail

Ans: (d)34. The Savannas or Orinoco Basin are termed as

(a) pampas(b) steppes(c) prairies

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(d) llanosAns: (d)

35. Which, among the following countries, lies at the junction ofthree continents (Asia, Africa ad Europe)?

(a) Turkey(b) Cyprus(c) Syria(d) Yemen

Ans: (b)36. Trincomalee is a port situated on the

(a) east coast, Tamil Nadu(b) east coast of Sri Lanka(c) east coast, Andhra Pradesh(d) west coast of Sri Lanka

Ans: (b)37. Borobudur in Java is famous for

(a) Lord Buddha's tooth preserved for posterity(b) A Buddhist Temple(c) Its natural museum(d) Fisheries Research Station

Ans: (b)38. Shwedagon pagoda is located in

(a) Mahabalipuram(b) Rangoon(c) Mandalay(d) Jakarta

Ans: (b)

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39. Which of the following countries has got its map on its flag?(a) Congo(b) Cyprus(c) Jordan(d) Libya

Ans: (b)40. The Earth's axis is tilted at an angle of ____ degrees from the

perpendicular to its orbital plane.(a) 17.5°(b) 23.5°(c) 36°(d) 45°

Ans: (b)41. The Asian and North American continents almost meet at the

narrow and shallow Bering Strait, only ____ kilometresacross.(a) 4(b) 10(c) 22(d) 45

Ans: (a)42. The first oil well in the world was drilled at

(a) Assam(b) Japan(c) Pensylvania(d) Former USSR

Ans: (c)43. The most valuable cash crop of Brazil is

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(a) Tea(b) Coffee(c) Cardamom(d) Spices

Ans: (b)44. Pearl Harbour, (the target of Japanese attack on the

American fleet) is in(a) Japan(b) Philippines(c) Hawaiian Islands(d) Singapore

Ans: (c)45. 'Abadan' is well known as

(a) a major Air Force base in Iraq(b) the main oil terminal in Iran(c) a pilgrim centre for Muslims and Christians as well(d) an archaeological site throwing new light on the civilisationthat flourished in Arabia before the advent of Aryans into India

Ans: (b)46. 'Roaring Forties' are

(a) waterfalls in Canada(b) cyclonic winds(c) the turbulent years in world History from 1940 to 1944(d) westerly winds blowing through out the year over the oceansof the Southern Hemisphere between 40· and 60º South

Ans: (d)47. Tokyo, the capital of Japan is situated in the island of

(a) Hokkaido

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(b) Honshu(c) Shikoku(d) Kyushu

Ans: (b)48. "Haneda" is the name of the international airport in

(a) Hong Kong(b) Dacca(c) Tokyo(d) Singapore

Ans: (c)49. The river Mahaweli flows through

(a) India(b) Bangladesh(c) Sri Lanka(d) Pakistan

Ans: (c)50. Which, among the following countries, occupies the largest

chunk of the Sunderban's Delta?(a) Bangladesh(b) Myanmar(c) India(d) Thailand

Ans: (a)51. Japan's total land is about _____ that of India.

(a) one-sixth(b) one-fifth(c) one-ninth(d) one-tenth

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Ans: (c)52. Which among the following statements about the earth is not

true?(a) The Earth makes one complete revolution round the Sun every365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds(b) The Earth makes one complete revolution on its axis in 48hours(c) The Earth revolves in its orbit round the Sun at a speed of66,000 miles per hour(d) The Earth rotates on its axis at an equatorial speed of morethan 1000 miles per hour

Ans: (b)53. Mount Kilimanjaro is in

(a) Alaska(b) Argentina(c) Chile(d) Tanzania

Ans: (d)54. Mount Kailas is in

(a) Nepal(b) Tibet(c) Sikkim(d) Bhutan

Ans: (b)55. Venus has atmosphere made up of

(a) Ammonia(b) Carbon-di-Oxide(c) Helium(d) Hydrogen

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Ans: (b)56. The dwarf camels, known as Alpacas, Vicunas and Llamas

are found in(a) Tibet(b) Afghanistan(c) Myanmar(d) Cyprus

Ans: (a)57. The difference between the diameter of the Earth at the poles

and at equator is(a) 27 miles(b) 36 miles(c) 48 miles(d) 57 miles

Ans: (a)58. Madagascar is the only home of many species of

(a) giraffe(b) hippopotamus(c) lemur(d) orangutan

Ans: (c)59. A heavenly body which takes nearly the same time to

complete one rotation and one revolution is(a) an asteroid(b) a comet(c) Moon(d) Mars

Ans: (c)

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60. "Limnology" refers to the study of(a) Limestone(b) Lignite of brown coal(c) Lakes and ponds(d) Laterites

Ans: (c)61. A geographical mile is a measure of length equal to one

sixtieth of a degree or one minute (1') of latitude. It varieswith latitudes, but is approximately equals(a) 7200 feet(b) 6080 feet(c) 4500 feet(d) 6000 feet

Ans: (b)62. Which of the following planets

(a) Mars(b) Saturn(c) Uranus(d) Venus

Ans: (d)63. International date line is a/an

(a) straight line(b) curved line(c) zigzag line(d) elliptical line

Ans: (c)64. Horizontal transfer of heat is known as

(a) advection

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(b) convection(c) conduction(d) elliptical line

Ans: (a)65. Which of the following is a hardwood tree?

(a) shisham(b) pine(c) spruce(d) deodar

Ans: (a)66. The wettest place in the world is Cherrapunji (Assam). The

Hottest place is(a) Azizia (Libya)(b) Ramagundam (India)(c) Stwart Island (New Zealand)(d) Kandy (Sri Lanka)

Ans: (a)67. The term 'transhumance' means

(a) the practice of moving to a new clearing in the forest every fewyears(b) the seasonal movement of people along with their cattle in themountains(c) moving over to another neighbouring country(d) moving from place to place in search of work

Ans: (b)68. Tropical deserts are rich in _____ resources.

(a) mineral(b) agricultural

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(c) soil(d) animal

Ans: (a)69. A narrow strip of land connecting two large land masses is

known as(a) Strait(b) Isthmus(c) Headland(d) Bay

Ans: (b)70. The gigantic tidal waves produced by earthquakes are called

(a) breakers(b) tsunamis(c) currents(d) drift

Ans: (b)71. Lakes formed due to marine deposits are

(a) crater lakes(b) cirque lakes(c) ox-bow lakes(d) lagoons

Ans: (d)72. Lava solidifies to form _____.

(a) Pumice(b) Basalt(c) Marble(d) Sandstone

Ans: (b)

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73. Rice in Myanmar is cultivated along the deltas of ______river.

(a) Salween(b) Menam(c) Mekong(d) Irrawaddy

Ans: (d)74. The world's largest port is _____.

(a) Mumbai(b) Sydney(c) New York/New Jersey(d) Singapore

Ans: (c)75. Podsol is a type of soil which is characteristic of a region

under the cover of ____forest.(a) deciduous(b) coniferous(c) evergreen(d) alpine

Ans: (b)76. A strait is

(a) a narrow stretch of sea connecting two extensive areas of sea(b) a narrow strip of land joining two large land-masses(c) a wide indentation into the land formed by a sea or a lake(d) a narrow headland

Ans: (a)77. The world's largest delta system is the____.

(a) The Nile, Egypt

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(b) Ganges-Brahmaputra, India/Bangladesh(c) The Mississippi, USA(d) The Amazon, Brazil

Ans: (b)78. The waterfall with the greatest meterage in the fall is

(a) The Jog Falls, India(b) The Victoria Falls, Africa(c) The Niagara Falls, North America(d) The Salto Angel Falls, South America

Ans: (d)79. World Environmental day is celebrated on ______ every year.

(a) May 1(b) June 5(c) October 24(d) December 25

Ans: (b)80. World's largest solar power plant is located in _____

(a) Kalahari Desert, Africa(b) Sahara Desert, Libya(c) Thar Desert India(d) Mojava Desert USA

Ans: (d)81. The continent through which the Equator, Tropic of Cancer

and the Tropic of Capricorn pass, is(a) Asia(b) South America(c) Africa(d) Australia

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Ans: (c)82. In the transformation of vegetative matter to coal the first

product is.(a) peat(b) lignite(c) bituminous coal(d) anthracite

Ans: (a)83. The shipping canal that connects the North Sea and the

Baltic Sea is called the______.(a) Panama Canal(b) Suez Canal(c) Kiel Canal(d) Buckingham Canal

Ans: (c)84. The most typical Australian tree which sheds its bark instead

of leaves is(a) eucalyptus(b) teak(c) birch(d) oak

Ans: (a)85. Temperate grasslands in South America are found on the

_____ part of the continent.(a) northern(b) southern(c) north-western(d) south-eastern

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Ans: (d)86. A stony desert is termed as _____ and sandy desert as_____.

(a) reg, erg(b) reg, loess(c) erg, loess(d) erg, reg

Ans: (a)87. The strait that separates Tasmania from the mainland of

Australia is(a) Cook Strait(b) Bass Strait(c) Torres Strait(d) Palk Strait

Ans: (b)88. Moraine is

(a) a tribe inhabiting the equatorial region(b) the debris of fragments of rock material brought down with themovement of a glacier(c) a salt water lake in Arabia(d) a nocturnal animal found in Amazon forests

Ans: (b)89. River Rhine of Europe drains into

(a) North Sea(b) Black Sea(c) Caspian Sea(d) Adriatic Sea

Ans: (a)90. Hydro-electric power provides more than 90% of the total

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power consumed in(a) Norway(b) Sweden(c) India(d) UK

Ans: (a)91. Name the mountain that separates France and Spain.

(a) Alps(b) Pyrenees(c) Jura(d) Vosges

Ans: (b)92. Kalgoorlie in Australia is famous for its rich deposits of

(a) Coal(b) Gold(c) Mercury(d) Iron

Ans: (b)93. Milan, Turin and Genoa industrial triangle is in

(a) USA(b) France(c) Former USSR(d) Italy

Ans: (d)94. The South African River draining into Atlantic Ocean is

(a) Orange(b) Zambezi(c) Limpopo

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(d) NileAns: (a)

95. Plantation agriculture is a specialised form of agriculturalpractice carried out in

(a) temperate region(b) tropics and subtropics(c) urbanised region(d) coastal region

Ans: (b)96. The Continents of Africa and Europe, at their close at point

are separated from each other by the strait of(a) Messina(b) Bonifacio(c) Gibraltar(d) Otranto

Ans: (c)97. Fjords abound the coast of

(a) Sweden(b) France(c) Norway(d) Germany

Ans: (c)98. Coastline formed by a drowned river mouth is a

(a) Fjord(b) Dalmatian(c) Ria(d) Haff

Ans: (c)

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99. Extensive mechanized wheat cultivation is carried out in(a) Tropical Savannas(b) Temperate grasslands(c) Equatorial regions(d) Mediterranean lands

Ans: (b)100. 'The Scented Isle' in the Mediterranean Sea is

(a) Sardinia(b) Corsica(c) Sicily(d) Crete

Ans: (b)101. East African Valleys stretching from East Africa through Red

Sea to Syria is an example of(a) river valley(b) rift valley system(c) glaciated valley(d) a canyon

Ans: (b)102. Canals serve as passage of communication in the city of ___in

Italy.(a) Rome(b) Venice(c) Turin(d) Genoa

Ans: (b)103. The largest fresh water body (volume-wise) in the world is


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(a) Baikal(b) Titicaca(c) Superior(d) Victoria

Ans: (c)104. The highest navigable lake in the world is

(a) Huron(b) Titicaca(c) Superior(d) Tanganyika

Ans: (b)105. Moho discontinuity refers to a discontinuity between the

_____ and _____ layers of the earth.(a) Sial and Sima(b) Sima and Mantle(c) Sial and Mantle(d) Mantle and Core

Ans: (b)106. Dally weather map showing isobars is an example of

(a) Choropleth map(b) Isopleth map(c) Chorochromatic map(d) Choroschematic map

Ans: (b)107. Limestone changes into _____ due to metamorphism.

