I made brownies using 3 different celebrity-chef recipes, and the best one was also the most fun to bake (2024)

  • I followed brownie recipes from three celebrity chefs: Gordon Ramsay, Rachael Ray, and Guy Fieri.

  • Guy Fieri's brownies had a unique and tasty spicy flavor, but I wish they'd had less of a kick.

  • I loved Gordon Ramsay's dark-chocolate-loaded brownies the most.

  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Most celebrity chefs have a signature dish - but how do they fare when whipping up a classic dessert?

I decided to put signature brownie recipes from Gordon Ramsay, Guy Fieri, and Rachael Ray to the test and compare them based on taste, cooking process, and texture.

Read on to see how these celebrity-chef recipes stacked up.

I started with Ramsay's recipe.

I made brownies using 3 different celebrity-chef recipes, and the best one was also the most fun to bake (1)

If you've ever seen "Hell's Kitchen," you know Ramsay can be pretty intimidating in the kitchen. But much to my surprise and delight, the Michelin-starred chef's brownie recipe (found on his website) was pretty straightforward and somewhat simple.

For this recipe, I had to first melt dark-chocolate bars and butter in a double-broiler, which was a slow process since I kept the heat low to avoid burning the chocolate.

After the chocolate and butter were thoroughly melted and combined into a creamy mixture, I simply added in the remaining ingredients.

My batter didn't end up being entirely smooth as it was supposed to be, but it still slid right out of the bowl into the baking dish with ease.

I found the baking process to be incredibly fun.

I made brownies using 3 different celebrity-chef recipes, and the best one was also the most fun to bake (2)

Much to my delight, the recipe recommended pulling the brownies out of the oven after 20 minutes of baking, then "vigorously" throwing shards of a dark-chocolate bar on top of them to break the crust that started forming on top.

I'd never had a brownie recipe tell me to do something like this before, but I had fun doing it.

After somewhat violently throwing in these sharp, chocolate pieces onto them, the brownies went back into the oven for 20 more minutes.

And when I took the brownies out, I noticed that the chocolate shards had melted into bubbly, gooey pools that I couldn't wait to dive into.

The pools of dark chocolate added to the flavor and presentation.

I made brownies using 3 different celebrity-chef recipes, and the best one was also the most fun to bake (3)

I thought these were soft, slightly chewy, and pretty fudgy.

I loved the dark-chocolate flavor and preferred that they were sweet without being too sweet. The melty, bubbled-up chocolate on top sealed the deal for me, too.

As one can assume, the amount of dark chocolate in this recipe makes for some seriously rich and not-too-sweet brownies. My partner even thought they were a smidge too bitter and not sweet enough.

Because of this, I'd probably suggest pairing these brownies with a light, fluffy cream and fresh berries.

Next, I followed Ray's recipe, which had the fewest ingredients.

I made brownies using 3 different celebrity-chef recipes, and the best one was also the most fun to bake (4)

Of all of the celebrity-chef brownie recipes I tested, the one I found on Ray's website was the simplest to follow.

I wasn't too surprised since seeing as the queen of the easy, 30-minute meal.

The recipe required just six ingredients that were all mixed together in one bowl, making it a great option if you want to put homemade dessert on the table quickly, or if you just hate washing dishes.

The brownies took much longer than expected to cook.

I made brownies using 3 different celebrity-chef recipes, and the best one was also the most fun to bake (5)

Maybe my oven's temperature settings were off or my batter was too thick, but these brownies took way longer to cook than what the recipe suggested.

After 30 minutes in the oven, I checked their doneness with a metal skewer, and it came out covered in thick, wet batter.

They spent a total of 50 minutes in the oven before my skewer finally came out clean.

This recipe resulted in a classic, delicious brownie.

I made brownies using 3 different celebrity-chef recipes, and the best one was also the most fun to bake (6)

Even though they took a bit long to bake, these brownies ended up having a delicious classic flavor and they were a lovely shade of dark brown.

The middle was chewy and dense, whereas the top and edges were quite crunchy. I enjoyed the contrasting textures and these brownies reminded me of ones I'd eaten as a kid.

