Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (2024)

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (1)

It's always fun to have special food on each holiday and this one asks for heart-shaped food. We've found some really fun looking things that are easy to put together for anytime during February or just for the special day. You'll find something for breakfast, lunch and dinner here. Some you can use for your sweetheart and some will be great for the kids.

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (2)

I thought I would start off my post about heart-shaped Valentine food with a "non-food" item (couldn't help myself) This beautiful wreath made up of vintage Valentine's Day cards. So cute that I just had to share it! The complete tutorial is available too. You could use any kind of card, not just vintage and why couldn't you do this for the other holidays throughout the year? Head over to Creative Breathing to get all the see the photo tutorial. Now onto Valentine heart-shaped food....

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (4)

These heart shaped tortilla chips are so fun. Love the sign in the salsa that says "Hot Stuff" Head over to Recipe by Photo to get the recipe.

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (5)

Yes you can make heart shaped food for breakfast too and this is a kid friendly breakfast. These Heavenly Heart-Shaped panckes have semi-sweet chocolate chips in them.Very Best Baking

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (6)

Orange-Kissed Churros with Hot Chocolate Sauce sound amazing. Woman's Day Magazine

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (7)

Love these Tuxedo Strawberries. Get all the directions over at Cafe Fernando's

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (8)

Here's a fun sandwich for the kid's lunchbox. The web page isn't in English so I guess we're on our own...Out of 2 pieces of bread cut out a square. In one of the squares cut a heart. Peanut butter and jelly could be used and then sprinkles within the heart. Maybe for the chocolate sprinkles sandwich you could use Nutella and peanut butter. SOURCE

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (9)

Cherry Pecan Coffee Cake could be served for breakfast or anytime of the day. Taste of Home

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (10)

And now a dessert......These chocolate Ravioli Hearts are the perfect size for a sweet at the end of a yummy dinner. A Not from scratch recipe-store bought things make up this recipe. Hungry Happenings

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (11)

Okay these aren't technically heart-shaped food but they're so darn cute I had to include them. Warm Fuzzy Cake balls can be found over at Hungry Happenings

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (12)

Heart-Shaped Rice Krispies dipped in chocolate makes for a treat the kids would eat up. Head over to Joy the Baker to get more info and see more pictures.

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (13)

Here's a Rice Krispies treat with an added bonus....a cute little arrow. Get all the details Cookies and Cups

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (14)

Valentine's Day caramel apple with candies......What child wouldn't love to receive this on Valentine's Day? Looks so festive and delicious. SOURCE LINK

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (15)

You caught me again.....not heart-shaped food but I love the Chex Mix recipe and this looks even more delicious since it's a sweet variation. (I bet you could form this Chex Mix into a heart shape!) Peanut butter, M&M's, Chex and more ingredients. Simply This and That

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (16)

In our last blog post we gave you an idea for a paper arrow (Cupid's Arrow made out of a Pixie Stick) but this is an edible arrow that is adorable for Valentine's Day treats for your family. Organize and Decorate Everything (Saw heart shaped candy this size at Harmon's Grocery store, the candy that they package, in back by the milk, only they were bright red like a cinnamon bear-they would be prefect for this)

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (17)

Baked Heart-Shaped Chocolate Donuts with heart shaped sprinkles will make the kids happy. I don't know why kids like donuts with sprinkles so much. Everytime I bring home donuts the kids grab those first. Get the recipe over at Kirbie's Cravings

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (18)

Homemade Pop Tarts with strawberry jam. Definitely a kid favorite. The Family Kitchen-(Babble)

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (19)

Use marbled chocolate heart cups to make this dessert. Fill them with your favorite.....mousse, ice cream, lemon curd or puddingl Find out where to get these cute cups over at Home Is Where the Boat Is.

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (20)

Making heart-shaped toast without a cookie cutter is super simple! The Family Kitchen-Babble

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (21)

Make up personal pan pizzas in the shape of a heart. I use a pizza dough recipe from Ina Garten. The recipe says to grill the pizzas but you can bake them in the oven. It is a very simple but delicious recipe. Click HERE to get that recipe, and head over toOnce Upon a Cutting Boardfor all the info on the pizzas above.

Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (22)

Start the morning off showing someone you care with this Valentine's Day Toast Cup. You'll want to see their technique for making the shell. E is for Eat (I'm afraid I would have to cook the yolk a little longer, other than that it looks yummy)


Heart-Shaped Food for Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day-Sweet & Savory (Recipes) (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.