Will Orajel Help Dry Socket Pain? - 1311 Jackson Ave Dental | Dentist in Long Island City, NY (2024)

Yes, Orajel can help with dry socket pain but it isn't the most effective pain reliever for this post-extraction complication because there is a better alternative. The preferred topical pain reliever used by dentists is called dry socket paste.

Will Orajel Help Dry Socket Pain? - 1311 Jackson Ave Dental | Dentist in Long Island City, NY (1)

The good news is that there is a home remedy equivalent to the specially formulated paste.

Table of Contents:

  • Orajel can help

  • Better alternative

  • Home remedy equivalent

Orajel can help with dry socket

Dry socket is a painful complication after tooth removal and orajel is a legitimate topical anesthetic so it can help alleviate the pain. Although it isn't the most effective means of treating your toothache because the analgesic effect is short lasting.

It's an analgesic

Orajel is a valid topical anesthetic because your dentist uses it too but they use the generic version of it. The key ingredient in both of the products which produce the numbing sensation is benzocaine.

Will Orajel Help Dry Socket Pain? - 1311 Jackson Ave Dental | Dentist in Long Island City, NY (3)

The image above shows orajel 4x which contains 20% benzocaine and a generic version that we have at our dental office which also has 20% benzocaine. If it's good enough for your dentist to use, you can be sure that orajel does work as a pain reliever.

Short duration of effect

Despite its validity as a topical analgesic, what makes orajel not very effective at treating dry socket is it's short duration of effect. According to research studies and our own experiment, you can expect the numbing or pain relief to last about 10-20 minutes at most.

Will Orajel Help Dry Socket Pain? - 1311 Jackson Ave Dental | Dentist in Long Island City, NY (4)

The instructions for the use of orajel specifically states that it can be applied up to 4x daily. Couple the frequency with its short lasting duration, it is clearly not enough to relieve pain from a dry socket.

This is also the reason as to why we don't really recommend using orajel after an extraction.

Dry socket paste

While your dentist may have the generic version of Orajel, they don't use it because dry socket paste is significantly more effective. This is a prescription topical analgesic that was specifically formulated to relieve the unbearable pain.

Will Orajel Help Dry Socket Pain? - 1311 Jackson Ave Dental | Dentist in Long Island City, NY (5)

Dry socket paste ingredients:

  • 4.16% Eugenol

  • 4.16% Guaiacol

This paste is the preferred and default pain relieving treatment used by dentists for patients with a dry socket. They don't even bother with benzocaine at all.

If you look closely at the ingredient list, there is no benzocaine within the formulation of this special paste. That tells you that it is not needed for whatever reason.

Why this paste is more effective

The pain relieving effect of this specially formulated paste seems to be longer lasting and longer acting.

Typically how most dentists use it is by packing the paste directly into the extraction socket and leaving it in there for about 2-3 days. The dry socket paste then gets changed out every 2-3 days.

Will Orajel Help Dry Socket Pain? - 1311 Jackson Ave Dental | Dentist in Long Island City, NY (6)

Essentially, the past can be used as a long acting pain reliever since it's effective for up to 3 whole days with a single application. You can compare that to orajel which only lasts about 10-20 minutes at most and thus would require multiple applications.

Home remedy equivalent for dry socket paste

Unbeknownst to most but the two primary ingredients in dry socket paste is essentially clove oil. Yes, the same essential oil that you're thinking of. It has a very distinct smell.

  • Eugenol is the scientific name for the essential oil of cloves.

  • Guaiacol is the precursor of eugenol and vanillin (vanilla extract).

Will Orajel Help Dry Socket Pain? - 1311 Jackson Ave Dental | Dentist in Long Island City, NY (7)

The point that we're trying to make is that you can create a home remedy that can potentially be equivalent to dry socket paste.

How to use clove oil for dry socket

There are two ways to use clove oil as a home remedy to alleviate dry socket pain.

Dropper method:

  1. Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth out really well.

  2. Apply 1-2 drops of clove oil directly into the affected tooth socket.

  3. You may repeat this up to 3x per day total.

Packing method:

  1. Brush your teeth and rinse out really well.

  2. Apply 1-2 drops of clove oil onto sterile gauze or a cotton pellet.

  3. Place cotton pellet directly into extraction socket.

  4. Remove and replace this packing every 2-3 days.

As a matter of practicality, we recommend only using the dropper method because it is easier. The packing method requires removal of the gauze or cotton pellet which you may not be able to do. Unless you've college pliers it may be difficult for you to get what you put into the socket back out.