Finally, I worked on Fieri's complex brownie recipe.

I made brownies using 3 different celebrity-chef recipes, and the best one was also the most fun to bake (7)

In a complete contrast to Ray's quick, easy, and basic brownie recipe, Fieri's recipe (found on the Food Network website) calls for a lengthy list of ingredients that sounded both slightly strange and delicious to me.

First of all, I needed some rhubarb. Since I was making this in the winter and rhubarb is a spring vegetable, I had to scour my local farmers' market just to snag some.

Additionally, this recipe required dark rum and three different kinds of chocolate.

I felt like I was working in chaos while trying to get these mixed up and ready for the oven.

I made brownies using 3 different celebrity-chef recipes, and the best one was also the most fun to bake (8)

First, I had to get the rhubarb compote going on the stove, which was easy enough.

From there, I carefully melted the chocolate in the microwave, but I had to stop it often to make sure the chocolate wasn't burning while also monitoring the compote to make sure it didn't get too hot.

In between these tasks, I sifted together most of the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and chile powder).

Then, I creamed the butter and sugar together in a stand mixer, carefully added the eggs one at a time, and stirred in vanilla and dark rum.

By this point, my chocolate was nice and melty, but the rhubarb compote looked stringy. I took a stick blender to it to ensure it was smooth, then added the compote to the chocolate.

After that, I poured this mixture into the wet ingredients and gave it a few stirs until it was all combined. Then I added even more ingredients.

After all of this work, I was ready for a trip to Flavortown.

The recipe resulted in a unique and spicy creation.

I made brownies using 3 different celebrity-chef recipes, and the best one was also the most fun to bake (9)

These brownies looked thick and chocolaty and smelled delicious thanks to the three types of chocolate, the compote, the cinnamon, and the chile powder.

They were very crumbly upon cutting and fell apart easily while I transferred them to a plate. The edges were also crisp and had a nice chocolate flavor.

I like spicy food, but I think these had too much of a kick for me and I wish I'd added less chile powder than what the recipe called for.

Ultimately, I was a bit let down by the fact that I couldn't really taste the rhubarb compote that I worked so hard on.

Overall, I really fell in love with Ramsay's dark-chocolate-loaded brownies.

I made brownies using 3 different celebrity-chef recipes, and the best one was also the most fun to bake (10)

As far as brownies go, Ramsay's hit home for me.

The dark chocolate gave them just enough oomph to set them apart whereas the other ingredients helped them retain that delightful homemade taste.

That said, if you want a classic, crowd-pleasing brownie that's easy to make, I suggest following Ray's recipe.

And if you're looking for a really unique creation that'll impress any culinary pro, I suggest following Fieri's recipe, though I'd personally add less chile powder next time.

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Read the original article on Insider

I made brownies using 3 different celebrity-chef recipes, and the best one was also the most fun to bake (2024)


What happens if you use milk instead of water in brownie mix? ›

One change is to use milk or heavy cream instead of water. This change will make brownies more moist and gooey since milk is more fatty and flavorful than water. A second change is to use butter instead of oil. For similar reasons to using milk, butter adds a rich and more decadent quality to the batter.

What are the three types of brownies? ›

Brownie textures fall into three general camps… Cakey, fudgy and chewy. Cakey brownies, like the name implies, are light, moist and airy, with a slightly fluffy, cake-like interior. Fudgy brownies are moist, dense and gooey, with almost the texture of fudge, but not quite as compact.

What can I add to brownie mix to make them better? ›

Vanilla extract – Pure vanilla extract adds rich flavor to brownies. Eggs – Most brownie mixes call for one whole egg. Adding one large egg plus an extra egg yolk gives brownies an ultra fudgy texture.

How to jazz up boxed brownies? ›

Salt + Chocolate = BFFs

This is the easiest way to upgrade boxed brownies. Salt enhances the natural flavors and sweetness in chocolate and suppresses its bitterness. Sprinkle a few pinches of flaky salt on top of the brownie batter before baking.

