14 Muffin Tin Breakfast Recipes (2024)

We know we’re supposed to eat breakfast every morning, but on the days when we’re already scrambling (so, every day), we tend to push it off.

What we really need is a breakfast that can rush out the door with us, and these bite-size meals prepped in a muffin tin fit the bill. Simple, healthy, and totally transportable, they’ll make your mornings easier — and tastier.

14 Muffin Tin Breakfast Recipes (1)Share on Pinterest

1. Mini ham and cheese quinoa cups

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Don’t be fooled by their size: With eggs, veggies, cheese, quinoa, and ham in each serving, these cups pack an impressive punch. You won’t feel like anything’s missing.

They’re like a smaller, healthier quiche. We like it.

2. Hash brown egg nests with avocado

Frozen hash browns bake into perfect “nests” for eggs, veggies, and cheese in these individual mini meals. The only thing that could make them better? Bacon and avocado, obviously.

Pro tip: Chill your avocado slices beforehand. That way, when you heat these up for snacking, you’ll have that awesome hot/cold combo. Better pack a couple of these bad boys, you’re gonna need ’em.

3. Vegetable egg and toast cups

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With the hectic hustle and bustle of I-hate-everything mornings, sometimes you just need to stick to the basics where you can. This breakfast recipe is like that, but better.

Good ol’ whole-wheat bread forms the “cups” here, which are then filled with vegetables and eggs. It’s a reliable way to a squeeze in a classic breakfast. Plus, it’s suitable for all our vegetarian friends out there.

4. Egg muffins with maple sweet potato noodles, bacon, and almond butter

Okay, by the title of this recipe, we know you’re probably like, what the eff is happening in this recipe?

So were we… until we tried it. Now we can’t shut up about this unlikely — and totally amazing — concoction of flavors. It just works, bro. As if that wasn’t enough to sell you on them, they’re paleo and gluten-free, too.

5. Paleo egg cups

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Even if you don’t follow a Paleo lifestyle, these five-ingredient, low carb cups are likely to appeal to you (because bacon).

Since they’re pressed into muffin cups, the meat crisps up to hold the eggs and asparagus in each protein-packed serving. The smell alone is sure to satisfy even the pickiest of eaters.

6. Frozen yogurt granola berry bites

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These cool and crispy treats could stand as a dessert recipe or a snack recipe, so have at it.

But since they’re full of granola, yogurt, and berries, we think they’ve got breakfast written all over them — especially if you swap store-bought granola for homemade and regular yogurt for Greek.

7. Gluten-free mini French toast casserole cups

French toast that you don’t need a fork and knife for? Pretty much a dream come true. The recipe calls for Ezekiel bread, but go ahead and use any gluten-free toast you like, as long as it will hold in all of that eggy filling.

To go for that real Sunday brunch feeling, top these cups with your favorite fresh fruit, maple syrup, and cinnamon, then wash it down with fresh OJ.

8. Apple banana quinoa breakfast cups

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For our creative home chefs out there, this is one of those glorious recipes that can be taken more as a guideline than specific instructions.

It’s perfect for customization based on your favorite fruit, spices, and other fun add-ins. But if that’s not your thing, the original is pretty dang good as is. You really can’t go wrong with apple and banana.

9. Baked oatmeal cup 4-ways

Baked oatmeal cups are pretty much an adulting skill for life. Easy, nutritious, and portable, these vegan, gluten-free delights will also assure you never get bored.

Good old reliable oats pair well with apples and cinnamon, chocolate, blueberry and almond, or peanut butter and banana, so you’ve got a cup for whatever vibe you’re feeling.

Pro tip: Store a big batch in the freezer, where they’ll keep up to a whopping 3 months. You’re welcome.

10. Paleo blueberry muffins with crumb top

We can’t talk about muffin tin breakfasts without mentioning the best kind of muffin in the universe: blueberry.

Only this time, we’re keeping it paleo, grain-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free. Is it even still a muffin, tho? We’re glad you asked — yes, and a delicious one at that. Put on your apron for this one. It’s a bit of work, but totally worth it.

11. Banana and chocolate chip oatmeal cups

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Baked oatmeal is a wonderful thing, but we usually only see it in the casserole dish. This recipe transfers it over to muffin tins and we’re kiiiinda obsessed.

Each muffin is studded with chocolate chips to make breakfast feel just a bit more special, but the banana base keeps it healthy(ish). It’s like banana bread meets a breakfast cookie meets a bowl of oatmeal. In a word, yum.

12. Coconut almond paleo breakfast muffins

Sometimes the best things in life are free… of unnecessary, processed, overly sweet ingredients, that is. You probably have everything you need for this recipe in your pantry and fridge right now.

Bananas and vanilla provide just the right amount of sweetness, nuts and shredded coconut add the texture, and eggs make it a wholesome, two-thumbs up kinda breakfast. Oh, and don’t forget the (paleo) chocolate chips.

13. Make-ahead frozen oatmeal

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For anyone who loves trail mix, eat your heart out. This is basically the muffin version. Nuts and dried fruit, cacao nibs, chopped dates, whatever you fancy, it’s always an option.

These are frozen instead of baked, so you have a choice: Pop them in the microwave for a really quick bowl of oatmeal or eat them frozen for a refreshing meal on the go.

