45 Sweet and Short Happy Birthday Wishes for Someone Special - Tosaylib (2024)

You don’t need to send lengthy birthday wishes every year to show your love and appreciation for someone special. It’s okay to send short birthday wishes now and again, especially if you plan to spend the day with the birthday person.

Short birthday wishes are just as sweet as paragraphs filled with birthday wishes. You just have to know the best way to keep things short, sweet, and/or spicy.

Here are 45+ of the sweetest short birthday wishes for that special person in your life:

7 short birthday wishes for friends

Your birthday wishes for your friends can be silly, sarcastic, and fun! After all, they likely know you pretty well, and they will know exactly how you feel more or less. Even if you don’t send a sappy message, they will know you care about them.

Here are seven of the best short birthday wishes for friends:

01Happy birthday, my dear! This friendship means the world to me, as do you, of course. You deserve to spend the day surrounded by friends and family who have your best interests in heart. They also love you in spite of your flaws or shortcomings.

45 Sweet and Short Happy Birthday Wishes for Someone Special - Tosaylib (1)

02I’m very grateful for this bond that we have built over the years, and I’m looking forward to all of the memories that we will make in the future. This day is about you, so I want to say cheers to you for being such a good friend.

03I’m wishing you a fantastic birthday, my fabulous friend. With you, the good times just keep rolling, so today should be no different.

04Happy cake day, my friend! Thank you for being such a kind and thoughtful friend to me. I can’t wait to celebrate your birthday with you this weekend!

05Today is my favorite day of the year because it reminds me that I am blessed to be able to call you my friend.

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06Take it easy on the partying today, ok? It’s the middle of the week, and we’ve got class in the morning!

07It’s your birthday, but I’m the one with the gift! Thank you for the gift of friendship, and I wish you a very happy birthday!

6 short birthday wishes for best friends

Your birthday wishes for your best friends should be a bit more heartfelt and thought-out, but they can also be funny.

Here are six short birthday wishes for your bestie:

07I never thought that you and I would ever be friends, let alone best friends. However, here we are, on your [insert age] birthday together.

Thank you for being the best friend a guy/girl could ask for. Thanks for always staying true to yourself. Happy birthday!

08I know that you may feel sad about how old you are this year, but don’t worry. As your bestie, it’s my job to help you blow out all of your candles so that you can feel young again. Happy cake day!

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09Happy birthday to my crazy, kooky, fantastic best friend! My love for you goes as far as the moon and back! Have a wonderful day.

10I appreciate you for always being there for me, through my ups and downs.

Thanks for being a guiding light whenever times were dark. Now that it’s your day, I want to show you just how grateful I am. Happy birthday.

11Dear bestie, you suck at aging! Could you maybe try to look older? No one believes me when I say that you’re only 35.

12Being far apart sucks, but you should be able to feel my love from a million miles away. Happy birthday, my best friend.

45 Sweet and Short Happy Birthday Wishes for Someone Special - Tosaylib (4)

8 wishes for lover’s birthday

Birthday messages for your lover should be intimate; they should show how much you love him/her. A lover can also come in the form of a boyfriend/girlfriend and/or a husband/wife.

Here are eight short birthday wishes that your lover will surely appreciate:

13Happy birthday to the person who is responsible for bringing so much joy and happiness into my life. I cherish every moment that we spend together, and I look forward to our life as husband and wife.

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14No one has ever come into my life and made me do a complete 180. You have opened my eyes to a whole new world, and you have changed me for the better.

Today, I want to prove just how much I love you for all of that. Happy birthday, my love.

15You always manage to bring a smile to my face, even on my darkest days. May your light continue to shine bright as you start this new chapter in your life. Enjoy your birthday, my love.

45 Sweet and Short Happy Birthday Wishes for Someone Special - Tosaylib (5)

16No matter where life takes us and how old we get, I’ll always celebrate the day that the most important person in my life was born. Have a joyful and memorable birthday.

17I am the luckiest person on this planet because I get to spend every day with you. Thank you for choosing me. Thanks for spending your most special day with me.

18There aren’t enough words to express my feelings for you, so I prefer to show you how much I care with this birthday surprise. I know you’ll love it.

19Happy cake day to the reason that I can smile every day. It’s so easy to love you, and I want to keep doing it for the rest of my life.

20I’m sending you my warmest wishes for your birthday, honey. I have something amazing planned for you today!

45 Sweet and Short Happy Birthday Wishes for Someone Special - Tosaylib (6)

5 wishes for colleagues

The content of your birthday wishes for your colleagues will depend on the relationship you share.

If you aren’t very close, then your birthday message should be professional; however, if you are relatively close for a professional setting, you can feel free to express your best wishes.

Here are five short birthday wishes for your colleagues:

21Happy birthday [insert name]. Have a blast today!

22Working alongside you for these past few years has been my pleasure. Enjoy your birthday!