For your information, if you see your dentist, they will use the packing method with dry socket paste. However, your dentist will also help you remove and replace the dressing when the time comes.


We at afterva recommend seeing a dentist if you think you've a dry socket. Yes, we have provided information about self-care at home if you have this condition but DIY methods will always be inferior to professional care.


  • Orajel can help alleviate the pain but it doesn't last long enough to be practical.

  • Clove oil is similar to dry socket paste but having your dentist do it for you is more effective.

Your dentist can place the dressing directly into your socket which provides you with relief for at least 2-3 days. If you put the clove oil directly into the socket, it won't last as long since saliva usually washes it out.

Will Orajel Help Dry Socket Pain? - 1311 Jackson Ave Dental | Dentist in Long Island City, NY (2024)


Is it okay to use Orajel on a dry socket? ›

Dry socket paste is just one of many ways you can reduce the pain associated with this condition. You can also use any of the following alternative treatments to achieve the same effect: Medicated gauze dressing. Topical anesthetics like lidocaine (Orajel, Oraqix)

What is the best over-the-counter pain relief for dry socket? ›

Aspirin or ibuprofen can help relieve some pain. Still, you may need a prescription medicine from your dentist or oral surgeon. If you believe the clot over your extraction site has become dislodged, call your dentist.

Can you buy anything over-the-counter for dry socket? ›

Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen can be effective at reducing both pain and swelling. They won't be much help at treating or preventing an infection, but they can relieve pain until you can get to your doctor.

What do they prescribe for dry socket pain? ›

Your dentist may: Rinse and clean the socket with salt water. Place medicated gauze in the socket to ease pain. Instruct you to take over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications.

What do dentists put in dry socket? ›

After flushing the socket to remove food and debris, your dentist will pack it with a medicated dressing in the form of a paste. One of the ingredients in dry socket paste is eugenol, which is present in clove oil and acts as an anesthetic. Eugenol also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

How do you numb a dry socket? ›

Cold packs are recommended to use for the first 24 hours after having a tooth pulled. Put the pack against your face for 15 minutes at a time. The cold helps numb nerves in your mouth. Follow that with warm washcloths to reduce pain.

How long does pain from a dry socket last? ›

According to the Canadian Dental Association, dry socket typically occurs within 3–5 days of the extraction and lasts for up to 7 days. The pain is severe and can persist for 24–72 hours. The research recommends that further investigation takes place if pain continues beyond this timeframe.

Can I go to emergency for dry socket? ›

Yes, you can go to the hospital for a dental emergency if it is a life-threatening situation or involves trauma to the face and mouth. While an emergency dentist is usually the recommended first contact, immediate attention at a hospital may be necessary in certain cases.

Can I fix my own dry socket? ›

You'll need to go back to the dentist, who will clean the tooth socket and fill it with a medicated dressing or a paste to relieve pain and promote healing. At home, your dentist may tell you to: Rinse with salt water, which will relieve pain and help keep the socket clean.

What gel is good for dry socket? ›

The patented StellaLife VEGA Oral Care Gel provides quick pain relief and has been found to speed up healing. Dentists have found it effective in the pain management of dry sockets and recovery following dental surgical & non-surgical procedures.

How do you self medicate a dry socket? ›

Self-Care for dry Socket

Take pain medicine and antibiotics as directed. Apply a cold pack to the outside of your jaw. Carefully rinse the dry socket as directed by your dentist. Take antibiotics as instructed.

Can you put numbing gel on a dry socket? ›

In order to help with pain management, your dentist may recommend a few other therapies in addition to the use of drugs. While a numbing gel can be applied directly to the socket to help reduce pain and discomfort, a saline rinse can be used to keep the socket clean and reduce inflammation.

What not to do with dry socket? ›

Be careful with eating or drinking. To prevent the clot from coming out, avoid carbonated beverages and do not use a straw.

What makes dry socket worse? ›

Pressure on the wound: Chewing or biting down on the empty socket can dislodge the blood clot. Similarly, using straws, sucking on foods, and blowing the nose can create negative pressure inside the mouth, increasing the risk of the blood clot detaching.

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