Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (2024)

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (1)

Tifa Lockhart is a playable character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). See the best builds for Tifa, list of weapons, their voice actors, and more about this character's background in this guide!

Tifa Character Guides
Best Builds and Weapons Romance Guide

List of Contents

  • Best Builds
  • Combat Guide
  • Controls
  • Battle Tips
  • Best Combos
  • Best Folio Skill Cores
  • Weapons
  • Manuscripts
  • Character Profile
  • Abilities
  • Limit Breaks
  • Synergy Skills
  • Synergy Abilities
  • Role in FF7 Rebirth
  • Related Guides

Tifa Best Builds

Stage and ChapterList of Tifa Builds
(Chapter 9-12)
Tifa Endgame Build
Late Game
(Chapter 9-12)
Tifa Late Game Build
Mid Game
(Chapter 5-8)
Tifa Mid Game Build
Early Game
(Chapter 2-4)
Tifa Early Game Build

Tifa Endgame Build

Equipment Materia
JárngreiprWeapon Lv. 8

Assess+Strength Up

Steadfast Block+Precision Defense Focus

HP Up +Speed Up

Bahamut Arisen

Cetran Armlet

Enemy Skill+HP Absorption

Chakra +Empowerment

Auto-Unique Ability+Auto-Weapon Ability

Spirit Up+Luck Up

Alternative Armor

Valkyrian Bangle
Cetran Bracer

Weapon Skills

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (21)Utterly Unbridled Strength

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (22)Critical Hit Rate +5%

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (23)Critical Hit Damage +10%

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (24)ATB Charge Rate Up

Accessory Effect
Karmic Cowl Increases vitality and spirit by 30. Grants immunity to Slow and Instant Death.

This is a versatile Tifa endgame build designed for spamming weapon abilities and self-sustaining Tifa's HP when playing her as an active character. The build is also designed for non-active use when players only use Tifa when enemies are staggered.

Speed Up allows Tifa to build up ATB charges faster; this synergizes with the Plasma Discharge ability from the Enemy Skill materia paired with HP Absorption, allowing Tifa to siphon health from enemies hit by the discharge whenever she fills an ATB gauge.

The Karmic Cowl along with the HP Up, Chakra, and Spirit Up materia are used to add a bit of survivability for Tifa.

Steadfast Block, Precision Defense Focus, Auto-Unique Ability, and Auto-Weapon Ability materia are for situations where Tifa is a non-active character.

Best Team Synergies

Synergy Skills



Soaring FlurryAllows Tifa to engage in aerial combat. Best used against flying enemies or hard-to-reach enemy parts.




Cait Sith

Heavenly AscentUseful for stunlocking in midair or attacking flying enemies.
Synergy Abilities



United RefocusAdds an extra ATB gauge for Tifa and Aerith or Yuffie; synergizes with this build's combo on Plasma Discharge and HP Absorption.


Divine Punishment Useful for dealing magic AoE damage against mobs or bosses with targettable body parts.

Additional Build Notes

  • You can swap Assess with any magic element (Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Wind) materia to help out with exploiting enemy weaknesses.
  • The Plasma Discharge enemy skill is a reward from the combat simulator; Biological Intel: Blinded by Light.

Tifa Late Game Build

Equipment Materia
Crystal GlovesWeapon Lv. 6

Precision Defense Focus+First Strike


Speed Up

Auto-Weapon Ability

Skill Master

Bahamut Arisen

Hades Armlet

Enemy Skill+HP Absorption

Strength Up+Steadfast Block


ATB Stagger

Alternative Armor

Yggdrasill Armlet
Garm Bangle

Weapon Skills

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (53)Attack Power +20

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (54)Opening ATB Bonus

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (55)Enhanced Techniques

Accessory Effect
Full Throttle Wristguards Increases strength by 10%. Increases max HP by 500.

After getting the Crystal Gloves in Chapter 11, you'll be able to deal magic damage with your basic attacks while also adding more stagger with each hit using Unfettered Fury. This makes the Magic Attack stat slightly as important as Tifa's Attack stat.

By following this build, you'll have a high amount of both Attack and Magic Attack stats while also improving Tifa's ability to stagger enemies.