14. Paleo double chocolate pumpkin muffins

These days, you don’t need white flour and a boatload of refined sugar to make muffins all muffin-y. A bit of almond butter and coconut sugar paired with some eggs will get the job done — and done well.

In terms of creative breakfast flavor combinations, we think this one takes the cake (err, muffin). Pumpkin and double chocolate might just be the best thing since peanut butter and jelly. Prepare to be amazed (and full).

On busy mornings when you’ve got, like, a minute to get out the door, a delicious breakfast can easily slip to the bottom of your priority list. If you grab anything at all, it’s dull AF. (Uh, not another granola bar. *groan*)

Honey, your muffin tin just became your new breakfast bestie. In 30 minutes or less, you’ll have all the flavors you’re looking for in one portable, pretty, little package. Finally, we’ve got breakfast in the bag — literally.

14 Muffin Tin Breakfast Recipes (2024)


How much muffin batter is in a muffin tin? ›

While it may be tempting to fill each muffin cup to the rim, be sure to give the batter enough room to expand while it bakes. Fill each muffin cup no more than two-thirds to three-fourths full, or as directed in the recipe. This will keep the muffins from spilling over the sides as they bake.

Are muffins a healthy breakfast? ›

"They can be packed with added sugar and low in fiber, sending your blood sugar levels on a roller coaster before you even get to work," says Charlotte Martin, MS, RDN, CSOWM, CPT. Yet, muffins can be a healthy breakfast option if you make them at home yourself.

Are muffins good for diabetics? ›

It is advised that diabetics stay away from processed foods or foods containing excessive salt, added sugars, and saturated fats. Since English muffins have low fat and sodium levels, and certain varieties even have zero added sugar, English muffins incorporate well into a diabetic diet.

Will eggs stick to muffin tin? ›

To prevent the egg muffins from sticking: You should use non-stick (parchment-style) muffin liners with a light spray of oil or even a silicone muffin/cupcake tray (no oil needed!).

How many muffins does 3lbs of batter make? ›

1--3 lb. tubeset yields 12--4 oz (#10 scoop) muffins.

Is it OK to eat a muffin at night? ›

Having some complex carbs like oats (try a quick bowl of fruit topped oatmeal) before bed can be helpful for sleep. But any grains, cereals, muffins, or granola that has a lot of added sugar will be stimulating, making it harder to fall asleep.

What is the most popular muffin flavor? ›

Blueberry muffins are probably the single most popular muffin of all time. They are like the Beyonce of muffins. And this recipe is called "To Die For" for a reason. Generously sized with a little bit of crunch in the sugary topping, these are the blueberry ideal.

How many eggs can a diabetic eat in a day? ›

How Many Eggs Can People With Type 2 Diabetes Eat? Both research and health experts indicate that individuals living with type 2 diabetes, or at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, can include between 6 - 12 eggs per week as part of an overall healthy diet. So you can enjoy up to 2 eggs, 6 times a week.

What is the first thing a diabetic should do in the morning? ›

Testing your blood sugar is an essential part of managing your diabetes. Test your blood sugar first thing in the morning to get a baseline reading for the day. This can help you adjust your diabetes management plan as needed.

What's the best breakfast for a diabetic? ›

Opting for nutrient-dense, whole foods that provide a steady release of energy and support optimal blood sugar management is key. Good breakfast options include whole grain cereals, Greek yogurt with berries, eggs, avocado, and low sugar smoothies.

What happens if you add too many eggs to muffins? ›

If there isn't enough egg, your batter or dough may not be able to hold its structure or could end up overly dry or dense. On the other hand, if there is too much egg, your baked goods could lose their shape due to excess liquid, or have a rubbery (or even overly cakey) texture depending on the recipe.

How do you cook eggs in a muffin pan without sticking them? ›

Preheat the oven to 350ºF and grease a non-stick muffin pan (affiliate link). Alternatively, you can use paper liners or silicone liners to prevent sticking. You'll also need a rimmed baking sheet that the muffin pan fits into.

How to stop eggs sticking to muffin tin? ›

Most muffin trays are made with non-stick materials now anyway, so a tiny bit of oil is enough to keep it from sticking at all. Spray the liner with a cooking spray or just bake them in the muffin pan sprayed with a vegetable release.

How much does a standard muffin tin hold? ›

A muffin or cupcake tray is a mold in which muffins or cupcakes are baked. A single cup within a regular muffin tin is 100 millilitres (3.5 US fl oz) and most often has room for 12 muffins, although tins holding 6, 8, 11, 24, and 35 muffins do exist.

What size scoop for muffin batter? ›

It's faster and easier to use a scoop. The #20 scoop is the one I use most frequently for cupcakes. #20 = 3 tbsp. I like for my cupcakes to be on the smaller side, but you could also use a #16 which is 4 tbsp.

What is the average size of a muffin tin? ›

Most standard baking cups measure 2" x 1 1/4" and are commonly used for traditional-sized cupcakes or muffins.

How many muffins in a standard muffin pan? ›

One pan = one dozen munchable muffins or scrumptious cupcakes. Our muffin pan has twelve cavities that, with or without the paper liners, turn out practically perfect bakery-level goodies.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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