(a) marble(b) quartzite(c) gneiss

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(d) schistsAns: (a)

108. The world's largest reserves of petroleum are located in(a) The USA(b) Russia(c) Saudi Arabia(d) Kuwait

Ans: (c)109. The moat abundant element in sea water is

(a) Sodium(b) Chlorine(c) Magnesium(d) Sulphur

Ans: (b)110. A continuous belt of urban population progressively linking

several cities is known as(a) Metropolis(b) Megalopolis(c) Conurbation(d) City sprawl

Ans: (c)111. Haematite is an ore of

(a) copper(b) lead(c) iron(d) zinc

Ans: (c)

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112. Copper alloys with tin to give(a) Brass(b) Bronze(c) German silver(d) Zinc

Ans: (b)113. An important gas in the atmosphere that absorbs sun's

ultraviolet rays is(a) Oxygen(b) Nitrogen(c) Ozone(d) Hydrogen

Ans: (c)114. Fold mountains are formed due to forces born out of

(a) tension(b) compression(c) expansion(d) volcanoes

Ans: (b)115. Mountain of accumulation is

(a) Volcanic mountains(b) Block mountains(c) Residual mountains(d) Fold mountains

Ans: (a)116. Tibet, the highest plateau in the world, is a

(a) piedmont plateau(b) intermontane plateau

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(c) continental plateau

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(d) volcanic plateauAns: (b)

117. Plains formed by the deposits brought by glacier are(a) lacustrine plains(b) flood plains(c) drift plains(d) coastal plains

Ans: (c)118. A fragment of solid matter which enters the upper

atmosphere from outer space almost disintegrating beforereaching the earth's surface is

(a) meteorite(b) asteroid(c) meteor(d) comet

Ans: (c)119. The ocean currents allow the oceans to_____ year after year.

(a) become warmer(b) become colder(c) maintain the same temperature(d) increase salinity

Ans: (c)120. Inversion of temperature refers to _____ temperature with

height.(a) decrease in(b) increase in(c) constant(d) both increase and decrease in

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Ans: (b)121. The 'Old Faithful' in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming is

a/an(a) hot spring(b) extinct volcano(c) geyser(d) oak tree

Ans: (c)122. Boll-Weevil is a pest that attack the _____ crop.

(a) Jute(b) Cotton(c) Hemp(d) Flax

Ans: (b)123. Grasslands in Australia are known as the

(a) Downs(b) Steppes(c) Veldt(d) Prairies

Ans: (a)124. The desert regions of the world occupy about _______ part of

the land surface of the earth.(a) 1/3(b) 1.6(c) 1/2(d) None of the above

Ans: (a)125. ______ is famous for its rubber production.

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(a) Nigeria(b) Ghana(c) Malaysia(d) Germany

Ans: (c)126. The Ruhr coal fields area of _______ is a major industrial

area of the world.(a) USA(b) Erstwhile USSR(c) Australia(d) Germany

Ans: (d)127. The ______ route is the busiest ocean route of the world.

(a) Suez(b) Panama(c) North Atlantic(d) South Atlantic

Ans: (c)128. The ______ railway is the longest railway route in the world.

(a) Trans-Siberian(b) Canadian-Pacific(c) Trans-Andes(d) Trans-Continental, Australia

Ans: (a)129. The area of the Earth's total surface is of the order of ____.

(a) 510 million square kilometres(b) 450 million square kilometres(c) 400 million square kilometres

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(d) 350 million square kilometresAns: (a)

130. Biome represents ____.(a) a desert vegetation(b) a major ecological group of plants(c) a large ecological region characterised by similar vegetationand climate(d) a major ecological group of animals

Ans: (c)131. The point below the surface where an earthquake originates

is called ____.(a) Tsunamis(b) Focus(c) Epicentre(d) Eye of the Earthquake

Ans: (b)132. Schist is the metamorphic equivalent of____.

(a) Granite(b) Basalt(c) Shale(d) Dolerite

Ans: (c)133. Doldrum is an area of ___.

(a) low rainfall(b) low temperature(c) low pressure(d) high winds

Ans: (c)

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134. Inland waterways have many disadvantages. Among them themost common is

(a) presence of water falls and rapids(b) seasonal freezing and drying up of rivers(c) international controls on traffic(d) fluctuating volume of traffic

Ans: (b)135. Some riven and canals have locks across them in order to

(a) collect taxes(b) ensure safety(c) control the level of water(d) load or unload freight

Ans: (c)136. Which of the following countries has the greatest length of

inland waterways?(a) The United States(b) The Former USSR(c) Germany(d) France

Ans: (b)137. The north flowing rivers of Siberia are not of much use tor

navigation mainly because(a) they are too shallow in the dry season(b) the lower courses remain frozen for many months(c) they flow through uninhabited areas(d) they lack navigation facilities to ensure safety

Ans: (b)138. St Andreas Fault passes close to the US city of

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(a) Los Angeles(b) New Orleans(c) Hollywood(d) San Francisco

Ans: (d)139. Which of the following rivers In Europe has the largest

volume of traffic?(a) The Rhine(b) The Rhone(c) The Danube(d) The Seine

Ans: (a)140. Suez Canal was completed in the year

a) 1859b) 1869c) 1871d) 1889

Ans: (b)141. The Planets that have no natural satellites are____.

(a) Mercury and Venus(b) Earth and Mars(c) Jupiter and Saturn(d) Uranus and Neptune

Ans: (a)142. Suez Canal has reduced the distance between London and

Mumbai by about(a) 1000 km(b) 5000 km

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(c) 6000 km(d) 7000 km

Ans: (d)143. Suez Canal route handles more traffic than the Panama

Canal route mainly because(a) Suez Canal has no locks(b) Suez Canal links developing nations of Asia with thedeveloped nations of Europe and North America(c) Suez Canal is older(d) Panama Canal has limited capacity

Ans: (b)144. The Pacific terminal of Trans-Siberian Railway is

(a) Okhotsk(b) Vladivostok(c) Leningrad(d) Moscow

Ans: (b)145. Ear rot is a disease which Infects

(a) wheat(b) sugarcane(c) corn(d) coffee

Ans: (c)146. The sea that separates Greece and Italy is

(a) Mediterranean(b) The Tyrrhenian(c) The Adriatic(d) The Aegean

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Ans: (c)147. The busiest sea route is

(a) The Mediterranean Red-Sea Route(b) The South Atlantic Route(c) The North Atlantic Route(d) The Pacific Route

Ans: (c)148. Wavy hair is characteristic or

(a) Neanderthal man(b) Nordic race(c) Mongoloid race(d) Cromagnon man

Ans: (b)149. Prognathiam rerers to

(a) slanting forehead(b) protruding jaw(c) slit eye(d) None of these

Ans: (b)150. Mongoloid races are characterised by

(a) prognathism(b) epicanthic fold(c) dolico cephalic head(d) None of these

Ans: (b)151. The hair or Nordic races is generally

(a) blond(b) woolly

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(c) straight(d) All of these

Ans: (a)152. People or north Africa are generally

(a) Negroid(b) Hematic(c) Mongoloid(d) None of these

Ans: (b)153. People living in South India generally have more features or

(a) Caucasoid(b) Mongoloid(c) Negroid(d) None of these

Ans: (c)154. People living in Sweden generally belong to

(a) Mediterranean(b) Alpine(c) Nordic(d) Mongoloid

Ans: (c)155. Country peopled almost by migration is

(a) The USA(b) Brazil(c) Australia(d) Hawaii

Ans: (c)

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156. Pygmies are people living in(a) Congo forests(b) Namibia(c) Kenya(d) Cape Province

Ans: (a)157. Eskimos belong to

(a) Mongoloid race(b) White race(c) Negroid race(d) None of these

Ans: (a)158. The mode or lire or people living in Monsoon regions is

(a) commercial grainfarming(b) cattle rearing(c) intensive subsistence cultivation(d) plantation agriculture

Ans: (c)159. Caucasoid people account for ______ per cent of world

population.(a) 33(b) 39(c) 29(d) 43

Ans: (a)160. Assemblage or ideas, beliefs, skills, institutions is represented

by(a) civilization

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(b) culture(c) mode of life(d) None of these

Ans: (b)161. Oases are examples of

(a) wet point settlements(b) dry point settlements(c) foothill settlements(d) None of these

Ans: (c)162. For short-term climatic perdictions, which one of the

following events is associated with occasional weak monsoonrains in the Indian sub-continent?

(a) La Nina(b) Movement of Jet Streams(c) El Nino and Southern Oscillations(d) Greenhouse effect on global level

Ans: (c)163. Consider the following statements:

1. Ocean currents are the slow-surface movement of water in theocean

2. Ocean currents assist in maintaining the Earth's heat balance3. Ocean currents are set in motion primarily by prevailing winds4. Ocean current are affected by the configuration of the ocean

Which of these statements are correct?(a) 1 and 2(b) 2, 3 and 4(c) 1, 3 and 4

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(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4Ans: (d)

164. Pilgrim Fathers are the earliest migrants to(a) Australia(b) South America(c) North America(d) Central America

Ans: (c)165. One will not have to pass through the Suez Canal while going

from Mumbai to(a) Alexandria(b) Suez(c) Port Said(d) Benghazi

Ans: (b)166. _______ is called the 'low country' of the earth.

(a) Spain(b) Holland (Netherlands)(c) Italy(d) Hungary

Ans: (b)167. ______ is called the 'land of a thousand lakes'.

(a) Finland(b) Holland(c) Sweden(d) Portugal

Ans: (a)

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168. Kiel Canal connects the North Sea with the _____ sea.(a) Atlantic(b) Baltic(c) Arctic(d) None of these

Ans: (b)169. The Tagus river flows through

(a) Damascus(b) Khartoum(c) Lisbon(d) Kabul

Ans: (c)170. Bangkok lies on river

(a) Kizil(b) Spree(c) Karnaphuli(d) Maenam

Ans: (d)171. The highest plateau in the world is the

(a) Plateau of Tibet(b) Deccan Plateau(c) Plateau of Iran(d) Central Plateau of France

Ans: (a)172. The largest desert in the world is the

(a) Sahara(b) Gobi(c) Kalahari

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(d) TharAns: (a)

173. Match the following:List-I List-II(Highest Peak) (Continent)A. Kilimanjaro 1. North AmericaB. Everest 2. AfricaC. Elbrus 3. AsiaD. Mckinley 4. EuropeCodes:

A B C D(a) 3 2 1 4(b) 2 3 4 1(c) 4 1 2 3(d) 1 4 3 2

Ans: (b)174. The world's longest river is the

(a) Volga(b) Amazon(c) Mississippi-Missouri(d) Nile

Ans: (d)175. The highest water fall in the world is

(a) Tugela(b) Jog(c) Angel

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(d) YosemiteAns: (c)

176. The largest Inland Sea is the(a) Black Sea(b) Dead Sea(c) Caspian Sea(d) Aral Sea

Ans: (c)177. Which European country has over 200 volcanoes, many of

them active?(a) Norway(b) Finland(c) Ireland(d) Iceland

Ans: (d)178. The Balkan Peninsula is separated from the rest of Europe

by the river.(a) Danube(b) Rhine(c) Elbe(d) Weser

Ans: (a)179. Which one of these places lies nearest to the Equator?