Having the Opening ATB Bonus weapon skill and the First Strike materia equipped allows Tifa to use Unfettered Fury twice earlier. After setting up, you can cast Sonic Boom (Enemy Skill) for damage boosts and Haste so you can keep using the abilities you need.

Stagger Enemy with Unfettered Fury Before Switching to Unbridled Strength

While Unfettered Fury is active, Tifa's unique abilities will deal increased stagger damage but will increase the damage multiplier of staggered enemies less.

You can keep Unfettered Fury on while staggering the enemy then quickly change to Unbridled Strength upon filling the Stagger gauge.

Best Team Synergies

Synergy Skills


Soaring FlurryThis skill allows Tifa to be launched at a hovering target and engage in aerial combat. Use this to reach flying enemies or when attacking discrete enemy parts that can't be hit while grounded.




Heavenly AscentVery useful against smaller enemies as they can be stunlocked in midair with the right combo after the initial launch.


Slip and SlideBack up for when you have no ATB charge for dodging with Focused Strike.
Synergy Abilities


United RefocusThis ability gives both Tifa and Aerith an extra segment on the ATB gauge. With this build, Tifa can quickly fill all three charges and spam abilities that you need.


Divine PunishmentDeals heavy damage and sets Tifa's Dolphin Flurry up the next time an enemy is staggered.



Relentless Rush / Cyclonic KickBoth Synergy Abilities are best reserved for when the target is staggered to maximize damage.

Additional Build Notes

  • Try to use Starshower first before using a Limit Break.
  • Use Mind Blast (Enemy Skill) for a quick and easy fill on the enemies' Stagger gauges. Take note that this ability can only be used once per battle!

Tifa Mid Game Build

Equipment Materia
Kaiser Knuckles

HP Up +Enemy Skill

Chakra +Assess

Gold Coral Armlet

Precision Defense Focus

First Strike

Steadfast Block

ATB Stagger

Weapon Skills

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (76)Concentration

Accessory Effect
Aureate Pinion Increases speed by 10
Alternative Accessories

Survival Vest
Hi-Power Wristguards

We'll switch to a physical build at mid game with Kaiser Knuckles and enhance it with several Complete Materia. Replacing the Sylph Gloves means sacrificing the ATB charge rate weapon skill in exchange for higher physical attack and an extra materia slot.

Instead of spells, your source of elemental damage will be the Enemy Skill materia and the abilities from Tifa's Folio. The default ability from this materia is a 3-in-1 mix of Aero, Bravery, and Faith, all for just one ATB charge.

Be sure to complete the necessary Combat Simulator battles from Chadley to obtain more Enemy Skills!

Best Team Synergies

Synergy Skills



Soaring FlurryThis skill allows Tifa to be launched at a hovering target and engage in aerial combat. Use this to reach flying enemies or when attacking Jenova Emergent's weak spots.



Heavenly AscentVery useful against smaller enemies as they can be stunlocked in midair with the right combo after the initial launch.
Synergy Abilities


United RefocusThis ability gives both Tifa and Aerith an extra segment on the ATB gauge. With this build, Tifa can quickly fill all three charges and spam abilities that you need.


Divine PunishmentDeals heavy damage and sets Tifa's Dolphin Flurry up the next time an enemy is staggered.

Additional Build Notes

  • Enemy Skill's Plasma Discharge is a good ability on Tifa against enemies weak to Lightning as she can trigger the electric blast more frequently.

Tifa Early Game Build

Equipment Materia
Sylph Gloves


Fire and Ice

Precision Defense Focus

Hunter's Bangle



Weapon Skills

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (93)ATB Charge Rate Up

Accessory Effect
Aureate Pinion Increases speed by 10
Alternative Accessories

Bulletproof Vest Mk. II
Hi-Power Wristguards

This is a balanced build for Tifa during the early game where she can play as a physical stacker and a spellcaster. Options are limited in the first chapters so Tifa can't specialize in physical damage yet.

Fire and Ice Materia will cover you for the majority of the journey as most enemies along the way are weak to either Fire or Ice attacks. The Reverse Gale ability from Sylph Gloves will take care of enemies weak to wind attacks.