What does adding an extra egg to brownie mix do? ›

If you opt to add more eggs, say double the amount, something interesting happens. Even though you are adding more moisture, the air bubbles that you catch in the extra eggs add volume, which decreases the density of your final product. This makes your brownies rise and gives them a much more cake-like texture.

Is it better to make brownies with butter or oil? ›

Oil Brownies: These were chewier with crunchier edges and a crunchier topping. They were more matte on top with a far less crinkly shiny brownie 'skin. ' They tasted more like box mix brownies. Butter Brownies: These were much fudgier, softer, and had a melt-in-your-mouth texture.

What is the old version of brownies? ›

Did you know that Brownies were originally called 'Rosebuds'? Rosebuds was established in 1914 for girls to join before they became Guides. Just one year later, the name was changed to Brownies. Brownies are the second-youngest members of the Girlguiding family, for girls aged between 7 and 10.

What makes a brownie chewy vs cakey? ›

While butter is the only fat used in fudgy and cakey brownies, chewy brownies benefit from the addition of canola oil (which is also why this version may remind you of the boxed mixes). The addition of brown sugar is also crucial, because it speeds gluten formation, resulting in a chewier texture.

Why do you put sour cream in brownies? ›

Amp Up The Moisture

While plenty of box mixes already brag about being super moist, there's a secret ingredient that can take that moisture even further. Good news, too: It's likely already in your fridge. All you have to do is add half a cup of sour cream to the mixture for super decadent brownies.

How to pimp Betty Crocker brownie mix? ›

The quickest way to customize a batch of brownies is as easy as raiding your pantry. Stir a handful (or two) of your favorite candy into the bowl of batter, sandwich a layer of cookies and candies in between two layers of batter or work into the topping—there really is no wrong way to load your brownies up.

How much butter instead of oil in brownies? ›

Replacing Oil with Butter

It couldn't be easier to substitute butter for oil using a 1:1 ratio. This should work with olive, canola, vegetable, and coconut oils. Simply melt and cool the butter to room temperature, then continue with your recipe. (If the recipe calls for ½ cup oil, use ½ cup melted and cooled butter.)

How to make Betty Crocker brownies better? ›

Six Sneaky Ways To Make Brownie Mix Taste Homemade
  1. Use melted butter instead of oil. ...
  2. Use milk, flavored creamers, or brewed coffee instead of water. ...
  3. Add extracts or flavorings. ...
  4. Add mix-ins like cookies and candies. ...
  5. Underbake, just slightly. ...
  6. Toppings.
Jan 19, 2021

How do you keep brownies soft and chewy? ›

Using airtight wrappings (including using plastic wrap right against the brownies) is key to keeping your brownies fresh, whether you're keeping them at room temperature for short-term storage, or planning to freeze them so you can have a fresh brownie ready whenever you need it.

What is the fastest way to cool brownies? ›

You can speed the cooling process by refrigerating the brownies in the pan, or by freezing them, but we think letting them cool at room temperature will give you the best results.

What happens if you bake with milk instead of water? ›

Milk's fat and protein add tenderness, structure, and flavor to a cake — all great attributes you want in your baking!

What happens if you substitute milk for water in a cake mix? ›

Baking tip #2: adding milk to your box cake mix in place of water adds a dense texture to your dessert leaving it moist and flavorful like a homemade cake. Or, if you prefer, you can add buttermilk, giving your cake a tangy flavor to balance out the sweetness.

What happens if I substitute milk for water in a cake recipe? ›

Yes, you can substitute milk for water when preparing SuperMoist cake mixes, however, the cake may be slightly drier than if prepared with water. Also keep in mind that milk will add calories and change the nutrition slightly.

How to make box brownies extra chewy? ›

To make box brownies moist and chewy, here are a few tips you can try:
  1. **Don't Overmix:** When preparing the brownie batter, mix until just combined. ...
  2. **Add Extra Moisture:** Incorporate ingredients like sour cream, yogurt, or applesauce into the batter.
Apr 18, 2022

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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