23I was so surprised to see you at work on your birthday, but I admire your dedication. You’re the best! Happy birthday.

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24They say bosses shouldn’t mix with employees, but to me, you are more than a boss. You are a cornerstone of this company, and you are a true friend to me. You deserve a happy birthday [insert name].

25Are you interested in some shots after work? Let’s get this party started! Happy birthday [insert name]!

8 short wishes for your siblings

Your birthday wishes for your siblings can be a bit more laid back, although intimate and loving too. They can talk about memories, the fun you’ve shared over the years, and the best wishes that you’re giving them for the future.

Here are eight examples of short birthday wishes for your siblings:

26Happy birthday to my favorite brother/sister. Sure, you’re my only brother/sister, but you’re the best one that I could ever ask for!

45 Sweet and Short Happy Birthday Wishes for Someone Special - Tosaylib (8)

27Happy birthday to my younger brother/sister. Your big bro/sis always has your back.

28Siblings are good at keeping secrets, like who broke mom’s favorite vase. I still owe you for that, so I’ll keep your true age a secret too.

29Even though we’re both adults now, I still look up to you as my big brother/sister. I’ve learned so much from you, and I know that I will continue to do so. Happy birthday bro/sis.

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30For my whole life, I’ve looked up to you. Seeing you accomplish this much as such an early age is a true inspiration to me. I want you to celebrate your special day in the best way possible because you deserve it!

31It’s no secret that we didn’t get along when we were younger, but that’s because I didn’t understand you.

If I did, I would’ve appreciated you a whole lot more. Let’s make up for those lost years by starting the party tonight!

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32Happy birthday big bro/sis. I’m so happy that you were born first. This way, I got to learn from all of your mistakes, and God knows you’ve had many!

33Happy birthday, my little monkey. I’m still waiting for mom and dad to bring you back to the zoo or release you in the wild, where you belong!

7 short birthday wishes for parents

Your birthday messages for your parents should be very appreciative, and you should talk about all that they’ve done for you since the start of your life. You can also use this occasion to poke a little fun at them!

Here are seven short birthday wishes for your parents:

34Happy Birthday to the best mom/dad in the whole wide world. You’ve done so much for me. Today, it’s all about you. Enjoy it because you deserve it!

35I’m sending you the warmest birthday greetings, mom/dad. Thank you for always picking me up when I’m down and showing me the way through bad situations. Happy birthday dad/mom.

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36I want you to celebrate this special day with the people in your life who love you so much. We all see you for the angel that you are, and we wish nothing but the best for you.

37No matter how old you or I get, I’ll always need my mom/dad. Happy birthday! I love you.

38I wasn’t the easiest child to deal with, but your patience and dedication has molded me into the man/woman I am today. Happy birthday dad/mom! I love you.

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39Even though you’re like 1,000 years old, you still know how to have a good time! Let’s party like we’re in our 30’s, mom/dad!

40I celebrate you all year long, mom/dad, but today is super special. Today marks another year that you’ve blessed our lives with your presence, and I look forward to more blessings in the future.

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4 short birthday wishes for your teen kids

When your kids become teenagers, the messages that you send will have to reflect the fact that they are growing up. They can also talk about the fact that you are proud of them.

Here are four short birthday wishes for your teen kids:

41Happy Birthday kiddo. It feels like just yesterday that you were a baby in my arms, and now, you’re a teen. I’m so happy that I get to watch you grow.

42 I know that we don’t always see eye to eye, but I’d never give up on being your mom/dad for all the wishes or wealth in the world. Happy birthday, my darling.

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43Happy birthday to my big teen! The years are flying by so quickly, so I’ll keep my arms around you for as long as possible. I’ll never let you go.

44Today, you are officially a teenager. I just wanted to say how proud I am of the young lady/man you are becoming. Happy birthday, son/daughter.

4 short birthday wishes for your adult kids

When your son/daughter is an adult, your birthday messages will have to change a little or a lot. They’re no longer kids, and they likely have their own lives.

Here are four short birthday messages for your adult kids:

45I know that you’re a grown man/woman with your own family now, but to me, you’ll always be mama’s/papa’s little boy/girl. Happy birthday [insert name]!

46I’m so proud of the man/woman that you’ve become. It lets me know that all we’ve been through as a family has been worth it. Enjoy your special day.

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47Happy birthday to the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. Being your mom/dad has made me so proud.

48Even though you’re an adult now, I still see the baby that I once held at the hospital, needing my constant love and care. I’ll be there for you until my final breath. Happy birthday, honey.


With 45 sweet and short happy birthday wishes, you’ll never have to worry about what to write again for your special someone.

Now, the people in your life will know just how much you care, and you won’t have to stress out about what to write in their birthday cards! You can use this list and tweak the messages as needed.

45 Sweet and Short Happy Birthday Wishes for Someone Special - Tosaylib (2024)
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