(a) Singapore(b) Lagos(c) Colombo(d) Jakarta

Ans: (a)

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180. Which city is called the 'City of Perpetual Spring'?(a) Colombo(b) Quito(c) Lisbon(d) Berlin

Ans: (b)181. Pakistan is bordered by

(a) Afghanistan, Iraq, India and China(b) Afghanistan, Iran and India(c) Afghanistan, CIS, India and China(d) Afghanistan, Turkey, India and China

Ans: (b)182. The famous Matterhorn Peak is found in

(a) Austria(b) Switzerland(c) France(d) Sweden

Ans: (b)183. The biggest island at the tip of South America is the

(a) Falkland Island(b) Long Island(c) Tierra Del Fuego Island(d) Azores Island

Ans: (c)184. Burkina Faso is the new name of _____ Republic.

(a) Chad(b) Cameroon(c) Kenya

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(d) Upper VoltaAns: (d)

185. Match the following:List-I List-II(Straits) (Between)A. Magellan Strait 1. Asia and North AmericaB. Bass Strait 2. Mainland of South America and Tierra DelFuegoC. Strait of Malacca 3. Australia and TasmaniaD. Bering Strait 4. Malaysia and SumatraCodes:

A B C D(a) 4 1 2 3(b) 2 3 1 4(c) 2 3 4 1(d) 3 2 1 4

Ans: (c)186. Match the following:List-I List-IIA. Sick Man of Europe 1. New ZealandB. co*ckpit of Europe 2. AlaskaC. Land of Penguins 3. TurkeyD. Land of Eldorado 4. BelgiumCodes:

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A B C D(a) 2 3 1 4(b) 1 2 3 4(c) 4 1 2 3(d) 3 4 1 2

Ans: (d)187. Addis Ababa is the capital of

(a) Ethiopia(b) Kenya(c) Zambia(d) Nigeria

Ans: (a)188. Which parallel separates North and South Korea?

(a) 38th(b) 50th(c) 42nd(d) 40th

Ans: (a)189. The waterfall 'Victoria' is associated with the river

(a) Amazon(b) Missouri(c) St Lawrence(d) Zambeji

Ans: (d)190. Which among these is an intermontane plateau?

(a) Deccan(b) Anatolia(c) Columbia

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(d) TibetAns: (d)

191. A country through which both Equator and Tropic ofCapricorn pass is

(a) Brazil(b) Argentina(c) Congo(d) Indonesia

Ans: (a)192. Three European cities viz Vienna, Budapest and Belgrade lie

on the river(a) Volga(b) Rhone(c) Rhine(d) Danube

Ans: (d)193. The Great Barrier Reef is found

(a) close to Greenland(b) near the Suez Canal(c) in the Bay of Bengal(d) of the coast of Queensland

Ans: (d)194. Pyranees form a the boundary between

(a) Spain and Portugal(b) France and Spain(c) Poland and Russia(d) Hungary and Rumania

Ans: (b)

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195. The land-locked country in South East Asia is(a) Thailand(b) Malayasia(c) Laos(d) Vietnam

Ans: (c)196. European Turkey is separated from its Asian part by

(a) Straits of Bosporus(b) Sea of Marmara(c) Straits of Dardanelles(d) All the above

Ans: (d)197. A country lying within the Arctic Circle having geysers is

(a) Greenland(b) Iceland(c) Norway(d) Denmark

Ans: (b)198. Zueder Zee in Netherlands is known for

(a) Polders(b) Dykes(c) Canyons(d) Geysers

Ans: (a)199. Po river flows through

(a) Austria(b) Italy(c) Yugoslavia

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(d) FranceAns: (b)

200. Death Valley is in(a) The USA(b) Jordan(c) Israel(d) Peru

Ans: (a)201. Wind erosion is dominant in

(a) Tropical regions(b) Temperate regions(c) Deserts(d) Mediterranean regions

Ans: (c)202. Rain shadow effect is associated with

(a) convectional rainfall(b) cyclonic rainfall(c) orographic rainfall(d) warm front rainfall

Ans: (c)203. The depositional feature at the point where the river comes

down from hills to plain is(a) meander(b) water fall(c) levee(d) alluvial fan

Ans: (d)

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204. Spot the odd item.(a) Mt Fuji(b) Mt Godwin Austin(c) Mt Vesuvius(d) Mt Etna

Ans: (b)205. The river transports material in

(a) suspension(b) solution(c) traction(d) All of these

Ans: (d)206. Oceans occupy per cent of the earth.

(a) 21(b) 71(c) 29(d) 79

Ans: (b)207. Match the following:List-I List-IIA. Richter scale 1. PressureB. Beaufort scale 2. Absolute temperatureC. Kelvin scale 3. Seismic intensityD. Millibar scale 4. Wind speedCodes:


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(a) 3 4 2 1(b) 4 2 1 3(c) 1 3 4 2(d) 3 4 1 2

Ans: (a)208. Which among these Islands has coral reef?

(a) Aleutian(b) Hawaiian(c) Andaman and Nicobar(d) Falklands Island

Ans: (b)209. Match the following:List-I List-II(Rivers) (Type)A. River Mississippi 1. EstuaryB. Subarna Rekha 2. Arcuate DeltaC. Nile 3. Bird's foot DeltaD. Thames 4. CuspateChoose the correct answer from the codes given belowCodes:

A B C D(a) 3 4 2 1(b) 4 3 1 2(c) 2 1 3 4(d) 1 2 4 3

Ans: (a)

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210. Cut off loops of rivers are known as(a) Bajada(b) Meanders(c) Oxbow lake(d) Levee

Ans: (c)211. A fumarole is

(a) a small crack on the side of volcano ejecting gas and steam(b) a river truncated by river piracy(c) a rock projecting through ice cap(d) an underground cavern

Ans: (a)212. Mediterranean climate prevails in

(a) Central Chile(b) Northern Chile(c) Peru(d) Argentina

Ans: (a)213. lsohalines are lines Joining places having

(a) equal temperature(b) equal diurnal range of temperature(c) equal salinity(d) equal cloud cover

Ans: (c)214. Alaskan current is found in

(a) Northern Atlantic(b) South Atlantic(c) North Pacific

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(d) Indian OceanAns: (c)

215. Barkhans are(a) depositional features of wind action(b) erosional features associated with rivers(c) erosional features associated with wind action(d) depositional features of glacial action

Ans: (a)216. Red Indiana called this local wind Ice Eater?

(a) Mistral(b) Chinook(c) Foehn(d) Haramattan

Ans: (b)217. Climate of a place is decided by

(a) latitude(b) altitude(c) proximity to sea(d) All of them

Ans: (d)218. Lines Joining places having equal height are

(a) Contours(b) Isobars(c) Isohalines(d) Isohyet

Ans: (a)219. Lowest temperature is recorded in

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(a) USA(b) Mexico(c) Verkhoyansk(d) Alaska

Ans: (c)220. Which among these is a metamorphic rock?

(a) Gneiss(b) Sandstone(c) Basalt(d) Limestone

Ans: (a)221. Outwash plain is a depositional feature associated with

(a) rivers(b) wind(c) glacier(d) wave

Ans: (c)222. The Tropical Savanna Climate located in South Brazil is

mown as(a) Llanos(b) Sudan climate(c) Campos(d) None of these

Ans: (c)223. The greatest diversity of animal and plant species occurs

(a) temperate deciduous forests(b) tropical moist forests(c) heavily polluted rivers

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(d) deserts and savannasAns: (b)

224. The amount of dew is measured by(a) Pluviometer(b) Drosometer(c) Anemometer(d) Hygrometer

Ans: (b)225. The biggest freshwater lake is

(a) Titicaca(b) Baikal(c) Superior(d) Victoria

Ans: (c)226. Which among these is a form of precipitation?

(a) dew(b) fog(c) mist(d) hail

Ans: (d)227. Which among these is a cold current

(a) Florida current(b) Canaries current(c) Brazilian current(d) Norwegian current

Ans: (b)228. Which of the following is incorrect?

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(a) Within the Arctic and Antarctic Circles there is at least oneday in the year during which the sun does not set and at least oneday on which it never rises(b) At the North Pole there is darkness for half the year(c) At the summer solstice the sun shines vertically over theTropic of Capricorn(d) The sun shines vertically over the Equator twice the year

Ans: (c)229. The North Pole is always in the light

(a) from September 23 to March 21(b) from March 21 to September 23(c) from June 21 to December 22(d) on June 21

Ans: (b)230. The inequality between day and night becomes greater or

more marked as one travels from ______ to ______.(a) Poles, Equator(b) Equator, Poles(c) Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn(d) Tropic of Capricorn, Tropic of Cancer

Ans: (b)231. Which of the statements as regards the consequences of the

movement of the earth is not correct?(a) Revolution of the earth is the cause of the change of seasons(b) Rotation of the earth is the cause of days and nights(c) Rotation of the earth cause variation in the duration of daysand nights(d) Rotation of the earth affects the movement of winds and oceancurrents

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Ans: (c)232. Contours are lines showing

(a) places on earth of equal rainfall(b) places of same temperature(c) places on earth at the same altitude(d) None of these

Ans: (c)233. The forces responsible for the movements of the earth's crust,

eruption of volcanoes and earthquakes are(a) terrestrial forces(b) tectonic forces(c) gravitational forces(d) mountain building movements

Ans: (b)234. Igneous rocks are formed from molten rock material. Which

one of the following is not an igneous rock?(a) Granite(b) Quartz(c) Feldspar(d) Slate

Ans: (d)235. Chemical weathering is a name given to

(a) disintegration of rocks without any change in their chemicalcomposition(b) chemical interaction of oxygen, carbon dioxide or water withthe minerals in the rocks(c) removal of soil by chemical action(d) artificial breaking up of rocks for man's use

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Ans: (b)236. The layers of the earth's crust are distinguished by their

(a) thickness and depth(b) density and temperature(c) metallic content and rocks(d) All the above

Ans: (d)237. The longitudinal, transverse and surface waves in an

earthquake originate from(a) the focus within the body of the earth(b) the epicentre on the surface of the earth(c) the focus on the surface of the earth(d) the epicentre within the body of the earth

Ans: (a)238. The temperature at the core of the earth is about

(a) 20000º C(b) 2000º C(c) 200000º C(d) 26000º C

Ans: (b)239. There are two types of crusts – the continental and the

oceanic. The continental crust is(a) thicker below the plains than below mountains(b) thicker below the mountains than below the plains(c) almost same all over(d) thicker under the oceans than under the seas

Ans: (b)240. Magma that reaches earth's surface and then solidifies is

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called(a) granite(b) lava(c) quartz(d) silicates

Ans: (b)241. The number of economic minerals associated with

sedimentary rocks is(a) more than that associated with igneous rocks(b) less than that associated with igneous rocks(c) same as that in igneous rocks(d) unknown

Ans: (b)242. The capacity of rock to allow water to pass through it is called

(a) hardness(b) jointing(c) porosity(d) permeability

Ans: (d)243. Carbonaceous rocks which produce coal and of belong to the

category of rocks called(a) metamorphic(b) igneous(c) sedimentary(d) inorganic

Ans: (c)244. The "cradles of civilization" have been

(a) valleys

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(b) plains(c) plateaux(d) hills

Ans: (b)245. A narrow inlet of sea between cliffs or steep slopes, especially

associated with Scandinavia is(a) Bay(b) Gulf Stream(c) Fjord(d) None of these

Ans: (c)246. Malaspine Glacier is in

(a) Karakoram Range(b) Alps(c) Alaska(d) Hindukush

Ans: (c)247. What is the usual altitude of the plains?

