Four ways to tell you’ve met your soul mate, as per an astrologer (2024)

Soul mates, twin flames, an immortal beloved, one true love to rule them all, a predestined ride or die? What could be sweeter?

A 2021 YouGov poll found that a staggering 60% of Americans believe in the concept of a soul mate. We have many a man to blame for the idea of “the one” but the OG culprit is father of philosophy and wearer of togas himself, Plato.

In “The Symposium,” Plato’s meditation on instinct and desire, he credits our yearning for partnership and communion to the belief that humans were once joined, complete with two faces and a double set of arms and legs.

As punishment for our pride and defiance, daddy Zeus divided us into two entities with the fire power of his lightning bolts. This severance doomed/destined us to search the Earth for our other half, or soul mate.

For an absolutely beautiful sing along/illustrated rendition of this myth, take a moment to gaze upon the video for “The Origin of Love” lifted from John Cameron Mitchell’s cult classic “Hedwig and the Angry Inch.”

In Mitchell’s retelling, the belly button serve as a reminder that we were once part of a whole and sex is our hungry attempt to put ourselves back together again. It tracks.


Plato’s position endures and has been reinforced by 2,500 years of art, literature and human longing. From Rumi to Romeo, the idea remains that one true love will deliver us from loneliness and lend our lives meaning and importance.


As an astrologer and a human being with a bent and beating heart, I do not subscribe to the idea of a single soul mate. We are all ghosts made flesh who have lived and loved through many centuries, collecting spare parts and ex lovers like tissues and butterscotch candies at the bottom of an old lady’s purse.

We are all enough, we are all whole on our own and we are not limited to a single love in this lifetime. There are no rules, there are not limits, and in the immortal words of Mary Oliver, “joy is not made to be a crumb.”

With this in mind and the recognition of individual fullness as our guide, I bring you a list of the ways astrology is gently telling you that you have met one of your soul mates, and trust, that mothertucker is equally lucky to have met you. Read on to learn more.

Seventh house


In astrology, the seventh house is known as the house of partnership and contracts, including but not limited to marriage. Within your individual chart, you may or may not have a planetary placement in your seventh house, but everyone has the seventh house in their natal chart.

Known as the descendent, the sign that rules your seventh house is opposite the sign of your ascendant, or rising and indicates what draws you to a partner and what your expectations are when it comes to commitment.

When two people have opposing ascendants, the opposite energies attract and compliment one another. For instance, if you are a Gemini rising, the sign in your seventh house, or your descendant would be Sagittarius.

In very simple terms, if your seventh house is ruled by Sagittarius you may seek a mate that embodies this archetype of an optimistic and open mind, a swash buckling, truth dealing, education dolling, lost road loving, experimental rock n’ roll bon vivant and in turn you may want a non traditional partnership in which freedom is paramount, honesty is celebrated and long distance travel is a constant. Or at least I do.

Node aspects


In astrology, the North Node points to where you’re going and all that is yet to be while the South Node indicates your past life experiences; where you’ve been and what has brought you to where you are.

In a synastry chart, if your partner’s planets, particularly Venus, Pluto, Neptune or Jupiter form an aspect with your South Node you can infer that you have had, for better or worse, a past life experience with that person that what powerful enough to draw you together in the present.

There may be a fated, deja vu feeling for the two of you or even an immediate aversion that quickly turned to attraction.

South Node aspects can be tricky as they feel destined, familiar and unfinished to the parties involved but have the potential to encourage the repetition of harmful or limiting patterns or a life lesson that has already been mastered.


By contrast, connections between planets and the North Node point to a couple that has work to do and a mission to accomplish in this present incarnation.

These are people who were meant to meet, destined to shape each other and brought together for a purpose if not for the long haul. In the realm of artistic royalty, we see that queen Beyoncé’s moon in transform through trauma Scorpio forms a trine with Jay-Z’s North Node in pain into gold Pisces.

This aspect suggests that Bey, the divine feminine power she holds and the shadows she holds space for, are essential to Jay-Z’s emotional evolution and personal actualization.

Moon/North Node aspects do not ensure a smooth or smoothly sailing relationship, (as history, elevators and “Lemonade” have dutifully proven) but rather a revolutionary and unparalleled joining of forces.

Sun moon synastry


An easy and obvious indicator of deep affinity can be found in sun/moon aspects between partners. When one partner’s sun forms an aspect with the other persons moon, there’s a real soul mate synergy at play.

The moon person supports the sun person with emotional scaffolding while the sun enlivens and inspires the moon. In terms of celebrity examples of this energy, Britney Spears’s moon is EXACTLY conjunct Justin Timberlake’s sun in Aquarius.

We can see how this relationship made and unmade both parties. In addition, Spears’s moon is conjunct Timberlake’s South Node, indicating a profound connection and some deep past life, karmic vibes between them.

Add to this that Spears and Timberlake have Venus, planet of love, conjunct in “watch me work”Capricorn.

This star crossed synergy explains so much about the pair, including but not limited to their penchant for matching denim outfits and the longevity of our collective fascination with their relationship.

Jupiter, Juno and the golden years of the Jupiter return


Apropos of Zeus being the god that originally divided us, Jupiter, the planet named for his Roman counterpart, can illuminate our soul mate connections.

Jupiter is the great gilded god of the zodiac, this planet expands all that is touches and in terms of relationships, reveals who and how we can love at our highest capacity.

When looking at Jupiter in the birth chart, we take into consideration both the sign and house placement. For example, if you have Jupiter in Leo in the third house, your ideal partner for expansion and fulfillment might be someone that embodies the Leo qualities of warmth, valor and performance.

Also, because the third house is the house of communication and exchange and short distances, the love betwixt you might find its highest expression in verbal or written form such as novel length text messages, matching literary tattoos, calligraphy love letters and unabashed social media gushing and you might find them without having to leave your area code.


The asteroid Juno, named for Jupiter’s sister wife the queen of the gods and the patron deity of marriage and fertility, (Hera in the Greek tradition) can help discern who your soul mate might be.

Even though Jupiter and Juno were rarely faithful to one another they did remain devoted to the primary relationship they shared. Use this calculator to find your Juno sign.

The archetype that corresponds with that sign indicates the kind of person you are likely to find lasting happiness with.

Do not stress if your current partners sun sign does not align with your Juno sign, look for other complimentary placements such as moon, rising, Venus or Neptune.


Jupiter, as established, is the great beneficiary and a real boon to the love sector. We hear a lot about the fire and brimstone of the Saturn return; less so about the blessings and belt loosening energy of the Jupiter return which takes place roughly every twelve years.

This return is a time of sunshine daydreams and good juju and seeds a fertile field for finding a soul mate/life altering connection.

Identify where Jupiter was when you were born and then determine when it will be transiting that sign again, do not fret if your return is a few years or recently passed with no sex and synergy in sight. What/who is meant for you will be magnetized to you.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

  • The 12 zodiac signs
  • What are the astrology houses
  • Here’s what each planet represents
  • Sun, moon, and rising signs: Get to know your Big 3

AstrologerReda Wigleresearches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.

Four ways to tell you’ve met your soul mate, as per an astrologer (2024)
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