Tifa will gain ATB charges fast as the active character, allowing you to reach max chi level with two uses of Unbridled Strength early before spamming other abilities.

Make the ATB gauge fill up even faster with the ATB Charge Rate Up weapon skill along with the Aureate Pinion accessory.

Best Team Synergies

Synergy Skills



Soaring FlurryThis skill allows Tifa to be launched at a hovering target and engage in aerial combat. Use this to reach flying enemies or the Midgardsormr's head.



Heavenly AscentVery useful against smaller enemies as they can be stunlocked in midair with the right combo after the initial launch.
Synergy Abilities


United RefocusThis ability gives both Tifa and Aerith an extra segment on the ATB gauge. With this build, Tifa can quickly fill all three charges and spam abilities that you need.


Avalanche Two-StepThe Stagger buff from this ability is similar to Cloud and Tifa's. If you decided to bring Barret as the third party member, you can use both Synergy Abilities back-to-back to maximize the enemy's Staggered state.

Additional Build Notes

  • Lightning Materia can be replaced with Luck Up or Item Master upon reaching Gabe's Ranch in Junon.
  • You can also replace Lightning Materia with Healing if Chakra's recovery isn't enough.

How to Use Tifa and Combat Guide

Tifa Controls

Button / Action Description
Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (103)Attack Basic melee attack
Hold Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (104)Uppercut Heavy melee attack
Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (105)Unique Ability Changes based on current chi level. Increases Stagger damage multiplier.Lv1 - Whirling Uppercut
Lv2 - Omnistrike
Lv3 - Rise and Fall
Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (106)Evade Quickly dodges to the specified direction. Can be chained with combos.
Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (107)Commands Menu Access the Commands Menu for Abilities, Spells, Items, and Synergy
Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (108)Block Blocks incoming attacks to reduce damage. Perfect blocks completely negate damage.
Hold Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (109)Synergy Skills Opens the menu for available Synergy Skills

Tifa Battle Tips

How to Use Tifa

Increase chi level to extend combos

Dodge with Focused Strike

Unique ability increases Stagger damage bonus

Reach airborne enemies with Synergy Skills

Increase Chi Level to Extend Combos

Unbridled Strength is Tifa's most important skill as it increases her chi level (up to Lv.3). Each level extends her basic attack combos, making it even easier to gain ATB charges, as well as increases their damage.

Her unique ability also increases with her chi level: from Whirling Uppercut, to Omnistrike, then Rise and Fall. Using her unique ability expends one chi level.

Dodge with Focused Strike

Focused Strike is a handy Ability that can both increase Stagger and dodge enemy attacks at the same time. This can also be chained with combos making it a good alternative to the normal dodge.

Once you've memorized the enemies' attack patterns, you can practically spam Focused Strike as perfectly dodging with this ability gives a huge ATB boost.

Unique Ability Increases Stagger Damage Bonus

Try to reach max chi level as early as possible so when an enemy gets Staggered, you can use Tifa's unique abilities to increase the Stagger damage bonus. Your party can then use their strongest attacks to maximize damage before the enemy recovers.

Reach Airborne Enemies with Synergy Skills

Tifa can reach airborne enemies by using the Soaring Flurry and Heavenly Ascent Synergy Skills and perform aerial combos. Dodging while in midair keeps Tifa elevated and allows her to extend her combo.

Tifa Best Combos

Extended Attack Combo
(Chi level 3)

Press Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (114) repeatedly

Use Unbridled Strength twice to reach chi level 3 then press the attack button until the combo ends.
Bonus Divekick

Dodge an attack with Focused Strike then use Divekick

Wait for an enemy to attack then dodge it with Focused Strike. The ATB charge that you gain from the perfect dodge can be used to follow up with Divekick or other commands.
Air Juggle
(Chi level 3)

Heavenly Ascent, mash Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (115), Focused Strike, mash Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (116), Reverse Gale

This is one method to air juggle smaller enemies using basic attacks and Abilities. Having Tifa at chi level 3 allows her to keep the enemy high enough to hit with Focused Strike, extending the aerial combo before landing with Reverse Gale.