(a) Sea level(b) Less than 500 metres above sea level(c) Less than 600 metres above sea level(d) Less than 800 metres above sea level

Ans: (b)248. Which one of the following types of plains is not formed by

the action of the riven?(a) Loess plains(b) Alluvial plains(c) Flood plain deposits

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(d) DeltasAns: (a)

249. Changing of colour of a rock into yellow or red is due to(a) hydration(b) oxidation(c) carbonation(d) exfoliation

Ans: (b)250. Climate of a place is dependent on several factors. Which one

of the following is the most significant?(a) Distance from sea(b) Direction of winds(c) Latitude(d) Ocean currents

Ans: (c)251. Seasonal contrasts are maximum in

(a) low latitudes(b) high latitudes(c) mid latitudes(d) subtropics

Ans: (c)252. A line drawn on a weather map connecting points that receive

equal amounts of sunshine are(a) Isohel(b) Isobar(c) Isohyte(d) Isotherm

Ans: (a)

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253. Most of the weather phenomena take place in the(a) Ionosphere(b) Stratosphere(c) Troposphere(d) Mesosphere

Ans: (c)254. Simla is cooler than Amritsar although they are on the same

latitude. This is because(a) Shimla is further north(b) Shimla is at greater height above sea level than Amritsar(c) Shimla is farther from the Equator(d) Their longitudes differ

Ans: (b)255. Roaring Forties is/are

(a) one of the major water currents of the Atlantic Ocean(b) westerly winds(c) the biggest and most dangerous river of Russia(d) the name given to the biggest waterfalls in the world

Ans: (b)256. Why does temperature increase with increase in height in

Stratosphere?(a) Closeness of the sun(b) Decrease in atmospheric pressure(c) Concentration of ozone(d) None of these

Ans: (c)257. The velocity of winds is related to

(a) revolution of the earth

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(b) rotation of the earth(c) temperature(d) pressure gradient

Ans: (d)258. Which of the following absorbs the insolation from the sun

and preserves the earth's radiated heat, thus acting like ablanket allowing the earth neither to become too cold nor toohot?(a) Dust(b) Water vapour(c) Ozone(d) Nitrogen

Ans: (c)259. Excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to pollution will

cause(a) earth's temperature to rise(b) earth's temperature to fall(c) no change in earth's temperature(d) increase in ultra-violet radiation reaching the earth

Ans: (a)260. The radiation that heats earth's atmosphere comes from the

(a) sun(b) earth(c) ionosphere(d) sun and earth

Ans: (b)261. Hurricanes or typhoons (tropical cyclones) develop and


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(a) over land bodies only(b) in a belt 35°-65° N and S latitudes(c) anywhere in the tropical zone(d) over water bodies only

Ans: (d)262. The fog that commonly occurs along the sea-coasts is of the

______ type.(a) radiation(b) advection(c) frontal(d) convection

Ans: (b)263. The coral reefs are most characteristic of

(a) Indian Ocean(b) Pacific Ocean(c) Atlantic Ocean(d) Mediterranean Sea

Ans: (b)264. Along the coasts salinity is

(a) lowered(b) increased(c) stable(d) unaffected

Ans: (a)265. Which of these oceans touches the shores of Asia on one side

and that of America on the other?(a) Indian Ocean(b) Pacific Ocean

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(c) Atlantic Ocean(d) Antarctic Ocean

Ans: (b)266. Which of these is not true of the effects of the ocean currents?

(a) They affect commerce because they keep the harbours openeven during winter(b) Water of the ocean is kept pure(c) Warm equatorial currents raise the temperature while the coldpolar currents lower the temperature of the place through whichthey pass(d) They do not affect rainfall over the coast

Ans: (d)267. Gulf Stream, the most important current of the Atlantic

Ocean, takes Its birth from the Gulf of Mexico. Itsimportance lies in its

(a) cooling effect(b) warming effect(c) area of influence(d) influence on travel

Ans: (b)268. Match the following currents and oceans:List-I List-IIA. Brazil Current 1. Atlantic OceanB. Kuroshio Current 2. Pacific OceanC. West Wind Drift 3. Indian OceanCodes:


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(a) 1 3 2(b) 1 2 3(c) 3 2 1(d) 2 3 1

Ans: (b)269. Which of the following is not a minor product derived from

forests?(a) Nuts and Gums(b) Tannin(c) Pitch and Turpentine(d) Pulp

Ans: (d)270. Which of the following does not characterless 'selva'?

(a) Evergreen forest(b) They have suffered the greatest destruction at the hands ofman(c) Climbers hang from the roof formed by the foliage(d) Commercial utilisation of these forests is difficult

Ans: (b)271. Which is the largest fishing ground in the world?

(a) Japan Sea(b) North Sea(c) North-East Pacific(d) Newfoundland Water

Ans: (b)272. Scandinavia is a suitable country for exploiting

hydroelectricity because of the presence of(a) lakes

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(b) steep slopes(c) great rivers(d) waterfalls

Ans: (a)273. Which of the following are not pastoral nomads?

(a) Pygmies(b) Kazaks(c) Masai(d) Lapps

Ans: (a)274. The essential feature of shifting cultivation is

(a) rotation of crops(b) rotation of fields(c) single cropping(d) use of plenty of fertilizer

Ans: (b)275. Mixed farming involves

(a) both crops and livestock(b) growing a series of different crops(c) specialised cultivation of vegetables and fruits(d) pooling land voluntarily and managing it jointly under ademocratic constitution

Ans: (a)276. In USA rice is grown

(a) in Texas(b) in the West(c) in Colorado(d) nowhere

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Ans: (a)277. The Rhur-Complex is a major Industrial centre in

(a) North America(b) Germany(c) Europe(d) Former USSR (now defunct)

Ans: (b)278. A short cut sea route between the European and-Asian

countries was provided by(a) Cape of Good Hope route(b) Seuz Canal(c) Panama Canal(d) North Atlantic route

Ans: (b)279. The construction of Panama Canal in 1913 eliminated the

long and hazardous voyage(a) round the stormy Cape Horn(b) round the Cape of Good Hope(c) between North and South America(d) in the stormy Atlantic Ocean

Ans: (a)280. Which of the following is the busiest of ocean trade routes?

(a) Suez Canal(b) Cape of Good Hope(c) North Atlantic(d) Panama Canal

Ans: (c)281. Suez Canal links

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(a) Mediterranean Sea and Caribbean Sea(b) Black Sea and Baltic Sea(c) Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea(d) Arabian Sea and Red Sea

Ans: (c)282. If I wanted to reach the South Atlantic from the South Pacific

while touching South America, I would have to use(a) Florida Straits(b) Dardanelles(c) Magellan Straits(d) Bosporus

Ans: (c)283. Collective Farm of Ukraine is also known as

(a) Kolkhoz(b) Dom(c) Ryckay Eezik(d) Sovkhoz

Ans: (a)284. The busiest inland water-way of Europe is the Rhine. Its pre-

eminence as a waterway rests on the fact that(a) it flows through the most industrialised part of Europe(b) it follows a rift valley(c) its course is never frozen(d) it falls in the North Sea

Ans: (c)285. Fish farming is practised in

(a) Africa(b) South Africa

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(c) China(d) Peru and Brazil

Ans: (c)286. Which of the following is taken into consideration while

deciding a shipping route?(a) Depth of the sea(b) Availability of ports and harbours(c) Climate of the region(d) All the above

Ans: (d)287. The most effective farming method for returning minerals to

the soil is(a) Contour ploughing(b) Terracing(c) Crop rotation(d) Furrowing

Ans: (c)288. Which strait divides Europe from Africa?

(a) Bosporus(b) Gibraltar(c) Bering(d) Dover

Ans: (b)289. The shortest air route from Moscow to San Francisco is

(a) Over the Atlantic Ocean(b) Over the Pacific via Siberia(c) Over the North Pole(d) Through the latitude which passes through them

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Ans: (a)290. What does the 17th parallel separate?

(a) South and North America(b) North and South Korea(c) South and North Vietnam(d) South and North Yemen

Ans: (c)291. The urban population of the world is growing faster than Its

rural population. This is mainly because of(a) high birth rate in towns(b) rural-urban migration(c) high death rate in rural areas(d) low death rate in towns

Ans: (b)292. Which of the following lies on the Nile Rivers?

(a) Nairobi(b) Addis Ababa(c) Khartoum(d) Kinhasa

Ans: (c)293. The Radcliff Line demarcates the boundary between

(a) India and China(b) India and Pakistan(c) Pakistan and Afghanistan(d) India and Afghanistan

Ans: (b)294. The world's largest river is

(a) Amazon

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(b) Nile(c) Mississippi(d) Brahmaputra

Ans: (a)295. The capacity of the Atmosphere to hold water vapour

(a) increases as the temperature increases(b) decreases as the temperature increases(c) increases as the temperature decreases(d) decreases as the temperature decreases

Ans: (a)296. For the formation of rainfall which of the following is not

essential?(a) dust particles in the atmosphere(b) evaporation(c) condensation(d) wind

Ans: (d)297. Snow is formed by the process of

(a) condensation(b) evaporation(c) sublimation(d) evaporation and condensation

Ans: (c)298. When dew point is reached it is said that at that temperature

(a) the atmosphere is said to be saturated with water vapour(b) the relative humidity of the atmosphere is 100%(c) the atmosphere can hold no more water vapour(d) All the above

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Ans: (d)299. If the atmospheric air is cooled because of expansion, the

cooling is known as(a) adiabatic(b) lapse rate(c) alto-cooling(d) inverse cooling

Ans: (a)300. The deflection of the wind to the right in the northern

hemisphere and to Its left in the southern hemisphere iscaused by the

(a) rotation of the Earth(b) revolution of the Earth(c) uneven heating of the Earth(d) All the above

Ans: (a)301. In both the hemispheres the trade winds blow towards the

(a) Equator(b) horse latitudes(c) sub polar low pressure belts(d) poles

Ans: (a)302. The Mediterranean type of climate is found in mid-latitudes

on the(a) western side of the continents in northern hemisphere and onthe eastern side of the continents in the southern hemisphere(b) eastern side of the continents in northern hemisphere and onthe western side of the continents in the southern hemisphere(c) eastern side of the continents

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(d) western side of the continentsAns: (d)

303. The Doctor is a wind which(a) is enervating(b) withers plants(c) is injurious to health(d) is conducive to health

Ans: (d)304. Which of the following is not a tropical cyclone?

(a) typhoon(b) tornado(c) hurricane(d) willy-willy

Ans: (b)305. Fog can be classified as a

(a) Nimbus cloud(b) Cirrus cloud(c) Cumulus cloud(d) Low Stratus cloud

Ans: (d)306. Ocean currents rotate

(a) clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anti-clockwise inthe southern hemisphere(b) anti-clockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise inthe southern hemisphere(c) clockwise in both the hemispheres(d) anti-clockwise in both the hemispheres

Ans: (a)

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307. Limestone is an example of(a) igneous rocks(b) sedimentary rocks(c) metamorphic rocks(d) crystalline rocks

Ans: (b)308. The region with the lowest mean winter temperature (-50º C)

is found in(a) Greenland(b) Northern Canada(c) North Pole(d) North Eastern Siberia

Ans: (b)309. Monsoon wind is different from planetary winds because it

(a) always brings rain(b) blows in tropical regions(c) crosses the Equator(d) is seasonal

Ans: (d)310. Which soil is sticky when wet and develops cracks when dry

(a) alluvial soil(b) black soil(c) red soil(d) late rite soil

Ans: (b)311. The radiant energy received by the Earth from the sun is

(a) radiation(b) insolation

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(c) reflection(d) refraction

Ans: (b)312. Which of the following is a Great Circle?