Names given to the above combos are for descriptive purposes. The list above is subject to updates.

Tifa Best Folio Skill Cores

Skill Core / Priority Type and Effect
Leaping Strikes
Synergy Ability ・ Allows Tifa to engage in aerial combat or knock small enemies airborne.
United Refocus
Synergy Ability ・Works well with how fast Tifa can gain ATB charges.
・Using Rise and Fall, Omnistrike, and Whirling Uppercut, in quick succession fills all three bars easily.
Synergy Skill ・A useful skill that grants Tifa another defensive option.
Enhanced Techniques
Stat Boost ・Increases the damage of Unique Abilities by 5%, extremely useful when spamming unique abilities on staggered foes.
Combo Damage Up
Stat Boost ・An extremely useful stat boost that benefits from Tifa's combo when at Chi level 1 or 2.
Martial Arts Mastery
Stat Boost ・Increases the duration of Unbridled Strength by 50%, allowing Tifa to maintain higher Chi levels for a longer period.
Utterly Unbridled Strength
Stat Boost ・Increases the duration of Unbridled Strength by 50%, allowing Tifa to maintain higher Chi levels for a longer period.
Stat Boost ・Grants a 50% chance of entering battle with Unbridled Strength active, allowing you to save one ATB charge and get early access to Chi level 2.
Opening ATB Bonus
Synergy Ability ・Slightly fills the ATB gauge at the start of battle, allowing you to use abilities earlier.
Icy Impulse
Ability ・Useful for exploiting enemy ice weaknesses. Can be used at a range.
・Does not cost MP.
Fiery Impulse
Ability ・Useful for exploiting enemy fire weaknesses. Can be used at a range.
・Does not cost MP.

Tifa Weapon Locations and Stats

Leather Gloves

Leather Gloves
Stats and Ability Weapon Skills
・ATK + 26
・MATK + 18
・DEF + 0
・MDEF + 0Slots: ◯-◯
Ability: Divekick

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (118)Weapon Ability ATB Recovery

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (119)Max HP +200

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (120)Magic Attack Power +20

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (121)Attack Damage +5%

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (122)Attack Power +20

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (123)MP Recovery Rate Up

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (124)Max HP +200

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (125)Weapon Ability Damage +5%

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (126)Utterly Unbridled Strength

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (127)Martial Arts Mastery

Tifa starts with the Leather Gloves as her default weapon. You'll gain access to this weapon as soon as she joins you in Chapter 2.

Sylph Gloves

Sylph Gloves
Stats and Ability Weapon Skills
・ATK + 32
・MATK + 25
・DEF + 0
・MDEF + 0Slots: ◯◯◯
Ability: Reverse Gale

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (129)Offensive MP Saver

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (130)Magic Attack Power +20

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (131)Attack Power +20

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (132)Max MP +3

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (133)Restorative MP Saver

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (134)Attack Damage +5%

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (135)Steadfast Concentration

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (136)MP Recovery Rate Up

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (137)Enhanced Techniques

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (138)ATB Charge Rate Up


Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (139)

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (140)

Beside a Crystalline Crab Enemy in the Mythril Mine

Kaiser Knuckles

Kaiser Knuckles
Stats and Ability Weapon Skills
・ATK + 67
・MATK + 15
・DEF + 0
・MDEF + 0Slots: ◯-◯◯-◯
Ability: Overpower

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (142)Limit Gauge Stagger

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (143)Enemy Parts Damage Up

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (144)Max MP +3

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (145)Synergy Damage Up

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (146)Magic Attack Power +20

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (147)Enhanced Magic Guard

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (148)Max HP +200

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (149)Magic Attack Power +20

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (150)Concentration

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (151)Martial Arts Mastery


Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (152)

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (153)

In the Cargo Hold of Shinra-8

Dragon Claws

Dragon Claws
Stats and Ability Weapon Skills
・ATK + 62
・MATK + 31
・DEF + 0
・MDEF + 0Slots: -
Ability: Starshower

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (155)Weapon Ability ATB Recovery

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (156)Attack Power +20

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (157)Martial Arts Mastery

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (158)ATB Charge Rate Up

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (159)Weapon Ability Damage +5%

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (160)Magic Attack Power +20

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (161)Attack Damage +5%

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (162)Attack Power +20

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (163)Enhanced Techniques

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (164)Martial Arts Mastery

Get 42,000 Points in the Desert Rush Minigame

Tiger Fangs

Tiger Fangs
Stats and Ability Weapon Skills
・ATK + 58
・MATK + 46
・DEF + 0
・MDEF + 0Slots: ◯◯◯◯◯
Ability: Chi Trap

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (166)Unbridled Stagger Siphon

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (167)Max Hp +200

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (168)Enhanced Physical Guard

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (169)Selfish Buff Up

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (170)MP Recovery Rate Up

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (171)Attack Power +20

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (172)Altruistic Recovery +10%

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (173)Max HP +200

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (174)Steadfast Concentration

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (175)Utterly Unbridled Strength


Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (176)

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (177)

On a Rocky and Metal Platform in Gongaga Reactor

Crystal Gloves

Crystal Gloves
Stats and Ability Weapon Skills
・ATK + 48
・MATK + 92
・DEF + 0
・MDEF + 0Slots: ◯◯◯◯◯-◯
Ability: Ufettered Fury

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (179)MP Limit

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (180)Magic Attack Power +20

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (181)Attack Power +20

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (182)Limit Break Damage +10%

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (183)Max MP +3

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (184)Opening ATB Bonus

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (185)Max MP +3

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (186)Enhanced Elements

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (187)Attack Power +20

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (188)Enhanced Techniques


Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (189)

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (190)

In a Chest on the Way to Nibel Reactor


Stats and Ability Weapon Skills
・ATK + 86
・MATK + 58
・DEF + 0
・MDEF + 0Slots: ◯-◯◯-◯◯-◯
Ability: True Strike

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (192)Ability Critical Hit Rate Up

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (193)ATB Charge Rate Up

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (194)Critical Hit Damage +10%

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (195)Limit Break Damage +10%

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (196)Critical Hit Rate +5%

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (197)Weapon Ability Damage +5%

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (198)Critical Hit Damage +10%

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (199)Critical Hit Rate +5%

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (200)Steadfast Concentration

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (201)Utterly Unbridled Strength


Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (202)

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (203)

In the Hall of Life in Temple of the Ancients

All Weapons and How to Get Them

Tifa Manuscript Locations

Way of the Fist Locations

Volume Difficulty Req. How to Get
Vol. 1 Easy / Normal Moogle ShopCan be purchased at Merchant Rank 1 for 6 Moogle Medals.
Vol. 2 Easy / Normal GP ExchangePurchase at the GP Exchange for 100 GP.
Vol. 3 Easy / Normal Beast BattlegroundReward for clearing Prison Tourney: Chicken or the Egg-splosive combat challenge.
Vol. 4 Easy / Normal Moogle ShopCan be purchased at Merchant Rank 4 for 6 Moogle Medals.
Vol. 5 Easy / Normal Side Quest: My White-Haired AngelReward for completing the My White-Haired Angel Side Quest in the Nibel region.
Vol. 6 Easy / Normal Side Quest: Sand and CircusesReward for completing the Sand and Circuses Side Quest in the Corel region.
Vol. 7 Hard Boss: MidgardsormrReward for defeating Midgardsormr in Chapter 2 Hard Mode.
Vol. 8 Hard Side Quest: Dreaming of Blue SkiesReward for defeating the Mystic Dragon during the Dreaming of Blue Skies Side Quest, in the Junon region while playing in Hard Mode.
Vol. 9 Hard Side Quest: Calling All FrogsReward for defeating the Capparwire during the Calling All Frogs Side Quest, in the Junon region while playing in Hard Mode.
Vol. 10 Hard Boss: GrasptropodReward for defeating Grasptropod in Chapter 6 Hard Mode.
Vol. 11 Hard Side Quest: Bodybuilders in a BindReward for completing the Bodybuilders in a Bind Side Quest, in the Corel region while playing in Hard Mode.
Vol. 12 Hard Classified Intel: Tonberry KingReward for defeatingTonberry King Classified Intel boss in Hard Mode.
Vol. 13 Hard Side Quest: My White-Haired AngelReward for defeating the Queen Bee during the My White-Haired Angel Side Quest, in the Nibel region while playing in Hard Mode.
Vol. 14 Hard Side Quest: Sand and CircusesReward for completing the Sand and Circuses Side Quest, in the Corel region while playing in Hard Mode.
Vol. 15 Hard Boss: TsengReward for defeating Tseng in Chapter 13 Hard Mode.
Vol. 16 Hard Combat Simulator: Tifa vs. The MartialistsReward for completing the Legendary Bout: Tifa vs. The Martialists in Combat Simulator.