(a) the Equator(b) the 0º longitude(c) 180º longitude(d) Antarctic region

Ans: (a)313. Blizzards are more frequent in

(a) Tropical region(b) Temperate region(c) Arctic region(d) Antarctic region

Ans: (d)314. When humidity is expressed in terms of percentage then it is

known as(a) Absolute humidity(b) Specific humidity(c) Relative humidity(d) Ratio humidity

Ans: (c)315. The extension of the landmass into the sea is shown as the

(a) continental slope(b) continental shelf(c) continental mass(d) continental territory

Ans: (b)

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316. The term "epicentre" is associated with(a) the inner core of the earth(b) the outer core of the Earth(c) earthquakes(d) volcanoes

Ans: (c)317. Which of the following is not concerned with increased

production of a food item?(a) Green Revolution(b) Blue Revolution(c) White Revolution(d) Orange Revolution

Ans: (d)318. The majority or the coal reserves found in India are of

(a) Tertiary formation(b) Gondwana formation(c) Quaternary formation(d) Jurassic formation

Ans: (b)319. What type or vegetation is associated with Australia?

(a) Pampas(b) Downs(c) Canada(d) All the above

Ans: (b)320. In the Himalayas the melting or the snow is more on the

(a) southern slopes(b) northern slopes

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(c) eastern slopes(d) western slopes

Ans: (a)321. The USA is deficient in domestic supplies of

(a) copper(b) lead(c) zinc(d) manganese

Ans: (d)322. The Hawaiian Islands specialise in the cultivation of

(a) cotton(b) rice(c) sugarcane(d) tobacco

Ans: (c)323. World's principal producer of silver is

(a) India(b) Mexico(c) The USA(d) Canada

Ans: (b)324. Which of the following grades of coal has the highest carbon

content?(a) Anthracite(b) Bituminous coal(c) Lignite(d) Peat

Ans: (a)

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325. A source of renewable minimum cost is power which can bedeveloped with(a) Geothermal power(b) Tidal power(c) Wind mills(d) Biomass power

Ans: (d)326. 'Recycling' is a method for conserving the resources of

(a) coal(b) oil(c) copper(d) limestone

Ans: (c)327. Mid-latitude grasslands of Canada are known as

(a) Steppes(b) Prairies(c) Pampas(d) Downs

Ans: (b)328. Which of the following minerals is obtained from placer

deposits?(a) copper(b) tin(c) manganese(d) aluminium

Ans: (b)329. The shallow waters of continental shelves are rich fishing

grounds. An example of such area is

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(a) North Sea(b) Baltic Sea(c) Mediterranean Sea(d) Red Sea

Ans: (a)330. The most important oil producing area of the USA is

(a) the Applachian region(b) the Texas-Louisiana belt(c) the Ohio-Indiana belt(d) the California-Colorado belt

Ans: (b)331. Wheat and rice in China are cultivated in

(a) Lower Yangtse Basin(b) Hwang Ho Basin(c) The Lower Si Basin(d) South East Coast

Ans: (a)332. Which one of the following is not a plant product?

(a) Lac(b) Hemp(c) Linen(d) Flax

Ans: (a)333. Pedology is a science of the study of

(a) rocks(b) soils(c) earthquakes(d) volcanoes

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Ans: (b)334. Berlin is situated on the river canal

(a) Danube(b) Elbe(c) Spree(d) Nile

Ans: (c)335. 'Land of Fishermen' refers to

(a) Europe(b) Former USSR(c) Norway(d) Japan

Ans: (c)336. Grand Bank, Sable Bank, Middle Bank and Jeffery Bank

are the major fishing grounds of(a) North West Atlantic(b) North East Pacific(c) North East Atlantic(d) North West Pacific

Ans: (a)337. The only port in erstwhile Soviet Union that is ice tree

throughout the year is(a) Leningrad(b) Odessa(c) Murmansk(d) Vladivostok

Ans: (c)338. The biggest railway Junction in the United States is

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(a) New York(b) Chicago(c) St Louis(d) Washington DC

Ans: (b)339. Western Gateway to the United States is

(a) Seattle(b) San Diego(c) San Francisco(d) Los Angeles

Ans: (c)340. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are connected by _____ canal

(a) Suez(b) Panama(c) Kiel(d) Soo

Ans: (b)341. Which among the following is the greatest inland waterway in

Europe?(a) Thames(b) Elbe(c) Rhine(d) Volga

Ans: (c)342. The capital of the Ontario province of Canada situated on

the Lake Ontario is the port city of(a) Montreal(b) Uruguay

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(c) Chile(d) Paraguay

Ans: (b)343. Valparaiso is an important port of

(a) Argentina(b) Uruguay(c) Chile(d) Paraguay

Ans: (c)344. During the early period of Industrial Revolution Industries

were located primarily(a) near major ports(b) on the banks of navigable rivers(c) near coal fields(d) near nodal centres

Ans: (c)345. Chicago, one of world's largest steel centres, is located on the

southern tip of the lake.(a) Superior(b) Michigan(c) Huron(d) Erie

Ans: (b)346. Railways are best suited for

(a) passenger traffic for distances upto 1000 km(b) freight traffic for bulky commodities(c) urban commuters(d) fast passenger movement

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Ans: (b)347. Trans-continental railways have played an Important role in

(a) international trade(b) development of resources in the interior of continents(c) providing employment to people(d) deportation of prisoners to the interior

Ans: (b)348. The _____ mountains crossing the Great Plains and the ____

Sea further south separate Europe from Asia.(a) Caucasus, Black

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(b) Ural, Caspian(c) Carpathian, Mediterranean(d) Balkan, Sea of Azov

Ans: (b)349. Which one of the following is present in the largest amount in

terms of per cent by man In the earth's crust?(a) Silicon(b) Oxygen(c) Carbon(d) Calcium

Ans: (b)350. "Venice of the East" is the name given to

(a) Singapore(b) Bangkok(c) Rangoon(d) Hong Kong

Ans: (b)351. Tonle Sap is the biggest fresh water lake in South East Asia.

It is located In(a) Thailand(b) Kampuchea(c) Laos(d) Vietnam

Ans: (b)352. Which is the largest island of the Philippines?

(a) Mindanao(b) Palawan(c) Luzon

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(d) NegnosAns: (c)

353. Takla Makan desert is situated in(a) Mongolia(b) Tibet(c) Sinkiang(d) South West China

Ans: (c)354. Panama Canal has locks alone its path in order to

(a) regulate traffic(b) permit check by customs staff(c) control the level of water(d) collect canal dues

Ans: (c)355. The trans-continental railway in South America links

(a) Moscow and Vladivostok(b) Sao Paulo and Trinidad(c) San Diego and Buenos Aires(d) Valparaiso and Buenos Aires

Ans: (d)356. The navigable European rivers are

(a) Mississippi, Missourie, Tennesee, St Lawrence(b) Ob, Yenisey, Volga, Rhine(c) Danube, Rhone, Seine and Elbe(d) Yangtze, Sikiang, Hwang Ho, Chientang

Ans: (c)357. Panama Canal connects ____ and____.

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(a) San Jose and Colon(b) Panama and San Jose(c) Panama and Colon(d) Cartagena and Colon

Ans: (c)358. Sues Canal connects ____ and____.

(a) Port Said and Suez(b) Cairo and Dumyat(c) Dumyat and Port Said(d) Suez and Dumyat

Ans: (a)359. The route is connecting Western Europe, Africa and

Australia by way of the Cape of Good Hope.(a) Panama route(b) Cape route(c) North Pacific route(d) South Atlantic route

Ans: (b)360. Which country is known as the "Emerald Isle"?

(a) Great Britain(b) Ireland(c) Japan(d) New Zealand

Ans: (b)361. Which country is known as the "co*ckpit of Europe"?

(a) France(b) Denmark(c) Holland

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(d) BelgiumAns: (d)

362. Where is the Port City of Cork located?(a) Italy(b) France(c) Greece(d) Ireland

Ans: (d)363. "Europe point" is

(a) the southern most tip of Gibraltar(b) a small French island in Mozambique channel(c) a famous sea resort near Naples(d) a summer resort for the Pope in Itlay

Ans: (a)364. The length of the Suez Canal is approximately

(a) 80 km(b) 110 km(c) 140 km(d) 170 km

Ans: (d)365. In Britain the Grand Union Canal is running from

(a) Liverpool to Hull(b) Cardiff to Birmingham(c) Glasgow to Edinburgh(d) West Midlands to the London area

Ans: (d)366. In Germany the Mittle Land Canal runs from the

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(a) Elbe to the Wesser(b) Oder to the Elbe(c) Rhine to the Wesser(d) Rhine to the Oder

Ans: (d)367. Liverpool Hull, Bristol and Southampton are ports in

(a) America(b) Europe(c) Africa(d) England

Ans: (d)368. ____ stands at the head of Chesapeake Bay which is known

for oysters.(a) Baltimore(b) Boston(c) New Orleans(d) Philadelphia

Ans: (a)369. _____ is the largest city in Canada and is the terminus of the

Canadian Pacific Railway.(a) Toronto(b) Chicago(c) Quebec(d) Halifax

Ans: (c)370. _____ canal is gateway to the Pacific.

(a) Suez(b) Panama

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(c) Kiel(d) Grand Union

Ans: (b)371. ____ islands are the "cross roads of the Pacific".

(a) Fiji(b) Falkland(c) Windward(d) Hawaiian

Ans: (d)372. The canal that connects the upper Hudson at Albany with the

Great Lakes at Buffalo is(a) Erie canal(b) Kiel canal(c) North Sea canal(d) Trent and Mersey canal

Ans: (a)373. Albert Canal links ____ and ____

(a) Manchester and Antwerp(b) Antwerp and Frankfurt(c) Antwerp and Liege(d) Manchester and Liege

Ans: (c)374. The first steam boat was built by

(a) Stevenson(b) Newton(c) James Watt(d) Robert Fulton

Ans: (d)

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375. The Great Circle routes join(a) London to Los Angeles and Amsterdam to Tokyo(b) Vancouver to Quebec and Perth to Melbourne(c) Perth to Tokyo and London to Quebec(d) Los Angeles to Perth and Tokyo to Bombay

Ans: (a)376. The river that runs along the USA-Mexico boundary is

(a) Rio-Grande(b) Gila(c) Mississippi(d) Colorado

Ans: (a)377. Which one of the following layers of the atmosphere is

responsible for the deflection of radio waves?(a) Troposphere(b) Stratosphere(c) Mesosphere(d) Ionosphere

Ans: (d)378. Hammada is the name given to ____.

(a) an icy desert(b) a sandy desert(c) a stony desert(d) None of the above

Ans: (c)379. ____ is a land locked country.

(a) Bangladesh(b) Myanmar

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(c) Nepal(d) Sri Lanka

Ans: (c)380. The capital city of Kenya is ____.

(a) Nairobi(b) Entebbe(c) Cairo(d) Port Louis

Ans: (a)381. You find some local people living in log cabins in

(a) Tropical rainforest(b) Taiga regions(c) Deserts(d) Mediterranean regions

Ans: (b)382. The Planet which comes close to the size of Earth is ______.

(a) Venus(b) Jupiter(c) Saturn(d) Mercury

Ans: (a)383. The internationally recognised scale for describing wind

speeds is_____.(a) The Richter Scale(b) The Moho's Scale(c) The Modified Mercalli Scale(d) The Beaufort Scale

Ans: (d)

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384. In winter the Eskimos of the Tundra region live in(a) Grass Huts(b) Trees(c) Igloos(d) Tents

Ans: (c)385. Fohn is a local wind of_____.

(a) Canada(b) Switzerland(c) Northern Italy(d) West Africa

Ans: (b)386. The Bedouins are inhabitants of _____.

(a) Australia(b) Northern Canada(c) The Arabian Desert(d) Central Asia

Ans: (c)387. The Persian Gulf region is rich in _____.

(a) crude oil reserves(b) iron ore reserves(c) bauxite ore reserves(d) uranium ore reserves

Ans: (a)388. Everyday the moon rises about _____ minutes later than the

previous day(a) 20(b) 30

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(c) 60(d) 50

Ans: (d)389. The 90º East Ridge lies in the _____Ocean.

(a) Pacific(b) Atlantic(c) Indian(d) Arctic

Ans: (c)390. The average salinity of the sea water is ____ parts per

thousand.(a) 25(b) 35(c) 50(d) 60

Ans: (b)391. Imaginary lines connecting places in oceans having equal

salinity are called(a) Isotherms(b) Isobars(c) Isohalines(d) Isohyets

Ans: (c)392. The ____ current is a cold water current.

(a) Gulf Stream(b) Kuroshio(c) Brazil(d) Labrador

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Ans: (d)393. The pygmies are found in ___.

(a) The Congo Basin, Africa(b) Bihar, India(c) Queenslands, Australia(d) Finland, Northern Europe

Ans: (a)394. The sea with one of the highest salinities in the world is

_____.(a) the Dead Sea(b) the Red Sea(c) the Arabian Sea(d) the Baltic Sea

Ans: (a)395. The location of a cement industry is mostly based on _____.

(a) nearness to a port(b) where demand is high(c) where transportation facilities are available(d) availability of raw materials

Ans: (d)396. Shifting agriculture is most commonly practised in

(a) forests(b) deserts(c) grasslands(d) plain areas

Ans: (a)397. A narrow passage of water that connects two large bodies or

water is known as

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(a) Bay(b) Isthmus(c) Strait(d) Archipelago

Ans: (c)398. Which of the following Planets is the brightest?

(a) Mercury(b) Mars(c) Jupiter(d) Venus

Ans: (d)399. At which particular place on earth are day and nights of

equal length always?(a) Prime Meridian(b) Poles(c) Equator(d) Nowhere

Ans: (c)400. 'Ursa Major' is the scientific name for one of the

constellations of stars. Its common English name is(a) The Northern Crown(b) The Chained Lady(c) The Milky Way(d) The Great Bear

Ans: (d)401. Three European cities viz, Belgrade, Budapest and Vienna,

are located on the banks of the river(a) Danube

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(b) Rhine(c) Rhone(d) Volga

Ans: (a)402. Light from the nearest star reaches the earth in

(a) 43 minutes(b) 4.3 seconds(c) 4.3 minutes(d) 4.3 years

Ans: (d)403. Ozone layer is present in

(a) Stratosphere(b) Troposphere(c) Ionosphere(d) Exosphere

Ans: (a)404. What is the unit of measurement of the distance of the stars

from the earth?a) fathomsb) kilometresc) light yearsd) Nautical miles

Ans: (c)405. The International Date Line is

(a) 180 degrees longitude(b) the equator(c) 90 degrees east longitude(d) 0 degree longitude

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Ans: (a)406. Which one of the following is not an astronomical object?

(a) Pulsar(b) Brittle Star(c) Black Hole(d) Quasar

Ans: (b)407. The 38th parallel separates

(a) North Vietnam from South Vietnam(b) South Korea from North Korea(c) Hungary from Serbia(d) Afghanistan from Uzbekistan

Ans: (b)408. The only land-locked country in South-East Asia is

(a) Laos(b) Thailand(c) Malaysia(d) Kampuchea

Ans: (a)409. Sunspots generally wax and wane over a/an

(a) 11-year cycle(b) 25-year cycle(c) 3-year cycle(d) 15-year cycle

Ans: (a)410. Llanos and Campos are grasslands found in

(a) Siberia(b) North America

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(c) South America(d) India

Ans: (c)411. The line dividing North Korea and South Korea is

(a) 17th parallel(b) 23rd parallel(c) 38th parallel(d) Oder-Neisse Line

Ans: (c)412. Deciduous trees

(a) grow in abundance in dry places(b) grow straight(c) never bear fruit(d) shed their leaves at a certain season

Ans: (d)413. You are asked to import Ostrich, Platypus and Kaola Bear.

To which country will you opt to go, to get all the three?(a) Australia(b) Japan(c) Canada(d) New Zealand

Ans: (a)414. Savanna is a

(a) desert(b) forest(c) grassland(d) snowclad mountain

Ans: (c)

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415. The duration of the day and night is always equal at the(a) Equator(b) Greenwhich Line(c) Poles(d) Tropics

Ans: (a)416. Quinine is obtained from the

(a) Mulberry tree(b) Eucalyptus tree(c) Cinchona plant(d) Cocoa plant

Ans: (c)417. Latex is a name for

(a) a milk product(b) latent heat(c) crude rubber(d) refined honey

Ans: (c)418. Ozone layers absorb

(a) infrared rays(b) ultraviolet rays coming from the sun(c) all radiations from the sun(d) cosmic rays

Ans: (b)419. Why does the mercury column in the barometer fall rapidly

before a severe storm? It is due to(a) increase in the humidity of air(b) fall in the atmospheric pressure

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(c) severe heat energy from the sun(d) rise in the atmospheric pressure

Ans: (b)420. A sierra is a/an

(a) mountain range(b) a midday or afternoon nap(c) unit of electrical conductance(d) holiday resort in the Mediterranean Sea

Ans: (a)421. The largest country in the world (area-wise) is

(a) China(b) India(c) Russia(d) the USA

Ans: (c)422. Which among the following is a renewable source?

(a) forest(b) coal(c) limestone(d) sand

Ans: (a)423. "The length of its day and the tilt of its axis are almost

identical to those of the earth". This is true of(a) Uranus(b) Neptune(c) Saturn(d) Mars

Ans: (d)

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424. Monazite is an ore of(a) copper(b) iron(c) thorium(d) titanium

Ans: (c)425. The years 1700, 1800 and 1900 were

(a) leap years(b) not leap years(c) famine years(d) years of natural calamities

Ans: (b)426. The snowline is the line on mountain or hill slope which

(a) is the highest limit of perpetual snow .(b) is the lowest limit of perpetual snow(c) represents the highest amount of snowfall received(d) represents the lowest amount of snowfall received

Ans: (b)427. The yield or food grain per man is high under

(a) intensive cultivation(b) extensive cultivation(c) mono cultivation(d) farm cultivation

Ans: (b)428. The general direction or movement or a tropical cyclone in

the northern hemisphere is(a) eastward then poleward(b) eastward then towards the equator

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(c) westward then poleward(d) westward then towards the equator

Ans: (c)429. The relative humidity or the atmospheric air

(a) increases with increase in temperature(b) decreases with increase in temperature(c) decreases with decrease in temperature(d) is independent of temperature

Ans: (b)430. Ferrel's Law is associated with the

(a) velocity of winds(b) high pressure of winds(c) low pressure of winds(d) direction of winds

Ans: (d)431. The temperature at which the air is saturated is known as

(a) saturation temperature(b) critical temperature(c) condensation temperature(d) dew point

Ans: (d)432. In an artesian well, in what order the rock-layer are generally

found? (from bottom to surface)(a) permeable, non-permeable and permeable(b) non-permeable and permeable(c) permeable and non- permeable(d) non-permeable, permeable and non-permeable

Ans: (d)

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433. The home or the fur-bearing animals is the(a) coniferous forests(b) temperate deciduous forests(c) tundra(d) temperate grasslands

Ans: (a)434. If A and B are two stations antipode to each other then their

(a) seasons are opposite(b) day and night are opposite(c) seasons day and night are opposite(d) climates are opposite

Ans: (c)435. The evergreen trees are those which remain green through out

the year. This is because(a) their leaves do not fall at all(b) of the effect of the climatic conditions in which they haveevolved(c) their leaves fall in small numbers at intervals(d) None of the above

Ans: (c)436. What type or vegetation is associated with South Africa?

(a) Veld(b) Steppes(c) Pampas(d) Prairies

Ans: (a)437. Doldrums is/are

(a) mount of sand blown and formed on beaches and in deserts

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(b) low pressure belt of calm and light surface winds near theEquator(c) the north-east and south-east winds(d) planetary winds

Ans: (b)438. What is the "cloud burst"? It is

(a) the states of sky with respect to clouds(b) the disintergration of a huge cloud mass(c) an abnormal heavy downpour of rain(d) breaking up of clouds by high mountain ranges

Ans: (c)439. A narrow strip of land connecting two large land masses is

called(a) ridge(b) peninsula(c) isthmus(d) neck

Ans: (c)440. On the Equator the day and night are equal

(a) on equinoxes(b) on summer solstice(c) on winter solstice(d) throughout the year

Ans: (d)441. Which calendar is being universally followed?

(a) Christian Era(b) Julian Calendar(c) Gregory Calendar

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(d) Saka EraAns: (c)

442. The salinity or the sea is maximum at the(a) Indian Ocean(b) Red Sea(c) Baltic Sea(d) Atlantic Ocean

Ans: (b)443. Crude oil is generally round in

(a) igneous rocks(b) sedimentary rocks(c) metamorphic rocks(d) sandy desert soils

Ans: (b)444. If one watches a distant ship coming towards the shore

through a telescope one first sees(a) its hull(b) its funnel(c) its mast(d) the ship

Ans: (c)445. The only cereal crop which originated in America is

(a) rye(b) barley(c) oats(d) corn

Ans: (d)

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446. Which or the following is known as the lifelines of a country?(a) natural growth rate of population(b) food supplies(c) energy resources(d) modem means of transport and communication

Ans: (d)447. The Trans-Siberian railway links

(a) The Baltic coast with the North Sea(b) Leningrad with Oldiotsk(c) Buanos Aires with Valparaiso(d) Leningrad with Vladivostok

Ans: (d)448. The Trans-Andean railway connects

(a) Mexico City with Santiago(b) Panama City with Santiago(c) Buenos Aires with Valparaiso(d) Rio de Janerio with Bogota

Ans: (c)449. The gap between birth rate and death rate per 1000 mid-year

population of a given region is known as(a) population rate(b) natural growth rate of population(c) birth and death rate of population(d) population increamental ratio

Ans: (b)450. The number of women per thousand men is called

(a) men-women ratio(b) sex ratio

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(c) relative density(d) manage ratio

Ans: (b)451. The population of India has of late been growing very fast

because(a) not enough attention has been paid to methods of populationcontrol(b) the death rate has been dropping on account of better medicaland health facilities(c) the birth rate has continuously been increasing(d) industrialization has provided a fillip to growth of population

Ans: (b)452. Which or the following is the longest mountain range?