List of All Manuscripts Guide

Tifa Character Profile and Background

Profile and Voice Actor

Tifa Best Builds and Weapons | FF7 Rebirth|Game8 (204)Tifa Voice Actors
EN: Britt Baron
JP: Ayumi Ito
Chapter Unlocked
Chapter 2A New Journey Begins
Official Introduction
Though a loyal member of Avalanche─an underground organization that opposes Shinra─Tifa nevertheless questions the group's extremist tactics, struggling to reconcile her cause with her conscience. This internal conflict reaches a fever pitch when her group's actions effectively lead to the fall of the Sector 7 plate. Racked with guilt, she leaves Midgar in search of a new path to tread.

Cloud's Childhood Friend

Tifa was Cloud's childhood friend back when they were still in Nibelheim. As shown in the first chapter's flashback, the two were reunited when Cloud was sent to survey the Mako Reactor in Mt. Nibel together with Sephiroth.

Tifa Abilities

Ability Effect / Source
Unbridled Strength Strengthen basic attacks and increase combo count. Allows Whirling Uppercut to be followed by Omnistrike, then Rise and Fall.Unlocked from the start
Focused Strike Evade, then unleash a charging attack. Moderately increases stagger. Can use while airborne.Unlocked from the start
Divekick Leap into the air and unleash a powerful kick.Weapon: Leather Gloves
Reverse Gale Knock enemies into the air or bring them crashing down with a wind-aspected attack. Launches enemies toward you. Can use while airborneWeapon: Sylph Gloves
Overpower Use with other attacks to more effectively pressure enemies. Can use while airborne.Weapon: Kaiser Knuckles
Starshower Unleash a flurry of powerful strikes. Increases strength of next command executed.Weapon: Dragon Claws
Chi Trap Create an orb of materialized chi that deals damage on contact.Weapon: Tiger Fangs
Unfettered Fury Imbue your unbridled attacks with non-elemental magic. Increases stagger.Weapon: Crystal Gloves
True Strike Deliver a tremendous blow at close range. Increases stagger damage bonus.Weapon: Járngreipr

Tifa Limit Breaks

Limit Break Effect / How to Get
Somersault Limit Level 1
Launch an enemy high into the air with a Zangan-style swift kick.Unlocked from the start
Dolphin Flurry Limit Level 2
Unleash an unrelenting stream of acrobatic attacks. Significantly increases stagger.Unlocked from the start
Meteor Strikes Limit Level 3
Rain down a series of devastating blows, each with the force of a falling meteorite.Unlocked through the Folio Skill Tree at party level 8.

Tifa Synergy Skills

Synergy Skill Synergy Skill Folio Level
Leaping Strikes Partner(s): Cloud, Barret, Aerith, Red XIIITeam up with a partner to perform a jumping attack. 1
Slip and Slide Partner(s): Cloud, AerithTeam up with you partner to dodge and deliver a counterstrike. Dodge at the right time to perform a counterattack. 2

Tifa Synergy Abilities

Synergy Ability Description Buff
Relentless Rush Cloud launches Tifa toward an enemy to attack in tandem. Use on staggered foes to increase potency and extend stagger. Stagger Extend
Divine Punishment Tifa makes use of Aerith's magic to deal damage across a wide area. Raises their limit levels. Limit Level Increase

Tifa's Role in FF7 Rebirth

Acts as the Team's Fighter

Tifa specializes in close combat using Zangan-style martial arts, making her the fighter of the team. Her powerful strikes and quick reflexes easily overwhelm her targets and cripple them before delivering even deadlier blows.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.