(a) The Himalayas(b) The Rockies(c) The Andes(d) The Caucasus

Ans: (c)453. Rubber is the coagulated Juice or latex or an equatorial tree

called(a) Ebony(b) Mahogany(c) Cinchona(d) Hevea

Ans: (d)454. Humidity in the air is measured in a

(a) barometer(b) electrometer

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(c) hygrometer(d) hydrometer

Ans: (c)455. Which is the world's largest river?

(a) The Nile(b) The Amazon(c) The Brahmaputra(d) The Mississippi and Missouri

Ans: (b)456. The winter snow-house or Eskimos is known as

(a) Yurt(b) Tupic(c) Igloo(d) Tent

Ans: (c)457. Where are most or the Earth's active volcanoes concentrated

at present?(a) South America(b) Africa(c) Pacific Ocean(d) Europe

Ans: (c)458. The palace of origin of an earthquake is called

(a) seismographic zone(b) perimeter(c) epicentre(d) seismic focus

Ans: (d)

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459. On which or the following African riven is the Kariba Damone of the world's largest hydel power systems located?

(a) The Nile(b) The Niger(c) The Congo(d) The Zambezi

Ans: (d)460. What does themachine tool industry produce?

(a) It produces tools for the repair of machines(b) It produces machines with a high component of precision tools(c) It produces machines which can be used by other industries forthe production of their finished goods(d) None of these

Ans: (c)461. In spite of the very high temperature at the Earth's centre,

the inner core is not in a molten state because the(a) core has a very high melting point(b) core is full of gases(c) great pressure at the centre raises the melting point of therocks(d) core is impervious to heat

Ans: (c)462. The meeting or warm and cold currents in the ocean lives rise

to(a) frost(b) rain(c) fog(d) cloud-burst

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Ans: (c)463. The actual amount or moisture contained in the air is known

as(a) relative humidity(b) moisture content(c) dew point(d) absolute humidity

Ans: (d)464. Tropical rain forests appear in which or the following

regions?(a) Australia, New Zealand and Fiji Islands(b) North and South of the Congo Basin(c) Central America and Guinea Coast(d) South America and South Africa

Ans: (b)465. The tropical deciduous trees shed their leaves in summer

because(a) of the heat of the summer(b) the rainfall is inadequate(c) it prevents loss of moisture through transpiration(d) deciduous trees shed leaves

Ans: (c)466. The age of a tree can be estimated by

(a) its height(b) the girth of its trunk(c) the number and size of its branches(d) the number of concentric rings on a cross-section of its trunk

Ans: (d)

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467. The phenomenon known as the "Midnight Sun" is caused by(a) The rotation of the Earth on its axis(b) Sun spots(c) Inclination of the Earth's axis(d) Nuclear explosions

Ans: (c)468. The continents of the world are mainly composed of

(a) core(b) mantal(c) sial(d) sima

Ans: (c)469. The difference in mean temperature between the hottest and

coldest months in a year is known as(a) average annual temperature(b) mean temperature(c) annual range of temperature(d) isothermic range of temperature

Ans: (c)470. By what name the Third World Countries are now commonly

referred to?(a) Least developed countries(b) Underdeveloped countries(c) Developing countries(d) Underdeveloped countries

Ans: (c)471. What percentage or all water available on the Earth is

contained in the oceans?

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(a) 50%(b) 70%(c) 86%(d) 97%

Ans: (d)472. The most common igneous rock is

(a) basalt(b) granite(c) limestone(d) cobalt

Ans: (b)473. Which or the following is mainly responsible for causing

discomfort to mountaineers?(a) steep height(b) extreme cold(c) lack of oxygen(d) lack of shelter

Ans: (c)474. The continuous circulation of water among the hydrosphere,

atmosphere and Lithosphere is known as(a) Water circulation(b) Hydrologic cycle(c) Hydro-equilibrium(d) Precipitation

Ans: (b)475. What is approximately the quantum of the pressure exerted

by the atmosphere at sea level?(a) one kg per sq km

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(b) one kg per sq mtr(c) five kg per sq cm(d) five kg per sq mtr

Ans: (b)476. The velocity of wind is related to

(a) revolution of the Earth(b) rotation of the Earth(c) temperature(d) pressure gradient

Ans: (d)477. Which of the following is known as 'golden fiber'?

(a) Silk(b) Egyptian cotton(c) Jute(d) Manila hemp

Ans: (c)478. Silk production in the world has declined because of

(a) lack of demand(b) lack of remunerative prices(c) growing competition from man-made fibres(d) dearth of skilled labour

Ans: (c)479. What is a "shaft mine"?

(a) A query(b) An open pit mine(c) A mine dug deep into the earth(d) A mine for descending into which a shaft is generally used

Ans: (c)

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480. Which of the following varieties of coal accounts for themaximum coal output of the world?(a) Peat(b) Lignite(c) Bituminous(d) Anthracite

Ans: (c)481. Which of the following is not one of the by-products of

mineral oil?(a) Naphtha(b) Sulphur(c) Aniline dyes(d) Paraffin wax

Ans: (b)482. Which of the following layers of the Earth's atmosphere

provide ideal flying conditions for Jet aircraft?(a) Mesosphere(b) Thermosphere(c) Stratosphere(d) Troposphere

Ans: (c)483. Which of the following reflects radio waves back to the

Earth?(a) Ionosphere(b) Thermosphere(c) Tropopause(d) Mesopause

Ans: (a)

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484. Condensation occurs when(a) the air is cold(b) the air is warm(c) the air is saturated(d) None of the above

Ans: (a)485. Nautical mile is a unit of distance used in

(a) space travel(b) navigation(c) aviation(d) communication

Ans: (b)486. The temperature at which dew is formed is known as

(a) evaporation point(b) dew point(c) precipitation point(d) critical point

Ans: (b)487. Which of the following is not one of the three processes

involved in the transfer of water between the atmosphere andthe surface of the Earth?

(a) Insolation(b) Evaporation(c) Condensation(d) Precipitation

Ans: (a)488. The process of water getting evaporated from the surface of

leaves is known as

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(a) evaporation(b) evapo-transpiration(c) transpiration(d) transportation

Ans: (b)489. The process which leads to the formation of clouds is known

as(a) evaporation(b) condensation(c) cloud-transpiration(d) precipitation

Ans: (b)490. Which of the following is known as "the cold pole" of the

world?(a) Laurentian region of Canada(b) Verkhoyansk in Russia(c) Antarctica(d) Greenland

Ans: (b)491. The division of the world into major natural regions is

primarily based on(a) atmosphere(b) rainfall(c) climate types(d) annual range of temperature

Ans: (c)492. Which of the following natural regions is known as the "big

game country" a land of "Safari"?

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(a) Equatorial(b) Tropical deserts(c) Savanna or Tropical Grassland region(d) Temperate Grassland region

Ans: (c)493. Which of the following natural regions has specialised in

cultivation of fruit trees?(a) Mediterranean region(b) Warm Mid-latitude East Margin region(c) Tropical East Margin region(d) Mid-latitude Grassland region

Ans: (a)494. Which of the following natural regions is inhabited by the

Eskimos of Canada and Alaska, Lappas of Finland and theSamoyeds and Yakuts of Siberia?

(a) High Mountain region(b) Polar Tundra(c) The Taiga region(d) Cool (Mid-Latitude) West margin region

Ans: (b)495. The Tropical Grasslands of Brazil are known as

(a) Llanos(b) Campos(c) Selvas(d) Savanna

Ans: (b)496. Which of the following is not a product of the 'Monsoon


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(a) Teak(b) Sal(c) Olive(d) Bamboo

Ans: (c)497. Cloudy nights are warmer compared to clear cloudless nights,

because clouds(a) Prevent cold waves from the sky from descending on earth(b) Reflect back the heat given off by earth(c) Produce heat and radiate it towards earth(d) Absorb heat from the atmosphere and send it towards earth

Ans: (b)498. Why is very little rice sold in world markets?

(a) The farmers cultivating rice exist on subsistence cultivation(b) The main producers of rice are also the main consumers(c) The market price of rice is not very remunerative(d) Rice is not eaten throughout the world

Ans: (b)499. Which or the following is not a proof of Earth being an

oblate spheroid?(a) When a ship goes out to sea, first the hull disappears then theupper parts(b) The shadow of the Earth on the Sun during solar eclipse isalways curved(c) Photographs of the Earth taken by artificial satellites haveconfirmed the fact(d) it has been found that polar circumference is lesser thanequatorial circumference

Ans: (b)

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500. Which of the following layers of the Earth is believed toaccount for the Earth's magnetism?

(a) Crust(b) Mantle(c) Core(d) Lithosphere

Ans: (c)501. The approximate radius or the Earth is

(a) 25000 km(b) 12500 km(c) 6400 km(d) 4500 km

Ans: (c)

502. The latitude also known as the(a) Tropic of Capricorn(b) Tropic of Cancer(c) Antarctic Circle(d) Arctic Circle

Ans: (d)503. Sun's halo is produced by the refraction of light in

(a) Water vapour in Stratus Clouds(b) Ice crystals in Cirro-cumulus clouds(c) dust particles in stratus clouds(d) Ice crystals in Cirrus clouds

Ans: (d)504. The trees of spruce, fir, pine, etc are found in which of the

following natural regions of the Earth?(a) Siberian Type

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(b) Tundra Type(c) Taiga Type(d) Laurentian Type

Ans: (c)505. When rain falls through a cold layer of air Dear the Earth's

surface, raindrops get frozen into ice. This type ofprecipitation is called

(a) hail(b) snowfall(c) snowstorm(d) sleet

Ans: (d)506. The most salty basin in the world is the

(a) Caspian Sea(b) Dead Sea(c) Red Sea(d) Arabian Sea

Ans: (b)507. In which of the following units is atmospheric pressure

measured?(a) Grams per square km(b) Grams per centimetre(c) Kilograms per square metre(d) Pounds per cubic mile

Ans: (c)508. Which set of two riven given below together form the world's

largest delta?(a) The Ganges and the Brahmpautra

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(b) The Mississippi and the Missouri(c) The Tigris and the Euphrates(d) The Seine and the Rhine

Ans: (a)509. Molten rock below the surface of the Earth is called?

(a) Magma(b) Crust(c) Core(d) Lava

Ans: (a)510. Which of the following are known as coastlines of

submergence?(a) Ria coasts(b) Uplifted lowland(c) Emergent upland(d) Concordant coasts

Ans: (a)511. Quartzite is metamorphosed from

(a) Limestone(b) Obsidian(c) Sandstone(d) Shale

Ans: (c)512. Match the following:List-I List-II(Local Wind) (Region)A. Foehn 1. Argentine

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B. Samoon 2. IranC. Santa Ana 3. CaliforniaD. Zonda 4. AlpsCodes:

A B C D(a) 2 4 1 3(b) 4 2 3 1(c) 2 4 3 1(d) 4 2 1 3

Ans: (b)513. Of the total water on the Earth, fresh water reserve a

constitute approximately(a) 70%(b) 2.7%(c) 10%(d) 8.9%

Ans: (b)514. A huge muss of ice fed by snow on a high mountain slowly

sliding downhill before It starts melting is called(a) Glacier(b) Avalanche(c) Iceberg(d) Snow cover

Ans: (a)515. The Indian sub-continent lies

(a) mostly in the southern hemisphere and partly in the northernhemisphere

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(b) mostly in the northern hemisphere and partly in the southernhemisphere(c) wholly in the northern hemisphere(d) wholly in the southern hemisphere

Ans: (c)516. The phenomenon of an opening occurring in the Earth's

surface through which a Jet of hot water and steam is forcedout at irregular intervals is called

(a) hot spring(b) geyser(c) cyclone(d) volcano

Ans: (b)517. Vernal equinox occurs on the

(a) 23rd September(b) 21st March(c) 21st June(d) 22nd December

Ans: (b)518. Which of the following is known as the "red planet"?

(a) Mercury(b) Jupiter(c) Mars(d) Saturn

Ans: (c)519. The Shatt-al-Arab waterway is associated with the

(a) Euphrates and Tigris(b) White Nile and Blue Nile

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(c) Jordan and Firat(d) Oxus and Kabul

Ans: (a)520. The Tropical Rain Forest or Equatorial type of climate is

found in(a) Amazon basin(b) Congo basin(c) Indonesian Islands(d) All the above

Ans: (d)521. Which of the following yield teak?

(a) Coniferous forests(b) Tropical forests(c) Deciduous forests(d) Himalayan forests

Ans: (c)522. What is the date of summer solstice in Northern Hemisphere?

(a) 21st June(b) 21st March(c) 22nd December(d) 23rd September

Ans: (a)523. A hinterland is

(a) an area behind a seaport that supplies the bulk of the exports(b) the interior of a valley(c) an elevated area(d) an area occupied by backward community

Ans: (a)

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524. Rice crop needs(a) low temperature and heavy rainfall(b) high temperature and low rainfall(c) annual rainfall of about 150 cm, high temperature andhumidity(d) low temperature and low rainfall

Ans: (c)525. The largest of the planets is

(a) Jupiter(b) Saturn(c) Uranus(d) Neptune

Ans: (a)526. What is a graticule?

(a) The network of intersecting parallels and meridians on a map(b) The network of intersections of Equator and Prime Meridian(c) The intersection of roads(d) The intersection of Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn

Ans: (a)527. Name the country which shares the benefits of the Kosi

Multipurpose Project with India(a) Bangladesh(b) Pakistan(c) Nepal(d) Bhutan

Ans: (c)528. Palk Strait separates

(a) Malaysia and Sumatra

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(b) India and Sri Lanka(c) Sunda and Sumatra(d) Borneo and Celebes

Ans: (b)529. The planet with the maximum number of satellites is ______.

(a) Uranus(b) Jupiter(c) Saturn(d) Neptune

Ans: (c)530. Dhaulagiri peak in the Himalayan Range is located in

(a) Bhutan(b) Nepal(c) Sikkim(d) Uttar Pradesh

Ans: (b)531. The planet that is nearly comparable to Earth as regards its

size and mass is(a) Pluto(b) Mars(c) Venus(d) Mercury

Ans: (c)532. The river Irrawaddy is the life blood of

(a) Myanmar(b) Bangladesh(c) Thailand(d) Laos

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Ans: (a)533. Along which one of the following meridians did India

experience the first light of the sunrise of the newmillennium?

(a) 20°30’W(b) 82°30'E(c) 92°30’W(d) 92°30'E

Ans: (d)534. Jute requires

(a) hot and humid climate(b) cold climate(c) hot and dry climate(d) Mediterranean climate

Ans: (a)535. _______and _______ are called the 'Low countries' of

Europe.(a) Spain and Portugal(b) Holland and Belgium(c) England and Ireland(d) Denmark and Germany

Ans: (b)536. Amur, one of the longest rivers in the worlds is in

(a) Africa(b) South America(c) Asia(d) Europe

Ans: (c)

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537. A landform composed of sediments brought by a river andfound where it enters a main valley or emerges from amountain on to a plain is called a/an

(a) meander(b) alluvial fan(c) oxbow lake(d) levee

Ans: (b)538. ______ is called "the land of thousand lakes”.

(a) Switzerland(b) Canada(c) Finland(d) Sweden

Ans: (c)539. What is the shape of the Earth?

(a) Geoid(b) Circle(c) Sphere(d) Hemi-sphere

Ans: (a)540. Mediterranean climate is ideal for growing

(a) wheat and barley(b) tea and coffee(c) sugarcane and beet(d) orange and lemons

Ans: (d)541. The home of spices is

(a) Middle East

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(b) The USA(c) France(d) India

Ans: (d)542. Forest soils are

(a) rich in potash(b) deficient in potash(c) rich in salt(d) rich in organic matter

Ans: (d)543. An estuary is a place where

(a) deposits of mud can be seen at a triangular piece of land(b) silt is deposited near the mouth of a river(c) fresh water collects at the mouth of a river(d) fresh and salt water mix near the mouth of a river

Ans: (d)544. Jurollo volcano, Mexico is an example of ______ type of

volcano.(a) acid lava cone(b) shield volcano(c) lava plateau(d) composite

Ans: (d)545. Volcanic eruption does not occur in the

(a) Black Sea(b) Caspian Sea(c) Baltic Sea(d) Caribbean Sea

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Ans: (c)546. Consider the following countries:1. Albania2. Bosnia Herzegovina3. Croatia4. MacedoniaWhich of these countries has/have Adriatic Sea as a boundary?

(a) 1 and 2(b) Only 4(c) 1, 2 and 3(d) 3 and 4

Ans: (c)547. Lake Manasarovar is in

(a) Sikkim(b) Tibet(c) Kashmir(d) Himachal Pradesh

Ans: (b)548. The highest plateau in the world is

(a) Plateau of Tibet(b) Deccan Plateau(c) Plateau of Iran(d) Spanish Plateau

Ans: (a)549. The flat temperate grasslands of the Hungarian plains are

known as _______.

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(a) Steppe(b) Prairies(c) Pampas(d) Pusztas

Ans: (d)550. Selvas is a word denoting

(a) long narrow depression formed in the land sunk between twoparallel faults(b) a southerly region of the oceans located between 45° S and63° S(c) the equatorial rain forest of the Amazon basin(d) the grasslands of North America

Ans: (c)551. The age of the Earth is approximately

(a) 1000 million years(b) 4600 million years(c) 3000 million years(d) 100 million years

Ans: (b)552. The total length of the oceanic ridge systems is of the order of

(a) 40000 km(b) 65000 km(c) 95000 km(d) 150000 km

Ans: (b)553. When does winter solstice occur in the Northern

Hemisphere?(a) 21st June

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(b) 22nd December(c) 21st March(d) 23rd March

Ans: (b)554. The major factors responsible for changes in the sizes of

population are(a) Births(b) Deaths(c) Migrations(d) All the above

Ans: (d)555. The largest desert in the world is the

(a) Sahara(b) Gobi(c) Kalahari(d) Thar

Ans: (a)556. Beaufort scale is an internationally recognised scale for

describing(a) earthquake intensity(b) noise level(c) wind speed(d) radioactive intensity

Ans: (c)557. The difference between the equatorial and polar diametres of

the earth is about(a) 22 km(b) 32 km

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(c) 42 km(d) 62 km

Ans: (c)558. The country worst affected by cyclones and accompanying

floods is ______.(a) Indonesia(b) Sri Lanka(c) Pakistan(d) Bangladesh

Ans: (d)559. The approximate distance between the Earth and the Sun is

(a) 100000 km(b) 2000000 km(c) 102000000 km(d) 150000000 km

Ans: (d)560. The approximate distance between the Earth and the Moon is

(a) 380000 km(b) 180000 km(c) 280000 km(d) 50000 km

Ans: (a)561. The area or the Indian Ocean is approximately ______.

(a) 24 million sq km(b) 44 million sq km(c) 64 million sq km(d) 74 million sq km

Ans: (d)

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562. The approximate depth of the Mariana Trench or the PacificOcean is(a) 5530 m(b) 7530 m(c) 11030 m(d) 13030 m

Ans: (c)563. Which or the following is a rift valley?

(a) The Amazon Valley(b) The Thames Valley(c) The Rhine Valley(d) The Mississippi Valley

Ans: (c)564. A river erodes by

(a) hydraulic action(b) corrosion(c) attrition(d) All the above

Ans: (d)565. A large loop like bend in a river is called

(a) a river cliff(b) a spur(c) a meander(d) a spit

Ans: (c)566. Coal, which is almost pure carbons which hardly has any

Impurities, which is smokeless and which finds use in thesteel industry is called

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(a) co*king coal(b) anthracite(c) bituminous coal(d) lignite

Ans: (a)567. Spot the odd item in the following

(a) Mt Fuji(b) Mt Everest(c) Mt Vesuvius(d) Mt Pele

Ans: (b)568. The Gutenburg discontinuity separates _______.

(a) Sial and Sima(b) Lithosphere and outer mantle(c) Outer mantle and inner mantle(d) Inner mantle and the core

Ans: (d)569. The smallest amongst the following oceans is ______.

(a) The Arctic Ocean(b) The Indian Ocean(c) The Atlantic Ocean(d) The Pacific Ocean

Ans: (a)570. The smallest amongst the following continents is ______.

(a) Africa(b) Antarctica(c) North America(d) South America

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Ans: (d)571. The smallest amongst the following islands is ______.

(a) Borneo(b) Greenland(c) Sumatra(d) New Guinea

Ans: (c)572. The largest amongst the following seas is _______.

(a) the Red Sea(b) the South China Sea(c) the Caribbean Sea(d) the Andaman Sea

Ans: (b)573. The world's largest inland sea is ______.

(a) the Black Sea(b) the Dead Sea(c) the Caspian Sea(d) the Aral Sea

Ans: (c)574. The deepest or the Oceanic trenches is the ______ trench.

(a) Mariana(b) Puerto Rico(c) Japanese(d) Sunda

Ans: (a)575. The subject that deals with the regional distribution of

human races and their history is called(a) Biogeography

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(b) Ethnography(c) Cartography(d) Paleontology

Ans: (b)576. The Planet amongst the following (other than Saturn), that

shows a faint ring is ______.(a) Earth(b) Jupiter(c) Mars(d) Pluto

Ans: (b)577. Which one of the following scholars suggests the earth's

origin is from gases and dust particles?(a) James Jeans(b) H Alfven(c) F Hoyle(d) O Schmidit

Ans: (d)578. Which of the following is a renewable source of energy?

(a) atomic power(b) hydro electric power(c) thermal power(d) natural gas

Ans: (b)579. Which or the following is the main ore for aluminium?

(a) Calcite(b) Bauxite(c) Magnesite

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(d) LimoniteAns: (b)

580. Which of the following minerals is needed for generation ofnuclear power?

(a) Potassium(b) Aluminium(c) Cadmium(d) Uranium

Ans: (d)581. The world's major fishing grounds are located along the

eastern shores of continents between 40º N and 50º Nlatitudes where cool and warm currents converge. Anexample or such area is

(a) The Grand Banks off Newfoundland(b) The Dogger Bank in the North Sea(c) The coastal region of Norway(d) Fisheries off the coast of Peru

Ans: (a)582. Main hunting ground for blue whales is located in

(a) Antarctic Ocean(b) Arctic Ocean(c) West Pacific Ocean(d) Southern Indian Ocean

Ans: (a)583. Krivoy Rog, Kerch Peninsula, Magnitogorsk are major

producers ______ of in former Soviet Union.(a) Coal(b) Manganese

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(c) Copper(d) Iron ore

Ans: (d)584. Leningrad region and Kola Peninsula in former Soviet Union

are major producers of(a) Lead(b) Zinc(c) Bauxite(d) Copper

Ans: (c)585. The leading producer of coal in former Soviet Union is

(a) Donetz basin(b) Kuzentsk basin(c) Karaganda Basin(d) Pechora basin

Ans: (a)


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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